section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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     "Good, nice and slow, just like that. Don't make any sudden movements." She held her gun firmly- nothing was going to make her aim unsteady. She was ready- excited even, that he was listening to her.
        She was going to finally know. She was going to find out the identity of BK-201, the ever elusive contractor, the fearsome Black Reaper... She, at that moment, felt like kicking up his mask and marching down the streets with it.
                         Maybe she would show it to Li....
                        Oh right.
                                He as supposed to treat her to dinner.
                                       She hoped he took her somewhere good...
  Misaki lowered her gun. For a moment, her body panicked because she was pointing her gun at Li. The most harmless being on the planet.
                                    But she wasn't.
   "Li...?" She sounded...hopeful, almost. As if she said the name out loud, he wouldn't respond. He would laugh, this man before her, and say he was lying.                                     
"....I should have known..." She grit her teeth, her voice shaking with anger. 
         How could she be so blind? So stuipid? So many things made sense now.
                    She was just too blind to see it...
                                         "All you contractions do is lie!"
        Now, she didn't know who the hell she was pointing her gun at.
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         Hei’s shoulders dropped, a long breath escaping his lips. She would shoot him if he didn’t turn around, and even with the coat, gunshots were painful, and stunning. There was, really, no other choice.                                                    ”You’re not going to like what you’ll see.”        He reached into the coat, withdrawing the two-pronged knifes from their sheaths, and dropped them onto the ground. Best to be completely unarmed he supposed. Maybe she’d take it easier if he wasn’t carrying murder weapons when he revealed himself.        A foot moved, only slight hesitation before being planted again, tilting his body towards her.        ”BK-201… The Black Reaper… Of all the things you call me, do you know which you know me the best by?”         He continued to turn, slowly, as ordered.               “You know me best…                                                                As Li.”
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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  "No I...think I'm finished." 
                 Had she come on too strongly? She could feel the sudden change in demeanor, not to mention the fact he'd stated he was full mid-meal. There was still plenty of food left...
        Perhaps she could have picked a different choice in words. Maybe "friend" wasn't a good choice either. Either way, she didn't want to leave him on his sort of bad note.
  "No, let me. It's the least I can do for making you come out and eat with me. It just gets kinda lonely eating by yourself and-- 
                                      please forget I said that, I'm sorry."
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         ”I’ll… Keep that in mind.”                            He didn’t have much of an appetite anymore. They might be friends, Li and Misaki, but she was also Hei’s, his, enemy. He couldn’t be friendly with her, he couldn’t create a potential liability. But he already had.             “I think… I’ve had enough to eat.” He tried to keep up a cheerful demeanor, giving her a humorous face as he set down the silverware he’d been holding.             “Unless you’re not done I can go ahead and pay. I’d kind of like to go home now actually.”
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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   "I said turn around, damnit!"
                   Misaki Kirihara was beginning to let her emotions get the best of her. She'd be waiting for so long to learn who this contractor was only to watch him slip away.
                             after time....
"Not again... I won't let you get away again! There's nowhere else for you to go, BK-201, so just turn yourself in! Don't make me shoot!"
But he did nothing. It frusterated her. He didn't even put up a fight- he didn't even looked like he wanted to. Was she not enough of a challenge? Or was it something else? 
                                 "Listen to me! This is the end of the line for you! If you come peacefully, we won't hurt you! You have my word."
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              This was just about the worst thing that could ever happen. Cornered and maskless, with no choice but to either surrender, or kill the woman who may be his only true friend. He’d thought the chase could go on until he left. Continue until he vanished, leaving nothing for them to chase after. But here they were.               He couldn’t kill her. Couldn’t do the same heartless thing he did to anyone else who got in the way.              But he couldn’t face her either. He couldn’t reveal what he was.              Well, when he couldn’t do anything. all that was left was to do nothing. So he’d do that.             He didn’t answer, he didn’t turn, he didn’t do anything at all. Maybe, if he was lucky, maybe he could coax her into getting closer. Close enough to knock out, preferably without revealing his face, and then escape.            Regardless of how he would manage to get out of this, it was clear that he needed to skip town, soon. If he got caught like this again he might never have the chance to get out.
