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*Please take what resonates these are some keywords and a quote This aspect could manifest as*
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Uranus in 12th house
* Creating a safe space to retreat
* Freedom in isolation
* Expression most comes when alone
* Seeing things most can’t
* Spiritual awakenings
* Creative inspiration bursts
* Finding courage to express the self freely
* Learning to not live for anyone’s expectations
* Secret government technologies
* Genius breakthroughs happening behind curtains
* Erratic dreams
* Sensitivity to energy
* Paying attention to who your around
* Interest in mysteries of life
* Helping the collective
* Sensitive to other’s pain
* Empathy towards living beings and the earth
* Preforming arts
* Extreme psychic visions
* Future predictions
* Alien past lives
* Peace advocates
* Psychic development
* Retreat meditations
* Awareness of the divine and energy
* Group meditations
* A weird imagination
* Extreme imagination
* Inspiration in dreams
* Gifts in lucid dreaming or out of body experiences
* Premonition dreams
* A messenger of change
* Inner knowing of the meaning of universal mysteries
* Holistic healing
* Unconventional ways to connect with the divine
* Unpopular beliefs
* Alternative ways in seeing the world
* Optimistic outlook
* Free flowing thoughts
* Helping others with psychic powers
* True selflessness
* Allowing a limitless free mind is essential
* Finding an outlet
* Free spirited
* natural unique charm
* Spiritually focused groups
* liberation in the arts or music
* Gifted astrologers and artists
* Fascination with the occult
* redefining imagination
* Space sciences
* Ocean sciences
* Astrologers
* Doctors and nurses
* Medical sciences
* forward thinking artists
* escaping inner jail or literal
* Dancing your way to freedom
“The purpose of the heart is to know yourself, to be yourself, and yet one with God.” - edger cayce
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uranus through the houses 
uranus in the 1st house: eccentricity and uniqueness practically run in your blood. impeccable style, you express yourself through your clothing and self-presentation and if your parents have mocked your style in the past, it deeply affected you. you don’t care for rules, you’re a natural rebel. thinking very ahead of your time; you remind me of the simpsons because you’re the type to predict something and then it happens and everyone goes like WHAT?! attraction to astrology + psychology. you get bored extremely fast - of jobs, of people, of situations - and you need constant change. the best friends in the world, you’re so caring. you rely on your instincts and impulses, which can have you being very inconsistent. very humanitarian and independent, but you should work on your lack of dedication due to the way you lose your interest in things so fast. 
uranus in the 2nd house: constant disruption in your sense of worth and self-confidence, sense of security and material possession that floats from one extreme to the other. there’s a tendency for carelessness about your material possessions and surroundings, unlike many other planets in the 2nd house; you express your freedom through not wanting to feel tied down to any material object. you’re likely to choose an eccentric job and to make money in the most creative of ways, and also by showing your special talents in unconventional ways that make you gain notoriety. you tend to experience many unusual things while at work, so your work life is always interesting. you’re constantly outgrowing your past methods, ways of thinking, all that’s no longer useful nor serves you. you truly live the way you want. there’s a tendency for you to feel disconnected with other’s physicality - for example, during sex, where you might be interested in voyerism because it allows you to participate in sex while still being detached. this is not to say that you’re not caring and generous towards other people, because you absolutely are - but there might have been traumatic experiences in the past that prompted that. also, even if you tend to get fired a lot, there’s a lot of change for success because you’re so hard working. 
uranus in the 3rd house: you have a very intelligent mind that works in unique, different ways that might seem strange to others, and they have a hard time comprehending or appreciating the way you think or conversate. that doesn’t take away from your top-tier sense of humour, though. a free-thinker who learns to learn new things, you’re a natural rebel with your words. very witty. you need constant stimulation due to your hatred of feeling bored. you want to constantly evolve your mind with learning new subjects and satiating your curiosity. you express yourself through writing, poetry and storytelling - this placement is great if you’re an aspiring writer. incredibly creative. you also always have a story to tell because the craziest shit keeps happening to you out of nowhere. very curious of what others have to say, even if you could talk about your interests for hours on end. you have a tendency to interrupt others, though. so excitable, whenever you talk about your interests there’s a dreamy glint in your eyes and it’s absolutely contageous. 
