serpent-squad · 6 years
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His arms and that smile 🤤
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Serpent Drop | Sweet Pea x Reader
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Sweet Pea has always hated the holiday season, and New Year’s is no exception. Will you and the rest of the serpents be able to make this New Year’s one to remember? 
Written for Day Eight (Blitzen) of @riverdale-events Reindeer Games! 
December 31st 8 a.m. BEEP BEEP BEEP
“What the hell?” Sweet Pea groans as he leans over to pull the alarm clock’s cord from the wall.
“We need to wake up sleepyhead! It’s New Year’s eve.” Sweet Pea shoved his head back under the blankets. “I thought we could get a group together and head to the city to see the ball drop?” Y/n said pulling the blanket from his face and flashing your best puppy dog eyes. You knew this was a long shot, but waking up early gave you more opportunity to beg.
“You know how I feel about this time of year..” He said obviously uncomfortable, “Why don’t you just tag along with Toni and Cheryl or something? That sounds like more their kind of scene.” He got out of bed and retreated to the bathroom.
Making your way to the kitchen you decide to make Pea’s favorite breakfast—French toast. As he shut off the shower, you set the small kitchen table with two plates, a plate piled high of French toast, and started a pot of coffee. Sweet Pea gives you a sly look as he emerges from the door way.
“Smells good babe.” He says as you both slide into your normal seats across from each other. We both devoured the food and drank cups of coffee, while entertaining small talk and both clearly avoiding the question at hand, until I finally started cleaning the table to do the dishes.
“So what time did you want to leave for the city? It’s only 9:30 a.m. so we have plenty of time if you wa—”
“I’m not going y/n.”, he interrupted as he started for the door.
“What?! You were serious?”
“Yes, I don’t get the big deal. It’s just like every other Monday night.” He scoffed.
“Because I want to spend New Year’s with you!”, y/n pleaded, “Sweets what is your problem? Ever since Christmas you’ve been even more grumpy than normal?”
He sighed. “I’ve just n- never really seen the point in celebrating. When I had a family, we didn’t celebrate and then when I was six on Christmas morning I woke up and they were gone. I was all alone.” His voice cracked as he struggled to get the words out. I crossed the kitchen towards him and pulled him to sit on the couch.
“So this time of year has always been associated with pain and loneliness... I’m not usually with anyone and my relationships haven’t made it past hooks up in years. I knew it would be hard being around you because you love Christmas and holidays and I-I just didn’t want to ruin them for you with my problems.”
“Oh, Pea.” I placed my fingers on his chest and looked into those big brown eyes, “You could never bother me, and I want your problems to be my problems. The day I said yes to dating I signed up for that. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know they did that to you on Christmas..”
Sweet Pea didn’t say anything, but I felt his grip tighten on my hand, and his thumb tracing circles. I laid my head on his chest and we sat like that for a while. Until I realized what needed to be done today. Pea’s phone rang from the bedroom and as he went to answer it I shot a quick text to a group chat, that included everyone expect Sweet Pea.
   Serpent Meeting, Noon, @ pop’s (Don’t tell him Fangs)
“Hey babe. Some older serpents called and they really needed my help with a job today.” He explained as he threw on his serpent jacket.
“Be safe please. And call me when you’re on the way home.”, even though you were a serpent you couldn’t help but feel anxious when Sweet Pea went on jobs.
As you made your way into the pop’s, you knew it would be empty because most people were preparing for tonight’s festivities. Jughead and Betty were sitting next to each other in a booth, no doubt working on Riverdale’s latest mystery and Toni and Cheryl were sitting across the bar from one another.
“Alright Y/N, what was so important that I had be here this early?” Cheryl retorted.
Y/N rolled their eyes, “Once Fangs and Kevin get here, I’ll tell everyone. Calm down Cheryl.”
“Early? It’s noon.” Jughead pointed out laughing.
“You and cousin Betty may stay up all hours of the night sleuthing, but some of us actually like to sleep. Plus TT kept me up last night.” Cheryl said shooting a smirk across the counter.
The group erupted with TMI’s, gags, and laughs coming from Cheryl and Toni, as Fangs and Kevin finally showed up.
“Thank god you two finally showed up!” Betty remarked, escaping the previous conversation.  
“So Y/N now that we’re all here, what was the reason for this urgent serpent & co meeting?” Kevin asked.
“I’m sure you all realized how much more grumpy Sweet pea was around Christmas. And today I was begging him to come to the city with me to celebrate New Years and I finally found out why he hates the holiday season so much.”
“What does this have to do with us?” Cheryl asked, “so the giant is a little more grumpier than normal, what’s new?”, she said shrugging.
Fangs sighed. “He told you why, Y/N?” I nodded in response, averting my eyes towards the ground.
Fangs crossed the room towards me, putting his arm around and squeezing my shoulder. “Hey, I’ve never known him to tell any of his exes about that, he must really love you, ya know that right?”, he whispered in my ear.
