sebastianxwinters · 8 days
"Alright, alright. I think a tequila shot is definitely something that can be thrown in there." Sebastian laughed softly as he looked at Oliver. He didn't mind the idea of getting some tequila in his system, he could use some more. Well did he need more? Probably not but that never stopped an ambitious Sebastian. "Nah, nah. We can stick with that which sounds goof to me." He mentioned.
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"Yeah... at least throw in a tequila shot." Oliver shrugged and then started to laugh; he really did need to learn to let loose a little more. A music festival seemed like the perfect place for that. He was only half serious, but seeing as the sun was beginning to set, it seemed like a pretty good time to start drinking. "But if you want to stick with ice cream, it's your call."
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sebastianxwinters · 8 days
"Yeah I feel like they do and I don't know if I would ever be able to get the game down himself. Sebastian watched the other attempting to put the puzzle together and he chuckled a bit. "Yes it's a garden of roses so good luck with trying to put it together." He said to the other while shaking his head a bit. "I'm sure you'll be able to get it eventually though!"
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“darts  are  weird.  take  a  lot  of  practise.”  not  that  tobias  had  a  lot  of  practise  at  them,  but  he  could  pretend.  pull  it  off,  fade  into  the  crowd  if  it  went  poorly.  for  now,  it  was  piecing  together  one  -  thousand  little  jagged  edges  of  the  same  colour,  which  felt  all  the  more  impossible.  “bloody  hell,  what  is  this  meant  to  be?”  retrieved  the  lid  from  the  box,  flipped  it  around.  “…  a  garden  of  roses?”  he  should've  brought  his  reading  glasses  instead  of  wearing  his  contacts.
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sebastianxwinters · 8 days
"Good. I'm glad to hear that you do. I love kissing you too." He said as he smirked softly, glad that Austin and him seemed to be on the same page of enjoying one another's company. The way their kiss was connected made Sebastian flush. He knew that this is what he wanted. He wanted Austin, most likely forever and Sebastian was going to do what he could to ensure that it would be that way forever.
"I may or may not have been drinking for quite some time now." He mentioned to the other as he then sipped his drink before he picked up his shot glass once again and he waited for Austin to do the same so that they could both take their shots together. "You ready or what?"
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——- Seeing sebastian again was almost everything austin dreamed of — he was always thinking about him and the rest of his family since the break up. he still even hoped after they didn't hate him or anything, but hoped if he could have shared — they'd understand. he was still in love, just also didn't want to push anything. he was seeing some people to try to move on but all that went out the window when his eyes saw the man he still loved. ❝  good, because i love kissing you. ❞ he said biting a bit on his lower lip before their lips connected and he was lost in the kiss. his fingers gently moving through the back of sebastian's hair, feeling the softness against his fingers. his heart was racing and he'd deepen it more if they weren't in public. pulling away from the kiss with a bit of struggle, just as the got their shots. ❝ so — how long have you been here drinking without me ? ❞ the last part was a bit more of a tease but the question was serious. anyone he knew was not normally a drinking type unless something happened. austin started due to freedom first coming to new york — but also due to work stresses. he loved his job and all, but there was still crazy days.
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sebastianxwinters · 13 days
Not only was Sebastian not expecting to see Austin when moving to New York, he definitely wasn't expecting the rekindling to happen the way that it has thus far. He loved that the two of them were able to forgive and just move on with life. Maybe they were going to have the ability to get back together officially. "I like that idea. I don't mind giving you all the kisses." He watched the other get a tequila shot and then now he was being grabbed by the shirt and then being pulled in a little bit closer to Austin. "Gladly." Sebastian said before he leaned forward and pressed his lips up against Austin's.
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——- Every time he saw sebastian — the prince was still just lost in his thoughts. it was like the first time all over again. not first meeting — but the first time he saw him in a new light. his heart started racing, and feelings took over. ❝  when it comes to you — i love a nice surprise. ❞ austin said with his own smirk crossing his full lips. ❝ forever ? i swear i'm never letting you go again. i miss your kisses, always. ❞ his eyes focused briefly on the bartender, also getting a shot of tequila, before turning back towards sebastian, gently placing a hand on his chest and gripping the front of the other's shirt slightly. ❝ a quick kiss now before shots ? ❞ if there was one thing austin knew for himself especially, drinking was to cover up, and first they could have a nice time before facing things.
