sencha-witch · 3 years
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This was the first method of sigil making I ever learned, from a post by @the-darkest-of-lights. I decided to make my own tutorial on it with my spare time. Happy sigil making! I’ll be making more of these on other methods of sigil making I think, because there’s so many different methods, and this was quite enjoyable to make. (I know that you can make sigils with the other various planetary numerology squares but honestly I still haven’t figured out how, I only know this one.)
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sencha-witch · 3 years
A guide to worship of Apollo - cheat sheets
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Hellenic cheat sheets
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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Favourite Designs: Frieda Leopold ‘The Witch’ Haute Couture Gown [x]
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Witch tip:
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Winter season is upon us, which means that these types of candle holders in the shape of a tiny house will be sold as Christmas decoration again. These are amazing as home wards, to bring warmth and joy to the home, and for protection spells!
- Paint protective symbols on them or in them - charge the tealight you put in there with protection magic or magic for a happy home - choose tealights (or make them) with scents that you associate with protection or cozyness/happiness - lay a wreath around it as a symbol of your protective ward, for example a small wreath made of rosemary, or a plain metal (iron) one - you could even lay a circle of salt around it - charge the candle to become your hearth, the basis of all magics to be worked for the home - also good for working with hearth deities such as Hestia - also can be used as a house for a servitor created to protect the home - paint it in happy colours to attract joy and happiness to your home - instead of a candle, fill it with herbs, crystals, and other symbols to attract magic into your home (sort of like an open spelljar or an altar) - use it as a focus when working with the "spirit" or "soul" of your home - charge it specifically to eliminate strife and negativity within the home during the holidays
The possibilities are endless!
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Okay, I’ve been really struggling to connect with certain aspects of Hellenic polytheism and I think my main issues are not really knowing where to start. Who to start WITH that wants to work with me.
Are there any fairly reputable places to get a deity reading? I know they won’t be 100% accurate, but I still would like all the help I could get. 😅
If anyone knows of anyone that does good deity readings please let me know! 💜
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Oak Spirit
I felt a giggle in the breeze
And in the rustling leaves, I heard it too.
It circled me and danced in the wind
In the biting air of a november morning.
I’d come to a stop under a tree
A tall oak clad in ancient bark.
Through it the sun filtered,
Through its few lasting leaves, golden coloured.
I saw a story in my soul,
Part playful and yet woeful
That of a long venerated spirit.
‘What business have you, child?’
The spirit asked.
It was then I heard a song inside my mind
A faint waltz down to my bones.
‘Whatever business it may be, you surely can stop for a dance.’
And so I did sit under the tree
And listened to giggles and stories and melodies of old.
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sencha-witch · 3 years
“When all you want is to cuddle”
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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9jedit  -  https://grafolio.naver.com/creator/detail.grfl?creatorId=9jedit  -  https://twitter.com/9jedit
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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𝓍 / 𝓍 / 𝓍 / 𝓍
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sencha-witch · 3 years
☆Interceptions and Duplications in the Birth Chart☆
✩ Table of contents ✩
Interceptions and Dupolications – an introduction
Interceptions in signs and houses
Duplicated signs
Duplicated houses
✩ Interceptions and Duplications – an introduction ✩
If your birth chart ever looked like this:
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or even this:
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✦ congrats: you have an interception. An interception points to a house in your chart that is occupying two signs, also known as a house 'swallowing' one sign. You can see in the examples given above, that there are houses that rule two signs (the so called interceptions), while there are simultaniously signs ruling two houses (the duplications). In the examples above, the two people only have two interceptions and two duplications, but there are people who can have up to 4 or even 6 interceptions in their birth chart, depending on how close to the poles of the earth they were born. Interceptions are only visible if you use Placidus, Koch or any other house system that will not split up the degrees of the 12th houses equally (30°), or else one house couldn't 'swallow' another sign.
