My experiment with my tsh blood profiles prooved conclusive, that noo increase was necessary in thyroid script that is believed to have been influenced by those involved in the conspiracy effort at my place of residence. As a diagnostics experiment to compensate for the lethargia , experienced as a part of being at the center of a criminal conspiracy, which I am an victim of... if you can believe that. Nevertheless, sorry for the delay, but the documentation of the results on the following labs will be uploaded for youre viewing pleasure. So stay tuned, and check me out on cavawho.com #magnumpi #scamalertmilwaukee
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corrected:This Milwaukee Health Services link coincides to upload #5 of the final links; surrounding our recent research conclusions of the suspicious script increase. Which, as of 7/14/22 was increased to only 1.12mcgs from 100mcgs, as opposed to the misleading script; that would seemingly call for 2.24mcgs. As you're guess is as good as mines WHY the script was lowered from the 1.24mcgs; that the Packee team nurse stated the increase would be. Which in my opinion... had not it been for the interference of nonsense in my health care,personal information/business , I would not have had to go a week without the thyroid med calling for an increase at all. N, without some of the invasive nonsense used to afford a portion of the team an undeserved livlihood... I dare say that my health would not be in a shambles. As a recent call from someone obviously attempting to thwart investigation attempts of the fraudulent loan documented in the previous pages of this blog; would go a long way to show just how rhetorical the survival tactics of others are... and how they tax those whom are legitimately attempting to earn what they learned to do, when they were brought into this World. As the only thing that made sense out of this entire invasive ordeal, was the comment made by the team nurse that drinking at this critical time isn't a good idea. Although, I think it's important to point out , that most wouldn't be alive being poked and prodded like an animal in a cage ; for years over that of five. That would give way to yet another form of harrassment ; that I will bring you next, which will give society a clear picture of what obviously isn't respect. As I would simply be appalled by the Gop's call, to have Biden seek Human Right's suggestive initiatives; for those the US can't council at all. .Nevertheless, it's rather clear to me the rhetorical role nonsense plays on society, and the resources that are wasted by this country; toting around a ships anchor on it's back for nothing. N, I can only hope that the revelations contained herein, will give those heading to the polls in the US this November... not only a brief glimpse into the upcoming Novella series: "Allegations", but we can only hope that the nonsense depicted in the content of this blog; paints a clear picture of what the past seventy five years have been about... every since the devaluation of the dollar. As it would seem to me, that this entire chapter in American History could have been avoided; had those in elected positions simply done their jobs... and put an end to a wayward sissy's infatuation with the tools of satin. Which , with all due respect... is no skin off my chin, but is rather unfortunate to say the least. As it will take faar more than the complicit compliance to slay this cancerous beast that threatens the lives of everyone within the World. However, I think it's better to learn later in life , than not at all; that circumstances might change... but ideologies don't. Although, I am but a victim, whom can blow the whistle no more, as it would seem to me; that this country is craving for more. Which remains to be seen, but if it has any hopes in achieving king's dream... it won't be achieved by way of ignoring the virtues of delayed gratification, it would seem. #HN #aintthatsomething
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corrected: This link represents #4 of 7 or 8, corresponding to a suspicious set of issues encountered on a recent visit to my local milwaukee health services clinic. Where this suspicious set of circumstances would culminate , to remind me of past experiences with that of nonsense. That prompted the research project I embarked upon, for the purpose of eliminating any doubt of the nature of the issues encountered. N, to document them for the purpose of transparency in my journey, as well as for the benefit of my faithful followers; whom are STILL undecided about casting ANY votes in the midterm elections in the US... that will be upon us in a matter of months. As this particular upload link, would identify past medical history of gall bladder disease... which are essentially fatty deposits accumulated in the organ, that are rarely life threatening. That would however, apparently become an emergency issue; that required an immediate intervention with a specialist after I complained of flank pain. Which was determined to be kidney related, after a visit to the urologist; whom addressed the issue accordingly. Would only further lend theory, that this individuals overzealous influence in my non-requested or urgent medical needs, were in deed being influenced by nonsense. However, once again we will first have to finish the continuation of milwaukee health services link #3 page 3, before documenting the conclusion of my research project on this page. (cont) from p#3 As the conclusion reached from uploading these two different TSH measurements; that were derived from blood works that was six months apart. Is that despite there being substantial variances in the measurements... the online scale would determine that both measurements were well within the parameters of optimum performance, and requiring no increase. Although, it would seem that over the course of the weekend while my research was underway, that Doc Emily had come to the conclusion; THAT MY THYROID SCRIPT WAS INFACT IN NEED OF A MARGINAL INCREASE... JUDGING BY THE MESSAGE FOR ME TO CONTACT MHS, which came as NO surprise to me... as I'd been entertaining the likely scenario ALL weekend... for whatever reason. