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seo-amanat · 2 years ago
Online banking
Online banking is a currently established banking system. Due to its various benefits, its popularity and usage are increasing daily. Nowadays, all banks have come under online banking. With the spread of information technology, smart cards and online and ATM banking services have emerged as popular means of financial transactions. The Online Internet service was launched in Bangladesh on June 4, 1996. Through 9,810 ATM booths across the country as of July 2018 across Bangladesh's districts and divisional cities. Banks are providing online services. On the other hand, they are issued from various banks.
Their customers use debit and credit cards for shopping and daily needs.
Definition of Online Banking: 'Online' in online banking refers to a system where many interconnected computers perform necessary functions through a networked system.
As we know, many computers are connected through the Local Area Network (LAN) in the branches of a bank. Again, a bank's head office and branches create an interconnection between the entire country with the help of wireless waves, optical fiber or any other means within the Wide Area Network (WAN).
We can call this complete system existing in the bank online banking in a broad sense. That is all the banking services that are provided with the help of the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) in the bank—called online banking. In a word, online banking is a financial process where a computer system.
Many interconnected computer networks perform essential financial functions. Some examples of online banking are - ATMs, Automated Fund transfers, Electronic checks, Electronic Money etc.
Currently, almost all banks in Bangladesh provide online banking facilities. Some notable banks providing online banking facilities in Bangladesh are Sonali, Janata, Agrani, Rupali, Trust, Dutch-Bangla, Eastern, Dhaka, BRAC, Prime, UCB, IFIC, National, City and all private banks and Islamic banks.
Advantages of Online Banking:
Online banking is a boon to the entire banking world. It has revolutionized the banking world. This method has made the service delivery process easier for the service provider and increased the speed of receiving the service for the service recipient. The benefits of online banking are mentioned below: Benefits in providing services.
A. 24/7, i.e. providing a facility for the customer to withdraw his money with the help of ATM at any time;
b. Improving the Bank's customer service standards;
c. Conducting banking activities in an international context;
d. Increase in profitability as the overall efficiency of the bank increases;
e. Stop wasting customers' time and unnecessary harassment due to the introduction of online banking;
f. Facilitating coordination of inter-branch and inter-bank transactions;
G. Facilitating customer business transactions through the use of electronic funds and electronic money.
Benefits of receiving services
A. Withdraw any amount of money anywhere in a short period;
b. Access to your account 24 hours, 365 days;
c. Account balance or statement verification facility;
d. Transfer money between accounts;
e. Utility bill payments (e.g. electricity, water, gas, phone etc.);
f. Searching for interest rates;
g. Searching for foreign currency exchange rates;
h. Sending requests for chequebooks;
I. cancelling payment of checks in case of emergency;
j. Mobile bill or balance recharges facility;
k. Deposit of insurance premium;
l. Tuition fee deposit;
Credit cards and ready cash cards are the two most widely used means of sharing these benefits with banks.
Credit Card:
The most common form of credit is a credit card.electronic banking. According to the central bank's calculations, there is more than one crore of cards in the name of customers in different banks in Bangladesh. It is a type of plastic card provided by the bank. Usually, the bank issues the card to a valued customer against a certain amount of deposit (e.g. savings letter, FTR). Usually by credit card. In the case of bill payment, after making sure about the card, the shopkeeper/businessman prepares a bill containing the name of the cardholder, name of the card company, card number and other information and signs it from the cardholder and later, the shopkeeper collects the money by submitting the copy of the bill to his bank.
Many people consider using some credit cards helpful, but the number of people in danger due to misuse is probably not less. Others don't use credit cards for fear of overspending. Some people fear that using a credit card will cost more money, etc.
Many customers borrow heaps of money. But do not pay the total amount. They are satisfied with paying the minimum bills. Many people use credit cards with such an attitude. But that's not right. Its main problem is the highly high-interest rates on credit cards. At one time, it will sit on the neck like a noose. Understanding the math behind credit cards can easily avoid these problems.
