“Sorry, but it takes a lot of years of practice to become grand master of the arts of cool.” Julian mused back, finding it easier to get a word in when it was just friendly banter and his mind as at ease. “Yes, but things have been made with an expiration date for a reason. Nothing new is manufactured to last more than few years because if didn’t have a fault then there would be no reason to buy another one. So they make them with the defect. When’s your birthday? Doesn’t matter, I’ll um…get you a new one because if it’s for school then you’d best have something reliable. Think of it as a belated birthday gift.”
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Fangs looked at Julian for a moment, trying to process what he had said before shaking his head. ❝ No. Absolutely not. ❞ He leaned back in the booth, an eyebrow raised. ❝ This thing ought to have a year or so left, ❞ he nudged the laptop gently as he spoke. ❝ You don’t need to buy me anything, Julian. I’m fine. ❞
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“Just a funky monkey please, extra chocolate please,” Melody ordered, ringing it off in her usual sing song manner. This was usually the first place to find her when she was avoiding going back to her foster family. Too many  random noises to stop her from concentrating. Even with an extra little help she isn’t able to, so Melody’s best resort: Pops.
As she got her drink, Melody noticed most of the booths were full, however there was one in the far back near the jukebox that only had one person. She made her way over, pausing before she realized what she was gonna even say. “Right, yeah.. Thanks,” she stuttered, placing her things down and opening up to her Latin book. “I appreciate it. Didn’t want to be the lone star sitting at the front bar.”
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Fangs smiled, completely understanding where the girl was coming from. ❝ I totally understand. It can be a bit weird being at the front bar because you’re basically the first thing everyone sees as soon as they walk in. It’s a little nervewracking. ❞ He leaned forward on his elbows a little bit. ❝ I’m Fangs by the way - and no, I don’t bite. ❞  
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“Thanks,” he said taking notice of the blush, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks as well as they warmed. “Oh gross, but hey if you do need help I happen to read a lot in my spare time because I happen to be so cool that I don’t really have much of a social life,” he said in mock tone. “I’m sitting,” Julian mumbled before finally plopping himself down on the booth. “Um, not to be rude but you really need a new laptop, Fangs. That one looks like it’s on its last legs.”
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Fangs laughed a little, shaking his head. ❝ You’re so cool. God- I wish I was as cool as you, ❞ he teased lightly, reaching up to brush his thumb against his own nose, easing an itch that had appeared. ❝ Hey! This laptop has served me well over the years I’ve had it. ❞ He grinned - though he knew he needed a new laptop. It was just a matter of money. 
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“Uh sorry, I can leave if you’d rather not have me here,” Julian quickly said feeling as if he maybe invaded something that was going on with Fangs.  “Just thought you and your biceps could use the company,” he teased. “So you got school work to do? What about, maybe I can help, not saying I’ll do them but if you get stuck on something don’t fret about asking me.”
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Fangs looked up at the familiar male - one who was also a Serpent alongside him. He offered him a small smile, shaking his head. ❝ No, you’re fine, ❞ though he blushed a little at what he thought was a compliment. ❝ It’s just English. You know - the infamous book study, ❞ he laughed a little, leaning forward. ❝ So, you gonna sit? ❞
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A quiet laugh escaped Joaquin’s lips at the tease, turned on his heel to look at Fangs. “ If you get to call me kitten, I get to call you puppy, “ He retorted, leaning down as he spoke, getting much closer than necessary to Fangs’ face. 
He leaned back before they could kiss, though, letting the black cat in his arms go back to resting in Fangs’ lap before he made his way into the attached kitchen - which wasn’t more than a few steps away. He opened a cupboard, grabbing a bag of fizzy cola candies, immediately opening one and popping it in his mouth. “ I can go to the grocery, don’t worry, “ He stated, leaning against the counter where he could still see his best friend ( boyfriend ).
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Fangs had tried to lean in when Joaquin also leaned in - wanting to kiss the dark-haired male - but he was clearly unsuccessful when Joaquin pulled away, making Fangs pout rather dramatically - and let out a desperate sounding whine. Joaquin was, in fact, a tease towards Fangs, it was nothing new. 
Running his fingers through the dark-haired cat that was back in his lap, he slowly picked the small cat up and placed him back on the couch, standing up and also making his way into the small kitchen. ❝ I need to grab some things for mamá anyway - we can go together? ❞
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♙ ¸.•* — Setting his bag down in a booth at the infamous diner located just less than a minute from the train tracks, Fangs let out a breath as he took a seat, the booth he had claimed was located towards the back of the diner, not excited to start any of the assignments he had to start. 
Once he was settled into the booth, a rather shitty black laptop that was at least 5 years old placed in front of him and a banana milkshake to the side. But when he saw someone approach the table he was sitting at. ❝Hey, Uh— You’re welcome to... take a seat? ❞ He hummed, not really knowing why he said that. He wasn’t one for a lot of social conversation.
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kay i played myself. i’m definitely getting sick. i’m gonna do one or two starters n then im gonna sleep bcos,,, this hoe sick. 
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Josie put her beaker down and turned around. “That class is all the way on the other side of the school. Wow, you must be really lost.” She chuckled. Josie took off her goggles and placed them on the desk in front of her. “You need some help?”
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Fangs adorned a sheepish smile oh his lips, looking rather flustered. ❝ Please, ❞ he nodded, biting his lip momentarily as he looked at the female in front of him. ❝ I’m uh— ❞ Fangs stopped himself before he mentioned ‘southside transfer’, ❝ new. I’m new here. ❞
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“ I’m your cat, ” Joaquin teased, standing up from his battered - though rather comfortable - couch. Slowly, of course. The cat in his arms was still purring sleepily and he didn’t want to wake it up more than he already had.
