Officer Term Ending: Chamberlain
The term for our current Chamberlain is quickly coming to an end on March 11th! If volunteering for this office interests you or you would like to know more about this position then please reach out to Emeline la Chauciere via the Chamberlain page on the Baronial Website and join our next month’s business meeting to be held virtually if you’d like to be in consideration for the position.
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Officer Opening: Knight Marshal
The term for our current Knight Marshal is quickly coming to an end on February 20th! If volunteering for this office interests you, please reach out to Sir Douglas Henry via the Baronial Website and join our next month’s business meeting to be held virtually if you’d like to be in consideration for the position.
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The Quest for Wit & Wisdom XXXIX: Quest for the Quill
In honour of the recent 400th year anniversary of Shakespeare’s Folio, it would seem that this spring the Barony of Settmour Swamp finds itself nestled in an area that greatly resembles Elizabethan England– and the Vice District no less! Such is the life of a thespian, it’s all fun and games, until someone mistakes the bear pit for the theatre… That’s right, the 39th Quest for Wit and Wisdom…
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Crown's Arts & Sciences Champions Competition
The Barony of Settmour Swamp is delighted to host their Majesties and all artisans of the glorious East for the Crown Arts & Sciences Champions Competition! We welcome any who wish to compete, to display, or simply to marvel at the scholarship and talent of the Tyger Populace. Especially, we invite the youth of the kingdom to show their prowess. Our site is spacious and we welcome merchants and…
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Mudthaw XLIII
** MUDTHAW IS AT A NEW LOCATION (AGAIN)** As winter turns to spring, their Excellencies Orlando and Charis, Baron and Baroness of Settmour Swamp, invite all and sundry to join in the celebration of the Thawing of the Mud! The site is a heated indoor school with plenty of space for court, vendors, etc. indoors. Fighting and Archery will likely be outside but Fencing and possibly Archery may be…
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Officer Positions in Need of Deputies
Hello Populace! A number of our baronial officers need deputies to assist them in their roles. Seneschal- Contact Markus Farmaðr directly or via the officer email at [email protected] Exchequer- Contact Vika Grigina z Prahy directly or via the officer email at [email protected] Chamberlain- Contact Emeline la Chauciere directly or via the officer…
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Officer Opening: Social Media Officer
Our current Social Media Officer is looking to step down and as a result we require a new individual to step into this role to assist the Barony manage our Social Media presence. If volunteering for this office interests you, please check out the “Relevant Links” section of the Social Media Officer page to find further information about how this job is performed and join our next month’s business…
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Officer Opening: Minister of Arts & Sciences
Our current Minister of Arts & Sciences is looking to step down, and seeks a personage to step through the arch and take up the candle. If volunteering for this office interests you, please check out the “Relevant Links” section of the Minister of Arts & Science page to find further information about how this job is performed, and join our next month’s business meeting to be held virtually if…
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The Barony Needs You: Mudthaw Event Steward
The time is upon us and we are in need of an event steward for Mudthaw!We have a site and date already; we just need the person to manage the event.Site: Warren County Technical School (same site as this year)Date: 3/29/25 Please contact the seneschal to express your interest.
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Brennan & Caoilfhionn’s Ducal Challenges VIII
OY YA! OY YA! Greetings good Gentles! Brennan and Caoilfhionn would like to invite you once again to participate in their Ducal Challenge!! Come join us once again in the Barony of Settmour Swamp for a fun day combining fighters and artisans! A day board will be provided with menu provided at a later date Schedule – 10:00 – site opens / Ducal Challenge art entry and signups begin 11 – Morning…
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Baronial Court- Pennsic
Baronial Court will be held in Settmour Swamp camp (Block E-12) on Thursday August 9th around 5:30 p.m.
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