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I love Reddit sometimes.
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anyone else relate
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One of the central tenets of anti-trans ideology is a reactionary disgust of minors being able to have any agency whatsoever over their bodies or their healthcare. Note that gender-affirming care is not mentioned in this form even once.
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words of wisdom from wikipedia this evening
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many problems are caused by the mindset that the world is divided into good people and bad people and the bad people can be "found out" and removed, eventually leading to a utopia containing only good people.
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just found this while looking for smthn in discord, i don’t remember making it but i was right
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what's a para socialist relationship you mentioned is it like paranormal activity with socialists
okay, this is funny
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lots of the time people say "any way, shape or form" when really they just mean "any way". they are adding the extra words because it sounds good and they are having fun. this is one of the many fun things you can do with words when you embrace linguistic whimsy
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I am soft 🥺 ❤ (x)
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what does it mean if people keep tagging my personal posts harry dubois
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She actually says this out loud. I'm not joking.
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are you the gay who can drive or the gay who can cook
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i don’t know if this blowing up anywhere besides science twitter but a paper got peer reviewed and published in a frontiers journal (which are known as like mid tier but still reputable) that has this massive AI generated rat penis figure and some other nonsensical AI figures and yeah it probably speaks to how the peer review system is broken and the process of sharing and vetting science is doomed etc but also it’s SOOOO funny to me to see people so dramatic like “if someone had a shred of courage and integrity” about big penis rat
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Where I say "desktop," go ahead and include laptop/typewriter/whatever you use that has tactile keys you physically depress with both hands to type.
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tbh it doesn't rly hurt teenagers to incorrectly id as ace like... what's the worst than could happen? they don't have sex till they're older?? lol
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jkr actively funds and lobbies for her hate groups and against my country's independence movement with the money she gets from dumb fucks who don't think their dollars count. if you're going to be a moral jellyfish at least simp for a dead bigot.
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