ser0tonins · 7 months
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at  the  coaxing  of  a  colleague,  nasrin  lingers  at  the  casaplan,  taking  up  the  role  of  good  friend  —  though  judging  by  the  way  she's  forgotten  in  favour  for  another  companion,  she's  beginning  to  think  that,  in  reality,  she's  the  third  wheel. maybe  it's  this,  distracted  by  her  own  thoughts,  that  she  collides  and  trips,  inelegantly,  like  the  most  awkward  swan  known  to  man. lovely. "hey,  it's  definitely  not  your  fault,"  nasrin  reassures  with  a  grin,  bowing  her  head  in  thanks  for  the  assistance,  and  is  tempted  to  add  some  clever  quip  before  noting  the  unfortunate  way  her  favourite  lipstick  sits  metres  away  —  then  is  accidentally  kicked  further  by  a  passing  patron  into  oblivion. "so,"  nasrin  begins  warily,  "do  we  think  that  lipstick  is  gone  for  good,  or?"
open ! where: casaplan !
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a couple times a month he will come to casaplan with things that he's been working on. most things are experimental, and in the words of their brother samuel, 'it just sounds like a lot of noise', dante doesn't get offended by it - experimental music has a certain kind of niche that often intersects with art, and for the most part, people don't bother him, which is why they still come. by the time that their set finishes he's packing up his equipment and walking around the workshop to make sure they didn't leave anything else behind. there's a crowd that seems to rush through, dante finds himself pinned against one of the walls to let everyone through and by the time that he thinks the coast is clear he finds himself accidentally running into someone. "fuck, that's my fault." he grabs his things, setting his bulky equipment aside and helps the other up.
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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it  was  under  the  watchful  eye  of  her  mother  (  and  aunts,  cousins,  other  relatives  who  considered  themselves  all  knowing  in  the  culinary  arts  )  that  nasrin  was  prepared  for  almost  everything. adequate  seasoning  of  dishes,  measurement  by  eye  alone  —  but  those  lessons  meant  nothing,  ultimately,  when  she'd  stumbled  past  at  the  sound  of  the  alarm,  not  expecting  to  find  her  kitchen  to  be  a  scene  of  pure  chaos. "it's  fine!  don't  worry!"  the  words  were  repeated  reassuringly,  albeit  frantically,  moving  quickly  to  survey  the  damage. "as  long  as  you're  not  hurt,  that's  all  that  matters."  which  was  the  honest  truth  —  so  long  as  sariyah  hadn't  been  injured  in  any  way,  that  was  the  main  priority,  regardless  of  the  cleaning  she'd  have  to  schedule  in  later... "now  do  you  recall  the  last  thing  you  did  before—"  nasrin  paused,  gesturing  wildly  to  the  scene  before  them:  the  stained  stovetop,  smoke  that  continued  to  waft  in  the  air,  and  the  oven  —  wait,  she'd  rather  not  see  the  damage  inflicted. "all  of,  you  know,  that?"
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status / open , ( @valpostart ) location / either her place or the other muses place teehee !
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               the   soup   on   the   stove   was   boiling   to   the   point   of   bubbles,   which   she   could've   sworn   her   tutorial   said   would   happen.   (   specifically,   it   said   a   slow   boil   but   what   was   happening   then   was   more   like   the   race   of   the   jets   in   a   hot   tub   producing   bubbles   ).   any   confidence   in   her   meal   was   quickly   washed   out   by   the   pop   of   the   soup   pot   boiling   over.   but   that   only   seemed   to   be   the   catalyst.   as   she   reached   for   the   knobs   to   turn   everything   off,   ignoring   the   burn   of   being   splashed   by   the   liquid   battling   to   get   out,   smoke   began   to   peak   out   of   the   oven.   when   the   wailing   of   the   alarm   started,   her   own   surprised   scream   matched   its   pitch   as   she   backed   away   from   everything.   "   i   don’t   know   what   i   did   !   "   she   exclaimed   as   she   heard   the   rushing   of   footsteps   entering   the   kitchen   and   raised   her   hands   if   in   surrender.   sariyah   couldn’t   pinpoint   where   she   went   wrong.   perhaps   the   smoke   pooling   out   from   the   oven   like   it   was   a   magician’s   trick   was   an   accumulation   of   many   mistakes.   if   she’s   asked,   however,   she   couldn’t   tell   you   what   those   missteps   looked   like.   “   what   did   i   do   ?   what   do   i   do   ?   i   don’t   know   !   i   didn’t   mean   to   !   ”   embarrassment   overtook   her   as   she   looked   to   the   other   in   the   room   probably   wondering   the   same   thing   she   was   :   what   the   hell   happened   ?