✦ The intercepted sign in your chart is known as a 'hidden' area – what is meant by that? It's basically a signs qualities that are hard to access, seemingly 'overshadowed' by the sign before. An intercepted sign points to an area in our life that has no own house it can rule over, sitting in the shadows of the sign before it.
✦ How come the intercepted sign is hard to access and tap into? With interceptions, we will find that these characteristics of the sign that is intercepted were not supported and thus properly developed in our early upbringing. For example if you have Leo intercepted in the 1st, chances are being proudly present and allowing the self to shine in the moment and to search for ways to playfully interact with your environment wasn't something that the people in your close environment supported or other qualities were more important - we look at the sign before Leo here, so Cancer qualities were supported and expected.
✦ This is another aspect important to notice in interceptions: they always come in pairs, aka their opposite sign. If you have Aries intercepted, Libra will be intercepted too, thus it's important to see that the natural balance of the Aries-Libra axis is 'damaged' in some sort of way, as the signs before Aries and Libra (Pisces and Virgo) want to take over the role of the single ruler of the house these two signs it it. So it's important to get to know the transition of meaning between the signs. Example: Pisces is the dream, while Aries becomes the dream in real life. Pisces rings in the last days of winter, while Aries is the new life and rings in the blooming spring and embodies the foreign dream with enthusiasm and action.
✦ As the interceptions always come in pairs, knowing the general themes the sister-sign pairs embody is from importance as well.
✦ Interceptions can also be seen as areas in your life that weren't fully 'ready' to be accessible and discovered by you yet, hence, they hide in the shadows of the sign before them. This can manifest on a more psychological level, often times it can be in the literal sense as well, so that your physical environment was the 'lack of' that made things inaccessible or harder to get and thus actualize. Generally speaking though, the intercepted sign is an area in life one only understands better the more they grow, only then, one will realize the blockage and confusion, as well as possible misguidance that can happen in intercepted houses.
✦ Intercepted planets: if you have a planet in an intercepted sign, it is intercepted. Compared to empty intercepted houses, an intercepted planet can be even harder to 'unlock', because the planets qualities aren't fully or healthily developed, thus, leading to 'blooming late' in those planets. Therefore, empty intercepted houses are still easier to work with than empty intercepted houses, because the planet is an active part of our life that can not healthily express and manifest itself.
✦ Interceptions bottle up a lot of energy, therefore they can act out impulsively and seemingly overflow, leading to the individual recognizing the parts of themself they have dismissed, malnourished or forgotten. Therefore, they can act out negatively as well, as the native forcefully tries to integrate these qualities into their life, without understanding the hidden motivation behind the why. Interceptions usually carry some sort of 'origin story' as to why the intercepted signs qualities are not properly expressed, so it's important to look at the reasoning.
✦ Now that we've settled the basics, what to do with the interceptions? There are two ways in order to active the intercepted house, as well as to 'make up for it'.
✦ How to make up for it? We look at the duplication here. The duplication is a sign that rules two houses in order to make up for the intercepted area in the chart. You can see the duplicated sign as your area of expertise in that sense. There is a big focus on these signs qualities and chances are you early learned to develop them well. When you have an overview over your interceptions and duplications, don't forget to look ate the modalities and elements of the intercepted/duplicated signs/houses, as this will give you an even more in depth understanding of these dynamics.
✦ How to activate the intercepted sign? Here we have to look at the ruling planets of the intercepted signs (e.g.: if Leo is intercepted look at Sun). In this way, we can see what energy we need to tap in and understand in order to activate and healthily support our intercepted sign.
✦ Important reminder, please read: It is important to look at everything in combination here, from the interceptions, to the duplication and especially the signs and houses in combination, one interpretation on it's own will not bring the full picture to the surface.
please do not copy or rewrite my work.