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sebastianxwinters · 13 days
"Oh yeah I'm sure, you don't have to worry about that." He replied back to her slyly as he licked his lips a bit and looked at Rachel. Sebastian couldn't help but to chuckle at her response to him saying when he wins. "Alright, I don't mind that at all. If we tie then we are going to have to break it somehow." He mentioned to her before shaking his opponents hand. "But don't you worry about that, we won't need all that."
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——- Rachel smirked some, giving a little nod, she did love the tease it came off as at first, figuring it'd be fair — but who was she not to tease ? ❝  of course, you're a fair man, sebastain. ❞ she giggled as she folded her arms over her own chest. ❝  is that so ? i live in my head, so are you sure about that, seb ? ❞ the blonde smirked again, right back to teasing her new friend, and glad she met him at this festival. he was fun and in a sense charming, not in a flirty way but just a fun interesting way — at least to her. ❝  when ! ? oh, the confidence ! let's go, your move next. all the marbles — unless my next go we tie then we have to try another game for the final win. deal ? ❞ she offered, holding out her hand for a firm handshake to seal it.
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sebastianxwinters · 13 days
Sebastian couldn't help but blink as he heard the proposition of playing another game after. "Well damn, I can tell you already that I suck when it comes to darts, but let's add in moving boards then I am totally going to be awful at that." Sebastian mentioned to the other. "Yeah so we can see who puts the pizzle together first."
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“if  you  win,  i  might  challenge  you  to  a  game  of  darts.  with  the  moving  boards.”  recognised  the  face  of  the  other  from  across  the  lawn,  and  nonchalant,  tobias  had  crossed  and  seated  himself  in  the  chair.  did  not  glance  towards  ryder,  only  focused  upon  the  actual  puzzle  on  the  board  before  them.  tone,  even,  and  detached.  he  would  reserve  judgement;  he  was  good  at  that.  but  it  seemed  real  weird  to  have  austin's  ex  here  in  new  york  too.  “something,  something,  make  the  game  even  more  exciting  and  all  that.  heighten  the  stakes.  can't  figure  out  what  the  hell  this  image  on  the  pieces  is  meant  to  be."
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sebastianxwinters · 13 days
"Well I thought it was a nice innocent little deal." He said to Oliver as he laughed a bit and then shrugged. "I don't mind playing for the same thing, but did you want to up the winning to something you may want more?" Sebastian asked the other as his one eyebrow raised. He didn't mind a bigger bet but he figured an ice cream was something that was easy enough.
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"An ice cream? Is that all?" Oliver turned to Sebastian briefly, his arms folded casually across his chest as the other took his turn. He was only teasing, a smile dancing about his features as he spoke, because he didn't really think this was worth any kind of wager. "If you're only going to buy me an ice cream cone isn't that all you should be getting?" he questioned a moment later, expression becoming thoughtful as he circled the stack of giant Jenga blocks.
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sebastianxwinters · 15 days
"Awesome, I love it. Do we want to stick to playing only one game of Connect Four or do we want to say that it's the best two out of three?" Sebastian asked the other as she agreed to the ice cream. "Well I've never been to this festival before but yeah I suppose I can tell you my best festival story overall." Sebastian nodded to the other woman as he smiled wide. "Oh good, I like a little bit of competition so that makes me excited."
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As she played the giant Connect Four game, she overheard Sebastian’s challenge and couldn’t resist jumping into the conversation with a grin. "Ice cream, huh? That sounds like a sweet deal," she said, positioning herself strategically in the game. "But if you win, how about a swap? I’ll treat you to ice cream, and you have to tell me your best festival story. Deal?" She gave him a playful wink, clearly enjoying the banter and the challenge. "Now, let’s see if you can outplay me. I’ve been known to have a bit of a competitive streak!"