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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days  off  are  few  and  far  between  —  and  it  bugs  her  (  on  occasion  )  to  have  a  majority  of  her  time  spent  on  the  go,  barely  able  to  pause  to  catch  her  breath. so  she  can't  be  blamed  for  utilising  her  freedom  as  best  she  can  ;  away  from  phone  calls  and  patients  and  possibility  of  doom. 
but  posing  on  her  day  off?  new,  yet  surprisingly  welcome—  well,  it  could  be  a  whole  lot  worse. 
 "am  i  modelling  right  now?"  the  query  is  posed,  as  she  obediently  follows,  hugging  the  bags  of  books  closer  to  her  chest  (  gifts  for  her  son,  of  course  ). "you're  not  gonna  sell  my  picture  to  the  dark  web,  are  you?  if  so,  i'm  expecting  something  in  return,  like  commission."  not  that  nasrin  would  think  abril  would  do  such  a  thing,  but  the  youths  these  days,  even  she  can't  figure  them  out. 
⠀♡⠀ status: open! ⠀♡ ⠀location ⌲ quilpué neighborhood
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the midday sun bathes abril's legs as she stretches them outwards, seated in front of one of the townhouses in her neighborhood. the rhythmic scratch of her pencil against her sketchbook was drowned out by the sound of birds and chatter from passing neighbors. abril had been practicing her portraits for weeks for a rather 'particular' client at caos tattoo. the criticism she received on her sketch's uneven eyes was enough for her to want to leak his credit card information, but she was determined to prove him wrong. in search of a muse, her eyes scan her surroundings. someone enters her peripheral, their interesting features catching abril's attention. "perfect," she whispers. as her muse begins to shift their body, she calls out to them. "could you take a couple steps to the left? the light isn't quite doing justice to your features right there," she calls out, gesturing her hand to indicate the desired direction for the shift
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ser0tonins · 7 months
“She didn’t like to be talked about. Equally, she didn’t like not to be talked about, when the high-minded chatter rushed on as though she was not there. There was no pleasing her, in fact. She had the grace, even at eleven, to know there was no pleasing her. She thought a lot, analytically, about other people’s feelings, and had only just begun to realize that this was not usual, and not reciprocated.”
— The Children’s Book, A.S. Byatt
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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is  that  golshifteh  farahani?  oh,  no,  that’s  nasrin  shirazi,  a  forty  two  year  old  doctor  at  valparaíso  centro  médico  who  uses  she/her  pronouns. they  currently  live  in  valparaíso,  and  the  character  they  identify  with  most  is  sloan  sabbith  from  the  newsroom. hopefully  they  find  their  own  little  paradise  here  in  el  país  de  los  poetas!
name  :  nasrin  shirazi. nickname/s  :  nas/naz,  sahar  (“dawn”  in  persian),  rinni.  pronouns  &  gender  :  she/hers,  cis  woman.  sexuality  :  biromantic/sexual.  date  of  birth :  november  2,  1982  (  42  ).  place  of  birth  :  california,  united  states.  current  residence  :  valparaíso,  chile.  ethnicity  :  iranian/american.  religion  :  non  practicing  muslim. language/s  :  english,  farsi,  spanish.  occupation  :  doctor  @  valparaíso  centro  médico,  the  all  knowing  meme  mom, mo  salah’s  #1  fan. 
mbti  :  intj.  temperament  :  choleric.  (  +  )  :  determined,  humble,  mischievous,  loyal,  observant.  (  -  )  :  stubborn,  hypocritical,  argumentative,  private,  distant. likes  :  long  drives,  fresh  fruit,  cute  stationery,  tres  leches  cake,  day  trips,  reading,  discounts,  slow  mornings. dislikes  :  the  smell  of  disinfectant,  traffic,  arrogance,  meetings  that  could’ve  been  an  email,  stairs,  late  shifts,  sirabi.