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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      "No it... It's not the apartment.."
                It's you. 
   The poor boy just seemed so... distant. He gave Misaki every reason to worry. He seemed like the kind of person to wander out into the middle of a gang fight and get himself killed-- 
                                        hell he's practically done that already.
She found it so strange how she always found him in the most dangerous situations, but he always got out okay, and pretended like the whole thing just never happened. Maybe he was just lucky.
                     But luck runs out.
"... I'm sure you're right. Just...remember if you need anything to call me okay? Not even just as the police but...
                                                                 ...as a friend."
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              “Is there… Something wrong with living in that apartment?”                 Nothing had ever seemed particularly wrong to him about the small room. There was enough in there to get by, a kitchen, a place to sleep, a bathroom. He’d survived in there this long, and he saw no reason that it should start being a problem now. The only reason he’d need to get a different one would be if someone else was moving in, and he couldn’t think of any reason that would be happening.                                        ”You don’t need to worry, really! I’m fine on my own.”
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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       Misaki took a step forward, her gun raised, aimed at the dark figure in front of her.
                       This was it. This had been what she'd been waiting for.
   The mask was by her feet. Whether he'd taken it off, or he'd dropped it, she didn't know. All she knew that it was on the ground, cracked down the side and he wasn't wearing it.
             "BK-201..." She gripped the gun tighter. She thought of all the times he'd slipped away-- all the times she'd watch him go. But now, he had nowhere to run. 
                                     Or so she'd hoped.
   "Turn around-- slowly, do you understand? I want your hands where I can see them." 
                 This has gone on or too long...
                                              Show me who you really are.
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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"That's not what I meant and you know it.
      The amount of food you consume and your build. It just...doesn't fit."
She was jealous. She wouldn't admit she was, but she wished she could eat as much as he did and still maintain her figure. Even if she did eat greasy foods often, she didn't eat as big of portions.
"But...whatever. I mean, I'm not your mother. I'm just.... 
                            I worried about you sometimes. You're in that little old apartment all alone... Ah-- look at me! It's really not my place to say anything, I'm sorry!" She quickly waved her hand as if to shoo away her previous comment.
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"It all goes to my stomach.                        You know that’s where food goes, right?                                 It’s not like I’m some inhuman thing that doesn’t digest food.”                       Not that he was exactly human, either.                       “I guess I look a little too small to be a construction worked, don’t I?                                                                         It’s what I get told anytime I tell someone.”
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
* me
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  "Li Shunsheng.... 
         How do I begin to explain Li Shunsheng?
         Li is flawless.
         I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.
         I hear he does car commercials... in Japan.
         His favorite movie is Varsity Blues.
         One time he met John Stamos on a plane...
         And he told him he was pretty."
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
send me a * and an url and my muse will talk about that muse whilst drunk
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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"A construction worker? I guess you might do some heavy lifting... Still, you're eating so much." She looked at the tall pile of bowls and wondered how they hadn't fallen over. She looked back at Li, frowning slightly. He didn't look like he did much of anything- his build didn't say construction worker, then again, it didn't say 10-- 
                                                --11 bowls of ramen either.
A light laugh escaped her lips. "Where do you even manage to put it all?"
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             ”I’m a construction worker, it’s fine! I have to eat like this.”                  He wasted no time in shoveling more food into his mouth, chewing hastily, and swallowing.            Construction work was, if anything, the least accurate description of what he did, but he thought it would involve a somewhat similar amount of physical activity, and therefore make his diet excusable.
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
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"I guess I should but…                     I haven’t died yet, and it tastes good.”
She wasn't exactly one to talk about eating habits, since she had a taste for greasy foods herself, but she had a job where she was on her feet for most of the day. She burned calories faster than she could consume them.
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"Tastes good or not, it's unhealthy. You should really learn to take care of yourself.
             Or at least get yourself a job where you move around a lot." 
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section-3-yayoi · 10 years
Watchin' the hei booty like
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daaaaayum boy
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