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oh and I meant to
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#zayne x m!reader #fluff, angst #zayne, my favorite doctor <3 hello, anon. i hope you don't mind me putting in a little bit of angst, ooc zayne (?)
#zayne is dense as fuck, childhood friends trope, zayne being a jerk (a bit), reader being an overthinker, p.s. i hope you like this anon <3
#falling in love with your childhood best friend wasn't something you even expected would happen.
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the door to your house creaked open, making you look back as you watched your best friend since you were a child enter the premises with a forlorn look. you pursed your lips, worried and concerned, before standing up from the sofa and met with him, engulfing him in a tight hug. "what's wrong, zayne?"
the black-haired male sighed as you led him towards the sofa and sat him down while you knelt down in front of him, hands on his knees. this was the first time he looked so upset, so vulnerable as tears dripped down from his eyes. "she cheated on me," zayne answered before he covered his face with his palms.
"she what?! how can anyone ever cheat on you?" you shouted, cursing his, now, ex-girlfriend inside your head. how can she even have the nerve to cheat on you best friend after he treated her so right? zayne was handsome, kind, a gentleman, and he literally had everything (his nether region being a plus point).
you nibbled on your bottom lip before holding onto his wrists and removed it from his face. "i'm such a loser," he said which you answered with a shake of your head, smiling a little bit to comfort him before you got up and sat beside him.
you cleared your throat. "they probably would regret it. i mean, you're practically the best living man on earth! seriously though, why are you always ending up in toxic relationships? first, it was a man who was only using you for money, then a girl who only saw you as a fuck buddy, next was someone who had a boyfriend, and then--"
"i get it, i get it. you don't have to keep reminding me of my past relationships, you're just making me feel worse," he stated, punching your shoulder lightly before you let out a chuckle then looked at him. "i guess love just isn't for me. i wish someone would just love me for who i am."
i'm here. you thought. in all honesty, it was so hard for you to keep your feelings from him when he was always so clingy and so physical when it comes to showing you affection. zayne has been your best friend since nursery, he was always there for you and played with you when no one wanted to.
at first, you thought maybe it was just for that day, but it went on, until you two eventually got close. how did you even fall in love with zayne? you didn't know when but maybe it was when your heart started fluttering with every action he did for you. this is the cons of having 'acts of service' as your love language.
you sighed "zayne, i know i've said this to you a gazillion time, but anyone would be so lucky to have you. they're just too stupid to notice that," you stated, smiling bitterly as you patted his back. i mean, i'm here. you thought as you continued to pat his back.
"what do you mean you're here?"
as doon as zayne said that, the whole place wemt silent as you looked up at him, eyes wide in shock. did you say that out loud? damn, you were sure silence was never quite this loud, it was so deafening.
the black-haired male looked at you and raised a brow in confusion. "m/n? what did you mean by that?" he asked again, but you just sat there silent, not knowing what excuse to tell him.
you gulped. "well, i-i...i mean that i'm always here for you whenever you feel down, zayne. when you feel upset over your breakups, know that i'll always be here for you," you reasoned out, zayne seem to be taking it as he nods and looks away.
"i'm very grateful, m/n. you always pick me up when i'm down, but i don't really know what to do now. it's always been breakup after breakups for me," he stated, sighing as slumped down on the sofa. "maybe i should just focus on being a doctor."
as zayne continued to rant, you just listened to uim attentively, not talking too much since you didn't trust your mouth to say the right words for the other male who was literally pouring his heart out to his "best friend".
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the next day, you and zayne went to school together. like the usual days to your university, zayne always drives you two to school, all because he doesn't trust buses (but mainly because he wants you by his side). and upon arriving at your university, he would always open the door for you. almost like a couple.
ah, right. you thought, reminding you of the few instances where people have asked you if you two were going out. well, you wished you two were, but you always answered with a polite 'no'. "y'know, zayne. if you keep doing this, students here at uni would think you and i are a couple," you said, ending it with a chuckle as you looked at zayne with a smile.
the other male just scoffed before he slowed down, slowing down as he turned towards a corner. "let them think what they want to think. it doesn't matter to me, you're just my best friend," he stated, smiling at you before looking back at the road.
somehow, his words managed to shatter your mood, the smile on your face gradually disappearing before you looked away and down at your fingers. what did you even expect? your best friend would never hit on you, he would never like you the same way you liked him. "haha, yeah. sure" you answered before an uncomfortable silence enveloped you two, at least to you but you didn't know about zayne. "not like i failed to notice, zayne, but you've been smiling since earlier. and you're literally dressed to impressz what's the occasion?"
the mentioned male let out a small laugh before he grabbed his phone, passed it to you and mumbled a small 'unlock it'. you did as he was told, and the first thing you noticed was a notification from his classmate. you were puzzled. what were you looking at? "read it for me, buddy."
having no choice but to comply, you cleared your throat and clicked the notification. "do you and m/n want to go to a mixer..." you trailed off, staring at the message as of it was some kind of curse.
