seattlesgracehq · 11 months
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April Kepner | @drkepner-hq
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seattlesgracehq · 11 months
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If you're lurking about, come give us a little peek!
We're a Grey’s Anatomy RPG with a twist  — things take place in a slightly alternate universe, where everything up to the season 8 finale is canon (including the finale itself, BUT without any lives lost). Very older/classic GA-centric!
Members are able to take control of the character’s stories after that point. Just about any canon character is welcome, as well as any original characters! We're far into the future, and able to explore our favorite characters are navigating their futures, and families. We love all things AU, dramatic, and chaotic - so if that's something you're into, come give us a little visit. We'd love to have you!
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seattlesgracehq · 11 months
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Lauren Mercer | @madecfstarlight
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seattlesgracehq · 11 months
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WARNING — inactive for 7+ days; please post or contact the main within 48 hours or your role(s) will be reopened!
Wesley Fitzgerald | @wesleyfitzgerald
Emerson Shepherd | @emersonshep
Izzie Stevens | @izstevens
Victoria Hughes | @vichughie
Arizona Robbins | @drr0bbins
Charlotte King | @charlottekingf
Gideon Hayes | @waitagoddamnminute
Maya Bishop | @firebishops
Amber Karev | @dramberk
Ellis Shepherd | @ellisheps​
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seattlesgracehq · 11 months
do you think this rp would be more active if you made it into a discord rp? i think i'd def be more app to join if it was a discord rp
There's a possibility. However, things are going to stay here on Tumblr for the foreseeable future. It's what works, and the current members of the group seem pretty content with things the way that they are. We're always happy to welcome new members if you do decide to join regardless.
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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For personal reasons, please unfollow:
Virginia Torres-Robbins (@ginnytr)
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Lauren Mercer
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Welcome to Seattle, Eliza Gardner!! Please send your blog in or contact the main within 48hrs!  
** Please do not start interactions until your account is sent in and your follow is posted!! Once your follow is posted your characters’ info will be added to the main, and after that point you are free to interact!
IC Information - 
Character Name: Eliza Gardner ( half sister of Izzie Stevens )
Pronouns: she/her
Occupation: trauma surgeon.
FaceClaim: Emily Vancamp.
Birthday: December 27th
** FOR OCs ONLY** Does your character have playable (18+) children/family members? If so, please list them here so we can adjust the masterlist accordingly: Nope!
Required* for OC Parents:
Did you ever have to worry about a secret sibling? No, well neither did Eliza until she found out about Izzie, her fathers other daughter. She’d been eight when she realized he had another family by a picture in his wallet, and fourteen when her mother told her to mind her own business but the girl vowed one day that she’d find this other girl and as she turned sixteen, she did. The magazines showed Izzie, her sister. They had similar blonde hair, but that was about it. Maybe there was no way to really find her, at least that was what Eliza had convinced herself.  Although it was disappointing? She decided it was time to move on with her life, her sister wasn’t her only dream — medical school was and for that she’d have to get the best grades she could manage.
The same year that Eliza graduated high-school with scholarships for the school of her dreams, her parents got divorced - but it was no real loss, all they really did was fight all the time anyway. When she started school, the girl had done great of keeping to herself for a while, but soon her roommates convinced her to start hanging out with them and from then on? She went to parties and everything you would imagine someone do with friends but she didn’t make a real connection until she met Wesley Fitzgerald, partnered up with him for a project, the two became fast friends but sadly for Eliza, that was all they were.
It wasn’t very long before the two got too busy in their medical careers to keep in touch and they soon lost contact. Eliza became engaged and as her time came to become a full fledged doctor? She was already getting a divorce. Luckily with no children leaving her with ties to a man she’d fallen out of love with Eliza took it as her chance to start fresh in a new place. 
Hearing that Seattle Grace had an opening for a Trauma surgeon, the blonde did her research and soon applied. New to Seattle, she hardly knows the two surprises that await her ; A sister she’d long since stopped looking for, and a man she was convinced she’d lost.
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Welcome to Seattle, Lauren Mercer!! Please send your blog in or contact the main within 48hrs!  
** Please do not start interactions until your account is sent in and your follow is posted!! Once your follow is posted your characters’ info will be added to the main, and after that point you are free to interact!
IC Information - Character Name: Lauren MercerPronouns: She/HerOccupation: She works in the hospital daycare.FaceClaim: Jessica LowndesBirthday: February 5thDoes your character have playable (18+) children/family members? If so, please list them here so we can adjust the masterlist accordingly: I mean, she could, but no one would actually write the family members with my specific playbys in mind, so yeah…Bio: Lauren was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, but her family moved to Seattle about four years ago. Her father is a doctor and affiliated with doctors without borders, and her mother is a recently retired high end real estate agent. Lauren did the whole modeling thing back in Los Angeles, but now that she’s no longer in her prime, she’s moved on to another career path. She currently works in the hospital daycare center, and she also volunteers at a stable located near her home that specializes in equine therapy. She’s also Mason’s potential wanted connection, unless Alex declines lol.
