septicemic-art · 5 years
should i make an mc aes blog
pls voTe
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septicemic-art · 5 years
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Send me a character and an outfit number and I’ll draw them! (outfits made on https://www.dolldivine.com/glitter-cure.php and I don’t claim rights to them, just hit the random button a bunch of times)
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septicemic-art · 5 years
how to cure artblock
pls help
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septicemic-art · 5 years
[Some info on this blog!]
Hey there~ I’m Simon, from the legion! The Entity said I could have internet access for some time, so ask me some questions~ <3
{Hi there! I’m Dari, the mun. This blog is a genderbend!Susie blog, where Susie was actually born as Simon and is male. This is not a trans blog, as I don’t feel comfortable making an ask blog for trans characters since I can’t always relate to how trans people feel (I’m agender and typically I don’t understand gender identifications that are in the binary). This blog is kind of a hot take anyways since I barely understand my own thought process but hey! Never hurt to try things :’) So! Ask Simon anything, NSFW is welcome but will be limited…I won’t include images for the sake of my sanity and Tumblr’s new “no-porn” rules.}
[Inspirations: @askjoey @frankeatsdirt @exposedlockers @ask-the-real-susie-dbd @stabbysusie @asksusie-dbd @sophomore-jitters @shynaivesusie @thelegionworksatstarbucks @evansnackmillan @entityasks @rinshauntedground and many more that I can’t tag because my brain is already collapsing–]
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septicemic-art · 5 years
I’ve never been into Dan and Phil but I did watch Dan Howell’s coming out video, and I’m happy for him.
But here’s the thing. He said some things in that video that are going to piss off a lot of gatekeepers: that he’s most comfortable with queer, that the word he has trauma around is gay, that acephobia is bad, that we should respect microlabels (”mogai labels”). What this means is that there are probably a lot of very angry exclusionists going through all his past activity as we speak to dig up something they can use to discredit him. If he’s had a significant internet presence since 2009, they will find something.
The reason I’m saying this is that you may very well see some extreme and sensationalist accusations about him suddenly coming to light. Before you believe or spread them, you have to find out what the evidence is, what the context was, whether the facts actually support the specific accusations that are being leveled, and whether the op has any motive to fabricate it, exaggerate about what happened, or exclude important details. 
We’ve seen this happen to other queer youtubers after they said things that exclusionists didn’t like, and I don’t want to watch it happen again. Be careful.
mod k
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septicemic-art · 5 years
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it’s i, the gremlin
a kind of meet the artist thing, mostly a ref of my persona. i dont look like this irl but its current goals so why the fuCk not, yeah?
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septicemic-art · 5 years
i have a soft blog for my thing… @septicemic-soft
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septicemic-art · 5 years
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she a snac! she attac! but most importan...
she protecc totem
inspired by @rinshauntedground and @hex-totems owo
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septicemic-art · 5 years
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art? from me??? never!
my half of an art trade with @babygirlmyers owo
(alexis belongs to them and eddie gluskin belongs to whoever the fuck made outlast idr lmao)
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septicemic-art · 5 years
I don’t think I’ve seen a Dead by Daylight ask meme yet, so I went ahead and made one. 
Dwight Fairfield: Who is your favorite survivor?
Meg Thomas: Favorite chapter of DBD? Why?
Claudette Morel: Best survivor/killer cosmetic?
Jake Park: Best map to play in?
Nea Karlsson: Why did you decide to play DBD?
Bill Overbeck: Do you use other platforms to talk about DBD? Like twitter/Instagram etc
David King: What do you want to do with your blog in the future?
Adam Francis: Current least favorite survivor and killer?
Laurie Strode: What’s your favorite DBD pairing?
Ace Visconti: Three of your favorite DBD themed blogs?
Feng Min: What do you think the DBD community missing?
Quentin Smith: Are you a heavy or light sleeper? 
David Tapp: How many people do you follow?
Kate Denson: Do you run other blogs? What are they?
The Trapper: Which DLC chapters do you own?
The Wraith: Favorite DBD killer?
The Hillbilly: What’s the most annoying bug you’ve encountered in this game?
The Nurse: What kind of new content would you like to see in the game?
The Huntress: What’s the best perk in the game?
The Spirit: What’s the worst perk in the game?