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✩ Interceptions in the signs and houses ✩
✦ Aries-Libra: This is about one's sense of self in relation to others. In fact, it's about how the individual assert the self and how one relates to others, as well as how you integrate those two components healthily. Assertion and compromise can become foreign abilities, here the sense of self can also be orientated on others: there is a difficulty actualizing dreams and plans, as well as communicating them to people or not getting lost in the ideas and plans of others and mistaken them as ones own plans. Autonomy is challenged, changing ones path can become difficult, same with mutually deciding with others to set a path together. Here, one become too detached from ego and ego of a group/a connection, one can feel too detached from situations, connections, even life itself sometimes, being more about intellectualizing or fantasizing of how things are or should be without feeling a very personal link to it. The individual can have a difficulty with merging too much with someone else in a connection (taking on their ego and individuality) or being too detached and separated from others, being more of a 'loner'.
✦ 1st and 7th house: This can feel like part of ones identity is missing, something waiting to be let out and manifest itself finally. One can feel 'incomplete' and misunderstood in their social connections as they feel people don't see them as who they really are or will not accept and give them what them what they need. One's part of self was not appropriate/encouraged to grow into, they had to be someone else in their environment. Can create feelings of 'people don't really see me for me' or who the person thinks they are in their head. Can lead to difficulties in connections due to possible in-authenticity/ sudden change of character.
✦ Taurus-Scorpio: Stability is a big theme here, an individual who has troubles identifying what is valuable in their life and what they should stick to, not knowing what is good for them/not having a natural sense of dedication for something they see value in/see as worthy. An unhealthy relationship to material goods can occur, due to not experiencing the privilege to endorse in them/endorse in them healthily. Here, one can also forget what they can bring to the table and stop cultivating what one perceives as valuable, there's a tendency to forget ones own power and being able to provide for ones own safety and especially maintaining it. There is a possibility that the individual looks at others to bring them a sense of value. Having troubles actually following through with plans and ideas, or not being able to relax and enjoy what you have or earned, possibly leading to greed/a fear of losing what one has. That inability to share can also be about emotional depths and the own insights/truths, vulnerability is difficult to express, thus one always remains in the status quo.
✦ 2nd and 8th house: Insecurity is a general theme here, not growing up with enough financial, material and emotional security. Qualities of the self are not perceived as valuable/where not perceived as valuable from others or one wasn't seen as valuable because the intercepted signs qualities are hard to develop, ultimately leading to see that the repressed characteristics in one are also of value and can help one regaining material but also inner stability (strengthening self-esteem). Insecurity shows in intimate connections, there could be a parts in the individual that were left unaddressed but really needed in order to move through any negativity and become more self-empowered, as well as to notice what one needs on an intimate base from the people close to them. One can thus not recognize their inner/hidden power, as well as be afraid of what is safe to be shared with others – part of the self can become 'taboo', possibly due to being encouraged to silence that part or forcefully burying it deep in the psyche.
✦ Gemini-Sagittarius: This can feel harder to expand ones mind and form an opinion of your own based on what one takes on and learn from the world. The axis of information, knowledge and believes, ones horizon can feel limited here, often times due to ideas and facts that have been given to us as the only answer or ultimate truth. The expansion of the mind can feel hindered by not knowing how to mentally and spiritually leave a current situation and set the self free to search for a clearer coast. There's also a general fear of leaving what is familiar, physically or intellectually. There can be rigid believes that hold the individual in a tight grip, someone is afraid to leave ones bubble they grew up in, pointing to a general pessimism/suspicion towards anything new or not ordinary/more creative. Relating to others or getting information from others, as taking wisdom from others because the self apparently can't have the answers can be common here. Overindulgence in information, but not getting any real value and use out of it. Possible over-consumption of knowledge or only reducing knowledge/learning to only the subjects that 'really matter/are necessary'. There is a lack of fun in exploring.