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
Sebastian read the message and he cranky? Yeah, that's probably how it was coming off to people but it was only because it was coming from a place of hurt and he didn't know how to fill that void or to cope with his feelings so lashing out on innocent people happened to be what he was doing. Sebastian shook his head as he then ordered his drink and handed the card over to the brista behind the register as he was going to be paying for Elliot's drink as he had been rude.
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Elliot gave a small shake of his head as he read over Sebastian's words on the phone. It's fine, really. We all have those days where we're cranky and the last thing we want to do is wait extra time in line. Turning around to the person behind the register, he quickly wrote something down on the napkin the two of them had been communicating on. Add your order to mine, it's the least I can do. Both for holding you up and to try and make your day less shitty or whatever reason why you're a bit cranky.
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
"Alright so what did you have in mind?" Sebastian asked the other as she declined his offer, glad that they could be negotiating what they would get if they won. "Hmmmmm... I mean that does sound enticing and it does seem to be pretty fair to getting you a cooler snack than ice cream." He laughed a bit as he looked at her and then nodded, "Alright. I accept your counter offer and offer." He replied as he then stuck his hand out for a business shake.
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drew was competitive to a fault, always reluctant to lose. it was only natural for her to gravitate toward the games, especially something like giant jenga. a classic, really. half luck, half skill. she smiled as she tossed the jenga piece aside. "i think i'll be picking the 'or something'. there are way cooler snacks here than ice cream," she quipped, a smirk across her lips. "hmm, if you win, i'll pay for a ride on the ferris wheel?" she asked, eyebrows raised in anticipation.
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
Sebastian laughed as she was catching on to what he may or may not have been planning since asking her the beginning part of the deal. "Listen, listen. I would make sure that it's in the same degree of me getting you ice cream if you win. I wouldn't want to be unfair." Sebastian dragged out his last word playfully as he looked at her with puppy dog eyes for a second. "No such thing as getting too in my head" yeah right, sebastian. you've been in your head for weeks Sebastian was glad that he was making friends and he looked at her before rubbing his chin. "I can see you buying me a big ol' garbage plate if I win! Sorry, I mean when I win." Sebastian shot a playful grin to Rachel.
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——- Rachel couldn't resist playing games with nice company, which she definitely believed she had. now with it coming close to an end on this game, the blonde finishing her play, waiting for the man to take his move. hearing what he said, a smirk crossed her cherry coloured lips. ❝  such a charmer, aren't you ? now, i say you can have whatever you want from me — to a degree. can you possibly think of anything — or has a bowling game got you too in your head ? ❞ she said teasingly with the last bit, messing as she was connecting well with him during their game.
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
Sebastian smiled wide when his opponent agreed to his offer of the ice cream if she won. But when she mentioned that she would get her face painted with anything that he chose from, he thought about it to himself. That was actually a pretty good idea and he wouldn't do anything inappropriate because that's not who he was and he knew there were families here. "Alright! I like that idea a lot actually!" He smirked. "I forget though was it my turn or is it your turn?"
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Jaymes found some downtime between sets of the artists she was most excited to see for the day, and she had eaten her way through the biggest plate of carne asada fries, so truthfully the only thing she could do was nap, or play a game, and since she was putting off sleep until she could crawl into the comfort of her own fluffy comforter, she found herself at the puzzle's lawn, playing a round of bowling. the stakes had been raised though, and jaymie was only a bit competitive. "a rare chance, but I'm willing to take your bet, if you win I'll...." a beat, as she thought of something she was willing to give, "I'll let you choose what gets painted on my face for the rest of the day?"
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
Sebastian loved the enthusiasm coming from Vismaya and he nodded, "You're right, I do owe you an ice cream cone but I think it makes sense for us to do the best two out of three and then the winner will be decided from that!" He stuck his tongue out at her playfully after he was done speaking. "Okay you might be joking about them but they're fricken awesome! I love the ones that look like crowns because I like to feel like the king of the world like Leonardo Dicapprio from Titanic." He chuckled softly as he looked at her and then went in and removed his piece with ease and then stacked it on top and gestured for the other to take their turn.
