sedan1968 · 6 months
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Porsche 911 GT3
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sedan1968 · 5 years
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Sunday at CrossFit. Trying something new for workouts. I’m liking the community feeling and nobody gets left behind. Plus my cardiovascular needs work. Having asthma only when working out is a hinderence. At 50 years old looking to make huge improvements. I do miss lifting weights though.
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sedan1968 · 6 years
That is awesome. Way to hit those goals.
I have my final dress fitting today.
I stepped on the scale this morning to see where I’m at and I’VE MAINTAINED SINCE MY LAST FITTING YAAAASSSSSSS👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Good job, Christine!
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sedan1968 · 6 years
I need more people to follow
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Awesome arm gains. I’ve been seriously in the gym now for 3.5 years. Not looking back only want more gains!
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Arm goals 💪💥
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Both at the same time. Mix em. Eat em!
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Typical day in the life deciding which jar of peanut butter to open next 
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Ahh Yes. The power of personal development. Everyone should exercise their soul with it every day
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sedan1968 · 6 years
I love the last quote. It is one of the most important things you can do for your body.
I have started a Nutraceutical Whole Foods Supplement that is so amazing. And is helping me sleep through the night soundly.
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Happy Father’s Day to your Dad 🙏🏻
The older I get the more I realize how lucky I am to have been given a dad and grandfather like you both.
Hiked in Father’s Day with Daddio and made some 🐿 friends☀️🌲🍂 And as if having a dad as a best friend isn’t grand enough I have an even grander blessing which consists of having TWO men I can call my best friends.
From all the love, stability, support, and guidance throughout my almost 25 years of life you both have shown me first hand what being a “man” truly takes. You’ve given me the best things I could have ever asked for; your time, care, and wisdom. I am beyond grateful. One day a year is not enough to honor how special the two of you are or how much our family absolutely adores you. So please know that every day I am celebrating the fact you’re not only “dad” and “grandpa” but “best friends” as well. Thank you for all you do, father daughter adventures, and terribly awesome dad jokes. Happy Father’s Day! And happy trails 😉🍂🌲💙
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Very true quote
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sedan1968 · 6 years
I completely agree. I started using a nutraceutical line a few months back that has made a major difference in my health. I was so impressed I decided to partner up with the company and share it with others. People always ask what if it will fix a certain problem. I explain everyone's body is different so we can't predict how their body will respond so I recommend doing a 90 day trial to see how they feel. Our line is a three part system that works synergistically together. Its called Triangle of Health. Have you heard of it?
Good evening Annette. I’m very much into health and wellness. Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished in your education. What is your input on Nutraceutical supplement?
Hi! Thanks so much, it’s great to hear you’re interested in health as well. 
I truly don’t know too much about specific supplements, but in general, “nutraceutical” supplements (such as ginger, turmeric, resveratrol, prebiotics, etc.) are awesome IF you have a specific goal in mind. For example, if someone deals with chronic inflammation that is improved with omega-3 supplements, it makes sense for them to take them.
“…No single item, like Vitamin E for instance, can be swallowed by two different people and be digested and absorbed in exactly the same way… It all depends on how a person digests things. How well their liver and kidneys work makes a difference. And they must have all the other chemical elements that the pill they are taking needs in order to work inside the body.
…Eating right and adding nutraceuticals will make sure you have all the raw materials you need. This combination will help you repair everyday wear and tear. It gives your body a much better chance to deal with damage from disease, accidental injuries, or surgery.” source
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sedan1968 · 6 years
You can fix everything with optimal nutrition. Please contact me so we can talk.
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i’ve been struggling a bit with proper nourishment and just food generally for the past two weeks and i just have no energy whatsoever. this means every task has been half-assed including my work outs and runs which makes me sad. 
today i really really wanna try getting back some energy and get stuff done. so i had this delicious oatmeal with frozen berries and almond butter to fuel me.when i finished this i had a bowl of cottage cheese because i needed it ✌️
now i also feel good about going to the gym and not seeing it as a chore like my previous work outs. i’m not saying you can fix everything with a good breakfast but it really does help ❤️💛💚
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Simply Amazing. I love your motivation. I too have just become an entrepreneur with my wife to an incredible Nutraceutical Company. That has an amazing compensation plan.
We’d love to share it with you?
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Le temps est le seul atout qu'on n'a jamais assez!
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sedan1968 · 6 years
Health and fitness is so important! Keep up the great work.
My wife and I would love to know your fitness story.
My wife is a Bikini Competitor and the both of us are really big into health and wellness
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What hurts today, makes you stronger tomorrow
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sedan1968 · 6 years
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Masters Men’s Physique Competitor. Happily Married To My Swolemate. A Father to an amazing 11 year old Boy. I’m really big into Health, and Nutrition. I use a Nutraceutical Whole Foods Supplement that is out of this world. No more IBS. No More Anxieties, No more depression, 33% increase in weight lifting and strengthening. Increased my recovery time in weight lifting. No more inflammation. I’m on one clear path in life.
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