second year fine art
95 posts
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
1st class- ideas and summery
Am I object Am I an object Wearable clothes Wearable art Performance getting dressed Dressing plinth 1 outfit will be skirt and shirt 1 outfit be canvas- square, shapes, rectangle, stereotypical painting shape
Paint object- what colour? Red? I like red… not pink! Lol
Journal= blog
Mediatization- media contamination. Artists: Joan jonas Vitto acconcci Amelia jones- changes the role of The observer and the observed Ann marsh-dematerialisation, remediation= staged performance Ann Hamilton!!!! Objects and body, not live- documentative- burning hair….burning femininity Jill Orr- performance to camera, body, feminism, environmental, bodily presence,
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
1st class
Summery/ideas/concepts Am I object Am I an object Wearable clothes Wearable art Performance getting dressed Dressing plinth 1 outfit will be skirt and shirt 1 outfit be canvas- square, shapes, rectangle, stereotypical painting shape Paint object- what colour? Red? I like red... not pink! Lol Journal= blog Mediatization- media contamination. Artists: Joan jonas Vitto acconcci Amelia jones- changes the role of The observer and the observed Ann marsh-dematerialisation, remediation= staged performance Ann Hamilton!!!! Objects and body, not live- documentative- burning hair....burning femininity Jill Orr- performance to camera, body, feminism, environmental, bodily presence,
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
Video walk through of final install
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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close up shots of ‘Ownership’ colours, marks, contrast, comparison
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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20 collage experiments, over experiments on desk 
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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‘Ownership’ and collage project ‘curtains’ installed together
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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all the banners installed together
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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4 banners hung up
on black rope
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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install set up...
black sheet on floor and back wall
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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2nd side panel development
acrylic cool blue, 180cmx 225m 
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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2mx2.25mm cool blue painting of the word cunt 
7 layers 
i used the word cunt to emphasise the gendered words. Singularly the word cunt is used negatively for all gendered and non gendered specific people, though within the context of bitch and slut, it enhances the misuse of the word. As the word is defined as a women vagina, though we use it as a negatively toward people... 
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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mapping out the studio layout.. drafts
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
further development:
The paintings on the floor are too aggressive. The long paintings reminded my peers of banners, so they suggested to hang them up in the space, so the audience can still interact with them. together with the ‘joyful’ colours, this installation idea allows my audience to see these destructive words as ‘soft’ things, that doesn’t hurt people equalling a re-imagining of the words. This can hopefully make the audience leave the space with a new idea on how to use these words, how these words affect them, and why they are negative in the first place.
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
Installation thoughts
to draw my audience into the space; to dare to walk on the painting, i want to project a a time lapse video on the back studio wall with the word ‘slut’ or with a statement
‘I own this word’
‘i am a slut’
‘i am a bitch’
i like the directness of the ‘i am..’ statements but i was thinking because this is about trying to make my female audience adopt a different mind frame about the words maybe i should direct the statement at them?
‘you are a slut’
‘you are a bitch’
‘own it’
maybe them altogether?
i own these words, because i am a slut and i am i bitch. You are a slut and you are a bitch, own it. 
????? something like that?
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second-year-fineart-rmit · 8 years ago
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word: Slut
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