✦ 3rd and 9th house: What does one want to communicate and for what reason? There is a side to the individual that feels like it isn't worthy of being communicated, that wasn't perceived as 'intelligent' enough, could include judgment of ideas and a style of speaking/learning and seeing the world in educational institutes, the neighborhood, siblings or peers. The individuals 'why' in this world seems flawed, their words and self expression is based on what exactly? There is a chance they can't put their finger on it themself. Could lead to possible mislead in life, a 'shock' of realizing that one is running away from a part of themself. Can result into literal inability to move away and roam the world. Siblings can be the reason for why one had to keep certain thoughts and ideas to the self, why someone had to stay 'quiet'.
✦ Cancer-Capricorn: Not knowing how to nurture the self. Difficulty caring and providing for the self and possibly even for others too, because there is a lack of emotional depth and connectivity, even if one is able to connect mentally with others. It can result out of a lack of care at home, there's a general question of where home is and how one can create a comfortable, stable and healthy home life. Feeling like having no true roots, impossible to build anything stable and profitable on ones own roots can be common. Having troubles in stabilizing any emotions in people, as well as material security, one can feel like they haven't have the inner stability to root themselves successfully in the world. Flexibility and logic was more valued than emotions/emotional care, as well as material stability. A general feeling of powerlessness/defeat can be a common feeling, as one is not able to set their believes and ambitions in stone, a lack of discipline and working consistency, a general sense of impatience.
✦ 4th and 10th house: Here, the problems resulted in the home life and manifested later in ones public life as well, showing clearly when it comes to the reputation, here the intercepted signs qualities were particularly not supported and encouraged at home, possibly due to a parental figure having certain expectations of the child that left them empty, but it could have come from anyone else from the family/a general family/generational issue as well. Problems with the parental figures are relived at the job/with other authoritative figures later in life. Disliking that one can not be in public what they want to be seen as or possibly they need to hide particular parts of themself to succeed in their career/in the public sphere. Someone having to 'mask' a hidden part of their self in public.
✦Leo-Aquarius: Not seeing ones uniqueness, ones individuality (mind and heart) being mistaken as 'common' and thus resulting into believing one has to 'stay in lane'. 'Acting out' was possibly taught to be avoided, one shouldn't have taken the spotlight, one feels like it's hard dedicating time and effort blindly on the self and doing things 'egoistically', out of fun and doing what simply feels good for the self. There could have been occasions where one was falsely made to believe that being focused on the self isn't good, that one was 'too selfish', because they weren't putting the work into others. Stepping mentally as well as physically outside of the box wasn't encouraged because focus was put on caring for what's in front of you, possibly the family or anything that 'really mattered', so there was no time thinking outside of the box to begin with. Having a fear of what will happen when one is against the norm, possibly having been alienated once or fearing what will happen when they get alienated.
✦ 5th and 11th house: Showing where one was forbidden to be oneself and where someone's special talents were discredited or taken from them, where the light was (purposefully) dimmed and what seems either inappropriate and is demonized but actually really craved in ones self expression. Could be due to having to be responsible for others, especially children. Due to certain parts about the creative self being not supported, one could have troubles having any future aspirations or hopes for their future (loss of imagination), troubles finding a group to support or seeing one of a part of group that supports one. Difficulty with friend groups or finding like minded people, one can become closed off or want people to appreciate and support their creativity here. Feeling a sense of hopelessness because they can't let the sun shine on them, so they have troubles seeing the future and other people in another, brighter light.
✦ Virgo-Pisces: A lack of organizational skills and taking care of the self physically and spiritually. Here could find someone either growing up without having to develop Virgos and Pisces skillset, either very ego-focused and relying on other people, or simply because there was generally no sense of organization around them, meaning one hadto become self focused. Therefore, there can also be a disconnect to anything spiritual, one focuses on the physical realm and what has to be done now, being dependent on anything set on believes, trusting something you can't imagine and can't physically grasp and is not set in the here and now right in front of you can become hard. There is a general apprehensiveness towards the acceptance of how things are and surrendering and fixing them. 'Tiding up' ones environment as well as ones self (spiritually) could be a neglected necessity.