Don't forget to use multiple credit cards. Avoid reckless spending. Only then will the interest-free period be available. And most importantly, the entire bill must be paid within the specified time. Only then can customers enjoy the fun of using credit cards.
Ready Cash Card:
A type of plastic card issued by banks against cash is called a ready cash card. The smart card is built on the latest micro-processor technology.
Each card has a four-digit personal number for security, so only the customer can use the card. The card also contains the customer's photograph, sample signature and printed name. The cash deposited in the bank can be used through this card. There is an opportunity to make daily purchases and pay utility bills with the Ready cash card.
Disadvantages of Online Banking:
As we know, an online banking system is a self-contained computer network system with advanced technology. Nowadays, every modern bank is trying to provide online banking services, but this system has many advantages and disadvantages. These are discussed below-
 A. Since online banking is a system with sophisticated technology, its installation and maintenance costs are also high, which is difficult for any financially weak bank to bear;
b. Highly skilled and trained personnel are required to operate this state-of-the-art technology. But the lack of skilled workers in information technology and paying them a considerable amount of remuneration is a big obstacle in the implementation of online banking;
c. Since online banking is a networked system, hackers are prone to attacks. This can lead to exposure of privacy, theft of money or information and abuse of computer systems;
d. If the network is interrupted due to natural or other causes, uninterrupted provision of services is interrupted;
e. If customers do not understand online banking, they face various complications.
Finally, if you want to get all the fantastic benefits of modern banking services, you must face some problems. If you know the ways to be safe from these problems, i.e. secure internet connection, hacking Gaining general knowledge about, caution in using devices, use of antivirus with license, making sure whether the website is verified or not, not sharing bank information with anyone, etc., will make our economic life more manageable and faster if we conduct online banking activities.
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seo-amanat · 2 years ago
Coffee (genus Coffea) is a genus that includes about 125 species of flowering plants from the Rubiaceae family. They are primarily tropical African natives. As the source of espresso, two species are significant to the economy; for more information on coffee cultivation, coffee production.
Coffee is a trendy drink worldwide. Coffee is made by roasting a "coffee bean", which is boiled with water and mixed into a powder. This seed is the seed of a fruit called coffee cherry. This fruit tree grows in about 70 countries. Coffee Health Benefits: Is coffee beneficial or harmful to health?
Every day we drink coffee. Every day is incomplete without coffee. Many coffee beans are available, but Arabia is the most widely used. It has a superior taste and quality. The seeds are slightly longer. The next most popular is "Robusta". These beans are cylindrical. Coffee can be sipped or served in many different ways.
The popularity of coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after tea. Coffee is the world's second-largest traded commodity, after fuel oil. This coffee is grown in about 70 countries around the world. Coffee is known by different names such as:-
Americano coffee espresso coffee
Cappuccino coffee
Latte coffee
Irish coffee
Indian filter coffee
MochaChino Coffee
Civet coffee etc.
Civet coffee is the world's most expensive coffee made from cat faeces.
 A study of one hundred people found that those who drank six or more cups of caffeine per day were 22% more likely to develop heart disease.
Coffee Health Benefits: Most people like to start their day with coffee or tea. Especially by drinking coffee, energy comes into the body, and you start feeling fresh. Apart from this, coffee is drunk even when there is a lot of sleep or a headache. People drink many cups of coffee while working from the office or home, but do you know how much coffee should be drunk in a day?
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who drink six or more cups of caffeine daily have a 22% higher risk of developing heart disease than those who don't.
Are there any coffee benefits?
Many studies have shown that caffeine contains anti-oxidants. This is good for reducing pain, nerve inflammation, heart attack and other health issues. But will coffee be good or bad? This depends on how much coffee you consume each day.
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How many cups of coffee are beneficial in a day?
According to research, everyone should drink a limited amount of coffee daily. Excessive consumption of anything can cause harm. It has been told in the research report that people should consume only 5 cups of coffee in a day. If you are a coffee fan, ensure you do not drink more than 5 cups of coffee daily.
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This article contains general information and suggestions, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. For any questions, please consult your family physician or a nearby hospital.
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