serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
A raindance of spectral semblances and old soul rememberances, inward stomach stabbing reflex outward < bursting both ways diving in between entrances, torn open
fallen inbetween particles disintergrated rain dispersed articles, into every light refraction, becoming stream pathways an aligned abstraction,
rainbow spectrum light highways circumference coordinate puppet master, celestial harp player, imagination caster, tuning pixel shifting pattern weaving lattice metric grids, cupboard constellation metal fog airship base embossed overdid, falling folding through one particle crack of astral denominations becoming a dancer, an abomination, a macrocosmic answer
refining flashing diodes 0 and 1 binary of spine weaving parameters, by intoxication alchemical transmutation changing coding signal diameters, exploding affirmations decoding matrix combination access code of the translucent seeker, translating fine net vibrations dispersed throughout the ether,
  trance fluid echos of the source geometric speaker
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Sum Lemurian
Scorpio butterfly streams technicoloured truth serum drug highs, rainbow lightrays show pathways to white light skyways, central rooting red light district tempting the joy phase, wire heart spiral downwards from a star, and enter the underworld of the love bizzare
Device of divination, process of liberation, intergrating intoxication as purification a salvation from suffering to gain wisdom from contact with enjoyment,
 don't resist to rejoice in the flow line out of the bottom of the ocean beam line up to the surface, and discover your purpose, to love and create not desire what you hate, but embrace to make a new kreation mandate
Fear me not because I untwist your knots, zigzagging from polaris swirling spirals of ancient pathways ina catharsis memory hotline highway artist to show you I am not, something you forgot, but here and now made NEW
 seeing internal reflections of self and their rejections as beautiful pieces of soul fragment breeze projections, floating flowing flying in a cosmic crying longing to be loved in the central hub main middlestation, decoding the riddle of the secret dance invocation, long forgotten future trance of ecstatic sedation, they put me in chains cos i was too WILD, made em look into their fear which got em excited..
Sum lemurian seizuirian aspect of shardian cymactic diamondtr1ne unleash the feminine from deep depths sayyouremine, underneath the veil your electricity vibrates white flame sexy doom dancers, enhancers of the 9th wave rave answers taste my Merkaba wine, unity BLISS hear my HISS pushing punktures penetrate heart junktures insisting dark sea tenticles intertwine up your spine,
root of the mother reconnect me with the Other, smother me with gifts and let the devil initiate the lovers
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Evening Star
Head of a diamond maze, halo entoptic phaze, ancient forgotten pathways mirorred in brainwaves
 threads flashing neural train network bypass high blaze fault on root rail, burning too much yearning blocking emotive expression stuck in repression churning cultural regression
 past time impression, blocking now signal look at horizon rewire confession to clear light vision, the outer reality is a reflection of your decision, make a stand and project a better dream division, paint and create a landscape of a truthful state allision
I know the way to Uluru
I’ts through a fluorescent hula hoop, circular swaying jagged edges fraying, archetypal cosmic orchestra portaltraying, resonating the best formed saying, see through playing light spectrum displaying
Cant keep going too fast am losing the mast, thunderstorms in space trying to ground it’s a race, heart beating faster epileptic Stratocaster, forced to look directly at the Sun master and realize the One 4D martyr, center across a magnetic network intertwined fretwork of magenta, the presentor, 
evening star flashlight multilistreamed inventor
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Ancient Dream
Keep the ancient dream safe
 the invisible 13th interdimensional vertical time unit race
 hatching blinking echos shining dolphins surfing on mayan beam dreamtime matrix grid tzolkein
 at crystal core earth diving find out more unify streams out the door wandering spontaneity root line jaw
 ground crystal earth energy network improvement association leasing poetic triangles new creation
 three sided tetraheadrons lightening strike cohesion no ownership just freedom of expression and a legion of 12
 plus a diamond resonant rainbow bridge crystal core medium
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
I am from the future crown trying to ground voicing unheard sounds of a truth paradigm to be found, resonant harmonies utopian state bound alchemical devices oscillate clear view light resound
Got stuck up rickety tower on a pixel footledge, the hour to descend with a shifting cower fixed my soul pledge
 to edge out into the storm my mind was worn with visions of the future, 5000 years before the computer real time rpg shooter Mayan spacestations top down on a looper replaying memories to encode the last stuper,
 I spiralled endlessly untieing knots of human confusion to see what's not to look further than just a pertrusion 
my capslock was rickety my I key lost in simplicity crystallisation by synchronisation to galactic beam niburu align 12 down to 13, 14 green key to heart stream
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
SURFERS OF THE ZUVUYA riding the wind she blew ya, on a balance board trajectory, founding grounding the ancient memory, crystal core earth know replaying the rebirth show In a storm from the east came oscillating an ancient beast, revolving round central axis pole electric tendrils with a geometric goal,
 circumnavigating inventing organic mainframe sequencing navigating the celestial planes lamenting, i came
 magnetism is my name judgement coming into land from the galactic centers pain,
 reshuffling algorithmns a synchopated dotted rhytmn causing warped centrifgues sky scraping terryfying interludes mass deludges earthquakin preludes shattering the structures you knew,
 theres no time too much tension to be playin it cool the hearts expressin repressed pain with no rules,
 remembering who I am breaking free from old chains grounding truth in a battering ram of chaos rain
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Polar Axis
I'm snorkeling in the desert
 a crystal clear divination dweller searching for a congruency truency of a pure feedback loop see through me emerged from the sea to the surface with a purpose
 find a way point navigator ancient alligator non dual space traveller, algorithm schizoschism cosmic transmutstion prism.