✦ 6th and 12th house: This interception can be a bit difficult because even though the intercepted 6th house might be easier to notice, the 12th house interceptions isn't always. Ultimately, it will show in the relationship to mind and body. Anything unresolved in the intercepted 12th house can manifest in the body, and thus try to reclaim the attention of the individual. The individual might reject the shadow house of the intercepted 12th house, thinking this can't be who they are from deep within, potentially sabotaging the self into disbelieve. Next to sudden issues related to health/the body, there could also be a difficulty about working for others, which can also manifest in the job/work field. There can be a general lack of understanding why certain qualities are important in organizing ones life, making it harder to maintain a stabler lifestyle, thus also a stabler mind-body relationship.
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✩ Duplicated signs ✩
✦ Aries-Libra: Good understanding of the self and how to insert the self in social settings, knowing how one functions alone and with others and thus having a good understanding of social contexts/skills. A good understanding of when to be alone and when to lead others, knowing the balance of being headstrong and moving forward, as well as slowing down, listening and negotiating.
✦ Taurus-Scorpio: Knows how to get what they want because the individual has strong tenacity. Knowing what is good for them and what brings them value, as well as making things valuable, strong moral codex and fixed ideas. Making more out of what one already has, being choosier with what one gives away to others due to heightened self awareness, being focused on cultivating valuable things for the self, focusing on self-empowerment and generally being aware of ones own power, as well as regenerating quickly.
✦ Gemini-Sagittarius: Here, the mind becomes the biggest weapon. Grasping new concepts and being able to get out of ones own bubble/comfort zone might come easier, as the individual not only naturally soaks up lots of information, but can also easily build a mental connection to others, though they can be very fixated on logical reasoning/coherent patterns. Walking encyclopedias/ manual, mentally very adaptive. Communication can be from advance (no matter if written or spoken).
✦ Cancer-Capricorn: Knows how to balance inner and outer needs as well as expectations, the inner security brings them the solid foundation everything they want can be build on later in life. Having great endurance, because acknowledging real life circumstances one has to deal with brings acceptance and discipline, while the emotional stability gives also makes one regenerate emotionally – the last point can also be achieved through others, others (the ones cancer considers 'family') being their regeneration point.
✦ Leo-Aquarius: Knows their purpose, confident in ones individuality and wearing it as a batch. Is focused on creating their own place in society, rejection is a form of adjusting to a new course, dancing to the beat of their own drum (or with like-minded people) is very important here and thus gifts them also with a lot of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Generally makes own aware of the fact that differences create a beautiful contrast to others, individuality is celebrated. Even if their isn't a clear goal/direction they follow in life, the experience of (re)defining and reinforcing themself while being on the way is what gives the joy.
✦ Virgo-Pisces: Can bring a good understanding of the connection between body and soul. Here, the dream and reality can work really well together, giving one the benefit to not only dream extensively, but also be aware of the real life rules to make this dream ones reality. One is aware of the limitations and/or requirements (organization), but also very in touch with the spiritual, intuitive and creative side that guides one towards meaning in life. Spirituality and the mundane go hand in hand here. One is focused on analyzing and working on (or even with) own difficulties, trying to deeply grasps any concepts and trying to achieve inner, spiritual growth, by understanding the bigger picture through the details.
✩ Duplicated Houses ✩
✦ 1st and 2nd house - 7th and 8th house: Ones identity and value/self worth correspond to the other here, who 'I am' and what I own and have merge. I can increase/decrease my self worth through my identity, meanwhile my material stability/possession and my self worth influence my identity. Developing a strong sense of self-worth is empathized here, as well as being strong in character. Social connections can become another focal point, in a way, people can be your source of energy or be of value for you. Business and intimate connections can mix here, trying to duplicate (material) worth by working together.