The Shape: How would you describe the DBD community?
The Hag: What pairing do you hate the most and why?
The Cannibal: List three HC for your favorite survivor or killer. 
The Doctor: What’s the worst map to play in, and why? 
The Nightmare: What are some of the creative ways you’d like to punch Freddy?
The Pig: Who are your favorite content creators in the community?
The Clown: What games do you play besides DBD? 
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septicemic-art · 6 years
My Borthday is April 1st
So, this is my Birthday wishlist. I turn 19 soon, and I’m expecting to be getting my birth certificate so I can get a job, so money isn’t too much of an issue…my main issue is just getting the laptop you see on the list. I picked that specific laptop because it has a good RAM (I think) and it’s cheaper than most I could find with the same amount of RAM. Basically, my old PC died and my grandmas PC only has 5 GB of RAM so it’s not a lot, and I make digital art and YouTube videos for a partial living. I can no longer do this though, as my PC died and my new phone will not support an S Pen, the kind I used to make said digital art. So…Here’s this! The clothes are appreciated, because I literally migrate between 4 pairs of pants every day and I’m gaining weight so some don’t fit me anymore…and don’t get me started on how many shirts I don’t have. Though, I can buy the clothes myself once I get a job, it’s just the laptop I’m gonna need help with. I’m also saving for college and an apartment, and with that, I’ll need to save for more, soo…yeah. If you can help, thanks! If not, thanks anyways! Boosting my art would help more anyways ngl lmao. So, done self promo-ing, go enjoy your lives now lmao. Also I’m selling stickers, DM for details
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septicemic-art · 6 years
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septicemic-art · 6 years
25k follower giveaway!!
to celebrate 25k followers, I thought i’d do a little something
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3 reference sheets are up for grabs!! Rules are as follows:
You must be following me (new followers welcome!!)
Reblogs only
Multiple reblogs count as multiple entries (but please dont spam your followers!)
No giveaway blogs
winners will be contacted on the 23rd of march :>
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septicemic-art · 6 years
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The one day you can reblog this!
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septicemic-art · 6 years
Artist Asks!
Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?
How long have you been drawing?
How many classes have you taken?
Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
What’s your favorite thing to draw?
What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
How often do you use references?
Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Are you confident about your art?
How many art-related blogs do you follow?
Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
Do you ever collaborate with others?
How long does an average piece take you to complete?
Do you draw more today than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
Do you think you’re justified in giving other people art advice?
What are you currently trying to improve on?
What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
Do you like to challenge yourself?
Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
For digital artists: how many layers does a typical piece require?
For traditional artists: what medium do you like most? (Pencil, charcoals, etc)
For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
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septicemic-art · 6 years
journal/writing prompts!!
The future
Flower petals
Burned out
The best things about fall/winter/summer/spring
Little things that make you happy
Places that feel like home
Places that don’t feel like home
Things you love about (insert name here)
Where you’d rather be right now
Snapshot childhood memories
Scary things about the future
Things to do less of
Things to do more of
Books to read
A playlist to describe how you feel right now
Where you hope to travel
Wishes you made as a kid when throwing coins into a fountain
Things you wish you were better at
Dreams you’ve had
Dreams you wish you’ve had
Things to think about:
Factors that led you to be the person you are today
What heavy things have been weighing your heart down recently?
What is happiness to you?
Things that scare you about the world right now
If you could rewrite one thing about your story, what would it be?
The questions you’ve been asking yourself lately
When was the last time you cried?
What place feels like a huge breath of fresh air?
If you were going to conjure a Patronus, what happy memory would you use?
What things are different about you this year than last year?
What would you want people to remember about you?
Things you can do now you never thought you’d be able to do
What is alternate-universe-you like?
Listen to your favorite song - Draw it, write down what it makes you think of
Why do you love the people you love?
Your favorite kind of adventures
What are you thankful for today?
Are you actually experiencing life? Or are you just going through the motions?
Advice you would give yourself
Things to do for your own personal self care
Ways you say “I love you”
Don’t be afraid to make ugly art
It does NOT have to be perfect
It probably won’t be perfect
Don’t compare your work to other people’s!
Creating art and writing is COOL. Keep doing it!!
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septicemic-art · 6 years
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wow look another fursona design :^)
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