“I do. Thank you Fangs. And that’s why I need all of your help. I want to show Sweet Pea just how loved he really is by the family, that he has right here in Riverdale.”, I said.
“What did you have in mind?”, Betty asked.
“I thought we could throw our own New Year’s party.. at possibly Thistle house?”
“Of course.” Toni replied. “At least I get to throw a party I guess.” Cheryl added in.
“Great. So, we’ll need some decorations, and of course drinks. It is New Year’s after all.” Kevin stated, “Fangs and I can take care of getting that stuff.”
“I had an idea for a makeshift ball drop.. I know we could just watch it on tv but I feel like actually having one in person would give a better effect. I saw some tutorials online that said something about wrapping paper and a foam ball.” I confessed.
“Jug and I can help with that. I have some left over Christmas wrapping that we could use. ”, Betty suggested.
We all left Pop’s with plans, supplies to gather, and agreed to meet at Thistle house two hours later. Betty, Jughead, and I head to her house to work on the makeshift ball drop.
“The tutorial said we should glue strips of the foil wrapping paper onto the ball. It recommended covering it in glitter for an even better effect.”, I said, “which I was almost positive you would already have some laying around, Betty.”
“I’m sure I have some around here.” She said as she started digging through her desk drawers.
“Then Jughead once we get to Thistle house, I’ll need your help to suspend the ball from the ceiling using an eye screw and a pulley to control it.”
“Can do.” Jughead smirked, as betty and I got busy covering the foam ball.
We were the last group to show up to Thistle house. Toni and Cheryl had invited some other serpents and Kevin and Fangs had brought decorations and alcohol for the party. Everyone was decorating the huge living room and parts of the backyard.
“Wow guys! This looks amazing.. Thank you, really. This means a lot to me.” , I said looking around at all the work they had put in.
“We bought some snacks, plenty of alcohol, and even some fireworks for tonight.” Kevin bragged.
Jughead and Kevin got to work to hang the ball from the patio overhang in the backyard. Cheryl even brought out a spotlight to illuminate the ball during the drop. Everything for tonight was falling into place.
“So how are you planning to get him here?”, Betty asked.
I paused and glanced towards Toni. “I was thinking you could call him and come up with something to get him over here?”
“Say no more.”, Toni smirked as she pulled out her phone.
Serpents had starting showing up around nine p.m. And just like clockwork, I got a text from Pea right after Toni called him.
                       Otw to Toni’s babe. Be home soon
We made sure everyone’s vehicles were parked out back and the music wasn’t too loud while we waited for him. As the roar of his engine came down the road and pulled in the drive way, I got everyone situated in the living room out of sight of the front door.
“Alright Topaz. Where is this emergency? I have to be home soon.”, Pea explained.
“I don’t really care about New Year’s but it means a lot to y/n so I want to be there.”, he said.
“Don’t start with me. You want my help or not?” He retorted cutting her off.
“C’mon, it’s in the living room.”
As soon as I heard his voice I started questioning everything. Did I make the right choice? Is he going to hate this? Will this make him feel even more lonely? It didn’t really matter now, his footsteps were fast approaching the living room and there was no time for second thoughts.
“What the hell is this?”Sweet Pea asked gesturing to the silver and gold streamers hanging in between him and the living room.  
Jughead flicked the lights on and the crowd erupts with cheers. As Fangs runs towards his best friend bursting through the curtain of streamers and jumping on him. “Happy New Year’s!”
The room filled with laughter as the two serpents fell to the floor, some joining in and jumping on the boys, and the party was in full force. Sweet Pea managed to get up and escaped Fangs’ grip, and we made eye contact from across the room. His long legs took no time to make the strides in my direction.
“You.. this is what you’ve been doing all day while I was gone?” He smirked as he put his arms around my waist.
“Maybe, but I can’t take all the credit.”
“Who else would do this for me?”, he asked.
“Oh I don’t know. The bonkers serpent who attacked you when you came in the living room, or the girl who got you here, or even Cheryl who volunteered her house, or Betty and Jughead that helped me with a big project today.” He laughed as I listed off the other people who helped, “Your family, Sweets, that’s who.”  
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead as he whispered in my ear. “I love you y/n. I can’t promise I’ll ever love the holidays but with you by my side, they will be a lot more bearable.”
We found the rest of our friends, and spent the night dancing and drinking. Playing party games with other serpents, sitting around the fire, shooting off fireworks, and all the while him not letting you out of arms reach. At about 11:50 the alarm on my phone went off to remind me about the ball drop.
“What was that?”, Pea asked.
Toni heard the alarm and went to find Cheryl.
Cheryl tapped a fork against her glass and yelled over the music. “Everyone go to the backyard for Sweet Pea’s surprise from Y/N.”