"well, i guess it's time for us to mingle. sure, my last breakup was a mess, but something in me is telling me that this is finally the day," he stated, a small grin on his lips, already imaging the events for later. finally arriving at the entrance of your university, he slowed down, finding a good spot to park his car.
you let out an awkward chuckle. "i-i don't think i can make it though. i've got a few more works i have to finish, so i have to refuse the offer," you stated, zayne humming disapprovingly before he finally parked the car.
he looked at you and furrowed his brows. "i don't mean to force you or anything, m/n, but maybe this could also be the day for you. besides, haven't you been single your whole life? maybe this could finally be your chance of getting that partner you—"
"you don't get it, zayne."
why do you have to be so fucking dense? you thought to yourself before looking at zayne, brows furrowed and lips turned into a small frown before you looked away and sighed. "nevermind, i'm not going to that mixer. you go do whatever you want."
"what..? m/n, are you mad at me? alright, fine. i won't force you, i'll just tell him. but if it ever crosses your mind, the offer still stands. you can come anytime you want," he answered you, yet you still didn't dare to look at him. but why were you even upset? even when you had no reason to be upset about. what am i even doing?
was it because you were next to him but all he's talking about is going to that mixer? "thank you, zayne. i'm not mad at you, those kind of things just isn't my forte. i hope you understand," you reasoned out, finally looking at him with a forced smile.
the other male just nodded and exited the car, opening the door for you then watched as you walked out. "you don't have to open the door for me. i can do it on my own," you joked, zayne just chuckling before closing the door and locked the car.
"but you're my best friend. i'd do anything for you, even if it means serving you," he answered, laughing soon after as if what he sad didn't have some kind of effect on you. "anyway, it's best if we go now or we'll be late for our classes."
the walk towards your first class of the day was silent, but not until zayne started to hum the lullaby you used to sing for him whenever he cowered in fear everytime it rains.
it was back when you were in elementary, but the other male conquered his fear upon reaching high school (or so you thought). you chuckled, looking up at him. "you still remember that? i kind of forgot that exists though."
"it's really catchy. come to think of it, i've never heard you sing since that time back in middle school," he pointed out which made you purse your lips before you shrugged and looked away. "i hope it's nothing serious though."
you shook your head. "no, it's not that. i just grew out of it, i guess. besides, my major doesn't really require singing so having to quit singing was inevitable for me," you said, smiling as you both turned right.
zayne furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head in confusion. "but i like hearing your voice," he stated, smiling down at you before he patted your shoulder. "it always calmed me down when i was younger, and you may not know this but the reason i was able to conquer my fear, fairly, was because i always hummed your lullaby."
now this made you look at him with a surprised look, mouth slightly open before he ruffled your hair and offered you a short smile. "i guess i have to thank you for that. this is me speaking as your soulmate and best friend, that even if your major doesn't require you to sing, doesn't mean you have to quit completely. i really want to hear you singing again."
a smile unknowingly appeared on your lips at his statement, him finally separating from you with a wave goodbye. and like a dumbstruck idiot, you stood there in place. so smitten, so putty, so— "careful, m/n. you're gonna burn holes into his back if you keep staring at him like you're undressing him with your eyes."
the sudden voice cut you out of your trance as you looked at the person. "thomas? aren't you supposed to be with rafayel?" you asked the taller male who only grinned as he handed you the book you unconsciously dropped from staring at zayne's figure.
"that man's busy right now and, quote on quote, 'interruption will result in your death'. i don't know if he was serious, but who knows what he's capable of, right? so i just went and left," thomas answered you, adjusting the cardigan he was wearing.
he walked you to your first class (since you shared the same elective) and you entered the room that was unusually...quiet. it was always so rowdy and loud every morning but today was different. "huh, did i wake up in the wrong side of the universe?"
thomas agreed, nodding. "you could say that again. is there something going on?" he asked rhetorically before you two sat down on empty seats, just a few tables behind. "i would've mnown if it was a test. unless it's a pop quiz?"
you answered him with a shrug then looked back at the students who were with you. curiosity getting the best of you, you tapped on your classmate's shoulder and asked him. "if you don't mind me asking, is there something...or maybe something happened? why's everyone so well-mannered?"
