First Transmission
Hey my first transmission made it back to Earth! Check it out: https://youtu.be/JongnpD--Qg
At least I think you all got it.
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Andronus' Whereabouts Log
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A sight that's both disturbing and awe inspiring greeted me earlier today as one of the Giant Wyrm's burrowed into the ground not to far from my peninsula home of New Mackinac. It's roars are unsettling, but no home is perfect.
Anywho, I've been working to fix my filming and audio equipment. A transmission should be hitting my channel sometime in the coming days. No idea what it will be about. I've also been conducting more research and I now feel the taxonomic musings document I was going to post is haplessly inadequate and quite frankly erroneous based on my recent findings. Back to the drawing board as they say when it comes to classifying life on this planet which seems to defy the Earth division of plant and animal with the line blurring both ways from the faux-cacti to the segmented shrubs.
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In other news, I found a cave tonight on the peninsula. I went inside to find it has a lot of water and life!
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I even found small barnacle-esque lifeforms on some of the sides of the cave.
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This planet never ceases to amaze me, and it's clear I have a lot of work ahead of me in terms of categorizing life on Summer Wept.
That's pretty much it for now until I publish my findings. You can read my outdated musings if you want but it's not much...
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I best be getting my rest now... Well- This is a photo I took for the log. I don't actually wear the suit to bed. Good night!
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Summer Wept
A Gem of Horrors
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I set forth upon this world merely a few days ago, and in my few days here I began my bold exploration by establishing New Mackinac. Both a fledgling colony and research outpost, I will know it to be my home for the coming days. Some may call me crazy for making my home in such a deadly place but while it may be deadly it is doubly beautiful. Located in a trinary star system beneath the stars of Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby, is a rather large world called Summer Wept. The second closest planet to the trifecta of color, Summer Wept is a planet with skies blue like Earth's but with shimmering aquamarine oceans, and rust colored ground. The planet even has a green moon which hangs dark and rimmed in the sky in the day and like an ominous green orb in the vivid green night sky amongst the stars; it's called Grand Haven.
Amidst the rusted rocks and the green patches of moss a hardy dark plants with course bodies, most with bulbs or sections that glow in both in the day and night, likely from the high radioactivity of the ground as the planet is rather abundant in uranium which in and of itself is a bizarre amazement. Such a heavy metal in high abundance, one must wonder the heated dance of death that star years ago played to give birth to such vivid and radioactive world. No wonder her plants are so thickly vested from the smallest tubers to the large sprawling spindles one could dare call a spindle tree to the hard shells of the shelled bush and the segmented shrub, both of which have a soft under belly that is reminiscent of an animals flesh. The planet is so strange compared to Earth for the fauna is like flora and vice versa. The only recognizable things here are a species reminiscent of birds with bat-like wings and feathers, and one which looks to be of a Mantis and a Crab which are affectionately dubbed Preying Crab Mantises.
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Aerial view of Bat-Bird flying over New Mackinac.
Outside of those two exceptions, life on this world seems rather tubular in nature | from the plants to the animals. Then again, as a brief tangent it should be noted that plant and animal are very surface level terms here in Xenobiology. Plant and Animal are taxonomic kingdoms on Earth... They have no application here on Summer Wept or in any planet I'll set foot upon. From surface glances alone, I can only surmise the Mantis Crabs are in someway related to the segmented shrubs and shelled bushes. Of course, I could be wrong but only designated research will tell.
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Juvenile Preying Mantis Crab on Haven Lake floor.
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Myself picture standing a good few feet away from a massive Segmented Shrub.
Everything on this planet deserves its own dedicated research and to that I will spare no detail...
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As for my new home: New Mackinac, I bring a bit of Michigan to those unfamiliar reaches of space by my naming of the locales in this system. It feels right for the bodies representing summer, with their vibrant life and hot dispositions to be named for such fond holiday locations such as the beach city of Grand Haven and a new huzzah for the tourist hotspot that is Mackinac though it could be rather easy to doubt the new one kicking off as well as the original given that anyone who visits needs to have protection from 6.8 RADs of radiation exposure on a good day with temperatures ranging in the mid-90s in Fahrenheit, though nights are comfortable in the mid-60s. Currently the growing research outpost that is New Mackinac consists of my “house”, the central hut, and The Haven Lake Research Facility. I'm one man after all, and only the central hut and living quarters were pre-made modules. The botanical facility is the next major project.
Spending time on Summer Wept will surely be memorable, and I dare say I'm a long ways away to exploring the other planets and the moons of Season's Unending but it will be a bountiful adventure none the less.
Filtered from SURI Public Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hq7tLhy2e9rKCFGUR_4J5X1paAMf9KW3/view?usp=sharing
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Greetings to anyone who read this message. This is Dr. Andronus Indoril Guhdatt, sole researcher of Season's Unending Research Institute (SURI). Excited to announce that I finally figured out my imaging equipment, even enough to get a photo of the three stars from my ship:
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Isn't that beautiful. Still figuring out the video features and my sound equipment is damaged from the high RADs of Summer Wept.
This was more of an impromptu introduction. A more formal one will be sent out in good time. Basically, I'm researching the trinary star system, Season's Unending, with my primary base of operation in the New Mackinac Outpost on Summer Wept. I would have started sharing my journey's earlier, but the radioactivity of my new home planet lead to some initial complications.
For now, hello, and I hope you are all ready for a journey of a life time!
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