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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
Thankful for my seoulmates
We are back just cause we saw how much you missed us.. we didn't realise we meant so much to you. You guys are heroes. Thankyou for keeping SR alive. We love you forever.
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
Is this the end of SR?
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Is there any logic to destroying years and months of hardwork just because of the threats of someone as irrelevant as a grain of sand on the beach?
You can cry about it. But after a lot of discussion we made up our minds to stay strong and show you our success so you can learn something from it.
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
Our Apology
we need to apologize as we promised.
I bet you are here,stuck to the screen to engulf it all...waiting for us to apologize to you. This is the apology to all the people we lost .
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So here it goes...
We are sorry..
For being something you could never be.
We are sorry 
That we were thriving and you...stuck in a Ditch...
We are sorry we had so many people who love us..
We are sorry..that your actions made your friends want to push you under a bus.
We are sorry that we trusted you as a friend.
We are sorry for all the love we had sent.
We are sorry for helping you and taking you in.
We are sorry that you're an embodiment of a trash bin.
We are sorry for all the promos we did for you.
We are sorry cause it wasn't enough so you'd run off to someone new.
We are sorry for making things for you for free.
We are sorry you couldn't take accountability for your nasty deeds.
We are so so sorry that you felt "a gap" in our friendship. 
When you were the ones cutting us off and talking shit.
We are sorry you need to make multiple accounts to feel you aren't alone
We are sorry we keep you up all night with you scrolling through our posts.
We are sorry that we cut you off cause we only were friends when you needed favors
We're sorry cause you can't drag us down to make us reach to your level. 
We are sorry that you feel everything we say is about you.
We are sorry you think our world revolves around you.
We are sorry that you aren't brave enough to talk face to face
We are sorry that you can only talk via an anonymous page.
We are sorry you're so two faced to people who cared for you. 
We are sorry that you say shit behind our back and show concern that you're worried about us too.
We are sorry that you're too obsessed with SR
We are sorry because you life doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
We are sorry that you use our name to get some clout.
Those 8 likes on your "tea" post shouldn't be something that makes you proud.
We are sorry that you have to appoint minions to stalk us all.
It got so annoying we wanted to ask Trump to build a wall.
We are sorry that you are too insecure about yourselves. 
We are sorry but we think you need some serious help.
We are sorry that you feel the need to steal from us to make yourselves feel powerful.
We are sorry but everyone in the community feels you're nothing but a jealous fool.
Last but not the least...
We are sorry our success had made you badly itch.
We are sorry we won't bark back at you cause you're the only ....BEACH
And if you feel this apology is about it again...and think twice before barking on your stories or sending hate because that would further expose that you are guilty of all the things we mentioned.
So if the shoe fits...wear it...and walk on far away from us.
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
The story
Glad you came to see the how the drama unfolds. 
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Like I promised I'd say what made us suddenly deactivate. 
Honestly...we have been through much worse situations but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
We felt frustrated with the constant accusations when our agency and us had nothing to do with the ongoing situation. 
Someone was triggered by an innocent meme that wasn't targeted to anyone in one was named...or tagged...These people made it all about themselves...saying we "harassed" them with the meme. Like we always say...if you had never done anything wouldn't have felt guilty. So it's a YOU problem if you felt the meme was targeted at you .
Then these people decided to take "revenge" by sending Duke threats and hate anonymously. Even going on "tea pages" to "expose" Meraki for things Meraki didn't even do.
These people tried to dig up old drama...that had been long resolved...just to drag and harass Meraki artists. They dragged in meraki artists in the tea page, trying to provoke them into thinking that meraki doesn't care about them. Even the artists connected with that drama came forward to say that they have moved on and they don't want to talk about it anymore and they are happy being in meraki.
Meanwhile this was going on...we found out who sent the hate anonymously(we have proof of their confession) and had exposed them to their friend who they were targetting in the hate they could no longer hurt people close to them by acting as a friend while sending them hate anonymously. 
This got the hater pissed and they directly attacked Meraki in dms...unnecessarily bringing up our old agency and old drama.
We decided not to post the dm publicly as it involves slandering of our old agency by the hater.(idk why they are mad at our old agency but ok)
The hater tried accusing us of harassing her sending haters to her to harass her.....but they didn't have any proof of the harassment they talked of.
They said we gave her friend panic attack...because we exposed her toxic self to her other friends. Don't start a storm if you gonna complain about the rain you get.
Moral- Don't do anything shitty if you don't want to be exposed for your shitty behavior. 
I think we did a big favor to those friends of hers. I personally wouldn't stay friends with someone who sends me hate behind my back and bullies me into leaving the community. Her friends didn't deserve to be still unaware of this toxic friend. So we exposed them. We will not apologize for it.
Moreover we felt really drained with everything going on. Moon was already stressed cause of irl issues and this added a lot of stress on him. So at the heat of the moment he said we should leave the community. Honestly we felt so too. The constant backstabbing...rumors...fake friends..was getting too much. So we deactivated. 
But after a whole day of not being a group felt empty...we had grown too attached to each other .Dodo reached out to us saying how we shouldn't destroy our own group....which we worked so hard on...just for people who have nothing better to do than hate on others. Moreover there are so many people asking us to come back....we had so many plans, so much events and so much collabs we promised. We couldn't just let every one down because of some irrelevant loser who failed at life so much that they decided to ruin other's happiness.
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Seoul Revival- Jamie
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Seoul Revival-Moon
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Seoul Revival-Duke
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Dodo From Seoul Revival
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Lee Kyang Moon
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seoul7revival · 2 years ago
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Des vu
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seoul7revival · 3 years ago
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seoul7revival · 3 years ago
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Hi ,We are Seoul Revival
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