“What’s going on?” Pea asked. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door into the backyard. Kevin turned on the spotlight to illuminate the makeshift ball. Sweet Pea’s face lit up when he noticed the double headed serpent emblem drawn onto the sparkling ball.  
“I know it doesn’t quite compare to the real deal, but we tried to make it special? I thought if I couldn’t bring you to the city, I’d bring the ball drop to Riverdale.”
Sweet pea sighed. “It’s perfect y/n. This is so much better than anything the city could offer.” He said as he pulled you into his chest.
Fangs came up from behind and squeezed between us. “Three minutes until the ball drop lovebirds!”
“What’re you doing over here? Where’s Kevin?” Sweet Pea asked and Fangs was gone again.
Pea laughed as Fangs ran frantically looking for Kevin. We went back to holding onto each other, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of this morning. How broken and sad he felt, thinking back on how holidays made him feel.
“I hope you’ve had fun tonight, Sweets.” I said.
“Are you kidding? This is the best New Year’s I’ve had… well, ever y/n.” Pea gulped. “And you’ve done the most of anyone to ensure that. So I do owe you a thank you. No matter how grumpy I got, you didn’t give up. You showed me who really cares, and you’ve showed me who my real family is.”
I was in awe. Sweet Pea had finally realized he did have a family. Maybe not blood, but he had a group of people who would go to the ends of the Earth for him. Before I could say anything, everyone started counting down as Jughead lowered the Serpent ball down from the top.
Five…Four…Three…Two… One…
Sweets grab you by your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. The smile that spread across his lips was enough to melt you into a puddle on the floor. Everyone around you erupted into cheers and hollers to ring in the new year. Your lips met as you felt the caress of his warm lips press against yours. Softly at first and then with a swift gradation of intensity as you parted your lips, biting his lip you pulled away with a smirk. Sweet Pea knew how quickly he could get you going.
“Happy New Year babe.” He said planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Happy New Year, Sweets.” I said without being able to contain the grin from my face. “I have a feeling 2019 is going to be our year.”
A loud boom brought them from their trance. Fangs, Kevin, and Jughead were on the other side of the back lawn shooting off fireworks.
“C’mon man, you gotta do the finale!” Fangs yelled.
Any feedback is appreciated! :) Hope everyone had a great holiday season and has a happy 2019 ♡
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Hey hun!! I saw that you wanted some fic ideas. How about sweets x reader. where sweets wasn't feeling very festive and just wanted to spend New Years at home but reader had other plans where she takes him to the city to see the ball drop and to kiss him at midnight. Or something along those lines.
I did something a little different with this, but Im about to post. I haven’t written in a while but I like how this one came out.
Thank you so much for the request ♡
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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What took you so long? I could ask you the same thing!
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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WE BETTER BE GIVEN CONTEXT AND THE SCENE TO THIS!!! we were robbed by the writers not showing us the fight scene against the Ghoulies in season 2
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serpent-squad · 6 years
I’m putting the finishing touches on my NYE fic!
But I was curious, I had started working on a Christmas fic with sweet pea x reader? Would you guys still like to see it even though it’s after Christmas? I like the prompt and am tempted to keep writing it.
Let me know lovelies!
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Riverdale Reindeer Games Masterlist PSA
Earlier today we made an announcement about our Reindeer Games masterlist! In light of the interest we’ve had from people in posting New Year’s content - we are going to hold off and post the masterlist TOMORROW, January 2nd, at 8pm EST (1am GMT).
If you are making any sort of New Year’s (or other delayed holiday hold-outs) be it an edit, gif, or fic for any ship or character (including OC and reader insert) tag #riverdaleevents in your first five tags or at @riverdale-events​! We will be reblogging and including them in our masterlist and AO3 collection! 
If you have any questions feel free to send us an ask , or reach out in direct messages to any of us running this event! Cat - @shibbycat Mila - @jughead-jones Sarah - @theheavycrown Tori - @tory-b
Thank you for creating, fandom! We are loving what you’re bringing for the holiday! In the mean time, we just updated our Night Before Bughead Christmas Fic List and posted our Ring in the New Year with Bughead fic list! We hope you enjoy!
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serpent-squad · 6 years
I absolutely adore you to the moon and back
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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That glisten—
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Ur kinda dope I guess
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Ur such a lovely person with a cool blog
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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serpent-squad · 6 years
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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Southside’s finest ✨
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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dylansprouse: Happy holidays from myself and the grinch via Instagram Stories, December 25th, featuring Cole. 
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serpent-squad · 6 years
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serpent-squad · 6 years
If anyone has any Christmas/ New Years requests they’d like to see me do, pls send em over! I’m feeling a lil festive and would love to write some fluffy Christmas goodness because maybe writing a cute lil blurb will put me in a good mood.
I’m open to pretty much any riverdale ship or if you prefer I stick with sweets or fangs with y/n I can do that too!
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