uranus in the 4th house: very chaotic childhood + family dynamic! your parents might’ve done ridiculous shit as a way of punishing you like taking all your eletronics or imposing absurd rules. you show you care in very unconventional ways, so you might not be seen as a dependable person. very emotional, you care for those closest to you with all your heart. there’s a tendency to be inconsistent. one of the parents might’ve been absent or you might’ve moved houses a lot when you were younger, and travelled a lot too. you might be considered different from the rest of the family; in the worst case scenario, you’re the black sheep who they place all blame on for the family problems. very quick at making decisions. you constantly feel like you have no control over your life due to the unexpected things that keep happening. if your family conditions your sense of self + tries to restrict the freedom you crave, that’ll only result in you estranging yourself from them. constant need to run away. you feel weird when having to show someone you care through direct, traditional ways due to a lack of emotional support from the family. 
uranus in the 5th house: so so so creative and artistic! you love expressing your uniqueness through creating art + showing your tastes, interests, etc. huge need to live your most authentic life and staying true to yourself, because if you don’t, your self-worth suffers greatly. even those closest to you find you unpredictable. you love change, and when you’re not being forced to submit to a routine, that’s when your creativity can flow in the best way possible. there’s a tendency to constantly enter and leave relationships. you feel attracted to the most unusual types of people, those who are unapologetically themselves, because that’s who you crave to be. there’s a need for a lot of freedom when it comes to romance. very charming and enthusiastic, so many people develop crushes on you - good for you because you love being the center of attention. extreme risktaker, you’re drawn to activities that put your life in danger so you can scratch your need for adrenaline. spontaneous and playful. you love to get involved in controversial relationships, and in extreme, shocking situations just to get a rise out of others. 
uranus in the 6th house: you absolutely hate routine, it limits you and your creativity; you need to do all sorts of unusual and stimulating things in your daily life. very rebellious when in positions of submission. you need an environment where you can express yourself, so the typical nine to five job might not be for you. working in teams, if you’re not accepted for your uniqueness, can be a challenge too. you prefer to do things on your own. issues dealing with routine, job and even wealth, since you don’t want to feel confined. very unconventional methods of caring for others, of working, etc, that might confuse the hell out of others. both seen as someone with crazy ideas and a genius. others might have a hard time dealing with your unconventionality. perfectionists at heart, focuses a whole lot on the smallest details. it’s very easy to tell when you’re going through something or feeling chaotic because it shows in how you deal with your surroundings. however, when you’re feeling better, it’ll show in how you act more carefree, enthusiastic in your daily life. 
uranus in the 7th house: you’re very attracted to eccentric people and you need constant change in your relationships so you won’t feel “stuck”. you don’t let yourself be limited by traditionalist views when it comes to relationships, so the idea of a long-distance relationship or open relationship intrigues you; because the truth is that you’re terrified of having your freedom taken away, so you don’t want to feel tied down. you’re very intuitive, artistic, a lowkey genius, so eccentric people feel as attracted to you as you do them. you hate taking orders. overly needy people make you want to run away on sight. good luck to whoever manages to make you settle, it’ll be one hell of a hard thing to do. you’re not just looking for someone to love, you also need that person to be your best friend through and through. others might view you as very irritating at first, until they actually get to know you and find out just how kind and loving you truly are. a tendency to feel rejected and to seek validation in others to lift your self-confidence.
uranus in the 8th house: there’s a tendency to fluctuate between the two extremes: one second you’re feeling like a god amongst mere mortals, the next you’re hitting rock bottom with a shovel and ready to start digging. you’ll go through many unpredictable and intense transformations throughout your life, constantly looking to scratch the itch of boredom eating away at you by changing and evolving yourself. you should be careful with changing just out of boredom and for the sake of it, because it can do more harm than good - you might destroy some good things that you were building/nurturing. you’re absolutely fascinating and witty. a deep interest in life after death. a craving to experiment a lot in the bedroom, sex is a way to rebel. one word: voyerism LMFAO, seriously, others might get scared with your sexual tastes. although, you can be very detached during sex sometimes due to your fear of establishing an emotional connection. your wealth fluctuates very inconsistently. tendency to have dark thoughts. more than just on a physical sense, you want to experience a love that is transcendental.
