seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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“I’m all grown up”. His obvious bulge shall vouch for him.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
I'm on hiatus because I have no internet...
BUT KNOW THIS. Amy Lee. Beautiful, gorgeous Ailee... is my girlfriend. So. Kindly back the fuck off. You guys are all cool and all. But I'm fucking possessive. Keep your hands off what is mine...
Anyway. I'll be back when my internet doesn't fuck up.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, yeah..." He rolled his eyes as he remembered the main reason for her coming to his dorm. Not of her own free will--but for a project. Wonderful, really. As he watched her sit down in his computer chair, his eyes darted to her legs. Her fucking gorgeous legs. He grumbled in an animalistic tone. She was teasing him; she wore that for him. Seunghyun knew that for a fucking fact. "The fact that you think I could focus with your legs out like that is cute," He scoffed a bit and walked in her direction, leaning over her to grab his camera. He eyed her once more and opened the flap of his camera. He fiddled with this and that; always unsatisfied with his camera's features. Mr. Perfectionist--always trying to get it right. "So, here's the deal..."
Seunghyun started off with his explanation. Ailee might like it. She might not. But it was going to be done. "I have the perfect idea. You may or may not enjoy it. But it will be done. I don't care what you say," He lifted his hand to caress her cheek, catching a few strands of hair as he did so. Seunghyun eyed her lips. They were wonderful, especially when wrapped around his throbbing cock. Every time he recalled that one night, it simply did something to him. His pants got tighter, his lustful urge became stronger. "So, my pretty little panda," He grinned, "For this film, you're going to suck my cock. And as per usual, you're going to enjoy it."
He knew damn well she would. Ailee had that look in her eye, the look that she was secretly undressing him at every moment. And he was doing just the same to her. They worked well together, truly. But it was Seunghyun that wouldn't let that happen. And even though he pretended to enjoy being 'single'--he hated himself for it. But he was sure that his cock in her mouth would make him forget that situation... for the time being.
School Project | Ailee & Seungri
Ailee looked up at Seunghyun as the door opened, smiling softly before quickly running her eyes down his body. Ugh, he was perfect. Ailee thought to herself, subconsciously biting her bottom lip. Before she had time to process her thoughts on his average outfit, she was pulled into his room as his lips immediately pressed against her own.  She hated how easily her got to her and left her speechless. She hated the control her had over her and how everything went his way. But she’d never fight him on it, she was happy enough just to have his attention. Just to be his for each small moment of time. She could deal with all the other girls, just to be on his mind for the smallest second. “Sup,”. Ailee snapped back to reality as she heard him speak to her. Slowly shaking her head as she pulled her body away from his, Ailee sat in his computer chair with a soft snicker. “Uh, I dunno…Maybe this film project we’re supposed to be starting…I don’t want to fail, you know. And if I fail, I’m taking it out on you”. Quickly crossing her arms over her chest, Ailee tilted her head to the side in annoyance. Not only did Seunghyun act as if this was a causal visit that had nothing to do with their project, he didn’t even notice what she was wearing. “I wore this all for him, and he doesn’t even say anything”, Ailee thought as she furrowed her brows together, annoyed with the male’s actions. “Let’s talk about what we’re doing and then get to shooting, before your teacher gets mad at us, Mr. Film Major”.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
You are! Sometimes you say one thing... you'll mean another. Or--someone does something, showing off that they have all the time in the world for you women and you'll say, "You don't have time for me" 
Look, I care about this girl, alot. And she things I don't. I'd do anything for her, practically. I know I'm not the best guy in the world but I've shown her that she's number one... Aigo. Noona. I have to go. Goodnight.
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Are us women really that confusing ? Hm ? How are you confusing, Seungri-ah ?
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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I will never understand them. I try to--but I can't fucking get it. Sticking to the physical side of things...
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
Well... that's that then...
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Yeah, it’s posted.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
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It will be. Soon. Patience is a virtue, Amy.
Sooo Everyone...
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
We're gonna have to tell them...
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
Ailee. That girl was something else. Seunghyun didn't quite know how he felt about her--he knew he liked her... but he couldn't commit. He felt bad for dragging her on, or even getting jealous if she came in contact with another male. He had no right; yet he felt he did. She's mine anyway, He would tell himself. But he refused to be hers. She could live with that... as well as he--right? Even so, Seunghyun had sent her a text because today was the day of their project. He had the perfect idea in mind. Luckily film majors and artists had to work together to create videos and such. And for some reason, their teacher knew that Seunghyun wanted Ailee as a partner. Smart ass teacher. He spotted the time and groaned slightlyas he straightened himself in his chair.
"I should text her," He pulled out his phone. Hurry up, I don't have all day. She would truly know that it was out of the kindness of his hearts, right? Of course. She was smart enough for that. Seunghyun looked down at his clothing, a black tank and regular faded jeans. He was not about to get all dressed up, just to discard of the clothing again. You see, unlike Ailee, Seunghyun knew of their project. The perfect way to capture art and perfection... Ailee screaming and whimpering. Best idea ever. As he was pulled out of his daydream, he noticed that his prey was at the door. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming girl," She was annoying sometimes. Her mimicking wasn't cute. He rushed to the door and opened up, pulling her in without a hello. Their lips locked for a second before he pulled away. "'Sup," He shut the door behind their tangled figures, locking it in the process.
