sethofthewind · 9 days
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sethofthewind · 4 months
Hey Seth, how's it going. Did you know you can press B to jump and A to interact with stuff? What a world we live in
Yeah it's pretty nifty stuff to know.
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Did you know that while talking to someone if you press the B button it'll skip through their conversation.
I'd hope nobody would do that to me thou
But at le
Cool shir
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sethofthewind · 4 months
Doit bounce? Do it jiggle? Do it squirt?
Im talking about the watermelons you like to carry for a quick snack, of course
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I'm certain that if my watermelons had any of those traits then they'd be rotten and unfit for consumption.
You might want like... some grapes or something?
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sethofthewind · 5 months
Your sprite edits are the best. Saw you at waffle house last week
Ps: Seth what do you think of lethal company?
I'm glad you like sprite too!
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And hey if you ever wanna get your waffle on, waffle house is the place to do it. If you see me there again don't be afraid to say hi.
As for Lethal Company, I think it's a really fun game to play with friends. The creator Zeekerss is actually really good at mixing both comedy and horror. I recommend trying out one of their other games The Upturned if you haven't tried it already. It's a lot of fun.
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Having something like that blow up must be really stressful. Hopefully they don't overwork themselves and burn out.
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sethofthewind · 5 months
*revives you from the last post made 2 months ago*
Get your guard up, otherwise I would be very disappointed in you.
- Horus and Sphinx
What are those weirdos doing next to my Halloween decoration?
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I'm trying to bake cookies while grinding levels in Runescape.
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sethofthewind · 8 months
*I die right in front of you*
Hm? Is someone there?
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I could've sworn I heard someone over here...
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sethofthewind · 8 months
whats your fur routine? it looks so stunning
I use some pretty expensive shampoo and conditioner for my fur when I shower in the morning. After that, is a full blow out on everything.
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After I'm done with that I'll go over different parts with different combs and apply some product to the fluffier parts to keep everything healthy and in tip top shape.
Or I just wake up like this sometimes.
Really a bit of a coin toss to be honest.
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sethofthewind · 8 months
Oh there's the pumpkin to make that pie with. Sorry Seth, just gotta borrow your new head for a second-
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sethofthewind · 8 months
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Spooky halloween~
What asks shall I receive if ye be brave enough~
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sethofthewind · 10 months
passes out from exhaustion right in front of you
Woah buddy!
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You gotta stay hydrated when it's this hot out
Here, drink this
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sethofthewind · 10 months
Btw to anyone following my Seth askblog I promise I'm not vanishing again, I'm just getting into the swing of my new job and I'm low on energy but I'll try to answer some asks in the next few days.
Feel free to send in more too. I've gone through most of the old asks so new ones are appreciated
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sethofthewind · 10 months
C-can I pet you?
I guess so...
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But only on the head and no funny business
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sethofthewind · 11 months
If you don't want to eat raw sand then eat glass
Luckily we live in a world where you can combine ingredients to make different kinds of food!
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That's why in this post I'll be eating the Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP
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sethofthewind · 11 months
No. Put Tezcat in this.
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Oh wow! Another hungry friend?
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I really couldn't let them just not eat either.
I'll go grab one of the spares from the closet
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sethofthewind · 11 months
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put tezcat into one of these shredder machines.
Yeah, it's probably for the best.
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Plus it looks really hungry and I couldn't let it just starve
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sethofthewind · 11 months
I just wanted to say that your midriff is cute :)
Y-you really think so?
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Well uh... thanks
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I'm not really going for cute but... it's nice to get compliments
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sethofthewind · 11 months
Bruh that's loss on your crop top. Like the comic strip.
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Listen bud, this thing is soft and comfy.
It could have hentai on it and I'd probably still wear it.
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Well... not in public I guess
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