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THE PREVIOUS PRESCRIBING DOC OF THE SUSPICIOUSLY WRITTEN SCRIPT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREDICTED 4 MONTHS IN ADVANCE... NOR COULD SHE HAVE PREDICTED THE RESEARCH THAT I WOULD UNDERTAKE ONLINE OVER THE WEEKEND, WHILE ME AND DOC EMILY AWAITED MY BLOOD WORK RESULTS. WHICH WHEN COUPLED WITH THE FACT, THAT I WAS THE ONLY ONE PRIVY TO MY INTERNET RESEARCH QUERIES... YOU"D SIMPLY HAVE TO CONCLUDE THAT I WAS SIMPLY THE VICTIM OF AN OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION ONCE AGAIN, EVEN IF MY SUSPICIONS WERE JUSTIFIED. As a follow up call the next day, to the team nurse of the prescribing doc would reveal an authorizarion to increase my script from 100mcgs, to 1.24mcgs... as opposed to the misleading suggestion of the supicious script of 2.24 mcgs, would convieniently explain, what was thought to be an exageratedly influenced , script increase. However, it would seem that ALL suspicion would be raised again, when I called again... the day after speaking with the team nurse, and requested to be called back, So, I could inform them that I had been without meds for a week; that I would think could have been ascertained from the refill requests sent from the pharmacy, that would once again negate the NEED for ANY increase. Which one can only assume was the reason my call was NEVER returned, as it would only serve to invalidate the need for a script increase whatsoever. Although, we must remember that noone's perfect, and atleast the team nurse suggested what national security had been suggesting about my cocktails in recent weeks, which we'll discuss on the next page... along with the cost of nonsense on the legitimate productivity of it's rhetorical influence of which is reminiscent of being tethered to chains. #seriouslyyoujest
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corrected: This link represents #3 of 7 or 8 corresponding to a suspicious milwaukee health services visit; that surrounds a recent set of issues encountered, when visiting my local clinic. Where this suspicious set of circumstances ; that would remind one of recent past experience with nonsense... and culminate into a research episode that yielded the conclusions being documented for the transparency of my faithful followers, whom will be heading to the polls in the US this November. As this particular 4 doc upload of labs, are what were used to obtained the TSH measurements; that will be discussed on this page... and their relationship to my recent research project. That would have no bearing on the unsolicited HIV test, which wasn't requested or discussed in advance... although, is not overly concerning, but worth pointing out in the midst of the revelations of this suspect thyroid script. Which will be documented at length for you're reading pleasure, right after I finish the continuation from the milwaukee health services link #2 page2. That is unfortunately a necessary inconvenance, with respect to the rather lengthy, descriptive dialogue being used to not only inform... but enlighten those of you whom might still be asleep lol. (continued from link #2) - would serve to share an eerie resemblance to the recent appointment to have blood work done at milwaukee health services in early july, 2022. Mainly, because the doctors responsible for these alleged infractions of sort, would conveniently no longer be working at said entities... which my friends is the tell,tell, mo of nonsense. However, we are not going to predetermine what would be the obvious culprit to someone permanently biased towards an entity that defies ALL logic... and a complacency towards it that does much the same. Nevertheless, as luck would have it... an estute , young doctor: by the name of Emily, would overcome her confusion over the suspicious script; by calling the pharmacy and getting the dosage on the last script . As opposed to following the direction of a suspiciously crafted , script, that could very well have no logical basis for it's dramatic increase. Outside of the fact, that through an anonymous text days earlier... I would receive the rhetorical sentiments of those hoping that I'd stop being soo tired, as if this bi-product of stress and over sedation with liquor would have any bearing whatsoever; in me aiding the catalyst of these symptoms of fatigue... which is parr for the course in the assessments of the potential influences of by nonsense. Which was the catalyst for my research project, that I started by retrieving a years worth of labs. That coincidentally, were all milwaukee health services had available to offer me... whether I needed or desired more or not, for whatever reasons. Although, I found that a years worth, were enough for me to comb over and find varying thyroid data, that I would link to the identity of two distinct TSH measurements. Which is a term associated with the measurement of the performance of one's thyroid; whereby I used the two measurements from the two different labs. That the results of which yielded a sound conclusion, which I will discuss in milwaukee health services, upload link #4,page4 next.