✦ 2nd and 3rd house - 8th and 9th house: Ones close environment and self-worth correspond with each other here, what and who your surround yourself with might have an even stronger impact on how you feel about yourself and the ability to maintain material security, your environment can really set the tone for your self-esteem. This can also point to seeing greater chances in how to make your surroundings more valuable (putting resources of any kind into them), or seeing where you can get value out of them, potentially increasing your self-esteem. Here, one also develops a strong faith/believe/life philosophy after any experience that broke their security and thus the individual can be very resilient. There is a chance someone will deepen their 'truth' by gathering more knowledge on it, either by learning/studying on it or by experience. Can give the individual a sense of fearlessness.
✦ 3rd and 4th house 9th and 10th house: Communication/logic and the heart merge here, thus leading to someone who can transfer and dissect emotional messages through the spoken and written word easily, here, the early education and the home might have merged (studying at home, school feeling like 'home'). Learning is part of the default system of the individual. The individual could put an empathize on expansion and not growing stagnant, even in their career later on. The deep emotional understanding of people and communication skills help the individual communicating their higher set of believes and philosophies to others, one is motivated to leave a mark in society because they have a deep set believe that fuels their inner flame and energizes them.
✦ 4th and 5th house 10th and 11th house: Allowing our vulnerable self to be shown to others and be expressed creatively and be looked at. This can create a very honest, authentic individual, unafraid to let ones 'ugly sides' be reflected in their performance to others. Chances are also creative, unique self expression was encouraged at home and is part of ones emotional outlets (eg. drawing, cooking, dancing to process emotions). This can also lead to someone needing to be in a cycle of people that they feel mentally as well as emotionally connected to in their work space or generally speaking a career path that allows them to meet a lot of like-minded people. Their compassion wants to be transformed into activism, the ego here is bound to be giving to the collective/the future, possibly caring a lot about future/younger generations or the prevention/betterment of (parts of) society/social groups.
✦ 5th and 6th house 11th and 12th house: Creative self expression and work, as well as the mundane/daily life merge here. The individual could feel a strong urge to have a creatively expressive job, being able to express themself freely in their work space, or to have a job that is in a creative/artistic field/children likewise ones daily routine could revolve around ones ability to have time to have fun/be creative. The individual could feel strongly connected to the collective, working with or for people with a higher goal or motivation in mind, possibly being guided a spiritual believe or seeking out communities/people that share the same believe/motivation. The individual could be very sure of how exactly they want to leave a mark on this world/how they want to leave this planet.
✦ 6th and 7th house-1st and 12th house: Here, the individual might find themselves naturally very giving and dedicated to other people and/or in general dedicated to their service for others/society. Others show how we can improve and manage ourself better by helping/managing them/their life. The strong focus the individual has to their work and co-workers can help them unravel the side of them they have a harder time accepting/integrating as they might meet many people embodying their 7th house signs energy at their work place. The 12th house themes of the subconscious self can unknowingly into ones identity. The individual might be very focused on self-improvement (or self destruction). Despite that though, the person can be very in touch with their spiritual side/spirituality in general and likes to carry this side of them on the outside, possibly liking to guide/help others. Due to the 1st and 12thhouse duplicated, the individual can be hard to read/understand for others (at first glance).
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Priest / Garden Designer
“A moment we enjoy today will never return again. As waves beat against a shore, so do we inexorably grow older. Growing old is simply proof that you are living a natural life. Human live according to the dictates of nature. Change is a natural part of this.
Right now we have a chance to truly appreciate the joy of our life until now. But you can’t cling to the past. That will only lead to pain and struggle. Accept change and absorb whatever that is good to shape a new era.
We can’t continue to selfishly exploit the natural world. We cause forest fire, extreme weather and climate change. This is a wake up call. We must build a world in which we can live in harmony with nature. We need spaces that allow our spirits to commune with nature but such spaces are sadly rare in cities today. Spaces to allow people to stop, relax and just breathe.”
