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American Gaelic Polytheism
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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Welcome spring! 😊⛅🌱 #paganlifestyle #pagansofinstagram #springhassprung
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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It’s heeeere! #paganprofessional #FamilyLifeEd #cfle
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
Ok, but both sides of this are legitimate. As a parent, you do need to monitor your child's social interactions. Children (and I'm still looking at you teens) can't/don't have the ability to consistently logically reason. They are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. It's fucking brain science.
But parents need to first establish those open lines of communication, because as other people mentioned, sneaking and punishment are not only setting the worst example for kids but killing your relationship. Start when they're littles, acknowledge their individuality when they're 2-3-4 years old. Guide them. Don't fucking give them technology they aren't ready for. Monitor from day one. And constantly check your own prejudices and biases. It's ok for kids to have secrets, but make sure they know what is safe for them to keep a secret, and what an adult needs to know. And align all areas in that. Kids are smart, they catch your bullshit. You literally cannot say one thing and do another because you think they won't pick up on it. They will, and they will be more confused and hurt by it than an adult because they don't have the capacity to understand they why behind it yet. You need to tell them.
Instead of sneaking glances at your kids secret life, work harder to be a part of that life from the beginning. And fucking explain yourselves every step of the way.
"Should parents read their daughter's texts or monitor her online activity for bad language and inappropriate content?"
Earlier today, I served as the “young woman’s voice” in a panel of local experts at a Girl Scouts speaking event. One question for the panel was something to the effect of, “Should parents read their daughter’s texts or monitor her online activity for bad language and inappropriate content?”
I was surprised when the first panelist answered the question as if it were about cyberbullying. The adult audience nodded sagely as she spoke about the importance of protecting children online.
I reached for the microphone next. I said, “As far as reading your child’s texts or logging into their social media profiles, I would say 99.9% of the time, do not do that.”
Looks of total shock answered me. I actually saw heads jerk back in surprise. Even some of my fellow panelists blinked.
Everyone stared as I explained that going behind a child’s back in such a way severs the bond of trust with the parent. When I said, “This is the most effective way to ensure that your child never tells you anything,” it was like I’d delivered a revelation.
It’s easy to talk about the disconnect between the old and the young, but I don’t think I’d ever been so slapped in the face by the reality of it. It was clear that for most of the parents I spoke to, the idea of such actions as a violation had never occurred to them at all.
It alarms me how quickly adults forget that children are people.
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
Making Zero-Waste Transfer Pots
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Transfer pots can be a really great way to get a jump on the growing season. You can start your plants indoors and move them outside when the weather permits, starting your growing season with a more mature plant! 
Of course, you can just use small pots and repot into the ground, but transfer pots save you some work and a bit of stress on the plants since you don’t have to disturb their roots in the process. 
This is a method that I’ve used for both regular planting and guerrilla gardening.
Instructions below the cut, let’s gooooooooo!
Keep reading
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
heya im aware theres a few authors 2 avoid when it comes to gael/celtpol but i cant for the lfe of me remember them, could you tell me? or if youve already written it down somewher point me there?
Sure thing!
DJ Conway - magic stuff may be good, but her history is poop.
Edain McCoy - history is again poop and refuses to be corrected. An overall ass (made up the infamous Potato Goddess.)
Caitlin and John Matthews - are “meh” resources. If you’ve read other things, they aren’t terrible but they don’t differentiate between fact and UPG and barely differentiate between the different Celtic cultures. Avoid if you can
Robert Graves - the “original” problem… Robert Graves made up a bunch stuff about Celtic Mythology and the authors above just ran with it, despite it being false and despite it being disproven. 
So yeah! Those are the authors that immediately come to mind. 
Authors to instead go to:
Morgan Daimler
Lora O’Brien
Dáithí O hOgáin
And bunches of others but those are the three coming to mind right now. I also appreciate Morgan Daimler’s “resource” list they published for Irish Paganism. Check it out!
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
Okay so I don't know why people say sex or love is what makes us human. Lots of organisms in nature have sex or mate for life. You know what makes us human? Cooking. Nothing else in nature cooks except humans. Checkmate aphobes. Sincerely, an ace cook.
is that true??
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Holy shit!!
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
A Modern Tain
When the kids are fighting and throwing pillows at each other because someone is hoarding the cows in the shared Minecraft world.
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
hello witchblr ❤️
Autumn here. I’m a 29 year old nurse and mom, currently pregnant with my fourth and last little sprout. i’m not entirely new to witchcraft, but it’s been a long time, so for all intents and purposes, i’m a baby witch!
going to use this tumblr as a digital grimoire of sorts, to start saving helpful information and chronicle my witchy adventures. I would love to make some friends. if you like or reblog this post and you are:
-a hearth witch
-a kitchen witch
-a green witch
-a hedge witch
-a baby witch
-an atheist/humanist/pantheist/skeptical witch
-a mama or pregnant witch
-a spoonie witch
-a neurodivergent witch
Or you are into/post things about:
-spell jars and simple spells
-aromatherapy/incense/essential oils
-nature and animal magick
-cats 🐈
Feel free to like or reblog this post and likely gain a follower 😊
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
It's posts like this that make me add to my "to learn" list.
If you could instantly be granted fluency in 5 languages—not taking away your existing language proficiency in any way, solely a gain—what 5 would you choose?
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
My Island Folk Music - Manannan’s Road
A lovely rainy night here, so let’s have a Manannán song.
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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thank you Opportunity, thank you for furthering our understanding of space and Mars, thank you for going in our place to the great beyond
thank you for your service and your fortitude, thank you for opening our imaginations and furthering our eyes into the universe
they said you would only survive 90 days, but you survived 15 years, I know it became dark and cold and your battery got low- but your memory will be warm and influence vast
thank you
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
I don't understand how to use Tumblr
I feel so old, I'm not even 30 yet. How did I totally miss the learning curve on this platform. 😰
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
I just realized, my husband is Hades... 😨
hades isn’t a badass. hades named his three-headed-guard-of-the-underworld-dog spot. hades whispers to his flowers to make them grow. hades grows fruit. there’s no sun in the underworld.
hades isn’t a badass. stop saying this false thing
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semiruralpagan-blog · 6 years ago
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