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This milwaukee health services link represents #2 of 7 or 8, and documents past thyroid script info... as well as other info. That I will be uploading to address the insidious nature of the criminal conspiracy, which I find myself immersed in; because of what can only be concluded to be the dereliction of duty of a departmental office. Where the now disgraced Doj official, that has been identified as the 2020 coup plotter once officiated over. Before it was decided that this lowly office, that oversees the civil protections of the citizens of the USA wasn't high enough for him. Which my friends would seem to be the catalyst for the uploads of the criminal activities; surrounding this broad based, criminal conspiracy, centered at my headquarters. Where we are continuing from where we left off yesterday, with respect to the milwaukee health services link #2; surrounding a suspicious script increase; that would be brought to my attention... only after receiving an overtly ominous, but vague warning, by a third party-coached clown duo, believed to be a part of Jeffrey Mack's extended family. As for those whom didn't know, was the stalking suspect at the center of the US Doj, civil rights complaint; to the office of the now disgraced Doj official Jeffrey Clark in 2015. Which when we left off yesterday, where I was counting the most recent medical discrepancies that have nonsense written ALL over them on their own... despite being flanked with the amature presence of Jeffrey Mack's family members, as well as other members of national security/ aka the enablers of nonsense being detected at every venue. As I spoke of the colonoscophy referral/ appointment, that mysteriously manifested itself into a gall bladder and liver ultra sound exam, where I would be met at the check in of Mt. Siani hospital in milwaukee, Wisconsin. By one of Jeff Mack's relatives; whom are undoubtedly as key in this criminal conspiracy as they were in the illicit escapades of the wayward degenerate... who's sadistic ambitions, much like Jeffrey Clark's. Went WELL beyond the scope of their job description, where they would contradict the capacity they were designed to work within. Nevertheless, the family member met at check, would have seemed to delegate her stalking duties to a suspicious looking, over weight caucasion woman whom I met in the upper lobby of the prospective clinic. Whom would match the stereotypical M.O. of many of the enablers, that were currently creeping around my headquarters; because of initiatives put in place by national security can, ben carson. Who's job description as Housing secretary, afforded him the latitude to make such arbitrarily rhetorical decisions; that would deceivingly have nothing whatsoever to do with saving the tax payers money... much like that of the misleading talking point of lowering taxes, go figure lol.... Needless to say, that THIS scenario would remind me of other similarly suspicious one's; like a recent visit to a milwaukee area dentist. Who's purposely wreckless decision to over drill a filling;that would in turn prompt an ear ringing sensation that was endured for over a year... while I needlessly aimed to address the matter. That the dentist in question wasn't of ANY help with, as this one time milwaukee dental services dentist no longer worked at the clinic... ain't that something. As one can only imagine the motive behind nonsense's influence of this calculated procedure. Which clearly couldn't be for the purpose of prompting one to seek out clinical treatments for sleep disorders, that would have been pursued by ANYONE with common sense on their OWN merit! N,, if these rather obvious , similiar scenarios weren't enough of a clue of nonsense's involvement. Then surely, the added obviousness of amatuer prostitute, surveillers... most of which related to the person whom is in debt for the preferential favors received via elected officials, that are responsible for said suspect not being in prison as we speak... would be. As the dental procedure case, which happened in mid 21 (cont on MHS link #3)
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This link corresponds to 1 of 7, or 8; that I will be uploading ; to address the aggregously invasive as well as insidious nature of the criminal conspiracy I find myself in the midst of because of the actions on the behalf of the office of the now disgraced official; that coincidentally bares the same first name. As the disgraced, perverted degenerate soldier, that the complaint was filed to address in the first place in 2015. Which is the culmbination of going a week without a refill of a thyroid script; that would unfortunately start the wheels of suspicion to burn rubber 20 minutes before I was even privy to it. As it would seem, that I would be joined in the waiting room on 6/29/22 for an appointment scheduled for blood work. Which was actually cancelled, but I was squeezed in with a smart young doctor; whom was obviously at the top of her game that day. Much unlike the billdigger and the grandma, cans of which were obviously a part of the sargent's stalking circle; who's venue just happened to be the waiting room, instead of the library, or the supermarket, or the post office, or the police station, or... you get the message.
