semislugsnails-blog · 6 years
Things I never knew about depression until I finally had a doctor explain the disease to me
Depression can manifest as irrational anger.
My complete and total inability to keep anything clean or tidy for any amount of time is a symptom of my depression. I may never be able to do this. It’s important that I remember that and forgive myself when I clean something out (like my car) and it ends up trashed within a week.
Depression IS A DISABILITY. Requiring accommodations is okay.
Medications don’t make you better, they don’t cure your depression. They serve as an aid. Their purpose is to help you get to everyone else’s minimal level of functioning.
Depression can cycle through periods of inactivity. This doesn’t mean it’s gone away.
The reason I don’t feel like other people understand me is because … well … other people DON’T understand me. They can’t. They don’t have my disability.
Paranoia is par for the course.
Depression can and will interfere with your physical mobility. Forgive yourself when you can’t physically do something.
It’s entirely possible that I may never be able to live by myself. I can’t take care of myself. I need help to do it. And that’s okay.
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semislugsnails-blog · 6 years
I’m trying not to claw open my chest because of how anxious and scared I am right now.
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
LMAO I know why I’m restless and fuck it. 
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
something that has really worked for me in terms of self improvement is trying to form a single habit at a time. i’ve self-sabotaged countless of times trying to turn my life around in a single night, like, writing down a schedule where i’m going to wake up early, do yoga, cook my own food, work six hours and then write for another two, etc, etc, and like, that does help form a coherent picture of what you want your life to look like, it helps visualizing the path before you, but it just like… the Disorders get in the way, and even with a quote unquote healthy brain it’s not something anyone can just achieve overnight. so like, for example, last year i started forming the habit of reading for half an hour before i go to bed instead of scrolling my phone, and this year i added journaling, too. i just started forming the habit of not scrolling tumblr as soon as i wake up and i’m saving a lot of time in my mornings. and like, it wasn’t something that i immediately got used to, i was so upset the first time i forgot to write about my day or sometimes i end up googling useless stuff instead of reading a book, but now it seems more natural than not to do these things.
i think my point is, and maybe this is obvious but it truly has been a reality check and a revelation for me, is that focusing on a single, small thing is so much more helpful than beating yourself over not being able to suddenly become a healthy person with healthy habits. forming habits takes time, adopting healthy routines takes time, and trying to do it all at once is incredibly discouraging, but little things add up.
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
Depression in unable to shower for 10 days and nearly 5-6 months without a job because of horrific social anxiety. 
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
Ways to un-stick a stuck story
Do an outline, whatever way works best. Get yourself out of the word soup and know where the story is headed.
Conflicts and obstacles. Hurt the protagonist, put things in their way, this keeps the story interesting. An easy journey makes the story boring and boring is hard to write.
Change the POV. Sometimes all it takes to untangle a knotted story is to look at it through different eyes, be it through the sidekick, the antagonist, a minor character, whatever.
Know the characters. You can’t write a story if the characters are strangers to you. Know their likes, dislikes, fears, and most importantly, their motivation. This makes the path clearer.
Fill in holes. Writing doesn’t have to be linear; you can always go back and fill in plotholes, and add content and context.
Have flashbacks, hallucinations, dream sequences or foreshadowing events. These stir the story up, deviations from the expected course add a feeling of urgency and uncertainty to the narrative.
Introduce a new mystery. If there’s something that just doesn’t add up, a big question mark, the story becomes more compelling. Beware: this can also cause you to sink further into the mire.
Take something from your protagonist. A weapon, asset, ally or loved one. Force him to operate without it, it can reinvigorate a stale story.
Twists and betrayal. Maybe someone isn’t who they say they are or the protagonist is betrayed by someone he thought he could trust. This can shake the story up and get it rolling again.
Secrets. If someone has a deep, dark secret that they’re forced to lie about, it’s a good way to stir up some fresh conflict. New lies to cover up the old ones, the secret being revealed, and all the resulting chaos.
Kill someone. Make a character death that is productive to the plot, but not “just because”. If done well, it affects all the characters, stirs up the story and gets it moving.
Ill-advised character actions. Tension is created when a character we love does something we hate. Identify the thing the readers don’t want to happen, then engineer it so it happens worse than they imagined.
