serpentt-a · 4 years
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❛     my    my ,   seems    someone    has   gained    some    more    admirers   in    my    absence .     ❜
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serpentt-a · 5 years
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serpentt-a · 5 years
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❛     oh ,     you’re     simply     no     fun ,     darling .     ❜
smash or pass: snake
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“Pass. I’m hardly in the mood right now, dear.”
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serpentt-a · 5 years
@lylat-ruler  ;) hey
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serpentt-a · 5 years
so sinday huh?
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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The ape arches a brow at his reptilian… colleague. “Would you like to view the eclipse alongside me, Snake?” He’s not sure if he’s asking out of obligation or if he truthfully craves the serpent’s company, but truthfully, he’s not against the idea of having Snake join him when the time comes. 
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❛     oh !     ❜ 
well ,     he     hadn’t    been     expecting     that !
❛     oh ,     uh ,     y - yes     i     would     be     honored     to     accompany     you     my     Emperor .         i’ve     been     ah .  .  .         missing     your     company     as     of     late .     ❜ 
he     trails     off     a     bit ,     before     clearing     his     throat     and     rolling     his     shoulders .
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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snake vc: BET?
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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“Ah, you are correct. Papetoon is on course to eclipse soon enough. I simply must be a patient ape.” The Emperor knows very well what Snake was actually referring to – and he knows that it’s not as innocent in nature as he pretended. “–But still, the photography posted online isn’t quite the same as witnessing something so spectacular in person.”
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❛     now     now ,     you     KNOW     that’s     not     the     natural     beauty     i     was     referring     to     you     cheeky     man     you .         STILL ,     perhaps     that     would     be     rather     nice ---     to     see     the     eclipse     i     mean .         what     a     pity ,     it     won’t     be     much     fun     to     view     all     alone .          --- OH !!!         yes ,     the     photography     just     isn’t     the     same     as     seeing     it     in     person ,     still     they     are     nice     mementos     to     have     in     order     to     remember     the     occasion .     ❜ 
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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❛     ah ,     civil     and     classy   �� as     always ,      my     dear .         though     you     REALLY     ARE     too     kind     to     them ,     i     doubt     they     did     more     than     gawk     at     it .         it’s     a     shame     really ,     you’re     far     more     deserving     of     witnessing     a     natural     beauty     such     as     that     SUPER     BLOOD     WOLF     MOON     ---     but     on     the     bright     side     you     do     have     ONE         natural     beauty     you     could ,     ahem ,      ‘ witness ’     for     your     viewing     pleasure .     ❜
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“It is with my deepest and profound sincerity and hope that our, ah, friends on Corneria had the opportunity to marvel at last night’s spectacular lunar eclipse. A “super blood wolf moon” is an incredibly uncommon occurrence and I must say, I am beside myself in my jealousy. Venom’s star-gazers were, unfortunately unable to witness Corneria shade its own moon.”
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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i hate picking color schemes so help me pls
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serpentt-a · 6 years
Caro Emerald- Tangled Up ( Lokee Remix)
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serpentt-a · 6 years
I took the perfect avenue, down the road to both of you Did I go dutch? This is too much! With all the money in the world you could never buy this girl Quite enough, it will be tough If romancing me with neons is something you should do May the letters write in luminous, in-lou And get me wicked up, shake it up, tangled up You could be breaking up, making up, tangled up You can’t be faking it, making it from my love With all this tragedy, don’t get me tangled up, tangled up I can’t separate your sins, to me you’re acting like you’re twins This is a mess, is this a test? How many guesses do I get? Till only one of you is left You’re quite the same, if love’s the gain I want to see emotions coloring the sky To the point it will make me wanna cry And get me wicked up, shake it up, tangled up You could be breaking up, making up, tangled up You can’t be faking it, making it from my love With all this tragedy, don’t get me tangled up, tangled up Treating girls like a yo-yo is a no no of monumental kind If playing with your string had lanced to be your thing It’s easy to say to both, oh nevermind And get me wicked up, shake it up, tangled up You could be breaking up, making up, tangled up You can’t be faking it, making it from my love With all this tragedy, don’t get me tangled up Tangled up
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serpentt-a · 6 years
When there’s loving in the air, Don’t fight it just keep breathing. I can’t help myself but stare. Double check for double meanings. I’m a man who’s got very specific taste. You’re, You’re, You’re just my type. You got a pulse and you are breathing. You’re, You’re, You’re just my type. I think it’s time that we get leaving. You’re, You’re, You’re just my type.
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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angary snek
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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serpentt-a · 6 years
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A glimpse into void..
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