 A great chasm occured all lenses blurred time was lopsided, falling off the edge an Ancient Dream made a pledge to return to the first Word, merging Abraxas, balanced polar axis, enchanted sun center practise becoming whole to lead the way through the ice to paradise
 the Utopian dream sacred geometry 64 unit hexagram monopoly, playing a complex rhythmic monotony of unifying lobotomy, sine wave conversion heart projected perversion persuasion of invasion of enjoyment, self employment
 DO WHAT YOU WANT downloaded higher self pending installation of higher self no longer on the shelf ice caps shall melt, 
get to a boat to stay afloat and reveal origins grand architect foreigner harmonic joiner waypoint divination status heal the nation, liberation signal receiver from the first believer chord deceiver
 you can't see her
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
I come from the ether
from a past-future paradigm intertwined with ancient memory hotlines
10000 times my heart was hit, instability made me split, 10000 shattered shards all me reflecting lost soul parts of my Self and the Other
 13 archetypes of rhythmic sight, Earth out if sync with its own rebirth, deviated in too much looking at it's own worth
 my mother number death death 1 gave me the world's suffering, endless abyss of torturous plummeting karma of all lifetimes in a battering ram restructuring untangling links of perception between separation on every wavelength, feeling the universe vibrations feeling every sensation of the 7 wavelengths of frequency out if synchronicity
electrocuted cos I couldn't ground my roots, heart attack reboots
 attempting different pathways guided by a star phase navigation system traveller remembering the way back to now, uniting the root and the crown to beam the white light down through a rainbow flash flight projected from the Galactic center mainstation
 the infinite star born nerve center resonation 
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Beam Refactor
Be an unconditonal love accepting attractor
 an all encompassing unidirectional beam refractor
 absorbing conciousness rays creating a sunshine beam better daze, I know the way out of the maze, 100000 times over I walked the ways, tracing the spiral
karmic compassion condense cycle empath machinery regulator
I'm not the perpetrator, but a mass emulator, reminding of the Self, one root road map blueprint found the inner shortcut code to now, new open source heart restart recreating, constantly riding the wave crest 
they say: 'dont blame me for my actions, i'm subject to deal eb and flow of change and fear with foresight', anxious awareness, trusting the other to know the way
 the path of suffering as an external rebirth
 yet unexplored, NOW is unexpected, NOW is where separation lies
 try asking your Self, upper lower feedback loop sky ground connection unifying intergalactic crack sealant team and make just one line,
temperance line of pain minimally reduced to inwards looking bedroom manifesto of pure intention, legislation, chill da fuck out 
condense to central point no aggro, the future is past, look at it vertically
 observe at a distance with no resistance
 preserve INNER peace on a truth loop
 yin Yang polar oscillator program striving for a perfection fueled hologram 
desire wave of simplicity of interest connected in synchronicity
passionate about a reflection an expression of love and trust based intution, seek and FLY galactic sunshine projector and reflect light back to the equator
 I had dreams of a perfect light refractor, a balanced unified attractor expressing e-motions to promote a reactive visibility waypoint capture
out of the shadows spaceflight zero karma Mayan 9th waveform factor 
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Crystal Machines
Transparent connection feedback loop of interpersonal relationships
 balanced poles promoting ether switch
 returning to the goal numerical matrix
 realign algorithms reconnect to program FREESTATE
 freedom to love, freedom to hate, I am the Serpant of the 2020 mandate
 ground white light electric landscape
 heart project intention vape
 feel you're way to technical ecstasy
wild bursts of ecstatic empathy
 neural network streams falling through crystal machines guiding light to channelling your dream
 back on the root rail tragectory
 ground your souls ancient memory
 waypoint line true heart spontaneity
 crown root galactic fruity loop deity
 new revolution out of the shadows found the diamond central rose the alchemical prose grounding down to create independence from fear state
 new legislation co create
safe to land new seed germinate
 manifest Sun soul centered purpose dymaxion shape, a Surfin Zuvuya Utopian Dreamstate!
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serpantoflight-blog · 6 years
Black Star
zigzag dance of stability, security, acceptance, and self preservation merge inner and outer separation waypoint hearts desire that transpires past future karmic dissertation
centered point dispersed multicoloured threads traverse shimmering lattice bridge converse with the Self sun CENTER channel 0 INVENTOR OPERATOR hidden diamond MENTOR negotiator
 BLACK STAR reborn initiating the Age of Aquarius to dawn
Coming down the mountain I found the fountain
 standing on my own 2 feet trusting to meet I in the middle to complete the cycle divine bliss alchemical recital 
do what you want from the center no goals manifest dream ground no external preventer
 united poles love to enter the well of souls before becoming whole 
contact communicate one white light dispersed intergrating emancipation of the lost course river flow celestial tantric ho 
forwards and backwards vibrating root transmute around an energy loop spiral down a black hole
diamond demons effervescent soul original pure and whole celestial net helps locate the goal fragmented rainbow light switch flashes born from the ashes of the akashic ancient flag pole 
DREAM one heart creator of the crystal 4D channel stream
 level 13 indigo inventor 
presenter of the galactic beam 
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