Nevertheless, this obvious billdigger; would state that it's cold in here, in an obvious attempt to start a conversation with myself, but when I didn't bite; having recognized the voice in the halls of my headquarters... and by vague recognition of appearance, I would avoid engagement. However, the billdagger as well as ALL cans have an accomplice, wherby they can have a fake manufactured conversation; for the purpose of conveying nonsense's comments/via third perty coached, clowns... which in this case were two of Jeffrey Mack's relatives. As the billdigger would change the subject when I didn't respond, and ask, the granny can; whom was pretending she was in pain and clutching her arm... what was wrong? While the granny can would respond , that they forgot to give her a script for tramadol for her torn roto cuff... which were like too much of a coincidence; combined with the vague recollection of the billdigger; whom obviously thought that she wouldn't be detected, out of upwards of ten cans that have played the same role at the same play. Which is what makes this particular bojangling episode soo pathetic, over those of others... just as rhetorical in nature, with respect to my seasoned expertise. Not to mention that tramadol is sort of like capsasian; being that it really wouldn't address the type of pain she pretended to be in... as this was an obvious pretense to possibly drop hints of medical history, go figure. As nonsense never stays on one subject long enough for it to make sense... even if it could. As the granny can would state how her landlord had to move her somewhere; that was worse than where she was... and the gunfire be getting closer to her night. Although, it would seem that her previous land lord had to put her somewhere because he was selling her building. Which would only serve to prompt me to think of MY relocation request, and grievance hearing request with HACM... although, I couldn't possibly see the owner of this subsidized high rise that I affectionately call my headquarters selling. As I'm sure the federal subsidation received probably amounts to a very substantial cash flow guarantee from month to month.. Needless to say, that with these non-shocking revelations; that are not going to effect how I proceed in ANY relocation anyway, as we aren't going anywhere without a hearing... and we are not being located to any arbitrary location. When there is well documented evidence of this nonsense be perpetraited, that is clearly protected under HUD guidelines, that I'm certain supersede any nonessential initiatives adopted to advance a criminal conspiracy... thank you very much,bc. Nevertheless, I was called back, where the doctor went over my script; left by a previous doctor whom prescribed it before abruptly leaving,which was a 100% increase in my thyroid script; written in a suspicious manner that struck the new doc as as suspicious and dangerous increase. Which only served to increase my previous suspicions of nonsense's possible influence of those with professionals skills;that faar outweigh the illogical theory of ineptitude. By recalling an instance where the dot doctor that the sargent's family stalked me to, would go out of his way; to get me to beleive that a person's heart pumps blood down through the aorta, as opposed to up through the aorta... even offering an online search; that we are not even going to get into the authentic impossibilities of which... with respect to nonsense, which still wouldn't be able to explain why a vehicle noticed in my buildings parking lot, would be at the dot clinic on the same day I was there. Nor could nonsense explain a request for a referal for a colonoscofy; that manifested itself from a colonoscofy appointment to a gall bladder and liver ulte sound; that caught me off guard... but I went through with it anyways, despite the hesitation. As these issues were uncovered years pryor and did not warrant ANY immediate addressing of... as this doctor was soo overly persistent of my personal health issues;that I started to report her before she left.
I will continue on MHS link 2, as we have reached our wotd limit.
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This link, is the second and last audio , to accompany the most recent response to the new housing authority of the city of milwaukee executive director, Willie Hines. Which once again , demonstrates the lack of talent I have at making audios... that aren't easy to comprehend when one is masked up. However, it entails the final signing of whatever alleged doc, was holding up the grievance hearing process request. That was requested by me, after I received a eviction notice from HACM for the non-payment of rent... which needs no further explaination to understand.