height  :  5'6".  eye  colour  :  brown.  hair  colour  :  dark  brown,  mostly  worn  in  a  ponytail/bun  while  at  work,  and  worn  down  during  her  days  off.  piercings  :  ears  only. she  did  consider  a  septum  piercing  in  medical  school,  but  knew  her  mother  wouldn't  hesitate  to  fly  over  to  kick  her  ass  (just  like  she  did  to  her  younger  brother  when  he  actually  went through  with  his  👀  #dumbass). wardrobe  :  low  maintenance  is  the  key. if  it  takes  more  than  five  minutes  to  put  together,  she’s  not  interested!  jeans,  plain  shirts,  simple  dresses  —  a  neutral  colour  palette  is  preferred,  but  she’s  also a  sucker  for  cute, bright  prints/colours.
father  :  amir  shirazi. mother  :  jamileh  shirazi  ( née  kasebi ). partner  :  aksel  hėroux  (  the  most  adorable  grump  around  town  ). children  :  aleksei  (  the  light  of  her  life  ). siblings  :  nozar  shirazi  ( older  brother—ate  her  last  chicken  nugget  when  she  was  six. she  cried  for  two  hours  straight ),  nasim  shirazi-li  ( older  sister—nags  just  as  much  as  mom ),  navid  shirazi  ( younger  brother — dresses  similarly  to  dad,  which  is  horrifying ). other  :  mina  shirazi-li,  alice  shirazi-li,  rachel  shirazi  ( nieces, an absolute hoot in the family group chat );  jonathan  shirazi,  nathaniel  shirazi  ( nephews, ate the last baklava at the last party. she's still bitter ). various  cousins,  aunts  and  uncles  scattered  all  over  the  globe.
the  expectation  is  there,  left  unspoken  yet  certainly not overlooked. her  parents  have  done  too  much,  sacrificed  too  much,  to  be  rewarded  with  absolutely  nothing. it’s  only  fair,  then,  that  the  second  youngest  seek  to  make  use  of  the  opportunities  handed  to  her  in  a  country  they've  considered  ideal  for  her  and  her  siblings  to  flourish. to  be  good,  to  be  great,  to  be  somebody. 
her  youth  is  often  spent  following  in  the  footsteps  of  her  older  siblings,  listening  in  on  their  conversations  as  they  discuss  grades  and  classes  and  other  topics  that  she  can't  quite  wrap  her  head  around. it's  a  feeling  that  doesn't  sit  well  with  her,  of  not  having  a  clear  idea  of  what  she  plans  to  do,  though  they  reassure  her  that  she'll  figure  it  out  soon  enough. 
they  may  not  have  much,  but  her  father  tries  his  best  to  fill  the  emptiness  with  what  he  can offer. friday  nights  are  spent  crowded  around  their  tiny  dining  table,  fruit  juices  and  milk  boxes  in  hand,  as  he  leads  discussion  on  school  and  friends  and  whatever  plagues  the  mind  of  his  children. it's  a  tradition  that  is  maintained  throughout  the  years  (  and  one  she  chooses  to  adopt  for  her  own  family  ),  and  keeps  everyone  close,  despite  the  various  paths  they  take.
she's  regarded  as  filial  yet  mischievous,  bright  yet  blessed  with  a  sharp  tongue  that  never  fails  to  leave  her  mother  shaking  her  head  in  disapproval. her  reputation  in  school  is  quickly  established  as  the  go  getter  :  the  sports  captain,  the  vice  president,  the  reliable  debating  team  member. nothing  remains  out  of  reach  for  long,  not  with  her  desire  to  succeed  in  whatever  she  gets  her  hands  on.
as  her  older  siblings  venture  further  along  with  their  chosen  pathway,  she  decides  to  carve  her  own. an  avid  interest  in  science  leads  to  a  desire  to  pursue  medicine ;  a  journey  that  prompts  her  to  pack  up  her  belongings  and  relocate  away  from  everything  she's  known,  everyone  she's  known. (  it  takes  an  entire  year  for  the  loneliness  to  wear  off  ).
