Seeräuber Entartete
11K posts
Little King Trash Mouth -- you may know me as Panic Volkushka -- 34, bi trans fag, white, ashkenazi and Mvskoke
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seerauber-entartete · 16 hours ago
Secretly, in his most private thoughts, Daniel thinks it’s very cool that he and David Wojnarowicz can be considered contemporaries. They were both substance-using male sex workers (of varying kinds) who became controversial agitators in their respective fields. DW: art and aids activism. DM: journalism (and his books in the TV show allude to content focused on the aids epidemic).
Claudia would blast records of the most sexually explicit blues music she could find, to intentionally weird out Louis and Lestat, if she felt they’d been infantilizing her more than usual.
There’s all kinds of exorbitantly expensive and fancy food that Lestat never got to taste before he was turned into a vampire, and this makes him worry that he has an unrefined palette and he doesn’t want anyone to find out. Sometimes Louis uses 70s/80s slang incorrectly, just to annoy Daniel.
Armand has roughly one million unsent “letters to the editor” for numerous magazines and newspapers, expressing his opinion on the state of modern theater, artistic studio practices, the best way to design a blender based on substances to be blended, aesthetic, and efficiency, to name a few topics.
fuck it I’m gonna keep a list of my unhinged IWTV headcanons
Armand LOVES Jean Genet and believes he, himself, has never made a play as good as Genet’s, and is secretly, deeply saddened by this.
Louis does not NOT believe in voodoo. He knew a couple of the women in the brothel practiced voodoo and he has no evidence that their ceremonies DIDN’T work. Also, he got turned into a vampire; who knows what else is out there.
Lestat misses the eras when heeled-shoes, hose, and knee-breeches were in style for men; they made his calves look amazing.
As soon as Claudia realized her hair would always grow back to the length it was at the time of her death, she shaved her head just to find out what she would look like.
Daniel is banned from watching jeopardy because he yells the answers at the tv.
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seerauber-entartete · 18 hours ago
totally vague posting fandom wank over here because I don’t need to start a dumbass flame war over fictional vampires but I DO want to complain about it
read more below
I’ve seen multiple posts referring to Daniel Molloy as “wanting to be a white savior” w/in the context of his interview and interactions with Louis and his (assumed, because it hasn’t been canonically confirmed in the tv show) relationship with Armand.
which, like, ???????
Daniel pointing out the racialized dynamic of Lestat and Louis’ relationship is not “wanting to be a white savior,” Louis freely acknowledges and discusses that dynamic in the interview. (And the tv show’s treatment of race and racism is far more nuanced than the books ever got!)
Daniel repeatedly pointing out that Lestat was abusing Louis is not “wanting to be a white savior.”
Daniel (we’re assuming, because this hasn’t been confirmed in tv canon) viewing Marius’ treatment of Armand as grooming and sexual abuse, even when Armand says it wasn’t, isn’t “wanting to be a white savior.”
The concept of the “white savior” is a white person who (through acceptance of racism or through an attempt to reject racism) tries to “save” people of color from themselves, from other white people, whatever, without considering the agency of the person of color. Like, hey white dude, does that person of color actually already have a plan that they’re working on and you’re swooping in and fucking it up? Hey white dude, in providing explanations and defenses to other white people, are you speaking over the person of color who is actually EXPERIENCING the racism? White dude, are you trying to explain someone’s OWN experience of racism, to that person, and not listening to them? Hey white dude, in telling this person of color how to do things the RIGHT way, even though you intend to be helpful, are you reifying systems of power and privilege?
So telling your friend “Dude, your ex was abusive” isn’t “wanting to be a white savior.”
As to the stuff with Marius and Armand — the current tv show canon gives no confirmation that Daniel explicitly knows Armand experienced childhood sexual abuse, only that he was captured by slavers at some point. Daniel might make assumptions, educated guesses, but it’s not confirmed. If your argument is “cultural relativism,” that Armand didn’t perceive what Marius did as grooming and abuse, then my response is: HE’S A 500 YEAR OLD VAMPIRE. He’s lived in multiple centuries and cultures, he has other contexts to consider alongside his own. And so did Marius! Marius was a vampire long enough to see socially acceptable pederasty fall “out of style,” but he kept doing it! So both of them COULD view their actions in that scope of time and culture, but they ARE NOT. That’s fundamentally different than the concept of “cultural context” tied to a mortal lifespan.
And Daniel has his OWN cultural context, through which he views Marius’ behavior as abuse (we assume).
and then there was the comment I saw that Daniel was “already” low on the moral hierarchy because he’s a white journalist. Which, like, WHAT? Journalist isn’t an inherently immoral profession. Nor is being white inherent to a low moral position (??).
What the fuck, y’all.
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seerauber-entartete · 1 day ago
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Adam Wallacavage
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seerauber-entartete · 1 day ago
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Cuno Amiet (Swiss, 1868-1961), Männlicher Akt [Male Nude]c.1900. Oil on canvas, 93 x 72 cm.
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seerauber-entartete · 2 days ago
For no reason, here is Art Spiegelman's 1991 graphic novel Maus, for free on the Internet Archive.
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seerauber-entartete · 3 days ago
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incredible text I got from a coworker today
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seerauber-entartete · 3 days ago
This is the first time I’ve seen another person cop to the childhood fantasy of getting breast cancer so you could get your breasts removed, even before you had any concept trans-ness, let alone that trans-ness applied to YOU.
Boy howdy, did that childhood fantasy fill me with guilt! I’m so glad I learned about trans-ness and top surgery and HRT. My life is much better, even when the political landscape is more of a hellscape than usual.
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seerauber-entartete · 3 days ago
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The Medieval Torture Museum in Chicago, IL
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seerauber-entartete · 3 days ago
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
My usual approach to this kind of thing is what I like to call “weaponized Autism.” I pretend that I don’t get the “joke.” They explain the joke and then I repeat it back to them objectively “So the joke is that [x] people are [bad, stupid, violent, etc.]?”
Either the speaker has to own up to the joke or they have to keep doubling down. If they double down, it’s not going to be an argument that you can win, because they are not open to outside logic. You can just say “Well, I don’t think it’s funny. It’s not a very good joke.” and leave it at that.
i forgot there is a huge demographic of white people (even some non black people) who assume "dark humor" is being extremely anti-black and getting very defensive when you call them racist.
the issue with that cop-out is that, "dark humor" doesn't really entirely work if you're solely punching down on a group of minorities when you aren't from that group. because, it's racist.
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
Apparently Tesla stock is falling so rapidly that Trump had to do an ad for them on his propaganda network and say he's buying a cybertruck. We've got a new funniest way for Trump to die.
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
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David Lynch, Cannes Film Festival (2002)
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
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Being a vampire has to be the loneliest feeling in the world....... [Armand]
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seerauber-entartete · 4 days ago
I think of that pic of Colin Farrell in costume as Alexander the Great lying on the ground covered in blood with an arrow protruding from his chest and smoking a cigarette all the time.
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