seeknowlegde · 8 years
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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Stunning Driftwood Home Decor Inspired And Sourced From Nature
Naomi and Steve Mailloux from Drifting Concepts creates exclusive modern driftwood art and home decor. The naturally clean and aesthetic designs awaken memory of winter seasons by the seashore, and are appropriately rustic and minimal.
The materials used for each product and sculpture are sourced from the wilderness and  handcrafted. Drifting Concepts aspire to bring Mother nature under your ceilings and can be placed into an urban, contemporary or vintage styled home without disrupting the decor dynamics. The flawless aesthetics, lines and shapes found in nature are persistently crafted into Drifting Concepts’ designs, where complexity results in a clean and considerate design. Find them in their Etsy shop.
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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Adorable Photos of Newborn Animals in Wildlife Rehab Centers by Traer Scott
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
When you’re small but you know how to kick butt. 🔊 (via pupflix)
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
Magickal Household Plant Master Post
Since I’m on a plant kick today because I’ve decided to give my green thumb a try, I’m creating this master post relating to household plants. This is especially useful for witches like myself who don’t know the first thing about taking care of a plant inside the house besides watering and letting the darn thing get some sun! So, here we go:
Common TOXIC (as in you may not want to get these if you have kids or pets) household plants and their properties:
*Lillies, as well as the Peace Lily - love, comfort, harmony
*Ivy - protection, drive away negativity, promote fidelity and fertility
*Poinsetta - purity, celebration of winter holidays
*Snake plant (aka Mother-in-law’s Tongue) - long life, prosperity, beauty, health, strength, intelligence
*Dumb cane - for keeping secrets and starting gossip (not recommended for a magickal household)
*Arrowhead plant/vine - brings luck
*Myrtle - love, fertility, youth, peace, money
*Mistletoe - protection, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcism
*Amaryllis - hidden or platonic love, friendship, retirement
*Gardenias - love, peace, healing, spirituality, psychic awareness
*Fig (aka weeping fig, fig tree, ficus, ficus tree) - divination, fertility, love, prosperity, guards against poverty and hunger if placed in kitchen, aids in restful sleep if placed in bedroom
Common NON-TOXIC household plants and their properties:
*Aloe - wards against evil, protection from intruders and household accidents, brings good luck (also great for burns and good for your skin)
*African Violet - love, protection, promotes peace and spirituality
*Lavendar - love, friendship, calm, protection
*Spider plant - protection, healing, absorb negativity while improving the energy and air quality of your home
*Bamboo -  protection, luck, hex-breaking, wishes, protection, helps with depression
*Orchid - love, power, charisma
*Ferns (some ARE toxic, however the Boston Fern is not) - protection, luck, can aid in summoning rain 
*Ti plant - good luck, can be used to attract money if you place a coin under it
*Succulents (hens and chicks, burro/donkey tail, etc.) - love, abundance
*Palms - spirituality, good vibes, protection from unwanted spirits, ghosts, astral entities
*Cacti (non-toxic, yet can still be painful for kids and pets if they touch the spines) - protection, strengthens will, increases sexual stamina if juices are added to a love potion, guards against intruders if a cactus is placed in the North, East, South and Western points of your home
*Jasmine - love, money, prophetic dreams, seduction
*Other plants and veggies that can be grown indoors
Plant Spells:
*Magickal Soil Spell
*Spell to Speed the Growth of Your Plant
*Plant Growth Spell
*Plant Enchantment
Plant Sigils:
*”Pests will avoid my plants” by @sigilcrafter
*”These plants are free of pests” by @sigilathenaeum
*”My plants will survive and thrive” by @sigilathenaeum
Crystals Good for Plants:
*Moss Agate (aka the Gardener’s Stone) - prosperity, vitality, helps plants thrive and will assist plant growth, wearing moss agate while planting/gardening will increase your green thumb and give you energy, assosciated with nature spirits
*Green Jasper - aids in luxurious growth of your plants
*Green Calcite - healing, can be used to soothe when the environment is too loud, associated with Earth spirits of woods and meadows
*Clear Quartz - aids in growth and vitality, grounding, can also be placed in a vase of freshly cut flowers to help them last longer
*Rose Quartz - especially beneficial for roses as it maintains their bloom longer
*Smokey Quartz - keeps pests away
*Tourmaline - healing 
*Amethyst - calms plants that are stressed
*Jet - can be worn to make plants flourish
*Green Fluorite - healing, especially good to use for a plant that has been injured or broken in some way
*Moonstone - fertility, encourages healthy plants and flowers, promotes a soothing, restful area
Plant and Herb Magic Magickal Housplants Plants for the Magickal Household Llewellyn’s Magickal Houseplants 10 Magical Indoor Plants to Attract Love, Joy and Prosperity Roots and Stuff 10 Toxic Housplants That Are Dangerous for Children and Pets Common Poisonous Houseplants 7 Unique Non-Toxic Houseplants Kid and Pet-Friendly Houseplants Crystals in the Garden Healing Plants with Crystals and Gemstones  I may add more to this later, OR if you would like to add to it, feel free!
