Doodles for Days
427 posts
I'm a young artist trying to get into SCAD! Please support me, commission me, or donate to my GoFundMe! 
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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WHOA! My first vlog episode is finally out! I can't believe I'm actually going through with this, and now that I have plenty of free time I can continue to make and upload videos by the daily on my channel. Just look up "QuaranCLEAN" to find me! It's a series that so far doesn't have very much life to it, but the more support I get the livelier I'll be! Let's get this video to fifty likes this week! That would be awesome!!! Link in my bio to my youtube will be up shortly ●●● TAGS #vlogseries #firstvlog #vlogger #vlogadvertisement #vlogs #youtubevloggers #vloggersofyoutube #getmetofifty #seriouslyfunnysketcher #nikkismurfling
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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#doodlewarriors Nikki is a doodle warrior now! I got a haircut not long after I drew this so I don't look like this anymore oops Anyway Guardians/drawing apps: firealpaca and autodesk Tools/weapons: tablet pen sword, occasional marker/pen nunchucks Pets: very helpful Samoyed-sung phone dog, hyperactive brain cat, old laptop bird Abilities, skills, hobbies: actor (a master of disguise) comic artist (struggling for power) animator (novice, hoping to top all skills with animation) Weakness: keeping up with all her different aliases (sometimes being three people at once just wears her out)
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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In order to try having more content I'm going to post single panels of each page of Lizzardley a day from now on. Not only that, my phone is running out of space and I have yet to be able to work on the comic in large amounts. I appreciate the patience I've been given. ● ● ● TAGS #artistsofinstagram #lizzardleylostinthemagic #lizzard #cassieidverve #vielhamriphek #laerisscthoth #lizzardley #comicsofinstagram #webcomic #seriouslyfunnysketcher
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Another old commission ○○○ TAGS #animaniacs #animaniacsoc #warnersona #warnertoon #digitalcommissions #digitalart #artistsofinstagram #circuselephant #clowningaround #clown #circus #digitalcommission #commission
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Commission from a while back. Trying to empty out my phone so I have room to save more art. ○○○ TAGS #artistsofinstagram #kitty #cat #catdrawing #styletest #commission #digitalart #digitalcommission #digitalcommissions
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
Little animation thing. Not too happy with it since I was feeling down when I drew it. □□□ TAGS □□□ #doodlewarriors #nikkiarcher #gifs #animatorsofinstagram #animation #animationtest #artistsofinstagram #commissionsopen #arttradesclosed
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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I'm back. Temporarily. My bronchitis has eased up a little and I'm starting to feel just a tad better. Hopefully this streak of good days keeps up. □□□ TAGS □□□ #wanderoveryonder #noel #starnomad #woyearthbound #woyoc #donner #zbornak #artistsofinstagram #doodlesofinstagram #doodle #commissionsopen #arttradesclosed #seriouslyfunnysketcher #requestsclosed #wander
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Like why I can't draw. Major migraines and art block :/ I've also spent a little time setting up an alternate account, it's gonna be a private one.
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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My first post in heaven knows how long (thank you, acute bronchitis) and it's something new again. #doodlewarriors
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Yeah, my first post in a while is a couple of doodles from my February #tokyotreatbox (I'll be posting the unboxing on my patreon for top tier patrons to view!!!) ... TAGS #artistsofinstagram #kiaramettz #nikkiarcher #chocobat #cheesepuffs #tokyotreat #digitaldoodle #digitalart #doodlesofinstagram #snackdoodle #doodlesnacks
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Unfortunately, I have a few things I need to say. □□□ Lizzardley, and any and all other comics, are going to be postponed again. I have put page one of Lizzardley, Chapter 1, Lost in the Magic, up on my Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and deviantArt. □□□ Warmups will be available in February to the public. ●●● My bronchitis has flared back up, and I've been almost bedridden all of January, except for the past week when I had to force myself up and help my cousin with my great-grandfather's camper so we can sell it. ●●● All comics, Lizzardley, Woy Earthbound, Smurfs; the Defenders, and others, are postponed progress wise until further notice in hopes I can get my life back together from this near fall out. ♡♡♡ Thank you all for understanding! I hope January has been better on some people than it has me, and that the rest of 2020 goes well for all of you! ◇◇◇ TAGS #update #personalproblems #personalupdate #lifeupdate #artistsofinstagram #digitalart #nikkiarcher #kiaramettz #lizzardley #lizzardleylostinthemagic #comicupdates #hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
So many beloved characters! They almost have NSIF beat-
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It took me a while to finish it but I love so much the result  ✨
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Finally, after a bunch of legal mess and even more of me being ill, #lizzardley chapter one, Lost in the Magic, is ready to go up and running! Chapter one is going to be the only chapter that follows along to the main story. From chapter 2 and on (Adventurous MissTakes) the story will just be short comics that tell the adventures of the gang. I hope that Lizzardley goes great and that I can keep up with it (regardless of what happens) ♡♡♡♡ PATRON SHOUTOUT OF THE MONTH @tashanimation ●●● TAGS #webcomic #comicsofinstagram #lizzardleylostinthemagic #lostinthemagic #magic #wizard #lizzard #dragonborn #laeris #laerisscthoth #vielhamriphek #vielham #artistsofinstagram #digitalart
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Some #notsoimaginaryfriends doodles to try and make up for my absence and illness. I hate that I can't get better quickly, and I hope this doesn't make me lose followers. Unfortunately #lizzardley page one is postponed even further; my laptop has crashed. . . . #traditionalart #notsoimaginaryfriends #spinel #billcipherhuman #dibmembrane #fostershomeforimaginaryfriends #blooregardqkazoo #wiltmichaels #stevenuniverse #dannyphantom #dannyfenton #washingmachine #toogoodathideandseek #artistsofinstagram #doodlesofinstagram #worldsbiggestcrossover
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Base edits of my and @millilps_ita pone gals I redesigned Sapphire just a tad, I didn't want to look at her and remember Kodi (she was my ponysona while he was still alive) . . . #mlpfim #mylittleponyfim #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #ponysona #pegasister #unicorn #pegasus #glow #sapphiresunlight #sapphire #baseedit
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Trying hard to One, get better Two, draw for more than one thing at a time This is a nod to HTTYD3-- . . . #wanderoveryonder #woyearthbound #woy #woynextgen #sylvanderzbornak #maiacatan #pipsqueak #pipthewatchcat #watchcat #zbornak #httyd3 #mlehh
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seriouslyfunnysketcher · 5 years ago
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Sorta screenshot redraw but with Yellow T and Lapis (I needed an excuse to draw YT's axe anyway) . "Oh, sweetie, you are so dead." ~Lapis . . . #screenshotredraw #stevenuniverse #yellowtourmaline #stevidotfusion #lapislazuli #fusion #stevenuniversefusion #gemfallau #gemfusion
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