selenathorne · 7 years
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‘‘ you’re feeding the birds? ‘‘ selena inquired in surprise, taking a few more steps towards anya. she’d considered her somewhat of a friend before, though they had not seen each other in a while. ‘‘i was just going back inside actually .. does the rain not bother you?’‘
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as comfortable as it is to be home in ironhaven, she longed for all the people she’d met during her plenty of voyages. she’d taken some stale bread from the the tavern bins and sat outside, despite the rainfall. anya pulls at the bread– hard as it may be– before throwing it to the birds that waddle on the ground before her. the crunching of steps on the pebbles causes her head to whip up in surprise. “oh ! did you come to feed the birds as well ??”
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selenathorne · 7 years
selena turned to face the prince at the sound of his voice and a small smile spread across her features. she was glad to no longer be in norden’s awful cold but even happier to be back home where all her friends were. ‘’ yes, more than words may express. i missed ironhaven. i imagine you are too.’’
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Magnus was extremely pleased to be back, it was just great to be in his kingdom, away from annoyances and though he would miss some people but at least the ones he liked most where here with him so everything was fine now at least for the time being. He smiled when he saw one of those people and walked behind her. “Hey, are you glad to be back home?”
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selenathorne · 7 years
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‘‘ did you just take my food?’‘ selena was mainly surprised by the audaciousness of it, he didn’t even try to take some unseen. she’d noticed him eyeing her plate for a few minutes now but the lady hadn’t expected him to actually do anything.
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breakfast turned out to be terrible. avery was both too tired to care and too tired not to. the person beside him had a far better looking one, which he was of half a mind to steal. he didn’t. he just eyed it longingly whenever they weren’t looking. then, after a particularly terrible bite of stale bread, he broke, and reached out, only for someone’s eyes on him to register. “what?” he said, as he turned to face whoever they were.
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selenathorne · 7 years
5, 13, 14, 15
05. Do you consider anyone a rival? If so, who?i might have considered princess reyna a rival a few weeks earlier, but not anymore.13. Is anybody scared of you?i do hope a lot of people are.14. Who would make an ideal spouse?someone who shares my passion for inflicting pain.  15. Who would make an awful spouse?daniel. 
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selenathorne · 7 years
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“i thought you of all people would know better. but no matter. i have no need for venison.” his tone said otherwise; he was still irritated at having been cheated of his kill. otherwise he would have thought running into selena good fortune, as he’d been thinking of the family lately, and the future of it, something in which she would play a not inconsiderable part. “what have you been getting up to as of late? other than scaring away deer, i mean. wedding plans? murder? i hope you aren’t hiding any decapitated heads in that dress.”
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at the kings words selena was clearly amused and she averted her gaze for a moment, lips curved upwards. ‘’ i can assure you, i am not.’’ she told him with a chuckle. wedding plans, they hadn’t even spoken of their wedding once.  she hoped it was still far far away. ‘’ none of the above i’m afraid. i have to admit, i’ve been quite distracted lately.’’ mainly by her recurring feelings for the prince. ‘’ but of course,your majesty - if there is anyone you wish to see dead you may just tell me.’’
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selenathorne · 7 years
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selena thorne - task: character tropes.
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selenathorne · 7 years
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“ gods, selena, ” she groaned, unimpressed and annoyed. what was the point in having two friends if one of them was going to constantly disappoint her? with her arms crossed, sienna knew this wasn’t a joke, as much as she wanted it to be. “ why in the hell would you apologize to daniel? that pathetic excuse for a prince deserves nothing of the sort, especially from you. did you do it for magnus? we can have his death arranged, just say the word. i’m sure octavius would even help. ”
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‘‘ sienna, we’re not murdering him.’‘ perhaps if he was of lower status she would’ve slit his throat many years ago. ‘‘ and yes! i did it for magnus because i’m stupid, gods i’m so stupid.’‘ she re-lived her embarrassment all over again & hated herself for being so foolish as to fall for someone who broke her heart once before, again. ‘‘ tell me what to do, magnus is confusing me.’‘
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selenathorne · 7 years
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‘‘ forgive me, your majesty. that had not been my intention.’‘ selena had not expected to run into her king - no, she had merely fled the castle after her recent embarrassment when she apologized to daniel. perhaps she also feared she’d choke him until he turned purple if she stayed. the lady didn’t drop into a curtsy immediately as she probably she should have - it felt odd now, being in his presence when they were so close to being family. & the fact that she’d killed for him hung in the air as well. but perhaps it was also just the knowledge that octavius was her best friends lover. 
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the stag was only a few feet away; it was a miracle it didn’t hear him nock his arrow. he was neither far from the city nor on a hunting trip; he did not want for venison, and the excitement of the potential kill was half stolen away by the sheer convenience and coincidence. nevertheless, when the stag gave a start and fled into the forest before he could shoot it, he felt a sharp stab of fury. he took a deep breath and looked behind him – what had disturbed it? – only to find he wasn’t alone. “you saved that thing’s life,” he said coolly. “you should go find it; maybe it’ll grant you three wishes. then again, it looked profoundly ordinary, didn’t it?” what would octavius have done with it? perhaps he was the lucky one, to have been rescued from his own foolish impulses.
