searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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$50 gadget adds a high-tech Head Up Display to any car By Chris Smith, bgr.com
Unless you’ve got money to burn, luxury cars aren’t really worth the money anymore. Cars from affordable brands like Toyota, Honda, Kia, Hyundai and others offer so much value at price points that …
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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12 ways to hack-proof your smartphone Darien Graham-Smith, theguardian.com
Protect your privacy, your data and your peace of mind with this guide to beating thieves, whether they’re online or on the street
As we’ve recently seen from leaked CIA documents, no one is immune to hacking attacks. Here’s how to protect yours…
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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41 Significant Value-Adding Home Renovation Ideas – Most You Can Do Yourself Brittney Smart, homedit.com
Whether you’re looking to sell your home or simply want to improve it for your own living, most homes could benefit from a bit of home renovation. That’s not to say that large-scale remodels are required – not at all! Depending on your home situat…
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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This house was 3D-printed in just 24 hours By Yvette Tan, mashable.com
As we start to 3D-print everything — including houses, of all things — it's pretty impressive that a company built one in just 24 hours.
Located in Russia, this 400-square-foot home (37 square meters) was built in just a day, at a cost of just o…
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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Why Loneliness Affects So Many Young People - VICE vice.com
Illustration by Glenn August
This post originally appeared on VICE UK.
In 2010, the Mental Health Foundation found that loneliness was a greater concern among 18- to 34-year-olds than those over 55. Last year, VICELAND's UK censu…
Felt so lonely... Had to post this... Lol
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
I recently went on a date with a beautiful and smart girl who laughed at all my jokes and then never replied to my texts. I walked away from the date thinking nailed it! while I guess she walked away thinking he didn't nail that. I…
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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Trump sets tougher restrictions on lobbying by officials By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press, apnewsarchive.com
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill a key portion of his pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington, banning administration officials from ever lobbying the U.S. on behalf of a foreign government and imposing a separa…
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searchlocalpahomes · 7 years
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Why a Single Run Makes You Smarter Denny Watkins, vice.com
If only getting smarter worked the way it does for the robots on Westworld—a few taps on a tablet, and boom, instant IQ points. Until then, we still have to hack our brains using more old-fashioned tactics. And while the results are less…
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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Breathing modulates brain activity and mental function Mo Costandi, theguardian.com
New research shows that the rhythm of breathing directly impacts neural activity in a network of brain areas involved in smell, memory and emotions
The rhythm of breathing co-ordinates electrical activity across a network of brain regions…
I always knew there was a reason to learn how to breathe... Thanks Rob Grantham, I still remind my children how to breathe correctly.
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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21 incredible innovations that improved the world in 2016 Katie Dupere, mashable.com
2016 may have been a terrible year in many ways, but there was still some undeniable good to come out of the past 12 months.
For proof, look no further than the year's most impactful innovations, offering solutions to some of the world's most…
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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6 Secrets to Making a Killer First Impression, According to Science mydomaine.com
We've all been there. Sitting across from someone we admire, crippled with anxiety because we don't want to do or say the wrong thing, and knowing full well that first impressions last the longest. …
Here's the science behind the obvious...
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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The Awakening Goes Deeper Than You Think thelastamericanvagabond.com
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Those queued in to the info-sphere of alternative media have long been speculating that humanity is on the cusp of a great awakening, in which the truths of the past that have been buried …
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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Study reveals role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress psypost.org
Scientists are uncovering clues to what might be unfolding in the relationship between the brain and immune system in those who suffer from long-term repercussions of stress.
New research details …
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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Make a DIY Grout Cleaner Out of Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Patrick Allan, lifehacker.com
If the grout lines between your kitchen or bathroom tile have seen better days, this DIY cleaner should do the trick. And you probably already have the ingredients in your home.
In this video from the Clean My Space YouTube channel, Melissa Maker …
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
By Helen Wong, Chief Executive, Greater China, HSBC, hsbc.com
The journey of the renminbi (RMB) as a trade and investment currency over the past decade has been rapid and remarkable. Now it is approaching its final frontier: full convertibility, supporting its …
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searchlocalpahomes · 8 years
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This Is How Much Turmeric You Actually Need To Eat For Arthritis, Cancer And Other Diseases [email protected] (Team), riseearth.com
Turmeric is an ancient herb that comes from the root of the curcuma longa plant. While you may be familiar with its warm, peppery and bitter flavor when used as a cooking spice—often in curry—it has actually been used for over 4,000 years as a…
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