Serotonin Bang!
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serotoninbang · 3 months ago
The first thing Franky does without fail upon spotting Robin, who tends to be reading a book on the main deck in the early mornings, is compliment her. Somehow, he manages to have the energy to yell enthusiastically no matter what time of day it is. In his eyes, his girlfriend doesn’t deserve anything done half-heartedly and that includes his words of affirmation. Nobody sings her praises like a bard as much as Franky does, which says a lot about his devotion to her as a certain blonde, curly-browed exists (although he’s stopped trying to woo her out of respect).
“You’re looking SUPAAA gorgeous today, Nico Robin!” Characteristically, the cyborg strikes an eccentric pose while Robin’s gaze slowly leaves the words on the page she was on. A small smile appears on her previously neutral expression, causing Franky’s heart rate to become uneven. God, she’s so pretty. He didn’t know it was possible to be that ethereal until he met her.
“It appears that I am drawn to you too, Franky, like a fox on the brink of starvation to a defenceless rabbit.”
Right. Her morbid sense of humour. Never gets old, does it?
It’s not the most flattering response to a flirtatious remark, - a comparison to a dying predator and its inherently weaker prey - but any praise from the archaeologist is good praise to the shipwright. He decides to indulge in her playful attitude, being a rather unserious person himself.
“Oh? Are you saying you wanna eat me, pretty lady?”
“Out, perhaps.”
“O-Oh, wait…”
With immediacy, Franky’s face flushes bright pink while flashbacks of the previous night zoom through his mind. Robin is the more… adventurous person within the relationship and has made it abundantly clear to him on several occasions that she’s a woman that has many peculiar interests and… well, kinks (to be blunt). It would be nice if she gave him a warning before reminding him outside the comfort of their cabin. Any Straw Hat could overhear her shamelessness!
“… Hmph. Cheeky woman. You just love to make fun of me.” Letting a small pout settle itself on his lips, the cyborg sits down next to his partner. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right?
The gentle laugh that leaves the raven-haired Devil Fruit user’s mouth after she quotes her boyfriend should be considered illegal. It’s an attack on men everywhere! If Franky wasn’t so self-conscious about the nearby sleeping swordsman, he would have kissed Robin breathless by now. Instead, he opts for holding her close to his body, allowing them both to bask in the warmth of their love for another.
Nothing in the cyborg’s morning routine can top the gentle exchanges of affection between him and the archaeologist. The heart-fluttering effect is one-in-billion.
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serotoninbang · 3 months ago
every time franky looks over at robin, he can’t help but feel a little giddy. the archaeologist barely has to move a muscle to elicit a reaction from the cyborg. the way she sits so elegantly while keeping her head buried in a book is enough to make his heart flutter. her dark eyes quickly scanning the words on the pages, the slow rising and falling of her chest and the slight parting of her rosy lips are all captivating to him. all she has to do is exist and he’s hooked, drawn to her mysterious allure like a moth to a flame.
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