Totally Not Insane
30 posts
MDNI | 20+ | They/Them | Current Obsession: Dungeon Meshi Feel free to ask any questions!
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
I need more Husk fics god damnit, I may just write my own that'll cover both his overlord days and the first season. I need to sit on the grumpy old man cat's lap NOW
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
Gushing rn but god I really just wanna cuddle with Husk so badly. Like some frames make his chest look so extra fluffy I just wanna push my face into it and stay there for hours.
AND THE PURRING GOD- literally would be so soothing. Fur and fluffy wings? Sign me the fuck up
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
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Sketch page of Doe, mainly to go over how I would draw her expressions since her main form of communication will come from it.
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
Can't draw but I must rant about Doe and Alastor.
So I fully intended to give Doe an actual name, but I can't really think of anything? So I just wrote it that Alastor just refuses to let anyone else know her name. And tbh Doe wouldn't really complain about it since she doesn't talk. Plus she would internally actually love to being called Doe because it was a nickname Alastor gave her when they were alive.
Speaking of their time alive, their marriage was purely business. Mainly since both were seen as outcasts in their time, so they both agreed to marry to get people off their backs. Though through their time together, the two had grown extremely close that it's hard to tell if them acting like a couple is real or just an act.
Another thing is that Alastor would very much be questioning Doe on how and why she's in hell. Probably would consider the fact that them being married got her there, which wouldn't be fully wrong...if it wasn't for the fact that Doe actually found out about his killings and just said nothing about them. Even though she could've, she just chose to ignore it unless it affected her life.
Also Doe didn't die with Alastor, she lived for a long time actually. Most took the narrative that she was innocent and had no clue, so she was pitied by most in the community. So she was able to live until she died of old age, which leads me to my next Doe fact-
Doe totally was a granny metal fan, she keeps this a secret until someone asks so she can scare them. "So Doe, what's your favorite kind of music?" "Why that's easy! It's-" "!!!" "Oh you wish to show Darling? Well I can-" *heavy metal plays* "...Oh."
Doe also is very much more tolerant to modern technology in comparison to Alastor, especially TV, since she basically did live through it becoming mainstream. Though that's not to say she is tolerant of Vox, nah she just barely stands him. Mainly because that guy very much tries to use her to get under Alastor's skin, with no success because Doe herself would just retaliate.
Can't think of anything else but I swear I will make more content for not only Doe but my other ocs
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
A/N: I'm exhausted from work today so I'll be taking today off from requests. So for now enjoy these short story headcanons!
Tired GN!Partner HCs!
He greets you every day when you come home from work with his arms wide open. You always jump into his arms, excitedly telling him about your day. He did the same as soon as he heard you walk in through the door but this time you dropped onto the couch, exhausted.
He zaps next to you, his fingers running through your hair. "Long day?" He asks. You groaned in response.
He hums, turning on one of your comfort movies as you scoot up to lay your head on his lap. "I'll get us some dinner and I'll have the maids clean up. Do you want a bath or a massage? What do you want tonight, honey?"
You didn't respond, too tired to choose. He gets up to which you whine in response at the absence of his warmth. He soon gets back wearing the pajamas, your pair in his arms for you to get into. He knew you weren't going to bother changing so he does it for you.
He wraps you up in a blanket, laying down on the couch with you on his chest. The soft sounds emitting from his head lulled you to sleep, too exhausted to pay attention to the movie he put on for you. After taking a couple of pictures with you on him, he carries you into the room you share together so you both can cuddle up and sleep for the rest of the night.
At first he wasn't much when it came to physical affection but he does know when it is absolutely necessary for him to give it. You never pushed his boundaries to which he admired you for, making up for it with acts of service and gift giving. He's warmed up to you enough for him to constantly have his hand on you or yours on him.
After a long day at work you act more sluggish, not attempting to give him a peck on the cheek or even pat him on the head as a greeting. If your slowed movements didn't give it away, that most definitely did as it left him longing for you. You greeted everyone with such low-energy that they all knew you just wanted to rest. You drag yourself to Alastor's room that you shared with him and dropped yourself on his bed.