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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FRIDAY FRENZY | etsyfindoftheday 2 | 8.5.16
blush chiffon wedding skirt by tingbridal
this ethereal and unique chiffon-and-tulle skirt is ideal for a nontraditional, pink-loving bride!
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
Dragon Age Zodiac
Fenrir: 20th Wintermarch – 18th Guardian
Resourceful, brave, calm, loyal, secretive. Can sometimes be extremely fierce or seem old despite their years. The sign of transformation and regeneration. Can easily become distrusting and manipulative.
Kios: 19th Guardian – 20th Drakonis
Curious, idealistic, energetic, full of wonder. Craves change and new experiences. Enthusiastic and extroverted, with a strong desire for freedom. Can be tactless, impatient, or promise more than they can deliver.
Eluvia: 21st Drakonis – 19th Cloudreach
Artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise. Willing to help others without promise of return. Empathetic, faithful, and caring. Known for being extremely tolerant. Introverted and quiet. Can become isolated or martyr themselves for others.
Equinor: 20th Cloudreach – 20th Bloomingtide
Co-operative, diplomatic, gracious, peaceful. Lover of harmony, gentleness, and nature. Balance and symmetry, justice and equality. Can be indecisive and avoid confrontation, and sometimes carries grudges.
Fervenial: 21st Bloomingtide – 20th Justinian
Progressive, original, independent, energetic. Extremely adaptable, looks at the world as full of possibility. Strong desire for freedom and change. Can shy away from emotional expression, or be temperamental, uncompromising, or aloof.
Solium: 21st Justinian – 22nd Solace
Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, passionate. Competitive, a natural leader, desires action and challenges. Pushes themselves hard. Can be impatient, short-tempered, impulsive, and aggressive.
Bellitanus: 23rd Solace – 22nd August
Reliable, patient, practical, responsible. Loves everything good and beautiful, very creative. Determined and protective. Known for their stubbornness, dislikes sudden change. Can be uncompromising.
Servani: 23rd August – 22nd Kingsway
Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted. Natural leaders, dramatic, creative, confident. Full of love, able to unite people easily. Can become arrogant, stubborn, self-centred, and lazy.
Toth: 23rd Kingsway – 22nd Harvestmere
Loyal, kind, hardworking, practical, methodical. Pays close attention to detail, conservative and organised. A creator. Desire to serve and please others. Can become overly critical, anxious, or prioritise their work to an unhealthy degree.
Satinalis: 23rd Harvestmere – 21st Firstfall
Affectionate, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted. Sociable and communicative, fascinated by the world and desiring new experiences. Creative and musical. Inquisitive and fun-loving, but can be indecisive or inconsistent.
Tenebrium: 22nd Firstfall – 21st Haring
Responsible, disciplined, efficient, conservative. Practical and scrupulous, known for being very serious. Independent, ambitious, hates lack of control. Often aloof and unforgiving, can also be stubborn and pessimistic.
Silentir: 22nd Haring – 19th Wintermarch
Intuitive, empathetic, persuasive, imaginative, loyal. Good at solving conflicts, strong determination for harmonious relationships and well-being of their friends and family. Can become suspicious, pessimistic, or manipulative.
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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mass effect friendships: [1/5]
→ liara t’soni & urdnot wrex
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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If you’re an introvert, follow @introvertunites​.
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
I grew up identifying as a Christian for about 18 years, began to reject that lifestyle and am now gently exploring paganism. Do you have any tips for a beginner?
First, try some of the tags on the blog! (To figure out how to search a blog’s tags look here). Look through the pagan and paganism tags, look through any specific types that might interest you, like neo-pagan or heathen or druidry or wicca! Then just learn what you can!