Create cliff-hangers. Keep the readers’ attention by putting the characters into new problems and make them wait for you to write your way out of it. This challenge can really bring out your creativity.
Raise the stakes. Make the consequences of failure worse, make the journey harder. Suddenly the protagonist’s goal is more than he expected, or he has to make an important choice.
Make the hero active. You can’t always wait for external influences on the characters, sometimes you have to make the hero take actions himself. Not necessarily to be successful, but active and complicit in the narrative.
Different threat levels. Make the conflicts on a physical level (“I’m about to be killed by a demon”), an emotional level (“But that demon was my true love”) and a philosophical level (“If I’m forced to kill my true love before they kill me, how can love ever succeed in the face of evil?”).
Figure out an ending. If you know where the story is going to end, it helps get the ball rolling towards that end, even if it’s not the same ending that you actually end up writing.
What if? What if the hero kills the antagonist now, gets captured, or goes insane? When you write down different questions like these, the answer to how to continue the story will present itself.
Start fresh or skip ahead. Delete the last five thousand words and try again. It’s terrifying at first, but frees you up for a fresh start to find a proper path. Or you can skip the part that’s putting you on edge – forget about that fidgety crap, you can do it later – and write the next scene. Whatever was in-between will come with time.
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
Advice for girls: buy skinny jeans in the boy’s section
They’re more comfortable, still form fitting, and best of all: THE POCKETS. THEY HAVE ACTUAL POCKETS.
don’t believe me? look:
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these are boys pants, and they look just as good on me as any other skinny jeans I own
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See that phone? I’m going to put it in the pocket. Must be so small right??
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Ah yes, girl pants length. Probably can’t fit any further than that-
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what? what’s this?
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Good god. Oh good lord in heaven. This is blasphemous.
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Look at how much room is still there. There’s chaos in the streets. Babies are crying. Fashion designers are screaming out of fear of the unknown.
Buy your pants in the boys section, girls. Live in the beautiful world you deserve where you can fit shit in your pocket.
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
hello! i've been trying to research magic, but unfortunately most books i find are specific wicca, which i'm not interested in. do you have any book reccomendations that arent wicca centric? thank you! i love your blog :^)
Oh heckin yes I do My amazon wishlist is literally like six pages long… ALL BOOKS
WARNING: This Is Going To Be Extremely Long!
First though I want to note that while I 100% understand your feelings about the Wicca stuff (being a very NOT Wiccan Witch), not all books that are Wicca leaning are bad! I’ve gotten loads of useful information from books that tended to be a little new agey. That’s where being objective comes in! With ANY book, you should take it with a grain of salt, and some with a whole shaker. But it’s up to you to pay attention to misinformation and conflation, and to know how to do research to prove or disprove that something in a book you read is true or not. Does that make sense?? 
Anywho, a couple of books that are still kind of “Wicca-y” but great:
Grimoire of the Green Witch
The Goodly Spellbook (This one is an INCREDIBLY AWESOME REFERENCE)
The Modern Guide To Witchcraft (Written By Skye Alexander who seems to mass produce books, so need some good fact checking here)
The Modern Witchcraft SpellBook (Written By Skye Alexander who seems to mass produce books, so need some good fact checking here)
The Witches Broom (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
The Witches Athame (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
The Witches Mirror (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
Cottage Witchery (This author is pretty good about keeping away but there’s still some slips)
Practical Protection Magick (This author is pretty good about keeping away but there’s still some slips)
The Big Book of Practical Spells (Written by Judika Illes, who did the Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells; it’s a good book, but there’s too much Cultural appropriation for my taste. Tread Lightly, and bring that shaker I was talking about)
Those are all books from my personal collection that I would recommend! Now as for the Non-Wicca Books, Let’s dive in! Not all of these have I read or owned, and they are in no particular order. You’ll notice most of them relate to “Traditional Witchcraft” or West Country, because that is where my practice is focused. 