School Project | Ailee & Seungri
Ailee had been slowly developing a slight attraction for Seunghyun, well, Seungri as he preferred to be called, so knowing she and he had been paired for school project – she was excited to say the least. They had decided it’d be best to do a film project, to one up the competition and obtain the best grade, beating out the other competitors. Ailee wasn’t one to accept being in second place, and being the Seungri was the handiest with a camera in the whole school, she knew it’d be an advantage.
She looked at herself in the mirror, quickly reviewing her outfit to judge it’s value. Gently tugging on her short shorts and readjusting her tank top, she smiled to herself in the mirror. “Perfect, the weather is getting a bit warmer..” She thought. “Plus, how could he even ignore this? He likes legs..I think…”. Ailee, not only wanted to get a good grade on this project, she wanted to seduce Seungri - with her lack of clothing, that is if she didn’t get to touching him after they had finished their project.
Looking over at her clock, she quickly rushed to gather her phone and other belongings to place into her purse before making her way towards her door. She slowly made her way down the stairs and towards his dorm room as she took her phone back out of her purse, quickly noticing she had a new text message from Seungri. Hurry up, I don’t have all day. Ailee snickered softly to herself at Seungri’s typical behavior. Although she hadn’t known Seungri long, she had gathered that he was extremely impatient and he always wanted things to work on his schedule. She rolled her eyes as her fingers curled into a fist, gently tapping against his door. “Yah, Seungri, I’m here. Open up, would ya? I don’t have all day.” She chuckled softly as she mocked him, leaning against his door frame as she waited for her project partner to open the door.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
Seunghyun eyed her, she was pretty gorgeous--he would not get over that fact. Sooyoung... a beautiful name, he thought to himself as he eyed her bag. "Let me get that," He quickly pulled her heavy bag from her and opened the door further, gesturing for her to enter the dorm. "Yeah, I suppose we should get started," He cleared his throat and shut the door behind him, locking it in the process. Grabbing her head, Seunghyun lead her to the desk for two and placed her bag on the table. He pulled out a chair for her and proceeded to sit next to her. "So, Sooyoung... teach me," He leaned in just a bit to close the gap between them, his eyes boring into hers. His tongue slipped from his lips intentionally and trailed over his lower lip. She was good enough to eat... oh yes, she was.
Tutoring | Seungri & Sooyoung.
Sooyoung smiled at the boy when he opened the door. The first thing she noticed was his arms, they were very well toned and she liked the fact. She quickly erased those thoughts in her head however, she was supposed to be mature and focus on helping the boy. Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly by his voice. “Ah yes. I’m Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung. You must be Seungri then.” She said grinning. She slipped her book bag of her shoulder as it was getting heavier and heavier. She then looked around the empty hallways of the boy’s dorm. There was a light silence in the air. “Well, how about we get started then?” She said to him. Her words were more of a question, asking if she was allowed to enter his residence.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
As he awaited for her to open the door, he looked down at his camera, keeping an eye on the adjustments he had just made. "Hm," His eyes shifted as he heard the door open. She was looking cute as always, "Sohee," He pushed past her, cupping her cheek in a simple manner--patting it. Seunghyun eyed her room, it was clean enough for what he had planned. Nothing was out of place--and even if it was, he'd make her clean it. "So. We're filming a little... scene, today," Seunghyun's eyes averted to her figure, looking her over. He was obviously undressing her with his eyes. "It'll be quick. Since I don't have too much planned for you just yet. Our sessions should be frequently--so one thing at a time," Seunghyun placed the camera down and lifted his hand to motion her over with his finger. "Come here, Miss Mandu," 
Today wasn't going to be much. He was just going to viciously fuck her throat and leave her wanting more. Next session, he'd do something else... what--he was not sure of at the time. Even so. Sohee was in for a bit of a ride. 
Film Session || Seungri & Sohee.
Sohee was relaxing on her bed, lying on her stomach, flipping through a magazine with music blaring from the stereo at the other side of her dorm room. Sohee ogled over all of the clothing in the magazine, circling some of her favorites with a fat Sharpie pen. Sohee suddenly got up to stretch and climbed off her bed, moving over to the stereo. Stopping midway on her trail to the stereo she glanced down at her wristwatch. “Fuck,” she blurted out to herself. She had nearly forgotten about her and Seungri’s agreement to film today. She had been so excited at the thought of being the main focus of his project, and letting the appointment slip her mind sent Sohee in every direction of her room looking for an outfit that wasn’t her current pajama shorts and and old sweatshirt.
Sohee was hopping across the room, pulling up the second knee high sock when a knock at the door alerted her. “Pretty Sohee, it’s Seungri…” She heard the deep, sly voice of the player of Seoul Prep. Sohee slid up her sock completely and ran to turn down her music. She checked her reflection, fixing her hair and then flung open the door, grinning and waving. “Annyeong, oppa!” Sohee caught a look at Seungri’s pants, a snag at the front of them from an obvious erection. Sohee blinked back up at Seungri and moved to the side for him to come in. What the-? Sohee wondered to herself.
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seungri-prep-blog · 12 years
So, everyone heard the news right?
I don't need to go off and tell everyone about my pretty fuckable girlfriend? Although I should anyway--she's simply perfect.
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seungri-prep-blog · 13 years
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