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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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(via Amazon Prime Video is streaming kids movies and TV for free, no Prime membership required)
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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(via Amazon delays shipments of nonessential items in the US by up to a month - CNET)
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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(via A large asteroid ignored social distancing norms over the weekend - CNET)
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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here is a video on effective handwashing routine:
a couple more tips:
- use the paper towel or your elbow to open the bathroom door, to avoid the germs left by those who didn’t wash their hands.
- do not attempt to use water hotter than is comfortable. water has to reach boiling before it will actually kill germs, so you can’t get it hot enough through the tap to have any effect on the removal of microbes. painfully hot water can damage your skin and make infection actually more likely, so use whatever temperature you find comfortable.
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
Coronavirus will be the end of China
But not in the way you think. Not in a, "The virus is going to kill everyone in the world" way. But in an economic way.
It's no secret that the Chinese economy, for all its growth, is a mess. The whole thing is held together with twine and prayer. And by "prayer", I mean, "a brutal totalitarian government", and by "twine", I mean, "heavy amounts of foreign investment capital". China has been treading water for decades, and foreign investment is the only reason their heads are still above the surface. But not just foreign investment: a steady and reliable supply of foreign investment. The engine of economy might stall and sputter and smoke, but it keeps going due to large amounts of outside help.
But what if that help dried up?
Due to constant work stoppages, due to China's mishandling of the crisis (whether or not there even is a crisis), foreign investors are getting nervous. And nervous investors are never a good thing for an economy on a shaky footing. Nervous investors will withhold funds, or worse, shift them somewhere else. China NEEDS outside capital; their system, through its inherent inefficiencies and corruption, hemmorages money like nobody's business. And without constant infusions of fresh money...
Jobs will flee the country, to greener pastures. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people will be out of work. Best-case scenario is the decline of China as a global manufacturing powerhouse, as companies move their enterprises elsewhere, to South-east Asia, to Latin America, to Eastern Europe. Worst-case scenario... China will have millions of scared, hungry, unemployed people, and a government which can't take care of them all... Revolution might be inevitable.
Coronavirus might just be the nudge that brings the whole house of cards tumbling down.
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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Mike Bloomberg is a racist, paternalistic, Islamophobic, oligarch. And that’s without mentioning that Bloomberg has even more sexual harassment allegations against him than Trump does.
Don’t anybody dare @ me or tell me to “vote blue no matter who,” not when this billionaire racist isn’t even a Democrat. As a BLACK man, I shouldn’t have to pick between the racist Republican who wants to use the police to racially profile me, or the other racist Republican who also wants to use the police to racially profile me. That’s not even a false choice - it’s no choice at all.
My Bloomberg story isn’t nearly as horrific as those in the tweets above. My relatives living under Bloomberg’s racist regime simply instructed me to stay out of NYC if I didn’t want to risk being arrested and harassed and possibly inserted into the criminal justice system. And I listened to them. Because Bloomberg had successfully turned NYC into a giant sundown town. And I didn’t want to risk a criminal record for the crime of walking while black.
Mike Bloomberg is an authoritarian who wants use big government to crack down on poor people and black people, but wants less taxes on the wealthy, and deregulation for billionaires. It is not hyperbole to say that Bloomberg is an existential threat to democracy.
Please don’t let him buy the White House.
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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Is this a Key and Peele sketch? This country is unreal
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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Just dropping this here for all of you when you come across the inevitable ‘How does he pay for that??’
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
(So for the USA at least, the surgeon general is asking people not to buy flu masks, because the thinking is they’re not very effective for infection prevention and that the healthcare workers that really need them can’t access them. Those are valid points, and I know they’ve sold out rapidly in the states. But if you live in anywhere in the world and you really need them for whatever reason (you’re in health/childcare, you have a compromised immune system or pulmonary problems like some of my immediate family does), you can still get them on Wish. I can’t vouch for the quality and they will take a *very* long time to ship, but we have no idea how long this will last, so ordering now and waiting until April or May might not be a bad idea. I just ordered 2 pretty highly reviewed reusable cotton masks and a pack of 40 carbon filters to put inside to ship to Japan for a grand total of around $28 USD, and they aren’t even promising to process the order until the end of March but damn if I won’t be happy to have them. They also have much cheaper disposable masks and cotton masks (the bulk of the expense for mine was the big pack of carbon filters, but you can get a big box of disposable masks for a couple bucks). The common sense reminder is if you’re ordering internationally, especially via China where many Wish products are produced and shipped from, then be careful when you’re handling and opening the packaging. But thought I’d spread the word!
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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She said “fuck poor people” without any hesitation
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
How do you get the date and time that a post was posted??
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
“ Kuwait has banned all flights to and from Italy. The UK is now asking everyone coming in from the affected regions north of Pisa from now on, and within the last 2 weeks, to self-quarantine. “
#CloseAllOurBordersNowUSA #coronavirus #covid19
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
From the article:
The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will hear California v. Texas and United States House of Representatives v. Texas, two consolidated cases that represent an existential threat to Obamacare, and that were brought by a coalition of Republican-governed states. For the third time since President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the justices will hear a lawsuit seeking to eviscerate the legislation.
Texas turns on Congress’s decision to repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate. As originally enacted, the Affordable Care Act requires most Americans to either obtain health insurance or pay higher taxes. The tax law President Donald Trump signed in 2017 reduces the amount of that tax to zero.
Because the Supreme Court upheld the fully functional mandate as a valid exercise of Congress’s power to tax in 2012, the Texas plaintiffs argue that the zeroed-out version of the mandate is unconstitutional — how can something be a tax if it raises no money whatsoever? They also claim that the entire Affordable Care Act must fall if the deactivated mandate is unconstitutional.
The Republican legal arguments against Obamacare in this case are widely viewed as ridiculous, even by many lawyers and scholars who spent much of the last decade trying to convince the courts to repeal President Obama’s signature achievement.
Jonathan Adler, a conservative law professor — and a leading evangelist for an earlier lawsuit seeking to undercut the Affordable Care Act by reading a poorly drafted provision of the law to cut off much of the act’s funding — labeled many of the red states’ arguments “implausible,” “hard to justify,” and “surprisingly weak.” The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board labeled this lawsuit the “Texas Obamacare Blunder.” Yuval Levin, a prominent conservative policy wonk, wrote in the National Review that the Texas lawsuit “doesn’t even merit being called silly. It’s ridiculous.”
Read more.
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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seekandfindgod-blog · 5 years ago
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Remember this absolutely crazy remark?
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