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
+1 application
app acceptances are on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, and rolling acceptances through the weekends.
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Thanks for a successful revamp first weekend! Definitely made everything worth it with all of the chaos ensuing on the dash already :')
This is just a little update for a few things going forward:
App Acceptances are going to be done in the late afternoon/evenings on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and throughout Saturdays & Sundays.
Activity checks will be done every weekend/every other weekend ( mostly depending on how activity is that particular week ).
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
+ 1 wanted connection
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Emerson Shepherd
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Wesley Fitzgerald
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
Is the Wanted Connections page updated to reflect the reboot?
It is now! With still being so freshly revamped, everyone's still building characters up a little more and thinking of new plots, so I'm sure with time we'll have some more WC's roll in.
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Welcome to Seattle, Wesley Fitzgerald!! Please send your blog in or contact the main within 48hrs!  
** Please do not start interactions until your account is sent in and your follow is posted!! Once your follow is posted your characters’ info will be added to the main, and after that point you are free to interact!
Character Name: Wesley Fitzgerald
Age: 38
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Neuro Surgeon
Parents: Nicholas Fitzgerald, Elaine Fitzgerald (Step-Mother)
FaceClaim: matt czuchry
Birthday: August 28th
** FOR OCs ONLY** Does your character have playable (18+) children/family members? If so, please list them here so we can adjust the masterlist accordingly: Yes, already on the list! 
Required for all child applications -
Bio: trigger warnings: parental death 
wesley grew up as the oldest, with two younger siblings. he took his role very seriously, always looking out for his younger siblings even in his rebellious years as a teenager if his siblings needed him he would drop was he was doing and show up for them. wesley had a great relationship with his parents until he was a teenager and started acting out when his mother got sick. he was a typical mama’s boy and knowing that there was nothing he could do to save her from dying broke his heart more than anything in his life probably ever would, so he started to distance himself from everybody. this made his father very upset and ended up straining their relationship for years. a few months before wes’s mother died, he ended up patching things up with her and spending as much time with her as he could. it was the summer he graduated high school and he spent every waking moment taking care of her, which is when he knew he wanted to be come a doctor and save people who died from a terrible illness like his mother. Wes ended up moving out for college which was hard on him, leaving his siblings so soon after their mother died but he knew it was best for him. 
During medical school, Wesley found out that his father had re-married to a women who was around his age. At first he was furious and didn’t speak to his father for a few weeks, but after speaking to his siblings about it and then visiting home and meeting his new step-mother, slowly he came around to the idea though he still never really felt one hundred percent comfortable with the idea. Wes was happy to have his father back in his life, after only speaking with him on holidays and when it concerned his silbings or something important though. 
A few years went by and Wesley ended back up in Seattle, working as a Neuro Surgeon. When he father got sick, he was upset but after his mother’s death he was a little numb to the whole feeling, knowing he couldn’t go down the same path as before. He couldn’t take it out on his siblings by abandoning them. After his father died, Wes was a little suspious of how quickly it came to an end after watching his mother die but he ended up not saying anything and keep it to himself, not wanting to bring it up to anybody else. Shortly after his father died, Wesley ended up getting his fiancé pregnant and they welcomed a baby girl named Elizabeth after his mother but a few months later Wes came home with the baby after a long day at work and found a note on the table, saying that she just couldn’t be a mom and this life wasn’t cut out for her. Wesley struggled for awhile, relying on his friends for help but he got in a routine and now he and Beth are thriving in their routine together as father/daughter. 
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seattlesgracehq · 1 year
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Welcome to Seattle, Emerson Shepherd!! Please send your blog in or contact the main within 48hrs!  
** Please do not start interactions until your account is sent in and your follow is posted!! Once your follow is posted your characters’ info will be added to the main, and after that point you are free to interact!
Character Name: Emerson Shepherd
Age: 19
Pronouns: she/they
Occupation: Barista at Seattle Grace. 
Parents: Amelia Shepherd.
FaceClaim: Talia Ryder
Birthday: October 15th
** FOR OCs ONLY** Does your character have playable (18+) children/family members? If so, please list them here so we can adjust the masterlist accordingly: nah.
Required for all child applications - tw: injury, surgery.
Growing up, Emerson was always rather quiet, they liked to keep to themselves and unlike her mother was pretty shy. It wasn’t until the fifth grade when she found her passions in writing and soccer. They’ve always been on the softer side, someone with a good group of friends but not the most popular. When she was sixteen, Emerson tore her ACL at a soccer tournament, the surgery went fine but playing soccer wasn’t really the same. In the summers they’ll play for fun but nothing more than that.With average grades, school wasn’t her favourite and luckily she graduated high-school alright, but has no interest in college. Of course, they aren’t looking to be a barista forever but for now it gives them something to do.
As well as using she/they pronouns, they also identify as bisexual.
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