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This link is the supplement audios to , the most recent contact to HACM executive director, Willie Hines. That you will notice in audio #1, that is identified as 44; where we are seemingly in good spirits... which is sometimes hard to tell in my voice audios because I still opt to where my mask... go figure. Nevertheless, at the conclusion of the signing, my building manager states that she is going to fax this to her manager right away... and it will be in their hands, and the process , that is meant to address the dangerous situation that Hacm's complicity in this criminal conspiracy, with knowledge of stalking suspect at center of US Doj complaint filed in 2015. That was obviously ignored by disgraced Doj official ;Jeffrey Clatk's office can move forward!!! Which I would find out a week later when I asked about the submission, that she was off the day after our meeting ... which was friday. N, we been having power glitches with the equipment, bla, bla, bla... suffice to say that she hadn't filed the complaint as of yet. Is when I took the liberty to give her boss a call, and tell her of what I saw as stall tactics, much like seen with mpd's fifth district on it's investigation that is still being stalled, for obvious reasons; that we will let the American people deal with come new years. Needless to say, when my managers boss's secretary got back to me the next day, it would appear that she had adopted a disposition to suggest that I was over reacting; from obviously whatever story my building manager told her... which according to my building manager's boss's secretary. Was quote:" she's been trying to get in touch with you to sign the complaint! all caps, despite me not putting in all caps. Which was obviously a non truth... or atleast it would seem, as she said nothing about she needed me to sign some more docs, when she told me of the power glitches, etc. That would prompt me to contact the executive director again, as the narrative attempting to be established is one of over reaction; in what is obviously an overt attempt to discredit my complaints, and embrace the dictation of nonsense; that it is hard to believe one could even remotely conceive the continuation of which at this point... post everything lol. Which needless to say will be the reason for the seemingly disgruntled demeanor of mt building manager in the next audio; that was taken when I returned the next day to sign whatever she found for me to sign; that she not only failed to bring to my attention before I went to her boss, but I didn't get a phone call in regard to this alleged issue until after I talked to her boss's assistant. As nonsense is anything but rocket science, and is the major contributor confusion, mis and disinformation, and the likes of which. Because, like the crack heads that attempted to rob the pimp's store in;"Friday after Next" ;this is how the hustle on society is facilitated.
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This link, is in response to various stall tactics being implemented by current building manager at my headquarters;to allegedly stall the hearing process of the eviction for the non payment of rent at my headquarters; for their complicity in this criminal conspiracy at my headquarters. Which will be accompanied by supporting audios of the recorded conversations that me and this manager had ...with respect to the signing of documents needed for grievance hearing, that are the catalyst for this latest contact to new, executive HACM executive, Willie Hines.
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This link will conclude the uploads concerning bogus loan, used to gain identity credentials ; before attempting to extort myself for the alleged loan security deposit. Which would have seemed to be aborted, when I posted of the third party manuever online. As this is but one of many tactical responses, that were used to facility a premeditated and calculated, exploitational conspiracy... that began with the astronomical numbers that the algorhythyms recorded; from my attempts to receive justice for human and civil rights complaints. That were followed up, with more human and civil rights violations; by those supposedly on the same US team.
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This link represents 2 of 4, in this document compilation... and is basically self explanatory. #pointblankperiod #HNY
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Hey, guys , this link represents 1 of 4, that will be uploaded by tommorrow. As promised this like the j6 committee findings , are but one of numerous tactical responses; that were perpetrated upon my person to yield a certain calculated and premeditated outcome. Much like the stone walling of the forward progress of the criminal complaint recently filed with the milwaukee police, as well as the sabatoge of my respective releases; from the various complicit music distributorships. However, we are not gonna try to put ideas in the heads of voters, with my well-deserved, biased assessments... as I believe that everyone should experience nonsense in their lives as many times as need be. Meanwhile, the following links will contain, the delivery confirmation receipts, the bank statement of this wire transfer to my account; that facilitated the bogus loan. That was entertained, because of a perceptive narrative; which was being manufactured in real time. Much like the one's being used on a daily basis, to manipulate societies actions; for the benefit of nonsense. N, last but least, the copy of the gift card purchases and phone solicitations to collect on the bogus loan; that I stopped receiving shortly after posting online. Which just, like the findings presented in the j6 hearings, only goes to show the lengths that others will go to, in the wasting of the time and resources of the team... without any consideration for anyone other than themselves. As I can only hope that these revelations prompt the World to scrutinize their spending habits more closely. In a proactive attempt to address the insulting of our intelligence by that of artificial.