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Under normal circumstances, Vismaya's appearance at a music festival would be reticent at best, but she had arrived to the sounds of The Japanese House and got a French 75 in her hand, and her reservations quickly took a sabbatical. This, of course, is how she came to be sitting on her jean jacket in the grass and making a new friend over a game of giant jenga. She bit the left of her bottom lip between her teeth as she focused all her attention on removing the next block of wood from the precarious tower. Once successful, she was able to process what Sebastian had said, and she gave a playful giggle in response. "I mean, I think you should buy me an icecream cone either way, because I already kicked your ass at giant-connect-four, but I'll let it slide. Anywho, if you can beat me at Jenga... I will buy you one of those big crazy hats made of glowsticks. I hear they're all the rage at Fashion Week this year."
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
Sebastian smiled over at Julia who had just now introduced who she was. He thought she was pretty. Of course not his taste and god knows what was going on with Austin now. The two had gotten cozy with one another and he was incredibly happy for that but his actions lately could've jeopardized that drastically. "Nice to meet you as well, Julia." He replied as he then chuckled at her question. "Well I guess I just wanted to do something nice for somebody and you happened to be the luckily one and it seems that I picked well because you seem to need it." He replied, sliding her a playful smirk. @doctorjuliasato
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It was incredibly rare for someone to be this sweet out of nowhere, plus she had just come off a long shift, so sentences weren’t coming easily to her either way. It was an embarrassment really and Julia internally chastised herself for that. At least her name was something she could get a solid grasp on. “Julia, nice to meet you Sebastian.” Thank you, for this, it’s really very kind of you. What inspired this?”  @sebastianxwinters
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sebastianxwinters · 16 days
"Alright! I like that idea!" Sebastian replied to her as he smiled. He was trying his hardest to be in a better mood because he didn't want everyone worrying about him so much. "Since I like froyo more than ice cream anyways, I will say how about that? but i get all the toppings that I want!" He counter offered her as he chuckled softly. Luckily Sebastian grew up playing corn hole with one of his uncles who taught him when Sebastian was only five years old.
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Devi certainly had a bias against games and Puzzles since her last trip to the bar, however, she was willing to give it another shot. The setting and circumstances were different after all. "Well, it'd have to be something of equal value to an ice cream cone." This time last year she wouldn't have cared about that and would've been fine with offering the other some pricey prize. Things were unfortunately different now and she had to be 'responsible' with her money. How miserable. "So some other frozen treat? Unless you can think of something better." She wasn't entirely confident she could beat the other at a game of cornhole, which only added to her making a safer bet.
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sebastianxwinters · 19 days
Starter for: Open @bhqextras
Activity: Puzzle Lawn Games (you pick the game)
Sebastian loved that they had big games at the festival and he could see himself spending a lot of time here. He was playing the game with the person next to him and after they went, he tapped his chin softly with his pointer finger as he thought about his next move. "Alright if you beat me I will buy you an ice cream cone or something, but what if I win?" He asked the other as he chuckled, glad to actually be having a good time right now.
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sebastianxwinters · 21 days
The prince was looking better than ever and Sebastian couldn't help but feel memorized by the other. He loved that Austin was out and about at the same time that he was. "Yes it definitely does." August replied to the other as he smirked softly. "Well of course they come with kisses! When it comes to you, I have kisses to offer forever." He said to him as he then got the bartenders attention and he ordered himself a shot of tequila while he waited for Austin to order the kind of shot he wanted.
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——- Easily seeing sebastian here, austin would follow him anywhere in this bar, because he almost always wanted to be around the man that still had his heart. however when seeing the other sit with him, the former prince's heart fluttered some. ❝  looks like a surprise for us both, huh ? ❞ he spoke, blushing some when the peck was placed on his cheek. ❝  i — would love too, sweetheart. hope they also come with kisses. ❞ he smirked some, maybe he was a bit buzzed and shouldn't drink more, but he wanted to have a nice time with sebastian, as nice as they could at least.
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