sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
it must’ve been past midnight now. charlotte wouldn’t know; she didn’t check the time on her phone. the hunger pains that awoke her that night were especially bad…and usually she wouldn’t give into them, but she needed to get out of the house for a little bit anyways.
the brunette was adding a bag of flaming hot cheetos to her stash when there’s a sudden sharp pain in her side, and then she’s nearly knocked over due to the force of the collision. charlotte watches in horror, as if it’s in slow motion, as the contents of her basket (which was quite a lot indeed) cascade onto the floor. 
“fuck,” she curses under her breath, not looking up at the person who’d knocked into her. charlotte hastily begins collecting the fallen items, scooping them back into her basket. annoyed, she announces, “you should really watch where you’re going.”
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sebastian’s eyes widen as he watches the items fall to the floor, and he’s instantly bending to help her pick them up -- though he’s probably just getting in the way. “i’m so sorry,” he mutters, shoving the items into her basket. “i was just --- i don’t know. sorry.” he’s flushed now, his cheeks rosy and he doesn’t want to make eye contact but forces himself to. it’s then he realises it’s charlotte, which eases his anxiousness a little bit. at least he knows the girl. “let me make it up for you -- uh... want me to pay?” 
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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“ as adorable as that insta pic would be; i really wouldn’t mind it if you just reach it for me. ” she says with a giggly voice.  “ real question is why are doing some late night groceries if not for the munchies? ”
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“your wish is my command.” he grins goofily as he reaches for the box with ease, passing it down to her. he blinks at her question, struggling to think of an excuse for a moment, “oh, uh-- i just prefer to shop when it’s quieter.” he answers, though his tone makes it seem more like a question.
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
hey guys i’ll get to replies in an hour or so!!
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
cell phone headcanons
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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“yeah sure, i mean, hopefully without the dramatic deaths at the end.” klaus laughed, taking a bite of his food as the other ordered. no matter the time of day, he always had pancakes after a shift. be it habit or routine, the diner was his secret escape from the clutter of drama that was his home. “i’m always here on my own, at least after work. but i’ve gotta say it’s nice to have company for once. makes me look less pathetic.” klaus blinked, laughing softly as he met the other’s gaze. “want some?” the blonde offered, pushing his plate towards sebastian.
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sebastian rested his chin in the palm of his hand, a smile tugging at his lips, “maybe i should hang around with you more often--- just to make you look cooler...” he joked. it was probably the furthest thing from the truth; sebastian still felt confused sometimes as to why a guy like klaus would even show interest in him --- the man was breathtaking to him. he snapped out of his thoughts as klaus offered him some pancakes. he had to admit, they did look good. “you’re spoiling me today, huh?”
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
Straightening her top she shook her head, still feeling guilty for the run in. “You don’t have to do that” she said, with a small shake of her head, “…but, if you want to, I’m not one to turn down free food.” Danielle laughed, looking over at the boy, hoping that he understood that he didn’t need to do that just because they had ran into each other.
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“i insist.” he smiled, stubborn as always. “take your pick.” he scanned the shelves himself, reaching for some pringles -- his guilty pleasure. 
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
“its-its no problem.” her words stumbling, as it hit her how he isn’t responding how most people would.  why isn’t she the she demon she usually is? she even ponders that question to her self. brushing her jeans, “ getting away from home for a bit.” she honestly says, not sure why shes so trusting and nice to this person.  “ and frosted flakes !! ” she giggles cutely as she stared up the aisle and the box of sweet cereal stood proudly on the highest ledge.
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“i know the feeling.” he smiled softly, his eyes following her gaze to the cereal stood on the highest shelf. “hey -- are you alright reaching that? maybe i can give you, like -- a piggy back or something.” he joked, “or just grab it for you like a normal person would.”
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
i’m out atm so replies will come later!!
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
”Do you think after Saturday we can all stop talking about this real life fairytale?” Astrid asked as she scooped a tabloid off the counter and hopped up to sit in its place.
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“it just doesn’t seem so magical after will and kate... though there definitely seems to be a lot more drama.” sebastian pondered, his eyes lingering on the front cover. it was almost shameful how often he’d find himself reading gossipy magazines whenever he had the spare time to, somewhat revelling in the dramas of other people’s lives to escape his own. “---though i’m sure there’s much more interesting things people could be talking about.”