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This video link, represents 7 of 7, that were uploaded for the purposes of you making an educated decision; when voting in the midterms this November. As the person doing the inspection in this video, is responsible for allegedly making a request to have my apartment serviced for bed bugs. When in fact, there was no apparent signs or issues at the time of order;that would even suggest a bed bug issue. N, it is alleged that the service request as cited by the current manager of my residence susan mcdonell made the request after allegedly having visible citings of bed bugs. Which despite my opinion, is not out of the question... however, these allegations, that don’t seem to be substantiated in the least in the previous video of the actual inspection. Would come on the heals of a criminal complaint to the milwaukee police departments, fifth district. That to this day, doesn’t even reflect a thorough investigation. Leading me to beleive that the reac inspection tech, is quite possibly complicit in the harassment of nonsense. Which occured at a time that I refused to pay rent because of said harassment, that was consistent with that of which. Prompted me to file a criminal complaint with the US Doj , civil rights division responsible for civil enforcement... not to mention ,that this service order allegedly filed by him according to current building manager. Was filed at a time, that it would atleast appear from computer generated lease information, that my lease had been terminated in 8 of 21 during the pandemic moratorium. N, was on the heels of serious surveillance accusations; that obviously were cleared up by the milwaukee police officer that allegedly performed the investigation. As this is obviously why i have noone watching me powder my balls... and for anyone wondering why I just don’t move; given all of the obvious complicit behavior. You are obviously not familiar with the theories surrounding cause and effect; that I will attempt to elaborate on tommorow. In the meantime enjoy the steak I promised, and don’t forget to vote in the midterms.
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Tumblr community, I have just uploaded 6 of 7 videos surrounding the most recent suggestive nonsense, that is believed by myself to be a part of an elaborate criminal conspiracy effort. Being used in conjunction with an economic leaverage campaign; for the purpose of facilitating predatory exploitation, by those I have affectionately dubbed purveyors and enablers.
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This video link represents #6 of 7 in the most recent compilation of extermination nonsense, that we are not even gonna hint of how it should be interpreted by voters; heading into these midterms. As it’s the video of the administrator of all 4 pest servicings of my apartment, and the author of all of the subsequent service receipts. Up next #7 of 7, will be the video of the subcontracted reac inspector, whom alleged the citing of bed bugs during an unrelated inspection. During a time at which as you can see from previously uploaded docs, that HACM had terminated my lease; effectively in 08 of 21. Nevertheless, maybe you can see the point at which he cites, and vocally acknowledges seeing these pest... because I sure didn’t.
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This link to this video, represents #5 of 7 surrounding what can only be described as a relevant, element of the predatory exploitation, conspiracy; being spearheaded at my place of residence. As this video depicts the first suspicious pest issue; that was accompanied by my attempts to seek service by the management... to no avail. My reporting to the health department for documentational purposes, as HACM is a self contained entity; that isn’t governed by cities municipal codes. N, last but least there are physician treatment records obtained, that also document this encounter; that could be any number of things World... but probably aren’t any but one. Needless to say, that the documents mentioned in support of this specific video are somewhat light, but still fairly legible, as we will upload with darker copies as soon as possible... because my printer takes issue with certain saved docs, dependent upon how they are saved. Although, it’s been my experience, that the copiers at you’re local library aren’t affected by this phenomenon, which is probably why they cost thousands more... go figure. As next we will upload the video of the tech responsible for all four pest service proceedures.
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This link represents number four of seven documenting what are the tell, tell, signs of suspicous activity. That went unaddressed by management after attempting to request services; that I would end up having to address myself. Which will be accompanied by the video I recorderded to document my suspicions, that will be uploaded next.
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