Alastor phases in, sitting next to you. Before you could tell him you were tired, he already responded to your thoughts. "A long day, I'm aware, my dear." With a snap of his fingers, he changed you into a pajama set made from the softest silks Hell could offer. "Now, now. Fret not, all that needs to be done here is done. Let's get you rested up."
You sit up, tired eyes looking at his. He hands you a cup of chamomile tea and plays some soft jazz. He lays on his stomach, legs kicking in the air as he admired you. As soon as you finish your drink, it disappears. You get yourself comfortable on the bed. He tucks himself next to you, "Come closer, my darling doe."
You scooted closer and in response he pulls you in, your head laying on his chest. "Do rest, my dear. I shall be by your side until you are awake." You closed your eyes and listened to the soft static that came from him. Your hands played with his ears, twitching a bit at your touch. You drifted off to sleep, Alastor by your side to ensure nobody interrupts your well deserved rest.
He would call you often while you work but this time around you didn't answer. You instead sent him a text that you were on your way home. On your walk up to the door, about 3 minutes away, he was too impatient and just popped up in front of you, energetic as ever.
"Y/N! Are you feeling okay? You didn't answer my calls..." He pouted. You managed a tired smile at him, holding his rosy cheek in your hand.
"I'm sorry. Work was a lot and I'm just...tired." In an instant, you were in Lucifer's room. "Woah." was all you could say.
He cleaned up the room, made the bed and dimmed the lights with a simple snap. He also changed the both of you into a duck onesie and jumped into bed with you. He cuddled up to you, snuggling into your neck.
"Y/N?" He asks, getting a simple hum in response. "I love you." You looked at him and he was looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes you'd ever seen him do. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too." You hugged him tight, giggling at him making audible sounds of happiness. The smell of apple and cinnamon gave you a sense of comfort and soon enough, you were both fast asleep in each other's arms.
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
Impulsivity hits its ugly head, so I'm just gonna go off on my babies. So yes, if you haven't guessed, we're gonna be on a Hazbin Hotel obsession for awhile.
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Going from left to right we have; Doe, Violetta, Celeste, and Jewel. These aren't their final designs, I'm gonna make more full on references and give more info on who I'm shipping them with and their dynamics with one another and with their partner(s).
But here's the basic info
Doe isn't her real name, and almost no one knows it for two reasons. She's selective mute so she can't say it, but also because of her husband.
Vio is a streamer who's main shtick is tapping into the weeb side of sinners cause let's be honest we know that market is gonna start thriving as time goes on.
Celeste is someone I need to work out a bit more but she when she was alive she was one of those casino girl workers that got the drinks or hanged off of the big payers.
And Jewel is actually my old fursona that I'm repurposing for this show. They're actually a shapeshifter cause, and hear me out, this is an isekai sona. They don't actually belong in hell, or at least this version of hell. It's really hard to explain but it's mainly a "Oh, how much could you get away with a soul that technically won't even be recognized in this place?"
And that's about it? I know I wanna talk about them a lot for now so if anyone who either is an old follower (and sticks around, Hey thanks! Sorry for 4 years of silence) or someone new in the Hazbin fandom that finds this post, please ask me anything about them!
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
Changed my mind, we keeping the name the same. Just gonna put what the current obsession is in the desc when I change my mind cause I fandom hop like that fhekrhfkf I'm indecisive~
Guess who's about to revive this blog BITCHES
But first, we need some...renovations for my current obsession. Will also rename this blog so its more related to the fandom. Though this will only happen once I have enough posts to bury the old stuff (trying not to cringe at the old art- my art style has changed drastically from that)
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selfinsertgalore · 1 year ago
Guess who's about to revive this blog BITCHES
But first, we need some...renovations for my current obsession. Will also rename this blog so its more related to the fandom. Though this will only happen once I have enough posts to bury the old stuff (trying not to cringe at the old art- my art style has changed drastically from that)
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selfinsertgalore · 4 years ago
Do you ever just have friends that tease you over how you "betrayed" your favorite character by simping over a new revealed cutie?? And you just can't find it funny when they joke about the character crying and divorcing you?? Or making custody jokes over the fanchild you made??
Like am I just too tired to find this funny??? Or am I just being irrational? Like yeah it was funny at first it's just making me irritated...
