*insert a funny joke*
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They/them || theatre trash || cute animals, Iliad, and Jason Todd || drawing acc:
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sendhelpspls · 22 days ago
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Eldest sibling drawing an eldest sibling
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sendhelpspls · 23 days ago
My favorite parts of the Iliad now that I’ve finished it for the first time:
Odysseus running around beating people with a scepter (and the amount of joy he got from it)
Agamemnon prematurely mourning Menelaus, who is standing right next to him.
Zeus telling Ares he hates him the most of all his children. God damn. He really did just say that to his face didn’t he.
Diomedes being a force of nature on the battlefield
Diomedes being a force of nature on the battlefield and everyone still treating him like he’s their annoying little brother who they unfortunately sometimes have to kind of listen to.
“What are you talking about?” I laughed out loud multiple times because of this line. I don’t know what it is, but every single time it’s said I just imagine the most baffled/annoyed expression and tone of voice on whoever was saying it and I just. Lose it every time.
Helen being extremely passive aggressive the entire time she’s on the page. Seriously love her.
Helen believing her brothers didn’t come to war because they were ashamed of her, not knowing they have been dead for some time. It hurts and I love it.
Odysseus and Diomedes being sent on a spy mission and deciding that, after getting information from the Trojan spy, they are going to go to their camp and steal some horses. (And a chariot. And some armor, I think???) Utter chaos. They did not have to do this. This was A Choice.
Athena helping them.
The Trojans being annoyed with Paris
Nestor kicking Diomedes awake, who is, for some fucking reason, sleeping on the ground (?????)
Nestor going on long winded rants about His Day and his exploits. And everyone just kinda has to sit and listen to him talk.
Poseidon causing an earthquake so extreme Hades worried he was going to expose the underworld.
Artemis calling Apollo a baby for not wanting to fight Poseidon
Apollo ignoring her entirely. Peak sibling energy.
Achilles calling Patroclus’ ghost “true heart.” I know what you are.
Athena helping Diomedes in the funeral games.
Athena getting so mad Apollo made Diomedes drop his whip during said games she sabotaged Eumelus and made Diomedes’ horses run faster.
Antilochus threatening his horses into running faster.
This working.
Odysseus and Ajax wrestling and being so evenly matched that everyone gets tired of watching.
When they get up for round three Achilles telling them to “put not eachother further to such cruel suffering.”
The idea that Achilles was so sick of watching them that he compares it to actively being in pain.
Odysseus praying to Athena for help when he’s loosing the footrace.
Athena actually helping him.
Athena sabotaging Ajax and making him slip and fall face first into dung.
Ajax saying Athena hovers over Odysseus like his mother. Everyone finds this hilarious. Odysseus does not disagree.
Diomedes continually aiming at Ajax’s neck while fighting for a sword and armor. They are stopped by the rest of the Achaeans in fear for Ajax’s safety.
Yea, I’m convinced the Iliad is a comagedy. A comedic tragedy. A tragic comedy?
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sendhelpspls · 23 days ago
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Iliad mini comix, books 1-8! yes i am going to do all 24 books! pray for me!
more iliad stuff
more ancient studies comics
part 2/part 3
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sendhelpspls · 1 month ago
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I giggled doing this hehe
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sendhelpspls · 1 month ago
you have the most up to date jason reading order i've ever seen but i don't think it has the gotham war stuff yet, unless i missed it. do you have a breakdown of which joker: man who stopped laughing issues go on which side of which gotham war issues? i read the man who stopped laughing and then i read gotham war but both runs felt like half of jason's story and i can't figure it out lol
Sorry for answering so late! But iirc the order of comics should approximately be like this:
Task Force Z
The Joker: The Man who Stopped Laughing #1-9
the Knight Terrors event (which is the set up for gotham war ftr but jason's issues don't matter as much)
The Joker: The Man who Stopped Laughing #10-11
After that the gotham war event begins
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War - Battle Lines #1
Batman #137
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War - Red Hood #1 (this came out after catwoman #57 but iirc it's all sort of a flashback in between issues, so timeline wise is supposed to be in between chapters)
Catwoman #57
Batman #138
Catwoman #58
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War - Red Hood #2
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War - Scorched Earth #1
And that's it i think? if anyone catches any mistakes lmk it's been a while since i've read these comics but i have hit organized like this on my spreadsheet, i'll try to add it to the reading lists tonight.. or.. during the week..
