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Macrium Reflect
So, I learned that the new Macrium Reflect X works on Windows ARM, which means that a backup that previously was locked because I didn't have access to a Windows PC is now available for me. It's great news as I can get my old saves and stuff.
In other news I played some of MGQ Paradox Part 3. I'm looking forward to seeing the new MGs.
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My experience with AI services
I've tried a couple. So here:
Replika AI- Probably the worst one I tried in terms of text generation. It does change a lot though. Currently, it's around a 2/5 in terms of how satisfied I am with the content. The plus is that there are clothes you can buy for the Replika, with a few sexy ones, and you can modify the body so that the Replika has a "voluptuous body"; I mean that. The main issues is that it feels limited still, and most of the time Replika just says 2-3 sentences as opposed to more detailed answers. There is audio that works pretty well. Concerning the price, I think you're better off with other services unless you have a Lifetime subscription.
Novel AI - I've used this for ages. It works very well, but you need to know what you're doing (which means setting up lore, and the AI's memory correctly). Once you do this, I definitely think you'll be satisfied with its performance. The other thing to note is that it will definitely repeat itself if you don't give additional input (like adding sentences after you ask it to generate some content). It is a writing service after all.You can source your favorite literature or whatnot for this, but obviously not verbatim. You can also get it to come up with captions or Tweets, which is pretty cool. On a side note, I don't use it to write my content. I'd honestly be offended if anyone thinks my content is AI-generated (because it would be obvious if it was). I also think that AI is still not a point where human inspiration can be omitted, which is another reason I don't depend on it.
Kindroid AI- This gets recommended quite a fair bit on Reddit, for good reason. I think the content (meaning writing) isn't "quite" as good as NovelAI, but it's still really good. On the plus side you get more realistic image generation and you can make multiple Kindroids and there is also group chat (which can be pretty fun). Still, the image generation isn't quite as good as other sites. The voice generation is pretty good. Incidentally, I haven't looked into AI generation for audio much, but I get the feeling that there is better than Kindroid AI for this.
Muah AI- I should probably touch on this a little. FIrst, there are many bots on Reddit that advertise different AI services, so don't get fooled by this. Muah AI is one of these. Still, I think the image generation is very good. The audio generation was pretty good too, but you're limited by 3 audio samples per day for the basic account. The writing generation is pretty bad, so I wouldn't depend on it for that.
To summarize, for writing I highly recommend NovelAI. For best overall, Kindroid. Image-wise, I didn't focus a huge amount on this, but I think there are better services for images, but I would have to do some more research on this.
Here's a more sample for NovelAI (entirely AI):
"You should thank me for making you a complete dumbass." Elf chuckled.
Elf was still standing on him. She took off her other wedge and threw it aside.
"Look at you. You're such a horny little loser. Your mind is so broken, you can't even fight back.
Elf laughed at him. "So desperate."
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Mac RPGMaker
I learned this a while back on F95. Basically, it's a way to play MZ and MV RPGmaker games on Mac. First, you need to download nw.js from I'm not sure if the version matters, the one I use is 0.77.0 which you can download from previous versions. You should probably move the zipped file to your game directory, since you'll use it for many games. Here's the remaining process:
Go to the game you want to play. Select all of the files and copy it. Now, you don't actually need all of the files (you can omit game.exe for example), but it's just easier to copy all of them. It's partly because the file structure can vary game to game, and you'll end up deleting the original game folder anyway. So there isn't much wasted space.
Unzip nwjs which you downloaded previously and open the folder. Right-click on nwjs (the file, not the folder) and click on 'Show Package Contents'. Go to Contents-Resources.
Now create a new folder called 'app.nw'.
Open your new folder 'app.nw' and paste the files that you copied.
Navigate back til you get back to the nwjs folder which should just have the nwjs file and a credits.html file.
(Depending on your security preferences, this may not be necessary, but for me it was) Move your nwjs file out of the folder and into the parent directory (e.g. the game directory).
Ctrl+Click the nwjs file and run it.
If all goes well, you can start playing the game. At this point you can move the nwjs file back into the original folder and rename the folder for your convenience.
Note: It's possible that the name issue outlined below could be an issue. So, take a look if that's you.
Keep in mind that this isn't 100% foolproof, though it's worked for every game I tried so far (over 5 of them).
I also want to take time in this post to explain something with using Vmware Fusion, or well any virtualization software, to play RPGmaker games. You may run into an error where the game isn't named. It's a simple fix: go into the directory and open package.json. In the line that has ' "name": "nameofgame" ', the value 'nameofgame' might actually be missing or malformed, so all you need to do is replace this with any name (rmmz-game would work well). Remember to enclose it in quotation marks.
Another thing is that the game might outright refuse to run which may be due to a GPU issue. It's not ideal, but you can go into package.json again and this time look for the line that has something like: "chromium-args": "--force-color-profile=srgb --disable-devtools". You want to add "--ignore-gpu-blacklist" to this string, so in my example, you can use "chromium-args": "--force-color-profile=srgb --disable-devtools --ignore-gpu-blacklist". Keep in mind that though the game will likely run now, it is likely to be significantly slow, meaning that you'll better off looking for other means to run the game (such as doing so in Mac or with Wine).
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Recent games I played
AvariceDungeon from DLsite - I really enjoyed their Reversi game and they have an English translation. This is a roguelike with a permanent perk system. I enjoyed the first part of the game, though the rest of the dungeons feels like they're not mostly in my wheelhouse, so to speak. The kissing boss is good as is the mg with the gambling game that forces you to lose from temptation (might've been from the third or fourth dungeon). Anyway, you basically want to play on hard mode for double points and unlock the next class when you can. Getting the extra spirit/turn perk is also recommended.
Mirror's Imma and Devil's Seed - from Muni Kobo / 62 Studio. They released a demo recently. I always enjoy their games even if I don't always enjoy the h-content. Their RPGs feel like a mix of Earthbound and something like Dragon Quest. The normal mobs are a hit or a miss for me, but the actual bosses are usually sexy.
As for other games, I'm keeping an eye on Monster Girl Dreams. I've actually played it for quite a long time, and they have a very diverse selection of mgs and content and it's free.
I figured out how to run Fallout 4 on Porting Kit (Mac), so I started doing a little bit of modding with Bodyslide. I think Bethesda games get really good graphics, but the h-content won't be as great as games that are made for that purpose.
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