Sorry for the sudden post, I've been way too into twst so I have a separate oc blog for that and have been making friends on discord...but I just needed to rant somewhere they don't know and maybe get a second opinion? Idk none of this possibly makes any sense...god I need sleep
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
I looked at other ocs that are shipped with Shirou and I find it funny how some are saying they aren't a furry like-
Them: I'm not a furry! I just wanna bang Shirou
While I'm here already a furry, been one since middle school lol. It's like-
Me: Oh I'm definitely a furry, no shame when I say I want that kn-
I'm not dissing anyone btw, I just found it funny lmao
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
Sorry for not posting for awhile, I want to draw more of my twst selfinsert but I haven't had the motivation to do it.
I'll try to get something done, probably with Riddle cause he's my fav lmao (or maybe just the whole Heartslabyul cast? Cause I'm already getting an idea)
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
I just thought of an idea for another twst oc (not self insert...maybe) to have a dormitory based on Captain Hook
Like the dorm leader is just this overly cocky dumbass, very clumsy too. Like;
"I am the greatest! No one can say otherwise!" *proceeds to trip on their own feet multiple times in the span of 5 mins*
Vice dorm is very motherly, spoiling the leader. Like;
"Prefect please stop shouting, it's almost midnight."
"Shut up! I'm trying to think of a way to beat my enemies!"
"You want some tea to help you sleep?"
"...yes please..."
Their dorm could look like their on a resort island, with a pirate ship on shore being the dorm building!
Idk, I haven't seen a hook inspired oc yet (or maybe I haven't look enough, who knows)
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
I'm seeing a lot more Shirou x readers and...
*happy bun noises*
Yes pls
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
Okay so after a few days of getting Groom Riddle (took me...what 3 days of grinding rings?), got him groovied (first one, yay) and now I'm just sitting here unable to beat overblot
So I'm gonna put Lu into a suit and make a silly comic about the ghost bride event, cause why not
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
Finally I have a rough sketch and color of the twst insert!
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First outfit is her uniform (she refuses to wear a skirt, which Crowley did try to at first when she told him she was actually female), second is her normal wear, or just what she wears out of class, and the third is her pjs (without her binder of course).
Her name is Lucy, or Lu as she tells everyone to call her. She's often mistaken to be a guy, her binder not helping. This is why when she shows up at the school, no one questions why there's a female in an all boy's school.
She takes place of the player, so she doesn't have magic and has to deal with Grim (who she finds annoying). So far the only ones to realize Lu is a girl are Deuce and Ace, who both walked in (separate times, following the story) to see her in her pajamas and without her binder. Let's just say they had quite the reaction.
She often wears a binder because when she was young she couldn't ask her only parent, her father, about bras and such. So in pure awkward fashion, her dad got her a binder instead of a bra due to his lack of knowledge on bras. And so she's just used to wearing binders, sometimes finding difficulty to put on.
She does have her moments of worrying over her femininity, wondering if she's not feminine looking enough. And in those moments, depending on the partner, she'll be down to dressing more feminine.
The closest character I can describe her is Naoto from Persona 4, except the difference is the reasoning for looking masculine.
Hopefully I'll being able to post some silly comics in the coming days, maybe I could do a series thing that follows the story? Maybe just only do how different she would react? Idk I'll have to think about it
Edit: Forgot to mention that she's shorter than Epel (who's the second shortest, Ortho being the shortest). I wanted her to be shorter than the characters I like...which just so happens to be the short stacks...yep lol
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
Okay I got a concept for the Twisted Wonderland insert. It's mentioned that the school is an all boys' school. And since no one seems to have any reactions about the player (with their gender I mean, which makes sense since anyone can and will play it). So I thought why not have my insert, who would be in the player's character role, mistaken as a guy from the getco
Like no one know she's a girl until she out right states it. Causing certain characters to freak out in many different ways lmao
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These are only quick traditional sketches for what she looks like, but I'm not fully sure...I'll have to sleep on this
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selfinsertgalore · 5 years ago
I just got into Twisted there's too many hot and cute boys!! I just wanna kiss them all!
...I'll probably make an insert...maybe...
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