Seraphine Radio
15 posts
My whimsical blog about anything and everything like a public radio station. 
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Cloud Nine Spring
I’ll preface this blog by admitting I am easily excited and absolutely in love withe idea of falling in love.  The shinny phase of any new beginning is an europium high that I am helplessly addicted to.  The passion exchange and the mystery of unwrapping the present is by far my favorite part of every relationship.  This is what I define as the cloud nine spring.  The feeling of elation so…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Trust no one...
Trust no one…
A concept I continuously have extreme difficultly putting into action.  Mainly because I truly do not have an agenda.  So I cannot wrap my brain around people who are so malevolent with so little regard for how their actions impact others.  I have my selfish self centered moments too where I get temporary blinders on keeping me from seeing anything around me.  Luckily I am very self aware and…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Falling pieces
In life things fall apart, so something better, can fall together. Everything happens for a reason. Even if you can’t decipher what it is when it happens. Trust and believe, Our Father doesn’t carry his children, to drop them off in the middle of no where. Even if the sky is falling all around, scorching ashes, acid.
Always remember, In life things fall apart, so something better, can fall…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
The twisted game of maybe
The twisted game of maybe
Your sometimes, maybe, possibly one day, if I only, changed everything about me, to turn around and push me away, bull shit game drove me to the point of insanity.
Just because your normal, not a millionaire or baller, you’re blue collar never mattered to me. I loved you for being normal. Needed that. Strong, stable, and consistent with my wild energy.
A man who will be kind and encourage me not…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Dear Raza Sharp International
Dear Raza Sharp International
A message to you from me after the tirade of texts you sent me, calling me a loser, and how your new contact was laughing hysterically at me.  You are a bully.  You are cruel for no reason.  I never pretended to be anyone other than who I am.  I never sold you dream or pretended I could do more than I can.  Truth be told, we are all figuring it out as we go along.  We are all trying to make it in…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Aquatic bottle garden idea and experiment
Aquatic bottle garden idea and experiment
Let me preface this by stating,  I live in an one bedroom apartment.  So space is limited, but I am an organic guru. Therefore, I have been trying to solve the conundrum of growing my own veggies without a back yard.  Anyhow, while on my quest for ideas on you tube, I stumbled on this bottle garden which has thrived for 40 years without any water added to it.  It fascinated me enough that I…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
The skeletons in my closet, are restless with anticipation of escape Insecure and afraid no one will accept me as I am I sell the world a dream till I believe it to be reality. erase any trace of the line between Till the day arrives and it breaks like shards of glass on the floor too small to glue back together yet sharp enough to cut my feet as I walk through the mess the havoc the skeletons…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Mad Hatter - poem from my archives
Mad Hatter – poem from my archives
I’m frequently misunderstood, with more squares than a rubix cube. I’m simple but complex, not what you’d expect. Stop trying to put me inside a box. There is not a word inside, the English language to define me. I’m not constrained by convention, The struggle is what made me. I live my life the way i chose, not by rules imposed on by you. Be my guest and play it safe, spend your life in one…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
I am afraid the English language does not contain a superlative appropriate to define how I feel right now.  What is it with people and their okie doke excuses?  In three days you cannot find time to text a person you are okay?  Unacceptable.  You were not raised by wolves.  I am not buying that brand of bull.  It’s called delete, next and forget.  Simple. I have learned that I cannot change…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
The Trump Dynasty
I have never found listening to public radio as entertaining as I have recently since Mr. Donald trump became President elect.  He is a rich playboy bad boy from New Jersey-New York City area.  Here in the greater New York City area, we are all too familiar with his antics.  We grew up with this guy here.  As soon as a friend asked me what I thought about Donald Trump running for President, I…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
When 2 + 2 does not equal 4
When 2 + 2 does not equal 4
We have all experienced it.  That moment in life when 2+2 simply does not equal 4 and one cannot quite figure out why they’re getting 5 instead?  Not to mention, where did the mysterious one get added into the equation again?  In life I call these situations these anomalies.  Now whether it’s a positive or negative anomaly is a entirely different matter.  I am a gambler.  I take chances and…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Lies sold as truth
Lies sold as truth