The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices 
The High Magic of Talismans and Amulets: Tradition and Craft
Cornish Charms and Cures
To Fly by Night: An anthology of Hedgewitchery
Treading the Mill: Practical Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft
Popular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages
Grimorium Verum
The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Craft Rites of the Old One
The Witching Herbs: 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for Your Magical Garden
Defences Against the Witches’ Craft - Anti-cursing Charms from English Folk Magick, Traditional Witchcraft and the Grimoire Traditions
Nummits and Crummits: Devonshire Customs, Characteristics, and Folk-lore
Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine: Old World and New World Traditions
The Art of Black Mirror Scrying
Enchantment: The Witches’ Art of Manipulation by Gesture, Gaze and Glamour
CHILDREN OF CAIN: A Study of Modern Traditional Witchcraft.
The Pillars of Tubal Cain
Witch’s Workbook
The Left Hand: The Cabal Grimoire of Walking in Darkness
Profane Seals: A Compendium of Vile Sigil Magick - Volume I
Eye of the Oracle: The Cabal Grimoire of Psychic Magick
The Book of Smokeless Fire
Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft
Between the Living & the Dead: A Perspective on Witches & Seers in the Early Modern Age
The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
The Horn of Evenwood: A Grimoire of Sorcerous Operations, Charms, and Devices of Witchery
The Cunning Man’s Handbook: The Practice of English Folk Magic, 1550-1900
Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath
The Book of Oberon: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic
The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet (PB)
Witchcraft: A Handbook of Magic Spells and Potions
Cecil Williamsons Book of Witchcraft: A Grimoire of the Museum of Witchcraft
Under the Witching Tree: A Folk Grimoire of Tree Lore and Practicum
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path
Witchcraft For Tomorrow
Pharmako Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path
The Witches’ Ointment: The Secret History of Psychedelic Magic
The Visions of Isobel Gowdie
The Taper That Lights The Way: Robert Cochrane’s Letters Revealed) 
The Call of The Horned Piper
A Deed Without a Name
Heritage Witchcraft (This one is kind of useless unless you’re taking his Classes)
Letters from the Devil’s Forest: An Anthology of Writings on Traditional Witchcraft, Spiritual Ecology and Provenance Traditionalism
The Devil’s Plantation: East Anglian Lore, Witchcraft & Folk-Magic
Liber Nox: A Traditional Witch’s Gramarye
Thirteen Pathways of Occult Herbalism
Traditional Witches’ Formulary and Potion-making Guide: Recipes for Magical Oils, Powders and Other Potions
The Black Toad
Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways
That was a lot! Okay anon I hope this gives you a good starting place! 
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
knight of pentacles 
4 of pentacles
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
5 card spread criss/cross
1 hierophant
2 4 of cups
3 9 of wands
4 page of wands
5 knight of  cups
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
10 of wands
6 of swords
9 of wands (r)
the wheel
king of cups (r)
7 of pentacles (r)
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
For myself
The First Card: This card is about who you are without all the energies of everyone around you. Sometimes we pick up so much from other people it’s hard to see who we truly are or how we feel. What’s really going on in our heart? What is in your heart when you take away the residue energy others left behind? / / / The Lovers. (Partnership, Union, Duality, Choice) Choice/Decision/Collaboration 
The Second Card: This is very important because this will give you some information on your grounding. Are you even grounded? If not, what can you do about it? How can you get grounded? We empaths gotta make sure we’re grounded. / / 3 of Wands (r) Obstacles, Delays, Frustration. (Fire/Travel/I desire)
The Third Card: Is there anything affecting you, if so what is majorly affecting your energy right now. It could be what happened today or on a bigger scale - like something that might have been wearing you down for a while now. This card is to help you understand it all. What’s affecting me if anything? / // 10 of Cups (Happiness, Fulfillment, Celebration)Water/Happiness/Family/I feel. (Always tend to think: Will I ever be happy again, Will I find love again) (Family is a given) 
The Fourth Card: As an empath making sure your energy is clear/clean can be pretty important. This card will give you insight on how to clear away junk you might already have but clear away future junk too. What can I do to help clear away negative energy, now and in the future? / / / / Queen of Swords (r) (Cold hearted, Cruel, Bitterness) Ineffective. Air/An independent influence/I think. (Has the potential to be both incredily wise, percepive and sharp but also leans more towards cold-heartness, and cruelty if give the chance. Her single-minded focus is piercing but also leaves others by the waysides))) Ineffective Thinking?Too much. Be more in control??/
The Fifth Card: Protecting yourself from bad energy is pretty imperative, little loves. Your protection bubble or shield is one way to stay safe from impending bad energy. How can I shield myself or what kind of shield should I create? / / /2 of Swords / Difficult choices, Indecisio, Stalement. Air/Stalemate/I think. ((((Interpret/ / Stop being so indecisive, this causes you unnecessary grief. 
