Sso, jusst what bringss /you/ here, hmm?
289 posts
A silly little ask blog for a silly little snake that /might/ have some potential. We more than readily welcome anyone willing to interact with them, so don't worry about being shy! Also, yes, we do have a rule. That might be plural depending on how all of you act, but so far the only one is this: please don't form a big plot/story/obstacle when I'm already trying to make/maintain one. (For example, if I've made it so Sephnit's trying to keep a storm from ruining their belongings, please don't throw a greedy dragon into the mix-) If you want clarification or have any ideas, I encourage you to message me. I sware on my life, unlike Sephnit, I never bite! -Owned and loved by @vessel-fox
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
If Sephnit has done anything genuinely cool and bsadas, I assure you, it wasn't entirely my ideas, and/or there's another side of the story that makes it significantly less cool
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
Yes, sometimes I wish Sephnit was as unbelievably cool as their stories of certain events without context entails
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Well what do you want me to /do/, make it up!? I don't have the memory of a hecking elephant or ssomething-"
One time two people convinced Sephy into helping them infiltrate a military base and steal one of those armored trucks; thus prompting multiple military personnel to chase them all down. Of course, Sephnit hid in the glove box and was 100% planning on making sure the other two people would take the full blame, if they actually got caught. Don't worry, none of them did (as far as I know), and Sephnit decided to never help those people out of boredom again.
(also, yes, they were shot at (nothing hit thank cod). This was a pecking car chase with guns and I'm infinitely relieved that I didn't make up this scenario all by myself)
11, 20, and 22?
11. What’s a crime you want to commit but haven’t had the chance yet?
“Hmm…. I’m not really that sure, actually.. theft iss definitely a common thing, and I know I’ve committed ssome arsson… alsso one time I sstole a military car-thing, I think? .. Goodnessss, that wasss weird… I really can’t think of anything I haven’t done that I’d want to do!”
20. If you could change the laws tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’re legalizing?
“THEFT! Next quesstion!”
22. Imagine you’re in a heist film, which of the classic roles (planner, hacker, face, acrobat, distraction, ect) would you be?
“Well, I’d definitely be the persson who ssneakss in while no one'ss looking in my direction and actually getss the thing; thesse ‘heisst filmss’ have that kind of role, right?”
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Um, I'm not really all that sure, but I definitely know that ssome military people were angry-"
11, 20, and 22?
11. What’s a crime you want to commit but haven’t had the chance yet?
“Hmm…. I’m not really that sure, actually.. theft iss definitely a common thing, and I know I’ve committed ssome arsson… alsso one time I sstole a military car-thing, I think? .. Goodnessss, that wasss weird… I really can’t think of anything I haven’t done that I’d want to do!”
20. If you could change the laws tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’re legalizing?
“THEFT! Next quesstion!”
22. Imagine you’re in a heist film, which of the classic roles (planner, hacker, face, acrobat, distraction, ect) would you be?
“Well, I’d definitely be the persson who ssneakss in while no one'ss looking in my direction and actually getss the thing; thesse ‘heisst filmss’ have that kind of role, right?”
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
11, 20, and 22?
11. What’s a crime you want to commit but haven’t had the chance yet?
"Hmm.... I'm not really that sure, actually.. theft iss definitely a common thing, and I know I've committed ssome arsson... alsso one time I sstole a military car-thing, I think? .. Goodnessss, that wasss weird... I really can't think of anything I haven't done that I'd want to do!"
20. If you could change the laws tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’re legalizing?
"THEFT! Next quesstion!"
22. Imagine you’re in a heist film, which of the classic roles (planner, hacker, face, acrobat, distraction, ect) would you be?
"Well, I'd definitely be the persson who ssneakss in while no one'ss looking in my direction and actually getss the thing; thesse 'heisst filmss' have that kind of role, right?"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
Outlaw Asks
1. Did you drink underage?
2. What drugs have you tried? Any you would do again?
3. Favorite liquor?
4. Favorite cocktail or mixed drink?
5. What are you like when drunk?
6. Describe the last time you got drunk.
7. Ever gotten in a fight?
8. Ever gotten the cops called on you?
9. Ever gotten arrested?
10. If you got arrested tomorrow what would it be for?
11. What’s a crime you want to commit but haven’t had the chance yet?
12. What’s a crime you’d commit but only if there were no consequences? 
13. What are your three favorite crimes to commit?
14. What are your three favorite crimes to watch someone commit?
15. What are your three favorite crimes in principle?
16. Rank the seven deadly sins from least favorite to commit to favorite to commit.
17. If you were arrested would anyone post your bail? 
18. Would you throw a partner in crime under the bus to get away?
19. What was the last crime you committed? 
20. If you could change the laws tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’re legalizing?
21. If you could change the laws tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’re making illegal?
22. Imagine you’re in a heist film, which of the classic roles (planner, hacker, face, acrobat, distraction, ect) would you be?
23. Who’s your favorite famous real world criminal?
24. What’s the most reckless thing you’ve done this week?
25. What’s the most reckless thing you’ve thought about doing this week?
26. What’s the most reckless thing you ever did that paid off?
27. Do you own any weapons? What are they and can you use them?
28. What song would you want to have a bar fight to?
29. What song would you like to have a car chase to?
30. What song would you like to have your death scene to?
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"What the heck are you hiding-"
"All thosse people who ssaid it'ss impossssible to be immune to propaganda musst have not tried hard enough or ssomething!"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"All thosse people who ssaid it'ss impossssible to be immune to propaganda musst have not tried hard enough or ssomething!"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
I sware it's like Sephnit has half a brain cell sometimes
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Yeah! But alsso, what the heck are you not telling me-?"
"All thosse people who ssaid it'ss impossssible to be immune to propaganda musst have not tried hard enough or ssomething!"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Abssolutely none of thiss 'media that'ss propaganda,' whatever it iss, that'ss what!"
"All thosse people who ssaid it'ss impossssible to be immune to propaganda musst have not tried hard enough or ssomething!"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"All thosse people who ssaid it'ss impossssible to be immune to propaganda musst have not tried hard enough or ssomething!"
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Oh, thisssss iss sure going to be entertaining-"
new concept: tumblr jail
if a post gains more than 20 notes it goes on trial to determine whether it’s problematic or not. then the op is given the death penalty
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Jusst what iss that? Ssome ssort of bee or ssomething..?"
Tumblr media
(via Pinterest)
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sephnits-ask-blog · 5 years ago
"Yeah, but what'ss the fun in that, you know?"
How has nobody settled for me yet I’m a solid 3
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