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sendhelpspls · 1 month ago
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The silly little murder man Jasoon Toodie
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sendhelpspls · 1 month ago
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sendhelpspls · 2 months ago
If you like frogs. Or possums. Or cool builds. Or happiness. This is the video for you.
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sendhelpspls · 10 months ago
I uploaded chapters 83 and onwards of honosuto (gouenji manga) in this google drive. Use it however you want just promise me to read this message in the drive first before you do (pictured below).
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They're not translated but have fun!
awesome bodacious google drive link
If you're having trouble accessing the drive or have concerns with the quality of the screenshots reply under this post!!!! So we can see the concerns in one place.
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sendhelpspls · 1 year ago
This meme is inescapable on French insta so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
no more buzzcut please!!
No more drawing duke bald, we've evolved past it. This is for everyone especially wfa onlys. I know most of yall don't like drawing bald people and what a coincidence neither do I! Lucky for you, in the comics, duke doesn't have a buzz cut his hair usually looks more like this
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The buzzcut is a lazy, common thing that many artists less experienced with black hair default to when drawing black characters. In the age of artists actually learning more diverse black hairstyles, I say we include him in this movement!
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
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robin (1993) #58
head in my hands. tim you are the worst. i love you SO much
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
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"who woke me up?" said lazarus.
"i dreamed that i was dead."
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
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The Jason Todd drawing-kick continues! What will I draw next? I don’t know. Probably Jason
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
Full version under the cut❤️
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
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sendhelpspls · 2 years ago
Nói về chuyện dịch cái middle name/tên đệm là lại điên đầu tại vì cái tên đệm ở trong văn hóa Việt Nam nó không thực sự là middle name dù nó cũng nằm ở giữa và vậy nên dịch theo hệ thống first name middle name last name cũng trắc trở theo luôn
kiểu nếu một người tên là Nguyễn Văn A thì ừa chữ Văn nó chỉ là chữ lót thôi và có thể là tên của họ sẽ được chuyển thành A Van Nguyen cho đúng công thức nhưng nếu mà tên họ là Nguyễn Quốc Anh thì tên của họ là Quốc Anh hay là tên Anh lót chữ Quốc?? Và vậy thì mình phải dịch thành Quoc Anh Nguyen hay Anh Quoc Nguyen??? Tại vì hong ai gọi một người tên Quốc Anh là Anh không cả, nhưng mà nếu mình quyết định tên họ là cả cụm Quốc Anh thì giới hạn đặt ra là ở đâu?? Quốc Anh là tên nhưng Quốc Việt thì Quốc có phải middle name không??? Hay là cái này chỉ áp dụng cho các tên Anh?? Nhưng Quốc Việt cũng là một cụm có nghĩa cơ mà
Tại vì trong tiếng Việt mỗi âm tiết là một chữ nên thành ra cái việc tên nằm ở giữa nó không có nghĩa lý gì lắm trong việc xác định middle name, khác với tiếng Anh tại vì trong tiếng Anh nói "tên tui là Jason" thì biết tên họ là Jason thôi chứ không phải suy nghĩ coi Ja có phải middle name không Mấy nước cũng có chung vụ mỗi âm tiết là một chữ như Hàn hay Trung thì lại không lăn tăn vụ này lắm, vì tên của họ sẽ là nguyên một cụm luôn (như 황현진 - Hwang Hyun Jin thì tên là Hyunjin, 王子浩 - Wang Zi Hao tên là Zihao) - đơn giản hơn nhưng mà bên mình thì không dùng vậy tại cấu trúc tên ở hai bên khác nhau 😔
tóm lại là tôi đáng lẽ ra nên theo stem chứ không phải ngành ngôn ngữ
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