The Sixth Card: So now that you know what’s going on where do you go from here? This card is to inspire you! Go out and live your amazing empath life and stay strong despite the feelings, good and bad, we pick up. / / /4 of Swords REST, restoration, contemplation. Air/Rest, overwhelmed/I think. 
3 swords lots of thinking/logic/in your head too much
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
advice for smol new witches
im writing this bc @cinnamon-starlight and i were talking and i wanted to offer something that wasnt ridiculously incoherent and babbling
all witchcraft is valid. don’t shit on people’s methods. any way you want to witch is beautiful and wonderful. absolutely anything can be magic if you want it to be.
that doesn’t mean you can take whatever the hell you want. don’t take things from closed cultures if you aren’t in the culture. hellenic gods? you’re chill. “smudging kits” from urban outfitters? no. don’t do it. 
your meanings are your meanings. someone else might see a plant as one way, but that doesn’t make it the best way for you. witchcraft is personal. don’t let other people make your decisions.
be safe. don’t eat anything unless you’re 100% sure it is safe. don’t use magic instead of medicine. just don’t. mundane solutions are actually great! do your research before doing things, and make sure you understand how to protect yourself with wards before you do spirit work, curses, astral projection, etc. 
don’t leave rationality behind. this is important. just because there might be something ghostly doesn’t mean there is. do not begin to see omens everywhere. don’t trust your life to a pendulum. 
witchcraft is not a Super Serious Thing. it can be! but it doesn’t have to be. it can be casual. you can use pop culture. you don’t need special supplies or a whole room for rituals (though there’s nothing wrong with either of those!) don’t feel like you’re not a “real witch” because you aren’t constantly talking about astrological transits. 
have fun. do things you want to do. learn cool stuff. meet other witches. if one of them is rude tell me so i can go kick their ass. this should be a nice and supportive community for people doing something they care about. 
witches, pagans, and wiccans are not the same thing. witches do magic, pagans follow pagan religions, and wiccans follow wicca, a form of paganism.
don’t be afraid to be told you’re wrong. let people explain things. just be sure that they aren’t covering up your opinions, namely those meanings i talked about. suggestions are good. 
learn learn learn. it doesn’t happen overnight. everyone continues learning. keep learning. more learning. yessss that learning. but if at any point you don’t enjoy learning about something? you probably should stop studying it and go try something else instead. look at number seven.
now go out and witch! i just know you’ll blow them all away and i am so happy you’ve decided to be a witch! which, by the way, is a gender neutral term. 
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
Moon Phases and the Concepts
I know many witches use the phases of the moon in their magic, and it got me thinking. I always wanted to incorporate the moon into my practice, but none of the traditional ways really… clicked. So I started musing about how the phases of the moon could apply to working with the Concepts, and came up with some stuff that might just work for me.
• Change ° New Moon- spells for new energy to come into your life, banishing old energy, private change, curses to shroud someone in chaos ° Full Moon- spells to boost energy, to pull new energy in, public change, curses to overwhelm someone with chaos ° Waxing- to increase change or energy, to curse someone with growing chaos ° Waning- to decrease to change energy, to curse someone with decreasing change.
• Order ° New Moon- Meditation, clearing out stagnation, creating stability in one’s private life, curses to sneakily stagnate someone’s life ° Full Moon- Spells for organization, boosting stability, creating public stability, smothering someone suddenly with stagnation ° Waxing- To increase stability in an aspect of life, to curse someone with increasing stagnation ° Waning- To decrease stagnation, to curse someone with decreasing stability.
