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          “ i uh – sorry, where am i? ” he felt like he was in a dream where nothing was familiar. his surroundings were there, and he should recognize them, but he doesn’t…not in the least bit. it was almost like they were fuzzy, too hard to focus on for too long at a time. “ i don’t really remember coming here i don’t think. ” or did he? he wasn’t entirely sure of that either. “ – who are you? ”
                                   @seasonedmonstersx   /   sc.
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             “just outside of Vancouver, washington.” she’s crouched next to him, head tipped a little as she frowns, blue eyes sweeping him as she considers. something’s definitely... off, but she can’t really identify what. not just yet. “well, you’re pretty far off the trail and there aren’t any campgrounds around here. did somebody leave you out here?” her head tips with a frown, letting out a breath. “i’m winter. the person you’re rather lucky to have stumbled across you instead of a forest ranger. can you stand?” 
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                         when the moon fell in love with the sun...
loved by tiger
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[ text ] um [ text ] well [ text ] ok [ text ] my parents are at work 
[ text ] i can be there [ text ] like ten minutes? [ text ] give or take, on the bus schedule [ text ] i’m leaving now
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                                       who  runs  the  world  ??
indi. private. selective writing blogs. 
featuring : h. j. potter                    jenn lopez                    letha ott                    winter skai
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[ text ] i mean [ text ] ur smart [ text ] i’m … someting [ text ] are u totally sure? 
[ text ] you’re smart [ text ] but i’m sure [ text ] more than sure [ text ] like come kiss the hell out of me [ text ] or i can come to your bc my foster dad’s around
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[ text ] what if it does, though? [ text ] cause it totally might. [ text ] it always happens in the movies! [ text ] are you sure?
[ text ] a lot of shit happens in the movies [ text ] but we’re friends  [ text ] we’re smart [ text ] we’re consenting adults [ text ] and i trust what we have
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[ text ] are you sure? [ text ] cause i like our friendship. [ text ] but i wanna kiss you. 
[ text ] i’m not gonna risk our friendship [ text ] i really, really don’t think it would [ text ] i think we should try it
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open to : friends and above ! muse : sam evans .
( sms )  would it completely ruin our friendship if i said i wanted to kiss you? ( sms )  and maybe more?
[ text ] i think that would do the complete opposite of ruin it [ text ] i dare say it would deepen that friendship
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supernatural           creatures       —           masterlist  — reblog     this     post     to  be     added     to       a       masterlist     of     roleplayers     of     supernatural     creatures     (     such     as     werewolves,     vampires,       etc.       )     !     please     tag     the     name     of     your     character,     if     it     is     a     canon     character,     original     character     or     crossover     and     if     the     blog     is     single     muse     or     multimuse.
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caitlin stasey
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booty shorts that say “menace to society” across the ass
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Shit is getting real, you know?
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doessssss anybody want moon or squirrel? or winter or fall but their muses aren’t as high
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Kinda wish I had my hands down someone’s pants
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Your father didn’t love you , so you assume no one else would either.
Caroline Forbes (via ashesofcaptivity)
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