If that's what you think is best, go, but seriously don't come back.
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i stayed between the walls
for so long
the world and i
were strangers
when i returned
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Don’t be a “maybe”. It’s either Hell Yes or Fucking No.
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At face value, this is a ridiculous headline. But the article then says his managers berated and insulted him for leaving the party after an anxiety attack, and the company then fired him for taking days off work for “unsafe work practices,” due to having anxiety?
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“People can change, that’s true. In a way you want your tea to be sweet, but never expect it to change into coffee. You can melt an icicle, but never expect it to change into fire. You can tame a demon and ask for a favor, but never expect them to change into an angel and wash away your sins.”
— 03/23/22, anastasiasyah
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“I think you lost all interest in this world. You were disappointed and discouraged, and lost interest in everything. So you abandoned your physical body. You went to a world apart and you’re living a different kind of life there. In a world inside you.”
— Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
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“I think of reading a book as no less an experience than travelling or falling in love.”
— Jorge Luis Borges
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jan ali o lukin e ni mute a! mi pali e ni mute kepeken lipu Instagram. mi pakala. taso, tenpo pini la ni li musi tawa mi. mi namako e ni kepeken ilo sitelen ike kin. tawa pona. :)
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