There is nothing in this world that frustrates me more than wasted potential. If only more people stopped believing the spoon fed lies to be truth.  I am inquisitive by nature.  Because I said so has never been a satisfactory answer.  I want to know why based on fact not fairy tales.  Like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.  The Easter Bunny isn’t real.  I am far too much of a scientist to accept…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
The truth about plastic
The truth about plastic
The truth about Plastic…. PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is the most common type of plastic bottle.  PE (polyethylene) is most common for plastic bags and saran wrap. PP (polyproplyene),  and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) are the next most commonly made plastic containers for food and beverage. These are thermoplastic polymer resins. PET is made by the esterification  reaction between ethylene…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
Neo Nazi Movement
The last 8 years with Obama as President has lulled this country into a false sense that the racial discrimination which existed on the day Martin Luther King Jr first said I have a dream could ever return. A black man resided in the white house! Failing to see the racial slur hidden in plain sight within the paradox. Let’s all pat ourselves on the back and check off the I’m not racist card. See,…
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seraphineradio-blog · 8 years ago
America Today
Americans today forget that we had to fight for our right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We did not win this country in a game of yahtzee.  We went to war for it.  So when people complain about any infringement of their rights, or other tyranny but refuse to stand up for the right to maintain those rights, promised to us in the Bill of rights and constitution.  I cannot help but ask, “Where is your spine?”  You’re an American.  We fight for what’s right.  It’s what we do.  We are programmed to “Go, fight, win!” Not, “Come, discuss, we will see.”  If you do not believe me listen to any cheerleading chant at a high school foot ball game.
Finally, we have a President who stands for something.  Fights for what he believes in like a true American.  He does not care about the art of politics.  Of course the bureaucratic machine is going to be in upheaval.  President Trump threatens the very core of their ability to continue existing.  Two hundred years ago it was impossible to have the necessary foresight to include the necessary provisions for the inevitable evolution this country would progress through.  The fundamentals this country’s foundation is built on is not the problem.  It’s the bureaucratic machine that’s been built on top of it that’s the issue.  It is the reason we are at a stale mate.
The reality many of us do not want to face, is that bureaucracy as we know it today needs to be dismantled.  We have exhausted the service options, and the time has come to replace it.  The question remains with what exactly?  Unfortunately, there is a comfort in the familiar even if it’s all wrong.  It’s why a victim of domestic violence keeps going back to her abuser.  It’s easier to do nothing and accept the circumstances like an obedient little robot than stand up for your rights.  Unacceptable.  Do something, anything, even if you make a mistake, but please do not do nothing.
Do not misunderstand me,I do not agree with every action President Trump has taken or is contemplating.  He does need to stay out of a woman’s vagina and stop trying to take away a woman’s right to chose what she does with her body.  It’s ironic that’s the one issue he is so deeply concerned about over other issues.
Discrimination goes beyond skin color and religion.  People fail to discuss the discrimination against women that still exists.  Fact is, slavery was abolished before women were given the right to vote.  It was not until 1974 that it became illegal to rape or put hands on your wife.  Women still make less than a man for the same job. If President Trump manages to over turn Roe v. Wade, and take away this woman’s right we fought so hard for, what is next?  The fact he has gift wrapped taking away any woman’s right with saving babies does not make it okay.  Every woman should be outraged at this infringement of her rights regardless of your stance on abortion.
We, as Americans fought to protect our God given right to chose.  To attempt to take that gift away from anyone is blasphemy.  Because who is anyone to say they know better than God?  The amount of vanity one must contain in order to believe they do, is sickening.  One can only serve one master.
The United States was founded as a safe haven for all those to escape persecution and oppressive rule by a singular dictator.  It is a country where everyone is free to think, believe and practice their way of life.  Their faith.  Regardless of race, color, creed, all are welcome to live free of fear here.  It’s what makes this country great.  We can speak our minds regardless if it contradicts our government leaders.
People do not get arrested in the middle of the night by the Gestapo and thrown in a black hole to never be seen again. We are making strides in the gay community as well. While I do believe they should have the right of choice, to marriage, adopt, live together, and have intimate relations like everyone else.  But America is still a Christian nation.  What you do in private is your business, but in public discretion and restraint needs to be applied.  Gays have taken their civil rights movement a little too far.