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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juliet knocked his arm lightly, shaking her head. “it’s fine. just giving you a hard time,” she grinned, admitting her strategy with ease now that she was face to face with sebastian. “you can make it up to me by helping me find a snack. and reaching it if i can’t.” she poked a finger into his chest. juliet watched his movement and pursed her lips. “sorry about that. i’ll make that up to you by getting whatever it was?” she gave a cheesy grin, as if attempting to win him over. “absolutely nothing in the world.” she looped her arm through his and gave him a squeeze. “now you’re stuck with me.”
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“i feel so used...” he replied playfully, a small pout on his lips. juliet was one of the only people who could bring out his goofy side lately; he felt little inhibition when the two were together. “--- it’s fine, we have millions at home anyway.” he waved off the comment; sebastian always had a weird sense of pride and had never really liked others doing things for him. it was probably his biggest weakness, especially now his mother’s health was deteriorating. “damn it, i was gonna try and make my escape while you weren’t looking...” he joked, nudging her lightly. “so, since i’m stuck with you... snacks-- what are you craving right now?”
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
Completely unaware of the surrounding people, Danielle was on a mission to find junk food of any kind so her eyes were glued to the items on the shelves. As soon as someone else bumped into her she took a few steps back, and immediately reached down to grab their lost can of soup, “Oh no, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying any attention, are you alright?”
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sebastian laughed awkwardly and nodded, brushing some hair away from his eyes as he accepted the can of soup. “i’m fine, it’s my fault--” he glanced around them and saw the aisles stacked with snacks, “hey, how about i buy you something to make it up to you?” he smiled
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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dressed down, she roamed the aisles for a couple groceries even with a chef and people there to care for her she threw fits to avoid eating more days than she usually would.  bad habits die hard and her stomach seemed to claw at her in fury hence the late night shop.  everything is fine until she bumps into someone and the sound of something dropping cause her to turn and bend down to help pick it up.  “ it’s fine.” is all she can squeak out before she shyly looks up.
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“thanks.. i’m such a clutz..” he mumbles with a tired smile as he takes the can from her. “i should probably be sleeping right now instead--- what’re you doing here?” the store was mostly empty, he’d only passed one or two other people; nodding their heads at each other politely before going their separate ways. 
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
send me a ✉ for three texts from my muse to yours
text sent @ 00:05am ➳ u up? 😊
text sent @ 00:06am ➳ that sounded so cliche 
text sent @ 00:10am ➳ but i do wanna see you
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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juliet normally didn’t peruse the grocery store late, but– admittedly– the usually pretty pristine brunette had smoked a little, and her pantry did not hold the just right item to satisfy her munchies that night. she had traveled to the supermarket clad in an oversized hoodie and short denim shorts, eyes scanning the aisles for what would be the right thing. not popcorn, not crackers… perhaps the next aisle. she rounded the corner and felt the impact of another person against her, knocking the wind out of her a bit. the voice was familiar though, and she waved sebastian’s concerns away through her coughs. “it’s- fine.” she breathed. “hey, you. trying to run away from me didn’t work.” another cough. “you hadn’t texted me back.”
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sebastian relaxed a little when he realized it was just juliet. “sorry, today’s just been kinda... hectic. i was gonna reply. swear.” he smiled sheepishly, picking up the can he’d dropped and placing it cautiously on a random shelf. “but hey... you found me! face to face. what more could you want?”.  
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
she didn’t like to bother her aunt & uncle. truthfully, despite how long she’d been living with them, it was still odd to her to ask them for things. sure, money & otherwise seemed okay but anything else? most likely off the market. so when she took herself other grocery store to buy things for food the last thing she expected was to crash into someone. “um,” the sound of a can startled her. “it’s fine.” she moves some of her hair out of her face before looking at the brunette. “are you okay?”
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sebastian reached to pick up the can, and upon noticing it had split huffed and shoved in on a shelf. he blinked for a moment, realising the girl had asked him something. “oh, yeah-- sorry. i wasn’t paying attention. clumsy.” he spoke hurriedly, probably sounding manic or something. 
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sebxstiian-blog · 6 years
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