Now you’ll probably start looking for who you want to worship and how. I personally would have liked it if someone told me this in the beginning: take your time and learn from as many as you can. You will find your path when you are ready.  In fact, looking for your path means you’re on your path.  Every tradition has value and something to teach us. Sometimes that lesson is what not to do, but most of the time you can learn a lot from just about every group in paganism. Everything will come in time and your path is your own - travel it and love life.
before asking | faq+tags | resource blog
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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The Star Signs as Witches
The concept is based on this post and the live model poses are found here More info on my Witches in the links below:
Aries the Fire Witch Taurus the Earth Witch Gemini the Ink Witch Cancer the Moonlight Witch Leo the Sunlight Witch Virgo the Future Witch Libra the Midnight Witch Scorpio the Graveyard Witch Sagittarius the Seasons Witch Capricorn the Shadow Witch Aquarius the Storm Witch Pisces the Ocean Witch
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
Slytherins truly being slytherins. 
Slytherins working with Dumbledore’s Army. They spread false rumors about where they’ve sighted students. They join Umbridge’s close circle so that they can learn the moves and plans of the Inquisitorial Squad so that they can warn the DA of when it’s safe to hold practice. They rotate in shifts, some lead the IS on a wild goose chase while their housemates practice with the rest of the army. Sometimes they charm their robes to look like another houses and lead the IS far away from the Room of Requirement as they can before turning a corner and de-charming their robes. They make up stories about chasing students who mysteriously disappear without a trace. Umbridge sends students to search areas of the castle nowhere near the actual Room of Requirement.  
As Umbridge tightens her hold on the school, slytherin students try to protect their DA friends. They pass messages of encouragement and support to their friends, veiled in threats and taunts. They bully the loudest, but do the least damage; their housemates think that they’re being cruel, their friends know that they’re shielding them from actual harm. 
Slytherin students passing information to the Order while the Golden Trio is hunting for horcruxes, tracking the moves of Death Eaters to the best of their ability. They withstand the dark days in Hogwarts, helping their friends the best they can without looking suspicious. Charmed plastic rats run through the castle hallway, passing messages between the houses. Children of Death Eaters eavesdrop in dark hallways of their homes, holding their breath and straining their ears. When slytherin students suddenly disappear, go home and don’t come back, everyone knew what had happened. They mourned privately and quietly. 
DA members and the Order housing slytherin students who can’t go home. Many have to run away, for their own safety. As Voldemort grew in power, it was harder and harder to keep their true intentions a secret. Children of Death Eaters were being pressured to take the Dark Mark, were being drafted to fight for Voldemort, were being told that their friends deserved to die. The students that said no were threatened with death or kicked out of their homes, branded as disgraced traitors. Those who couldn’t stand up to their families slipped away in the night. Some died, at the hands of Death Eaters, at the hands of their own parents.
Slytherin students fighting during the final battle at Hogwarts, standing up against family and friends to protect their home. Staring across the courtyard at their mothers, fathers, siblings, childhood friends. People screaming at them; ‘blood traitors’ ringing through the air of the courtyard, hurled at slytherins who had their shoulders squared and their chins up. Slytherins having to throw charms and jinxes and curses at familiar faces, people they had trusted. Slytherin students killing their loved ones, being given no other choice. Slytherin students dying while standing up for what they believe in. 
Slytherin students being more than a stereotype. Slytherins being more than one dimensional villains. Slytherin students being shown as diverse, fully developed characters with a variety of motivations and beliefs. Slytherins being slytherins; proud, ambitious, and cunning. And proving that those things don’t mean being evil. 
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
what my friend knows about dai characters just from tumblr
cassandra: [disgusted noise]
solas: egg + elven pride
leliana: the only way is the murder way
blackwall: generic broody hot guy #1
iron bull: i'm kinkshaming him
sera: lesbian elf girl who i love
dorian: gay mage boy who i love
vivienne: no shit taken all shit given
josephine: precious flower who should not be harmed
cole: precious flower who should not be harmed
cullen: generic broody hot guy #2
varric: isn't he from lord of the rings?
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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Celebrities stand against dog torture in Asia in this alarming PSA - Full video
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seeknowlegde · 8 years
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All withheld records from the JFK assassination will be opened by 2017, unless certified as justifiably closed by the President of the United States. 
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Ten minutes after President Kennedy was shot, CBS broadcast the first nationwide TV news bulletin on the shooting.
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After that, all three television networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC, interrupted their regular programming to cover the assassination for four straight days.
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The JFK assassination was the longest uninterrupted news event on television until the coverage of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
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