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Are you tired of continually sharing your problems with therapists, but never finding solutions? At Self Health Hypnosis we use the Meta Model, an NLP technique developed by one its originators Richard Bandler. The Meta Model is a therapeutic technique for recognizing how a person’s thinking may be causing difficulties in their life. Instead of asking ‘Why’?, we use the Meta Model to better understand people and what is behind their problem behaviors.
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As humans, we have evolved into the most amazing, creative, imaginative and expansive minds. Unfortunately, so many of us haven't mastered cognitive control, and that unconscious, unhelpful, often destructive monkey mind wreaks havoc. How many job opportunities have you passed up for fear of failure? How many nights have you stayed home alone because you thought no-one at that party would like you? How many missed romantic connections have you watched walk by because you were afraid of rejection? And how many of these situations were completely self-inflicted by your own mind, convincing you that the worst would happen? When we aren't aware of our negative thoughts, we are unable to catch negative self-talk, which leads to negative feelings and negative behaviour. The key to preventing this is to change the underlying programs and beliefs that drive the monkey mind... We use hypnotherapy to access and change limiting beliefs and embed helpful skills and techniques that promote mindful awareness. When you change your way of thinking, you change your life... http://amp.gs/Bp3U
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A state of relaxation is an often used vehicle for clinical hypnosis due to its benefits in reducing anxiety and opening a client up to the experience of learning and new possibilities. For this reason, it is often thought that inducing a trance in order to offer suggestions aimed at beneficial therapeutic outcomes, therefore, must involve relaxation. High-quality research, however, indicates that relaxation is not a defining characteristic of hypnosis and application supports the ability to produce hypnotic phenomena in a person even when they are active and alert. As Milton H. Erickson said many years ago - Trance is a natural everyday experience. Perhaps you have been on a long train trip, staring out the window, focused on the passing countryside, the distant hills, the trees that line a nearby road, and the quaint little houses. All of sudden your focus is interrupted by someone passing loudly through the carriage. You glance at them and then look at your watch wondering what time it is. To your surprise, 20 minutes have passed and you look back out to window to recall visions and feelings of recent daydreams, but realise you cannot remember the details of the countryside that has passed you by even though you were wide awake and staring out the window. #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #psychology #brain #innerobserver #mindfulness #thoughts #behaviour #anxiety #depression #overwhelm #programs #programmes #feelingstuck #mindset #mind #nlp #learn #change #selfhypnosis #solutions #solutionsfocusedtherapy #modernhypnosis #miltonherickson #ericksonianhypnosis #unconsciousmind #nlp #change #reframe #mindset #obstacle #trance #relaxation
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Have you tried other therapies in the past, yet feel as though you haven’t shifted the cognitive basis of your destructive thoughts, feelings and behaviours? Do you find yourself getting stuck in old habits or falling back into familiar problems?
While you are in hypnosis, we use our formal training in Psychotherapy and NLP to deliver interventions that change the unhelpful ways you have been unconsciously operating…
It is possible to overcome any obstacle… we can show you how!
#hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #psychology #brain #innerobserver #mindfulness #thoughts #behaviour #anxiety #depression #overwhelm #programs #programmes #feelingstuck #mindset #mind #nlp #learn #change #selfhypnosis #solutions #solutionsfocusedtherapy #modernhypnosis #miltonherickson #ericksonianhypnosis #unconsciousmind #nlp #change #reframe #mindset #obstacle
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Hypnosis is an experience that is challenging to define, despite the fact that scientific evidence validates the value and clinical utility of hypnosis in therapeutic practice. The difficulty in providing people with a precise definition of hypnosis and a detailed explanation of what they might experience, unfortunately, leads some to fill in the gaps with outdated, myth-based ideas of hypnosis, or strange stories portrayed in the media.
We at Self Health Hypnosis see these misconceptions as a tragedy, preventing people from accessing a powerful and effective treatment tool for radical self-change. The fundamental reason that the hypnotic experience is difficult to accurately describe is that it is a highly subjective experience, unique to each individual. It is this aspect that makes it so powerful, as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis… let us show you how.
#hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #psychology #brain #innerobserver #mindfulness #thoughts #behaviour #anxiety #depression #overwhelm #programs #programmes #feelingstuck #mindset #mind #nlp #learn #change #selfhypnosis #solutions #solutionsfocusedtherapy #modernhypnosis #miltonherickson #ericksonianhypnosis #unconsciousmind #nlp #change #reframe
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All of your limiting beliefs and disruptive programming exists within your unconscious mind, which cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not. Your unconscious mind will continue to run these unhelpful programmes and until they are interrupted.
Change is possible and you can take back control!
We use hypnosis to access your unconscious mind, where we will disrupt, dismantle and reframe deeply ingrained distortions that are causing the obstructive thoughts and behaviours holding you back.
#hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #psychology #brain #innerobserver #mindfulness #thoughts #behaviour #anxiety #depression #overwhelm #programs #programmes #feelingstuck #mindset #mind #nlp #learn #change #selfhypnosis #solutions #solutionsfocusedtherapy #modernhypnosis #miltonherickson #ericksonianhypnosis #unconsciousmind #nlp #change #reframe
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Are you feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps, stuck in ever-present thoughts and bad behaviours that part of your soul, that inner observer, keeps reminding you that you need to stop? We know it may feel this way, but you are not the problem! The reason you are feeling overwhelmed and stuck is that you simply have not learned the skills or had the experiences to find your own solutions.
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