serratedlight-a · 6 years
archived ;
This blog suddenly became nonfunctional last night so I have relocated. Same url. Feel free to refollow if you haven’t already. ❤️❤️
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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↳ Day 3 of 7: Favorite Kylo Ren Look
From the messy hair, to the pouty tembling lips, passing by the eye twitch and the evil cape™, I loveeee his look in tlj. Honestly, I wasn’t very fond of the cape at first, but the way he took it off [ala Obi-Wan/Anakin]… oh boy. I WAS IN.
His cowl and long tunic will always be in my heart, but nothing can beat Adam’s gorgeous face and tits.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
This blog supports the idea of MULTIPLE THREADS with the same muse.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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favorite character meme: [4/5] episodes → season 2, episode 3, Chapter 3: The Pollywog
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : He, yes.
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : I haven't had much of a taste for women lately.
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : I completely agree.
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : The man tries to murder his teenage nephews and is still seen as a hero.
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : Too bad the same sympathy cannot be given to our grandfather. He's the one deserves it.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : Of course you are.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : My flavor of the month has already left.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : You’re a bad influence in the best possible way.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : Otherwise, I’m liable to behave like our can-do-no-wrong uncle.
[text]: of course he (she?) has
[text]: well we cant have that now can we
[text]: though our uncle can CERTAINLY do wrong…
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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There’s too much Vader in him… (x)
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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Well-crafted character development. 
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : Of course you are.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : My flavor of the month has already left.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : You're a bad influence in the best possible way.
[ 💌 → kylo ren ] : Otherwise, I'm liable to behave like our can-do-no-wrong uncle.
@serratedlight / continued
[text]: still making out with her tbh
[text]: but anyway i love you too and im glad to be such a bad influence
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
[MSG:] Well, fuck that. I mean, I made out with my cousin once. Who gives a fuck.
[ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : I completely agree. [ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : Besides, we've both done worse. [ 💌 → Kylo Ren ] : You're a wretched influence on me. And I love you for it.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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It runs in the family.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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The deed split your spirit to the bone.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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stranger things hiatus challenge [day 1/150]: favorite character overall  ➤ mike wheeler 
“this isn’t a stupid sports game!” 
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
text message starters: part 14
[MSG:] I just audibly asked myself if I wanted to masturbate. And then audibly agreed.
[MSG:] Normal people don’t sit around and watch Degrassi for twelve hours…
[MSG:] Dude, she knew her leg was on fire and she kept dancing. Bad-fucking-ass.
[MSG:] Don’t worry about my [family member]. S/He just hates you because you’re [description], not because we’re fucking.
[MSG:] What is it with the dog running away when we have epic hangovers.
[MSG:] I should have listened to my dad and Mean Girls… If you have sex you’ll get pregnant and die.
[MSG:] Well, fuck that. I mean, I made out with my cousin once. Who gives a fuck.
[MSG:] I just folded my boss’s underwear, and I ain’t a maid. I need a drink and a raise.
[MSG:] I can’t remember where my feet are. All I can see are colors, and all I can feel is terror. The lollipop was a bad idea.
[MSG:] I’m fucking your [family member] right now. 
[MSG:] All I can say is that it was completely accidental, no one was too seriously injured, and I’m not allowed back to that bar without a designated pusher for my wheelchair.
[MSG:] If I banged a coworker last night but didn’t enjoy it can I put it down on my timesheet?
[MSG:] I lost in a drinking contest with my 84 year old grandmother. Two years in a row now.
[MSG:] It happened again…
[MSG:] Broke up with my married coworker… work is gonna get weird.
[MSG:] I’m banned from the zoo.
[MSG:] Are you high and at a petting zoo again?
[MSG:] You left your shoes at my place but remembered to take your vodka. I see where your priorities are.
[MSG:] His internet history had “Disney Porn” on it.
[MSG:] Oh my God, that is a gorgeous man. And I wasn’t even gay until five minutes ago..
[MSG:] She said, “I don’t really go out much, but my husband recently cheated on me” and I don’t remember anything after that.
[MSG:] Nothing kills the mood quicker than kneeing him in the face during sex.
[MSG:] It’s like the dark age of my sex life being stuck here.
[MSG:] What’s the worst that could happen? I’m already broke and my leg’s already broken.
[MSG:] And I made some girl take out the trash, load and unload the dishwasher, swifter, and clean the counters. So don’t act like I don’t do anything.
[MSG:] I joined the mile high club last night. I ran a mile while high on coke. It was glorious.
[MSG:] Even my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can’t make last night disappear.
[MSG:] I was like, “um, that’s my butthole.”
[MSG:] I don’t know how else to say this, but I think you’re a fucking bitch and the sooner you die I’ll be happier.
[MSG:] Their flight hasn’t even left yet and the ‘buy food to keep yourself alive’ budget is gone on tequila.
[MSG:] Maybe you should have studied instead of worrying about who is going to have sex with you.
[MSG:] I’m sensing a Yuletide blowjob in your future and by future I mean tomorrow.
[MSG:] There’s a naked man in my car right now.
[MSG:] I just found her phone in the quesadilla maker…
[MSG:] He texted back and said he would hook up if he didn’t have a test at 8am. It’s really hard to be annoyed by how good of a student he is.
[MSG:] I’m going on a new diet. It’s called the “eat healthy otherwise boys won’t want to have sex with your fat ass” diet. Wish me luck.
[MSG:] As long as you’re naked and covered in glow paint, I’m there.
[MSG:] Worst relationship ever. Keep in mind I’ve dated two married chicks and a Mormon.
[MSG:] I ate her out in the bathroom and she did my makeup. Man, I love being a lesbian.
[MSG:] Got blown by one of the bridesmaids. Family BBQ today. They all know. Talk about awkward.
[MSG:] He’s a waiter, looks 15, and told me he loved me after only talking to me for 30 minutes. I told him I wanted a margarita. We got 3 free pitchers. I may have to make this our regular Wednesday night hangout.
[MSG:] I would feel bad that’s he’s locked out naked, but the world should really see that.
[MSG:] This is home. And home is where you find your family. And you try not to make out with your family.
[MSG:] So I totally just used margarita salt for a body scrub.
[MSG:] Nobody is wearing shirts anymore. What is happening.
[MSG:] You owe me a new pair of boots, bitch.
[MSG:] Just described your amazing cock to a complete stranger. I am officially the worst wingman ever.
[MSG:] I vaguely recall putting a toaster in the freezer.
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serratedlight-a · 6 years
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The Supreme Leader is dead —
        Long live the Supreme Leader.
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