seungjpeg · 10 years
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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seungjpeg · 10 years
Hello, sunbae! Welcome to Impact. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you, and hello! {;he dips his head into a quick bow as his lips are tugged up by a smile} I most certainly will. It's a pleasure to meet you.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
{;he relaxes a little as well as the tension of the situation fades bit by bit, allowing him to run his fingers quickly through his dark locks.} We're all on the same line after all, I still feel ashamed. I'll make up my mistake later today by doing some research. {;he shoots a playful smile at her, dipping his head into a quick nod.} Ah, I'm glad. God knows what awful nasty secrets he could have spilled out about me, that dork. {;he scoffs playfully through his lips now curved by a soft grin.} I'm happy that he did, honestly. I should thank him for it. I assume that you two are good friends? {;his eyebrows rise just a tiny tad at his question, the grin now turning back into a soft smile.} No need to worry at all. I guess I have to find out about that 'crazy' by myself.
Ah! {/her facial expression lightens in relief, the pink tint immediately disappearing.} You shouldn’t be sorry, I know how it is. I mean- I know for sure you are busier than I am, since you have so many years of experience and work behind you, but I would never blame you for not knowing about me and my group. This is an honor to know you will check it out, though. {/she bows once again at you and lets out a little laugh.} Only good things, yes, don’t worry. I am normally very shy but he encouraged me to talk to you and I don’t regret it. I am glad to hear that, he could have said I am crazy, or something! Haha.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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seungjpeg · 10 years
kgseulgi replied to your post:Hello there! Welcome to Impact. {/she eyesmiles...
Am I too straightforward from the start? I am sorry— {/she chuckles as she blushes lightly, a bit nervous.} Oh, I understand. I bet you are very busy right now. I am from Red Velvet. {/she nods with a smile.} Yoondu told me about you!
Oh-- No, not at all. {;he waves his hand up through the air to dismiss her worries, a calm and assuring smile lingering on his lips} I'm so sorry about that. I'm indeed a little busy, sometimes too much for my own good. I will make sure to check it out. {;he makes a mental memo after hearing the group's name, the trail of thoughts cutting in half at the mention of Dujun's name} He did--? Hopefully only good things. {;he pats his cheek lightly with an open palm while huffing out a chuckle} He has told me a little about you as well. Only good things, too.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
Hey, you. Yeah, you! Welcome to Impact! Have a good time! I would have said something funnier and wittier than this, but I'm all out of ideas. Sorry.
--Me? {;he repeats playfully, pointing up at his face before letting out a soft chuckle} Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm absolutely sure that I will. And don't worry, I don't mind. It was a good ice breaker. {;he offers the other a soft smile} I'm Hyunseung, it's nice to meet you.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
WAFFLIE -runs and glomps you from behind- I'm so happy that you're here now too! Aigoo we will have a lot of fun i'm sure! -he grins and nudges your side-
Oh--! {;he lets out a burst of bubbly laughter and playfully elbows the older's side, then giving him a friendly yet playful squeeze on the shoulder} Honestly, the welcome so far has been very warm. I believe that I'll definitely enjoy my time here.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
Hello there! Welcome to Impact. {/she eyesmiles happily and bows her head.} My name is Seulgi. I admire you a lot for your voice and energy on stage, really. It's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you.
Oh— I wasn’t expecting the compliments, honestly. Thank you, I mean it. {;he lets a soft chuckle slip through his lips as they curve into a smile, bowing his head in return} It’s my pleasure. I’m afraid that I’m not so familiar with your group yet, but I’d absolutely like to hear more about you.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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i tell myself this a lot, i think it’s important
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seungjpeg · 10 years
I’ve been gone for a short eternity, so I barely know anyone around here anymore. I would be more than willing to plot even though, if someone would be interested. I have a couple of things planned out for Hyunseung in my mind, let’s see what I can make out of them.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
“Good to see you again.” || S E L F / O P E N
Tick.  Tick.
In a quiet, virtually lifeless room, the soft monotonic sound of the clock hanging on the bright white wall was the only thing piercing through the stilled atmosphere. In the room there was an armchair, on the armchair there was a man. Sitting completely still the man's lidded gaze stared far away to the unknown, the almost inaudible rhythm of his soft breath joining the sound of the clock.
Hello darkness, my old friend.
It had had multiple forms, a variety of different shapes ever since Hyunseung first met it. It had always spoken to him with a different voice, hiding all kinds of different messages and meanings to be read between the lines. But It was always recognizable. Without a doubt, it was always the same, It. The dark male had been accompanied by It for many years now, as far back as his memory could carry him. Yet he hadn't come up with anything more creative for a name than It. That was the perfect word, it had everything he needed to describe it.
I've come to talk with you again.
Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping.
Surprisingly enough, the man smiled at the foul creature. A smile that was full of nothing, it was empty, tired. He was tired of fighting back, tired of pushing away something that was most certainly tied to. He couldn't escape, he had tried. Many times. But It kept coming back, it had grown very fond of Hyunseung's presence. Or the other way around, there was barely any difference.
And the vision that was planted in my brain, it still remains.
A couple of low, groggy sounds made their way up the creature's throat as it tried to speak, It's head tilting a little to the side in a pair of twitchy movements. "What's wrong with you," It suddenly asked, voice coarse like sandpaper, "aren't you afraid?" There were no hair, no fur covering the creature's scaly skin, but if It would've had eyebrows, Hyunseung would be certain it'd be cocking one right at him.
Within the sound of silence.
"It has been a while."
"I'm tired."
"I've spent enough money on medication."
"There's nothing more I can do. I can never make you go away."
"I'm trapped in your brain. You're going crazy."
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seungjpeg · 10 years
I've been gone for a short eternity, so I barely know anyone around here anymore. I would be more than willing to plot even though, if someone would be interested. I have a couple of things planned out for Hyunseung in my mind, let's see what I can make out of them.
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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seungjpeg · 10 years
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Hyunseungie x Teddy
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seungjpeg · 10 years
I get jealous and have a short temper and I get quite clingy. But I promise no one will ever love you like me.
(via taequilla)
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