seastem · 5 years
Idk if you watch Dan and Phil but I'm so proud of Dan on doing that , I mean it takes a lot of courage to do that
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seastem · 6 years
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oh boy I love twentyøne piløts
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seastem · 6 years
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잘생겼다~~ 크으으으
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seastem · 6 years
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drown // tyler joseph 
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seastem · 6 years
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seastem · 6 years
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“The next song is a song called “Guns for Hands” and it’s probably the hardest one for me to talk about lyrically. Um, cause it has to do with… some pretty heavy issues. You know, it’s a happy sounding song- I like writing happy sounding songs, but then hopefully trying to say something thats worth more than just a happy moment.
At this particular time in my life I had encountered a lot of people who were going through tough times, whether it be suicidal thoughts or depression- You know I always try to preface by saying I’m not a professional in this field; I don’t know exactly what I’m allowed to say or what I should say or whats the most healthy thing to say. I can just speak from what I’ve experienced, what I’ve seen, and what I’ve gone through. And this song is talking about how I think we need to acknowledge the fact that people struggle with these issues, and we need to, we need to… we need to tell them “I get it”.
Like, I know you can hurt yourself. I know that’s an option. I’m not gonna tell you it’s not because I think there’s too many people who hear about their kid going through something and they say “No, don’t think about that, think of something else”. It’s like, no, hold on. Let’s take this energy, this focus, this emotion that you feel that’s obviously negative and let’s try to take it in and move it somewhere else. Let’s aim it at something else.
So I look at art, I look at music and writing and lyrics and a concert. I look at those as moments where people can take the things that they’re struggling with and really kind of unleash them and pour them out onto this thing.
It’s helped me. A lot. And I would never write about something that didn’t prove to help me, cause I would never want to… I would never want to talk about something that I didn’t feel like I knew I was capable of talking about.“
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seastem · 6 years
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seastem · 6 years
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seastem · 6 years
утро, которым мы умрём by Daria Sea
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seastem · 6 years
just trying
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seastem · 7 years
To whoever loves me next, I’m sorry if I’m afraid of you or if days of flirting turn to radio silence, without warning. I’m sorry if I make you say the words over and over and over until I believe them. (I’m sorry if I don’t believe them.) I will probably spend more time worrying about losing you than I spend trying to keep you. Trouble is, every single time I’ve ever thought something was too good to be true– I’ve been right. Understand, I will know how to be vulnerable with you, but I won’t know how not to regret it. And I have no idea how deep we’ll be into this relationship before I admit I’ve never done this before. Not really. Not in any way that counts. Before I admit that I know how to put my body inside someone else’s but not how to make it beautiful. I probably won’t be easy to love. Too many people loved me badly, I’m not sure I know how to do it right.
Ashe Vernon (via thelovejournals)
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seastem · 7 years
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seastem · 7 years
you need to know that it is normal to loose people, normal that your friends can find new ones. You can find new ones. You will live trough it, just be strong.
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seastem · 7 years
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seastem · 7 years
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seastem · 7 years
last autumn was good. i traveled with my friends, saw tøp live, went to the concerts. but also, last autumn was gray, full of anxiety. i struggled with myself trying to go trough it. this was the best and the worst autumn. like the song. it reminds me of good days, but of the bad days too. i start crying every time i listen to it. i was happy and broken, nevertheless, this one is my fave.
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seastem · 7 years
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