serpentkingofthesea · 3 years
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Little update on my cosplays! I’ve done a lot since the last gap, Fate related, one piece, Jojo and more! I’ll try to share over time, but definitely check out my Instagram if you’d like to see more stuff regularly! I’ll be getting back to rp soon, I got a new phone as well! I have yet to get the tumblr app back, so I’m currently on desktop. It’s been wild this past year, I hope everyone is doing alright!
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serpentkingofthesea · 3 years
I live! I know I literally disappeared, but I’m ok. Hiatus is over, but I’ll still be more active on Instagram or Twitter. I’ll try to update my tumblr more!
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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Liang cosplay dump for Christmas! I love my precious peach boy and I’m so happy his wig showed up, it’s so soft and nice! I made his outfit, number tag and earrings. I think my next Nanbaka cosplay will be either Kiji, Hajime, or Ruka!
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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Lord El Melloi II Cosplay dump
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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Waver Velvet cosplay dump
Bonus blooper shot that’s literally a meme
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Da Vinci invented Coinstar for Saint Quartz
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Fate multi muse maybe
Maybe? High consideration. Only thing is, will I get interactions and whatnot. I’ve been out of the game for a few years, I’m rusty asf but literate. Indecisive Sea King noises.
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Kiji: How many popsicles have you eaten today?
Samon: *laying in a pile of popsicle sticks and choking back tears*
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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With the power of my Command Spell, I order this body to DDDD-DU-DU-DU-DUEL!!!
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
I have moments that come daily where I just stop doing anything to simply appreciate how good Cu is
because he's the best and you know it
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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Cosplayed a good monkey boi earlier today. I had fun making him and cosplaying him! Samon will definitely be getting more attention!
I will be doing a semi lewd shoot for him along with Cú and Diarmuid sometime soon. Got me some new towels for the Celtic bois.
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Nightingale: What are the three stages of life?
Geronimo: Birth.
Robin: What the fuck is this.
Billy: Death.
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
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Important Things to Remember about Van Hohenheim:
He was born as a slave and manipulated into being involved in the genocide of his own race, then forced to live with the burden of having an immortal body filled with the crying souls of the thousands of people who had died.
He devoted at least a couple of centuries conversing with over 500,000 souls, getting to know each and every one of them, befriending them, and cooperating with them.
Hohenheim did not leave his children alone. He left them in the (more than capable) hands of Trisha, where he knew they would be raised well. He trusted that Trisha would be able to explain his absence to Ed & Al without revealing the truth about his body. He couldn’t have anticipated her death, and as he was travelling the entire country he had no way of keeping in contact with Trisha to check that she and their sons were doing ok (this is assuming the Elrics didn’t have a telephone).
Hohenheim had difficulty interacting with people, even his own family. He would probably have a very hard time writing letters back home, or talking to Trisha on the phone. He more than likely thought it best to keep his distance 100% until he could return home for fear of ruining any of his relationships with his family.
Hohenheim was immortal and had already lived for hundreds of years. A year or two probably wouldn’t have seemed like a long time to somebody with such a huge lifespan. Hohenheim likely still pictured his sons as young children, even after 10 years of not seeing them.
When Hohenheim returned to Resembool he expected to be greeted by the love of his life and his two young boys standing at the doorway to his family home. Instead he found a pile of burnt rubble, Trisha’s grave, Edward’s automail, and Alphonse’s empty body.
He completely blamed himself for Ed and Al’s attempt at human transmutation and subsequent injuries. He understood that they were lonely, grieving children and in his eyes the fault was all down to him and - taboo or not - the brothers had not done anything wrong.
Despite being the most powerful character in the FMA universe, Hohenheim was a pacifist and did not fight or injure a single person in the whole series.
He always put everyone else before himself.
The things which made him happiest in the whole world were all to do with his children. Alphonse trusting him, Ed and Al helping him on the promised day, Ed calling him Dad for the first time, getting to shake Al’s hand after recovering his body… his whole life revolved around his sons as soon as he met up with them again. He was willing to sacrifice himself for Ed and Al’s sake.
He died happy because he was so proud of Ed and Al and he knew that they had made incredible friends who would look after them for the rest of their lives.
Without him everyone would be dead.
All he wanted was a normal life.
Van Hohenheim was not a bad person.
Van Hohenheim was not a bad father.
He is romantically cheesy as hell
He wears glasses just so he looks slightly different to Father
He used to fly into an Ed-like rage whenever anyone called him unintelligent
The first thing he said to Alphonse after reuniting with him was, “My vintage armor!!”
One of the first things he said to Edward after reuniting with him was, “we have the same hairstyle”.
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Sailor Galaxia: It occurs to me that I might have too much power.
Sailor Galaxia: In light of this revelation I will be adjusting my behavior in no way whatsoever.
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serpentkingofthesea · 5 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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