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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love is stored in the kitchen
perhaps the world ends here - joy hario // the world unseen (2007) - dir. shamim sarif // text post - @jacebeleren​ // daidai’s kitchen - @pakchoys​ // text post - @bicarusgf​ // in the kitchen - helena janecic // letter to donald windham - tennessee williams // お仕事  - @tomokohara​ // summer kitchen - donald hall // perhaps the world ends here - joy hario
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sencha-witch · 3 years
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Bells might just be the earliest form of superstitious practise that I remember. My baba attached three sakura-patterned suzu bells on my schoolbag as a kid, purportedly for good luck and protection from evil spirits – and Japan is far from the only place to have associated bells and bellringing with mystic practise. They’ve been used worldwide to ward off evil and carry messages – and in a more metaphysical sense, sound is the movement of energy through substance. Sounds have the potential to work powerful magic.
Here are some of the ways I’ve found utilising bells to be helpful to my craft. While I’m more likely to use traditional suzu type bells, your own background, path and culture will likely have its own types of bells – and as ever, bells can be ornate antiques or they can be a bottle cap in a tin can, as long as they’re used with intent.
🔔 As with so much of the craft, if you’re new to the witching bell, it’s a matter of exploration and experimentation. Get a “feel” for what works for you and the specific bell you’re using.
🔔 It’s good practise to ensure that the bell itself is cleansed, warded and protected – you don’t want anything nasty tapping into that power. All witching tools can do as much harm as good, intentional or accidental.
🔔 A good way to begin incorporating bells into your craft is infuse them into any typical ritual that you’re comfortable with, or even just a prayer or moment of contemplation at your altar if you have one.
🔔 Give the bell a soft ring while focusing on the energy it’ll ripple and move, try to track the movements it creates and what it touches. The tone it’s sending out.  The most primal and versatile use of the bell – and what many of the below come down to – is simply another manner of physically channelling energy, giving it shape and direction.
🔔 “Passive” bells such as windchimes or small bells attached to belongings you don’t want disturbed are a starting point. They will scare off some forms of spirit all by themselves, especially if appropriately blessed, charmed or enchanted. Or cursed.
🔔 Gently tolling can draw energy into a ward or circle you are forming and enforce its protective properties, or for a simple cleanse, letting the sound travel to every corner of the area you are protecting. It’s a little more “cutting” than a smoke or incense cleansing, which I view as more “gentle” forms of cleansing. Both have their uses.
🔔 Harder tolling is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful ways in which to enforce a banishing – however, it’s best to you know what you’re doing with the bell before you go bashing it about.
🔔 Bells can have quite the effect on your perception and awareness. Ringing and then stopping, listening to the silence left in its wake, can bring you new perceptions or make things you’d previously missed obvious. Let it attune your mind and senses to something new, whether that’s in your thoughts or something with a little more presence. Visualise travelling with the sound, taking heed of the energies it touches and disturbs. Take note of the echoes – you’ll learn what they mean with experience.
🔔 A set of windchimes can let you know if something is passing through or if there’s some unusual energy afoot – and, yes, it may also just be letting you know that it’s a particularly breezy day, but that’s witchcraft for you.
🔔 This can be as simple as calling good energies to witching tools, spell jars, tarot decks, crystals, altars and shrines, your favourite teddy bar, anything at all.
🔔 With spirit work, it can truly help to magnify your “calling”. This can range from gently bringing your latest offering to the attention of your friendly neighbourhood house spirit – all the way to trying to catch the attention of something more. Be mindful, however. As I said, I consider bells pretty powerful tools and a call that’s too loud is not good spirit work practise for the spirit worker’s own sake. It can really help coax something out of hiding if you’re gentle with it, though.
🔔 Some use bells to mark the beginning and end of a ritual, and I’ve read that in Wiccan practise an altar bell can be used to invoke the Goddess, although as a non-Wiccan, I’ll welcome corrections on that if I’m wrong.