• Time ° New Moon- New starts, curses to obscure someone’s sense of time ° Full Moon- Travel spells, curses to cause travel troubles ° Waxing- Spells to make projects grow faster, curses to push off someone’s sucess ° Waning- Spells to bring deadlines closer, curses to make someone run out of time
• Fate ° New Moon- Divination about new choices, curses to blind someone of their fate, spells to help you start a new path of fate ° Full Moon- Divination about your current path, spells to help you get on the path you want, curses to throw someone off their desired fate path ° Waxing- Spells to make aspects of your fate grow, spells to give you new choices, curses to give someone _too many_ choices to get them confused, or scramble those choices ° Waning- Spells to make aspects of your fate shrink, spells to reduce an overwhelming amount of choices, curses to corner someone to a less desirable fate path
• Chance ° New Moon- Spells to bring in new luck, curses for bad luck, spells to help you cheat the system ° Full Moon- Spells to help support a chance at something, curses to reveal a cheater, spells to show you potential results ° Waxing- Growing luck, growing chances for things, cursing someone by increasing the chance for something negative to happen ° Waning- Shrinking bad luck, reducing the chances for thing, cursing someone by draining their luck
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
The Phases of the Moon + Magick
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All witches know that the moon is magical. Certian phases correspond with certian things, which if you correspond spells, potions, curses etc. with certian phases, the outcome can be more powerful. So, what do all the phases mean?
New moon
The new moon represents new beginnings and new adventures. It corresponds with the winter solstice in refrence to the seasons. During this moon phase, it is time to act. Time to initiate new things, start new relationships, start that book you’ve always wanted to write, begin a road trip even. This is also a good phase to do love/romance magic, healing magic or job hunting. If you are looking for love, this is the time to cast a spell to find it! Spells for the new moon can be done for three and a half days.
Waxing moon
For fourteen days after the new moon, you can cast spells under a waxing moon. This is when you build upon what has already existed. If you casted a love spell, maybe add a little more to it. If you had a pre existing job, before the new moon, now is a good time to ask for a promotion (if you are eligible of course). Use this time to enhance prosperity and luck, as well as existing abilities.
Full moon
Do major rituals or magic under a full moon for a huge boost in energy. Healing and manifestation spells work well under a full glowing moon. Charge objects under a full moon, like crystals, water for blessing, objects, ingredients, etc. Protection spells, like wards, should be cast under a full moon if possible. The extra power will aid in its magic. Divination is clearer under a full moon. Cast spells at a full moon for money, dreams and knowledge. It resembles the summer solstice on a seasonal scale. You can do full moon magic for three and a half days from when it starts.
Waning moon
This is prime time to get rid of any addictions or negativity. Use this time to banish away a lurking depression inside you. Spells involving removing, reducing or taking away should be done now. If you want that toxic friend out of your life but they won’t leave you alone, here’s a good time to use a spell so you can shake them off. This is a good time to put things in right places. From three and a half to ten and a half days after a full moon is when you can work with the waning phase.
Dark moon
From ten and a half to fourteen days after the full moon, work with the dark moon. This is a time to be rid of nasty habits. If you wish to go on a diet, cast a spell for it during the dark moon. This is a great time to get to know your angers and passions about yourself. It illuminates the past present and future, so you can see recurring patterns in yourself. This is a time to meditate, delve deep into your own mind and learn about yourself in another light. If you wish to work with spirits, this is a prime time. Overall, the dark moon is perfect for working for and with yourself.
Void of Course
Voids of course are periods every two or so days when it is transitioning from one zodiac house to another. It lasts from a few minutes to hours. During this time, you should avoid making big desicions. During this time, there will be delays in tasks. Don’t start any new relationships or enter anything life changing during this period of time. Plans made during this time usually turn out differently than you would expect. Avoid purchasing much, as it will become useless after some time. This is a helpful list of when they all occur for 2015. 
All in all, the phases of the moon are beautiful and magical. While you can still cast spells under the sun, and you don’t need the moon, it can boost so much magic in any work you do. I suggest blessing some water under every full moon and at least learning what the phases are and work for each one at least once. Maybe you will find that your magic shines brighter under the moon, with her energies’ aid.