uranus in the 9th house: your unconventional beliefs make you incredibly open-minded! you’re attracted to people who also have non-traditional views on the world and who aren’t afraid to think differently from the rest. you fluctuate between being an extremely eager, almost obsessive learner and wanting to have literal zero thoughts going on (it’s so amusing). your ideas are revolutionary and you need to feel free. this house deals with travelling, so when the planet of unconventionality is placed here, you can expect to experience all kinds of unexpected and weird things happening in your travels - if the planet is afflicted, you’ll be absolutely terrified of travelling, if not, it’ll be one of your biggest interests. you’re an avid book reader and philosophy interests you greatly. this placement indicates trouble with higher studies, because although you’re a sucker for learning, you hate doing it in a structured environment + the narrow-minded views of those who’re teaching/learning around you might make you feel trapped.
uranus in the 10th house: when the planet of eccentricity and rebellion is in the tenth house, it indicates very tense situations with authority figures - you need to do things your own way and you’re capable of going through great lengths to not lose your independence in any way. freedom is the most important thing in the world to you. constant internal change. you don’t care about reaching the top of the mountain, because the most important thing to you is to work somewhere where you can express your creativity. there’s a potential for you to have many talents, even if it takes you time to discover them all. opportunity to become famous for your unconventionality. hates tradition. may have been raised in a strange/different way as a child. you might’ve been humiliated in your childhood and there’s also a possibility to have traumatic memories concerning your parents esp the father. also very chaotic!!! 
uranus in the 11th house: many “friends” but a tendency to keep most at a distance out of fear of vulnerability, but still, you get very strongly attached to the closest to you. very fun to be around, crackhead energy - you make a joke out of everything. a craving for freedom and independence, you immediately throw those who try to clip your wings out of your life. attracted to people who radiate eccentricity and uniqueness; those who are afraid to be different simply bore you. might have felt rejected as a child by an authority figure. friends might get be prone to car accidents or very peculiar incidents. a love for the deeper subjects like metaphysics. very chaotic and can be very detached at times, but your honesty is the reason why you’re so well-liked. you feel society’s issues deep in your heart and there’s an aching inside of you to communicate the problems your generation is facing and to be a pioneer in extreme change. 
uranus in the 12th house: the change that this planet gives an individual comes from within when placed in the 12th house. the intense experiences you go through force you to constantly change your ways and perspectives. you crave being of help to others and you don’t even search for the recognition that comes with it, you genuinely just want to make others’ lives better. big dreams and ambition. spiritual knowledge, psychic abilities - a tendency for this insight to be revealed during dreams - your dreams are very important to you and you might experience vivid dreaming or nightmares. you might have sudden breakthroughs or ideas, it’s like things hit you full-force at any given moment, giving you a great surge of inspiration. there’s a tendency to struggle with very simple tasks. can struggle with being shy and lacking confidence, suppressing your need to express the real, genuine you. need solitude to transform and grow as a person. 
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IG @saderrica I’ve taken advantage of being in quarantine to really get to know my hair…figure out what she likes and doesn’t like, what styles look cute, and how can I keep her healthy. I throw my wigs on because I never want to “deal” with my hair. I’m changing that habit though. I’m starting to feel that my natural hair looks beautiful and I’m so glad it’s a lot more accepted in our community now.❤️ #Naturalhair Sadé for the win.🦋 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . See what is new in #PlusSizeFashion or Submit your photo or 30 second video to be featured on the blog to www.bigbeautifulblackgirls.com/submit #BBBG  #BoldQueens #Barbados https://www.instagram.com/p/CAL8RRwFcPZ/?igshid=10m6er9xn472v
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