“ Do I have any food ? ” Joaquin questioned Fangs, since he didn’t know himself. He had always had a hard time of keeping track of when he had last eaten even a bite of food, contributing to his rather small and thin build, though genetics likely played a larger part.
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Fangs rolled his eyes with a chuckle, still smiling at Joaquin. ❝ Of course you are, Kitten. ❞ He hummed, stretching his legs out on the couch and watching Joaquin with a rather fond look. He admired the blue-eyed boy a lot and there wasn’t a day where he wouldn’t think about Joaquin. 
Shifting a little, he sat up a little more. ❝ Uh— I’m pretty sure there’s some cup ramen in the cupboard? Or there might even be a mac and cheese packet in the cupboard. I need to go grocery shopping soon. ❞
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I’m back from hiatus ! Though I do think I’m coming down with the flu. Anyway. I’ll be on for the rest of the evening doing replies and starters and such. DM me if you’d like to plot !  
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Joaquin grinned at Fangs, taking the pen and tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. He took off the cap of the pen with his teeth, his smile dropping as he started to focus on what he was writing. ‘ Love you. Here’s a cat,’ is what he decided on, quickly scribbling a particularly shitty cat drawing before recapping the pen and handing it back to Fangs.
“ You know, I’m starting to think you only come here for the cats, “ He joked, reaching forward to steal the mass of black fur from his lap, knowingly waking the cat from his’s sleep. “ Have you seen Butter ? “ he questioned, raising an eyebrow as he hugged the cat into his chest.
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Fangs watched Joaquin, finding how he pulled the pen cap off with his teeth rather hot. He swallowed the lump in his throat and once Joaquin was done, he took the notebook and smiled at the boy next to him. ❝ Love you too. ❞  
Fangs had a rather... offended look on his face when Joaquin took the cat from him. ❝ Excuse you. They’re my cats. ❞ He pouted once again, setting the notebook back on the coffee table. ❝ Buttons is in the bedroom - I’m pretty sure anyway. ❞
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Joaquin shrugged, pairing the movement with a nod, before his eyes drifted to Fangs’ lap. He was quick to notice the cat there, the one which he had named, soon after registering the notebook resting on top of it. He smirked a little once reading a few of the words, reaching out to steal the notebook from him.
“ Wow, nerd, are you doing homework ? “ He teased, trying his best to make it obvious that he wasn’t being serious. He would never be genuinely rude to someone like Fangs. “ Do you have a pen ? “ He asked, pulling one foot up to rest underneath the curve of his knee. He was never able to sit like a normal person. 
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Trying not to startle the rather skittish cat on his lap - which fortunately liked Fangs. He was just a little anxious at times. He had been a stray - one which Fangs had rescued. Both of their cats had been strays. So instead, he pouted at Joaquin. 
❝ If Sombra wasn’t peaceful and sleeping on my lap, I’d have jumped on you. ❞ Fangs let out a huff. ❝ And I’m pretty sure my math teacher hates me so I’d rather not have him hate me even more. You know? ❞ Fangs kept his eyes on Joaquin, reaching forward to hand him the pen. 
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Joaquin was humming to himself as he pushed open the door to his trailer, not noticing that Fangs was even there as he slipped off his jacket which adorned no Serpent patch, something that he had never actually had. It wasn’t until he turned to toss the worn leather onto the back of the couch that he noticed his fellow Serpent sitting on it.
“ Oh, hey, “ He said, smiling slightly as he sat next to his ( unofficial ) boyfriend. “ Whats up? “ He leaned down to unlaced his battered boots, easily kicking them off not a moment later.
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Fangs heard the door to the trailer open, and by the humming he heard. He had pieced the two together and worked out it was Joaquin. So he didn’t bother looking up from his math homework. He just continued to read through and work out the task he had copied into his notebook. 
❝ Hi, ❞ Fangs smiled, finally looking up at the Serpent he had basically grown up with. ❝ I was lonely, so I came here. ❞ He shrugged his shoulders, shifting the textbook and notebook to the coffee table, Sombra not moving from his lap. 
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Sitting on the tattered couch in Joaquin’s trailer, Fangs had the little black cat that Joaquin had dubbed Sombra on his lap. Since Fangs was barely home and no one else was home, he had decided to bring both his cats to Joaquin’s trailer, since that’s where most of his time was spent.
 Listening to one of the Pink Floyd vinyls Joaquin owned, he had his math homework softly resting on Sombra, reading through the task he had to do. He knew Joaquin was out, but was expecting him back at any moment. 
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Taking a seat on one of the armchairs in the student lounge, Fangs had a chemistry textbook open in his lap, a twizzler in his hand, occasionally taking a bite out of it while he read through the pages. He was supposed to be studying for his chemistry test, but kept getting distracted. So when someone walked into the student lounge, he looked up. ❝ Hey, Jas ! ❞
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Pushing open the door to one of the classrooms of Riverdale High, Fangs came to face someone turned away from him.  ❝ Oh shi— Sorry. I thought this was Jenkin’s math class, ❞ he awkwardly spoke, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. 
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Taking a seat down at the cafeteria table across from the dark-haired girl, Fangs offered a sweet smile, placing his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hands. ❝ Hey, JB, ❞ he spoke to catch the attention of the girl in front of him. ❝ How are things? I haven’t seen you in a while. ❞ 
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