Parents have forgotten to be parents.  It’s your job to protect your children’s right to be children.  A 7 year old is not far enough developed to have the mental faculties to decide to change their sex.  God does not mistakes, We as humans make enough of them for him by altering the natural way of things.  Parents put your daughters on some form of birth control that they do not have to be responsible for taking a daily pill the day they start their first menstrual.  Stop turning a blind eye to the fact they are going to have sexual relations before marriage.  No child should be placed in a situation where they are pregnant and have to chose between abortion, adoption, or keeping the child.  It’s a no win situation where there is no right answer.  Every solution is awful.  Protect your daughters from being in this predicament by putting her on birth control until the age of 18.  There are far too many options available not to.  Give your daughters a chance to be children, develop, fulfill their potential.  Clear their way of the obstacles you can.  There are enough in their way already that you cannot circumvent.
People wonder how a teenage girl can throw a baby in a dumpster.  Imagine being a child yourself and suddenly you have a child’s life you are responsible for.  You have no resources to care for it.  You cannot take care of yourself.  The girl has no family support.  She i s scared.  The baby will not stop crying and she does not know what to do to make it stop.  The gravity of her situation became all too real.  So what does she do like every other teenager in the world would under similar circumstances?  She gets rid of the evidence and hope mom and dad do not find the broken china pieces in the trash can.
I am in no way saying it is right.  I am simply offering an explanation and insight on how it happens.  How can you expect a child to care for a child?  The teenage mother is the life we should concerned with protecting, rather than destroying.  Imprisonment of the teenage mom is not the solution in this circumstance.
If parents were held more accountable for their children’s actions.  Then maybe parents would concern themselves more with being parents.  Fear of imprisonment is a stronger motivator than simply having your children taken away.  Why should these people retain their right to have off spring they cannot take care of?  In certain circumstances a persons right to procreate should be permanently revoked through sterilization.  That sounds harsh, but it is better than the alternative life the child is facing in the situation.  The earth is already over populated.  If we do not do something to stop multiplying exponentially like parasites then we are jeopardizing the future of our existence.
Reality is being a parent is not something every one should be.  It is a great responsibility that should be taken much more seriously.  The government needs to stop providing any incentives for having them like a baby factory.  If you cannot afford the financial responsibility, then  there are adoption services available to rehome the child into better circumstances as an alternative to welfare system.  At the end of the day, one is entitled to nothing.  There should be no incentive for being so irresponsible.
Which by the way Mr. President, this action to reduce benefits for having excess children contradicts your anti abortion stance.  If you do not want to assist with the expense of taking care of the child after it’s born, then why make birth control services more difficult for a woman to obtain by defunding Planned parenthood?  It would be far more prudent to subsidize their institution to prevent pregnancy in the first place.  We are the only species in the animal kingdom who does not retain the right to kill our offspring if something is wrong with them.  The fact we allow the weak to survive and procreate is why we are becoming weaker as a whole.
Children are the future, which I fear is in grave jeopardy the way we have allowed society to degrade in regards to the care of children.  A parent is responsible for teaching them.  The fact a parent cannot smack their child to discipline them when necessary without being accused of child abuse is insane.  There is a difference between one hard slap across the face and breaking bones or leaving scars and welts.  Corporal punishment without leaving marks even in schools should be allowed.  We have gotten far too lackisdasical with this generation of children.  They are the child, we are the adults.  We are not supposed to be their friends.  Quick swift punishments are much more effective than imprisoning a child in their room for weeks or months.  By the time they served their sentence they forgot what they did wrong.
In close, anything worth having in life is never easy.  It only takes one person to start a movement.  Popular thought is not always right.  The world was flat swore the majority, to only discover the world was round indeed.  If President Trump does not detonate world war 3 by his reckless tactics and brash actions, then he may be able to make this country a little better.  Manage your expectations.  He is not the Messiah.  He is human and fallible.
Despite his short comings and the fact he is a male chauvinist, I look forward to seeing what changes President will be able to bring to make this country a little better.  He is not going to be able to solve everything.  He may not put a dent in it.  If he can create a scratch resolving the issues that matter to the average American in the next 4 years, then he will be reelected in 4 years.  Sorry to break it to you Capital Hill.  We the people spoke, and America took a gamble electing him to the highest office in the land.  Let’s see if we chose right or if rolled snake eyes.  It’s the beauty in the gift of freedom we fought so hard for that we take for granted today.  We are entitled to nothing but the right to liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness and retain the right to fight to maintain that.  We are Americans. It is what we do.  God bless the United States.
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