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selenathorne · 7 years
selena had watched intently as the woman defeated the man before her, her lips twitching in amusement. oh gods, what had happened to her? had that not been her a few weeks past? - magnus had made her go soft, she had been so focused on behaving like a lady and a good future queen that she almost forgot about her passion. ‘’ yes, i do.’’ selena took a step forward towards the blonde, drawing her sword with a friendly smile. she wondered if it would be hard to fight someone without killing them now - it seemed killing was something she was way better at than friendly fights.
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Freyja had a few ways to keep herself busy and warm during down time and practicing her sword skills was certainly one way. Learning such skills at such a young age left the blonde being able to defend and attack without putting much thought to it at all. The adrelain cursed through her blood the second she got in attack mode. She’d practice with anyone; someone with no skill at all till the best of the best. “Do you want to take a turn next?” Freyja asked as she defeated the latest challenger. 
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selenathorne · 7 years
“No…no this is only a break” He said smiling and pushing some of her hair behind her ear and pulling her towards him to kiss her again. He had almost forgotten how much he really did like kissing her and who knows when he’d get a chance to do it again.
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selena didn’t protest when he pulled her closer and she smiled into the kiss at first. she liked how close they had gotten over the past weeks even if the thought of her developing feelings for the prince once more scared her.  still, she returned the kiss almost lovingly. that didn’t last long though when selena decided to bite down on his lower lip hard enough to draw blood.
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selenathorne · 7 years
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‘‘ i have something to confess. ‘‘ she hoped sienna would be able to talk some sense into her. selena barely recognized herself anymore - & she feared her friend’s disappointment already before she had even said a word. ‘‘ i think i really am falling for magnus again .. i even apologized to daniel.’‘ the mere thought of that humiliating moment made the lady want to go and and hide. @schaucer
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selenathorne · 7 years
He laughed when he saw her fall, maybe the first time ever that he had seen her fall actually, he took this as an opportunity to run towards her and attack her, sadly however the snow seemed to be too much for him as well and fell down next to her “My weakness, white cold powder.”
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when magnus landed in the snow next to her not a moment later she nudged him with her shoulder, teasingly.  selena barely felt the cold now and she couldn’t quite remember the last time she’d had this much fun.. especially with magnus. with a grin she lifted herself up with one arm, only to lean down again and press a soft kiss to the prince’s lips. ‘’ does that mean i win?’’ 
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selenathorne · 7 years
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selenathorne · 7 years
“One snowball is enough to start a war, don’t you know that?” He said laughing “I don’t think burying yourself in the snow will give you an advantage.” He remained where he was a place where he could stand but had a lot of snow to pick up as well.
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selena bent down to pick up a handful of snow and began packing it tight into the perfect snowball. ‘’ if a war is what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.’’ the lady turned around to go hurry to find a tree to take cover behind when she tripped over her own feet, landing in the snow. lucky for her it was deep enough to soften her fall.
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selenathorne · 7 years
“Oh I doubt that.” He responded, his tone snarky and his pace quick, desperate to get away from her. Daniel made no effort to hide the fact that he wasn’t buying her act. He rolled his eyes and sighed, stopping mid step and pivoting to face her. “Fine, but first you have to apologize.” He responded, crossing his arm and raising his brows at her, his eyes holding an glint of mischief. He was all drama as he continued, in moments like these his most flamboyant movements flourished “Right here, in front of all these people.” He was effectively putting on quite a show in the busy hallway, littered with guests of the castle. A woman a few feet away began whispering to another, presumably already feeding the rumor mill of the courts. A bit of public humiliation was the least Selena deserved for the years of being awful to him. If she was willing to do it then Daniel was willing to give her a second chance, but he knew her and her pride and he doubted she’d be willing to do it. 
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apologize? no, that was just something selena didn’t do. she didn’t even apologize to magnus after screaming at him for literally no reason. how could she humiliate herself like this then? the lady clenched her jaw at his words, noticing the people around them who suddenly seemed all too interested in their conversation. she couldn’t even give them a deadly stare because it was too embarrassing. & did he really have to be this dramatic about it? apologizing to daniel ..she must truly love magnus.  and knowing how much he must be enjoying seeing her like this, it only made selena despise him even more. but still, the lady gritted her teeth and forced herself to look up at the prince again. ‘’ daniel, i am ... ‘’ she took a deep breath. ‘’ i’m so sorry for the way i treated you in the past.’’ every word made selena want to throw up, made her imagine the many ways she could kill him. ‘’ i apologize sincerely for my actions and i hope we can move past our differences. ‘’ 
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selenathorne · 7 years
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 ‘’ i threw one snowball !’’ laughter bubbled from selena’s throat and the lady almost tripped and fell as she took a few quick steps backwards. the snow was so deep that her feet sank until snow swallowed her up almost to the thighs at every step. she knew how much they both liked to win, no matter at what, so perhaps picking a snowball fight with the prince had not been the best idea.  ( @magnus-blackhart ) 
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selenathorne · 7 years
it was enough to draw a laugh even from cesar. “i prefer the term honest.” the insulated boredom of their condition, the more and more it felt like a jailer’s cell, clearly it was driving him mad. he looked at the woman. “i know nothing of the snows, ma’am, but i hope you have not just condemned yourself to a life of insanity.“
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‘‘ honest you are indeed.’‘ selena didn’t know how long blizzards usually lasted in general or in norden, but she really hoped it would be over soon. the lady then couldn’t help but chuckle at his last words, nodding in agreement. ‘’ i fear you may be right about that.’’
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