something maybe...
31 posts
An art blog. Barely updates because scanning is a hassle. Will probably have a lot of posts about Ryohgo Narita's works, especially fate/strange fake. Personal blog: @seina91
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seina-art ¡ 3 years ago
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Sigma’s Everyday - Fashion
“Oh! This is perfect! Such an edgy jacket for a cold-hearted mercenary like you~”
“It doesn’t look very practical for work...“
Does anyone else headcanon Francesca chooses Sigma’s clothes? I’ve had this idea sketched out many years ago, but never really expanded on it. This was one of the biggest motivators to start this series.
Also probably going to put this series on hold since I want to work on my Sigma comic again.
(Sketch and Line under the cut since I feel like something was lost after being painted...)
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Sigma’s Everyday - A Beginning
“This is where you will be living now. It’s pretty bare-bones, but it has all the necessities...Probably? Though since I’m having you work for me, you probably won’t even be here half the time. You can barely call this a home. Hahaha!”
“...That’s not a problem.“
“Still empty as ever. Hmm hmm. Well that’s what makes you fun. Ah, before I forget here’s the key to the apartment.“
“–And welcome to your new journey of nightmares and pleasure.”
Young Sigma! And lots of mistakes...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Sigma’s Everyday - Laundry
“The stain isn’t coming off.“
“I guess I can only wear them for work now.“
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to draw this, but I noticed a lack of pictures of just Sigma by himself in my thumbnails. If I don’t give up or think of more, I’m hoping to make 9 more in this series.
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Sigma’s Everyday - Waiting
“Is it necessary for me to be here?”
“Listen Sigma. I know you’re still using that beat-up, second hand phone that Francesca gave you a while back. I invited you today because Apple is releasing a new phone – an iPhone. This is a great opportunity to replace your old phone. Did you know the iPhone is completely touchscreen, so it doesn’t have a keyboard? Also...”
(Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do.)
I feel like I was too ambitious with this idea, but it turned out better than expected.
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Sigma’s Everyday - Good morning
“I brought some cream puffs!“
Procrastinating Taking a break from my Sigma comic to start on a new project. Though it’s just various imaginings of Sigma’s daily life. (Hopefully I’ll become better at watercolor/backgrounds by the end of this)
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Might just be my bias, but I feel like Sigma was a Blockbuster kid.
(For those who don’t know, Blockbuster used to be a major movie rental chain before it went bankrupt)
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Long time no post. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to post art more often, but I guess that isn’t really happening...
A few days ago I tried to research on who/what Flat could be. One thing that stuck out was this line on Geryon’s wikipedia page:
“[The arrow was] shot so forcefully by Heracles that it pierced Geryon's forehead, ‘and Geryon bent his neck over to one side, like a poppy that spoils its delicate shapes, shedding its petals all at once’.” (Stesichorus, Geryoneis)
Not sure how relevant it actually is, but it reminded me of Flat.
color test+sketch under the cut since I think they look better
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Just a very messy Sigma sketch.
Haven’t really drawn him for a while... I really want to work on my Sigma comic again, but I’ve got to do my Secret Santa gift first...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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I’m not really happy with how this turned out, but oh well...
I don’t usually celebrate characters’ birthdays, but I thought why not do it this one time? So here is Flat. Happy Birthday, yay...
The main inspiration for this is when I checked the JP Wikipedia for Dec. 1st there were 2 things that stuck out. Apparently it is also Movie Day and Data Center Day in Japan. How fitting.
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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I wasn't planning on posting again so soon, but I thought this came out pretty well. It was fun trying to emulate oil paints.
I was so sad when I found out Van Gough was released for FGO, but he/she wasn’t even really Van Gough... (People are theorizing she may be one of his sisters?). When I was younger I really liked his art so it was a huge disappointment to learn he himself wasn’t actually going to be implemented.
So in order to vent out my sadness I tried to draw Levia staring at the starry night. Though, after an hour of working on this I just felt resigned apathy because Type Moon does this all the time and there’s nothing I can really do about it. Who knows? Maybe their portrayal/justification will be good...
EDIT: I realized at work I spelled his name wrong (i made this mistake all the time when I was younger)... orz... sorry Van Gogh...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Finally, after over a month of working on this, it’s done. Digital art is still hard.