it  becomes  a  running  joke  in  the  family  that  her  whereabouts  can't  often  be  pinpointed. whether  she's  working  at  a  part  time  job  or  backpacking  in a country  halfway  around  the  globe  or  merely  lingering  off  the  grid  somewhere,  no  one's  not  too  sure. what  they  are  sure  about,  however,  is  that  she'll  always  turn  up  with  something. new stories, new gifts, new dreams.
routine  is  comfortable,  but  it  quickly  bores  her. residency  is  partially  spent  wondering  if  she  can  achieve  more  or  if  this  is  the  price  to  pay  for  being  a  pain  in  the  ass  during  her  teens. at  the  suggestion  of  a  colleague,  she  tries  her  luck  to  look  elsewhere  to  regain  some  sense  of  belonging  and  finds  herself  relocating,  permanently,  to  a  place that  feels  right and  with  a  family  she  adores  wholeheartedly.
while  close  with  all  her  siblings,  her  younger  brother,  navid, holds a special place in her heart.  mostly  due  to  the  fact  that  they  were  both  born  in  the  states  compared  to  her  older  siblings,  and  there  was  a  different  set  of  expectations  that  were  bestowed  upon  them. and  because  he  entertains  her  with  funny family pictures  when  she's  working  late.
keeps  up  with  the  latest  lingo,  thanks  in  part  to  her  nieces/nephews  who  explain  it  in  detail  whenever  she's  confused,  and  also  because  there's  no  way  she  wants  to  be  out  of  the  loop  when  lex  runs  through  his  day.  
an  early  bird  who  enjoys  waking  up  at  5  am  to  make  a  tea  and  prepare  herself  to  be  a  productive  human  being  (  can't  relate  ). 
despite  her  busy  schedule  at  times,  nasrin  will  always  insist  on  attending  all  the  school  events,  remembering  all  the  teachers  and  committing  to  memory  classroom  gossip  for  future  reference.  it's  important! 
has  travelled  extensively,  counting  kenya,  laos,  finland  and  chile,  of  course,  as  some  of  her  favourite  places.
incredibly  sentimental.  she'll  keep  whatever,  receipts  to  clothing  tags  to  candy  wrappers  as  long  as  it  has  a  happy  memory.
listen,  she  doesn't  lose  her  cool  often,  but  on  the  days  when  lex  rocks  up  with  homework  that  doesn't  make  sense  and  she's  tried  to  decipher  it  from  8438498  different  angles,  she  has  to  stick  her  head  out  of  the  window  because  "why  can't  they  write  shit  normally????" 
can  cook  pretty  well,  ranging  from  your  typical  spaghetti  bolognese  to  bozbash  that  her  mother  used  to  make.  she's  big  on  adding  spices  to  things  for  a  lil  "extra  feeling". 
once,  mo  salah  waved  at  her.  she  cried.    
a  friendship  group  who  meet  up  often  for  dinner  and  drinks  because  she  doesn't  have  much  of  a  life  outside  work  +  family,  haha.  
the  bff  who  sees  through  her  cool  doctor  facade  to  the  idiot  underneath  (  don't  be  fooled,  it's  there  ).  
youths  who  need  a  responsible  parental  figure  to  keep  them  on  the  right  path  and  pack  them  cute  mini  lunch  boxes.  
frenemies/rivals  because  while  she  tries  to  be  the  better  person  on  most  occasions,  she  can  be  preeeeetty  petty.  
former  friends  who  maybe  had  a  fallout  or  aren't  as  close  due  to  their  different  paths?  idk  i  just  love pain.  
patients  she  sees  around  the  hospital  more  than  usual,  like  "you're  back?  again?  seriously."
totally  won't  object  to  any  cousins  wandering  around  (  happy  to  discuss  potential  fcs  btw!  ).  
i  like  brainstorming,  so  i'm  always  interested  in  popping  across  ideas  that  could  work  for  both  of  us!!!  
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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GOLSHIFTEH FARAHANI Sixième Sens par Cartier High Jewellery, 2021.
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