🔔 In my experience, very simple forms of communication via bell work a lot better than anything too complex – “come here” and “stay away” have already been covered, and other than that they can serve as greetings or signals of a start or end of some practise or ritual, the opening or closing of a door, etc.
🔔 They can also serve as a warning or a litmus test regarding spirits, a signalling of your presence and awareness, lack of fear, or willingness to defend – but be prepared to deal with whatever responses these garner.
🔔 Bindings are where you most often see that famous (clockwise) circular motion of the bell, embodying the meaning of the spell. This can be a simple binding to seal a spell or charm or enchantment, or a spirit-binding.
🔔 Personally, spirit-binding is something I do as little as possible simply due to my beliefs holding the autonomy of spirits in very high regard. However, sometimes situations arise that call for it, and I’m aware that not all bindings are unwilling. Far from it – and some spirits are dangerous when unbound.
🔔 As an animist (believing that all things, including inanimate objects, contain a spirit of their own), I consider gently nudging a spirit back into its physical form a sort of semi-binding, and that can be useful.
I’ll leave you all with a note that I am an urban apartment-dwelling witch through and through, so I understand that we can’t all be jangling away at all hours. I myself have a glass windchime in my front window that makes a distinct but muted sound when disturbed by passers-through, and highly recommend wooden ones also. I also only use my small and relatively quiet suzu bell for my crafting – one given to me by my baba herself.
Feel free to add any of your own findings, and happy tolling.
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Just letting people know that "Shifting", that thing on TikTok that was popular, isn't real.
Dream scripting however is, and has been used to help people cope with PTSD dreams and other negative dreams. It is a useful skill, but you have to understand that it is a dream.
Lucid dreaming is also very real, and very fun! I've done it multiple times, and it's a skill you can learn.
"Shifting" is dangerous because it ends up targetting mental ill people and vulnerable people who want to escape their current reality and believe they are actually going to another reality. This can cause them to ignore their real life, the real world, and their real health.
This is a very unhealthy coping mechanism and I cannot stress enough that "Shifting" is not real.
"Shifting" is dangerous to believe in because it can seriously impact people's mental health. And I am so sorry to those who do believe in shifting, I really want you to reach out to a therapist to try and find healthy coping skills so you don't feel the need to escape this reality.
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sencha-witch · 3 years
90% of the stuff many people think every religion has is just stuff specific to Christianity.
For example, here's a list of stuff Norse Heathenry doesn't have:
Holy books or scripture
Religious doctrines, dogmas, or taboos
Dualism (good vs. evil, us vs. them, etc.)
Separation of sacred and profane
The requirement of Faith
A divine plan
A Prophet or Savior
A Satan or "tempter" figure(s)
Deities that are defined by being good or evil
The need for a mediator between you and the divine
Karmic Debt / The Law of Attraction
Magical Thinking
A Prosperity Gospel
The need to put deities before human beings
Godly surveillance
Gods that are omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient
Taboos around magic
Rules about sex
A bad afterlife as the default
A need for you to earn your worth (it's inherent)
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Spell Jar Alternatives
I’m not one to bury jars with spells, I prefer a more eco friendly option and like to use items that are natural or will break down.
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I thought I’d share some of the items I use...
Conker Shells
Toilet Roll Tubes
Sea Shells
Snail Shells
Nut shells (walnuts are great!)
Seed Heads/Pods
Large leaves (I use fig)
All of these are safer in my mind as glass carries a risk factor especially for my hole digging son.
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Items can be sealed with soy wax or twine/ribbon such as hessian, cotton or silk which will break down far easier than synthetics.
Sigils still can be painted or drawn on many of the cases.
If I know I’m going to bury a spell I like to try and incorporate flower or herb seeds (Nigella/Blessing seeds are a favourite) as when the casing breaks down the seeds will often germinate.
**Images etc are my own**
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sencha-witch · 3 years
Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.
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