I originally just wanted to draw Jack because I was bored, but then I thought it would be really interesting to draw Jack in the style of a watch advertisement. After studying many watch ads and suits, here we are...
Besides the drawing part, creating the text was hard too. Just pretend that Francesca wrote it, then someone else edited it to be more “proper.” (Marketing for a watch that is actually a serial killer is kind of surreal when I think about it)
Full art under the cut
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I am reluctant to tag Flat because this is supposed to focus on Jack, but he is the model...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Day 3 - Imina from Kuroha to Nijisuke
He’s my 2nd favorite character from Kuroha to Nijisuke. i cannot explain why I like him so much. Maybe it’s because he feels like a shady character, but isn’t really. He’s very laid back but he’ll still do his job properly.
Unrelated to the art, but I’m a bit disappointed that many people still haven’t read Kuroha to Nijisuke –at least based on the tag. The series has been fully fan translated (though I consider the translation for the sequel series to be very poor, but it’s better than nothing I guess). Maybe if it gets an official translation it’ll be more popular...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Day 2 - Levia
I know it’s late, but yesterday i was so tired that I eventually got a headache. I managed to draw something but once I got the headache I didn't feel like scanning.
Anyway, its my OC Levia. She is a terrible person I guess. She is very personal to me, so it feels awkward to talk about her.
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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It’s the first day of October, which means it is now time for Inktober. Yay… Let’s see how far I get without giving up this year…
Day 1 - It’s Sigma again.
There are lots of mistakes as usual, but it was surprisingly more fun than expected. He is supposed to have a gun on his thigh, but it’s not visible. I tried to make the command seals look like wings, but it is a bit meh. Still like this overall.
I have a few other characters in mind I want to do, but I’m not sure what to do for the rest of the month. Though I’ll try to space out the strangefake ones so the tag doesn’t get spammed.
I still don’t really understand inking, but hopefully I’ll get better at it...
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seina-art ¡ 4 years ago
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After about a week of working on this, it is finally done. Though this is actually based on an inktober I did in 2018, so it feels more like years. The original was in black and white, but I always thought it would look better in color. (And now it finally is!)
The result is better than expected (especially since I haven’t seriously done watercolor in years), but I don’t really like the colors of the sky... They’re growing on me though...
I don’t remember exactly, but I think this was inspired by Richard saying that he wasn’t a good person and all he knew was war. He tried to chase the dreams of knights and victory through the Crusades, but in the end there were only deaths. He wanted to obtain the chivalry of King Arthur and the holy sword Excalibur, but it’s just forever out of reach.
I want to ramble more, but I’ll just end it by saying I’m pretty proud of this.
(Original inktober under the cut)
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seina-art ¡ 5 years ago
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Trying to get back to drawing and normality...
While lurking on twitter, I saw someone say something like “why doesn’t Helena have more art with St. Germain?” and I thought “Huh... That’s true. St. Germain is a really big deal in Theosophy...” So I thought it would be cute to have Helena dress up as him. But since I don’t play FGO, I know nothing about Helena’s character except for memes and real life. St. Germain has only appeared a few times in strangefake, so who knows if he actually has anything to do with Theosophy in Fate...
Since Saint Germain doesn’t have an official color scheme yet, I just picked colors I thought went well together. However, the text does state he wears colors that makes him look like a court jester... Maybe I should pick a more garish color combination next time...
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seina-art ¡ 5 years ago
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Still in a Hippolyta mood, but now with Penth.
I was just thinking how they look pretty different from each other despite being siblings and wanted to see how they would look with their hair colors switched, but then it just sort of expanded...
I’ve actually never played FGO, so I’m not sure if I portrayed Penthesilea correctly, but I do keep track of it along with other Fate things (you could say I am just a strange, fake Fate fan... hah...)
There hasn’t been any canon interaction between them, but I’d like to think HIppolyta is the serious, but caring older sister, while Penth admires her, but gets kind of embarrassed when doted on. If Hippolyta called Penth "beautiful” I think Penth wouldn’t get as upset since they’re siblings/Amazons –they both understand that they are warriors foremost.
(Plus I think she would cherish any praise from HIppolyta since she couldn’t receive any more after her death... With HIppolyta, Penthesilea doesn’t have to be a fierce warrior queen, just a cute little sister... Well, that’s just my imagination though...)
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