Sources: x x x x x
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
new moon banishing ritual
a ritual to banish negative people and influences from your life, using the energy of your favorite/dominant planet
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During a new moon, the Earth and the Sun are separated by our dusty little satellite. The Moon rises and sets with the Sun, bright face turned away from us, giving us time to reflect and rid ourselves of baggage before setting out on our new endeavors come the first sliver of the waxing crescent.
The new moon is a time of darkness and an excellent occasion for ridding yourself of those darker influences in your life. Using the energy of your dominant/favorite planet, this new moon ritual can help liberate you from the shackles of your fears, bad habits, or negative people in your life.
What You’ll Need:
A black candle for banishing
A candle, crystal, or some other token to represent your planet of choice
Time for visualization
Optional: planetary tea blend
Beneath the night sky or in a dark room, light your black candle.
If you’ve chosen a candle to represent your planet, light it. If you’ve chosen a crystal or something else, hold it in your hands. Say these words: Oh [planet], give me the power to clear my life of these troubles. Like you, I want to clear my orbital path And turn each obstacle to rubble.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself as your planet of choice. It’s early in the solar system’s formation. Asteroids, planetoids, and other chunks of rock soar chaotically throughout the solar system. Some are orbiting in your path.
Examine the obstacles in front of you. How many are there? How big are they? Most importantly, what do they represent? Picture each negative influence in your life as a chunk of rock floating along the orbital path of your planet.
Feel your planetary body hurtling through space. You’re so much larger and stronger than these obstacles in front of you. As you approach each one, notice how you bring about its destruction. Does it collide with you and crumble into dust? Maybe your gravity flings it out of your path and out of the solar system, never to be seen again. Is it small enough to capture and become one of your satellites, benefitting you rather than harming you?  Does it surpass your Roche limit (the closest a satellite can approach without being pulled apart by the planet’s gravitational field) and explode? If you’re a ringed planet, maybe the little bits of dust begin to orbit you and create your ring.
When all of your obstacles have been destroyed, take a journey around the Sun. Nothing stands in the way of your orbital path. Perhaps now you know how to banish your real-life obstacles, or at least you have the strength to face them head on.
Blow out your candle(s). Drink a planetary tea blend or perform any other ritual that will help fill up the spaces where the banished negativity used to reside. The next time you’re forced to face those fears, remember those moments you spent as a giant of the sky, and that you have the power to conquer any negative obstacle in your life.
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semislugsnails-blog · 7 years
Introduction to Moon Magick Class Summary
Recently I attended a class at my local Metaphysical Shop, The IIISuns. It was all about the Moon, It’s phases, And how to incorporate them into your craft. 
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Here’s what I learned 
The Instructor, “The LoonWitch” started of the class with telling us why the moon was so important. As we all know, The Moon controls the tides of the ocean, Right? Well the moon also has an impact on our body’s because we are also water. Like the tides, The moon pushes and pulls us. It can drastically effect our magic. 
She also emphasized that we should make the moon personal to us. It doesn’t have to be a feminine energy by default. It can be masculine, Or genderless.
Depending on which Phase of the Moon we are in, It “sheds light” or can “illuminate different things” or energys.  
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[NOTE: Waxing means Expanding, or growing in illumination, And Waning would be decreasing in illumination) 
1. New Moon:  The New moon calls for a time of beginning,  fresh starts, optimism, hope and faith. It is when you would want to organize, And prepare your spells. 
2. Waxing Crescent: Manifestation,  Building, accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning, positive transformation. As the Moon begins to illuminate, so does your spell. 
3. First Quarter: The time of light, and dark. Balance. Decision making, and inviting new positive energy. 
4. Waxing Gibbous. It’s about perfection. Getting things done, making room for positivity and attraction.  
5. Full Moon: This is when the moon is most powerful, It is fully illuminated. It’s a time of completion,  Abundance, harvest, and wish-fulfillment.
6. Waning Gibbous: is about reassessment, Letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, undoing bindings, opening up, Making amends, and making space. 
7. Last Quarter: Banishment. As light leaves the moon it is also banishing, and letting go of bad habits, and negativity. 
8. Waning Crescent: Also called the “Justice” moon. It is about achievement,   Rest, Peace, deep wisdom, and completion. 
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