"that's cause we're getting ready to greet someone a happy birthday. you should join too," he stated, giving you a warm smile before looking back at his book.
and just a little while, party poppers went off, surprising the classmate (the birthday girl) who was now standing in front of eveyone. everyone greeted her a happy birthday, and the cake was served. but what you didn't know was there was someone else who was coming along.
you heard a few 'he's here's and 'wow's emitting from your classmates' mouths. were you all expecting someone? you all waited as the door opened, lips curled into a smile in anticipation. and just like a few minutes ago, the smile etched on your face disappeared.
ah, so this is why he was cladded in those fancy clothings. you thought as you watched your best friend slash crush enter the room with a bouquet in hand, singing her the lullaby that you always sung for zayne.
you clenched your fists in anger...but then it hits you. as if a boulder has made its way from the top of the cliff then back down at you. i have no right to be this upset. i mean sure, i used to sing him this song—
"this song is a special song from me to you."
what? hearing that, you stood up from your chair, grabbed your things and looked at zayne once before leaving the room, thomas following behind. "special? i said that to him when i sung it to him. damn this," you mumbled, but enough for the other male to hear.
thomas scratched his nape before he sighed and stopped you, standing in front of you with furrowed brows. "look, m/n. i'm not one to interfere, but it's honestly obvious how much you love zayne. and i know for sure you don't see him as just a childhood best friend."
you looked up at him and shook your head. "i cant do that, thomas. he's my best friend. what do you think would people think? or much more, what would he think if the one who was constantly around him was harboring feelings for him? i just can't tell zayne that i love him. i can never do that."
upon hearing that familiar voice, you felt as if all the blood in your body was drained out of you. you didn't even want to look back, afraid you'd see the disgusted look on his face. "m/n, what did you say?" zayne repeated as he neared you, taking careful steps before he stopped just behind you. "what did you mean by that?"
"you what?"
thomas, who thought you two needed time to talk, patted your back and left, leaving you two alone in the hallway. but what you needed right now was to run, not to be alone with the person you've been hiding your feelings from, the very person you call your best friend. zayne's brows were furrowed, looking at you as if he was confused.
"zayne," you stuttered, gulping your saliva due to the nervousness before looking straight into his eyes. "the thing is, i like you. not just as a friend, but something more. i have romantic feelings for you, and i constanly held myself back because i..." you trailed off, stopping.
the way he looked at you. it was as if he was disgusted, as if he was mad and disappointed. unconsciously, tears began to travel down your eyes at the realization that what you were fearing the most has now happened. "you like me? m/n, you're like a brother to me."
you just looked at him, trembling in fear of what he was gonna say next. it was nerve-wracking, it was killing you inside and eating you up that it made your heart beat so fast, as if it was gonna jump out of your chest. "i'm sorry, zayne."
the words that escaped your lips made zayne scoff before he neared you, looking down at you. "i could never ever date you, m/n. not ever—
zayne's voice cut you out of the trance you were in. wait, what's happening? "aren't you gonna answer me, m/n?" he asked you again, a small smile on his lips as he neared you. "mind repeating what you just said?" you looked at thimas then back at zayne. what just happened was all in your head.
"no, i..." you looked down, playing with your fingers before deciding that this was now or never. if this confession, turns wrong, you were ready to face the consequences. you just can't betray zayne like this by hiding your feelings from him. "zayne, the truth is...i like you more than just a friend."
zayne sighed before he looked at thomas who understood the signal and left, patting your shoulder. then, zayne went closer to you and engulfed you in a warm embrace, smiling. not quite expecting this, tears rolled down your eyes as you placed your head down on his shoulder. the other male chuckled, "what took you so long to tell me?"
"you knew? must have been a pain having to be with a person who was hiding his feelings from you. why didn't you tell me?" you asked the other male who just caressed your hair and pulled back, holding onto your shoulders.
he smiled. "i wanted you to tell me yourself. i didn't want to go expecting that the person i liked also liked me back," he stated, making your eyes widen in shock. "would you believe me when i tell you that the real reason my past partners broke up with me was because i talked about you a lot? my first girlfriend told me that, but i didn't want to admit that so i tried to forget my feelings for you. it didn't work though, when they all broke up with me for all the same reason."
you shook your head before hugging him again. "then you should've told me you liked me too when you knew i had feelings for you. you didn't have to go through those breakups," you told him, hugging him tightly as if he was gonna run away.
"i was planning to, but you ran away from the classroom the moment i entered, singing the lullaby you always sung for me," he told you, surprising you yet again as he hugged you back. "i wanted it to be somewhat unexpected...but i didn't think you'd misunderstand. you thought i was singing for the birthday girl, were you?"
you nodded into his chest then looked up at him. "are you still going to that mixer, though?"
zayne answered you with a shake of his head and chuckled. "that mixer was only to try and get you jealous, so you could finally confess. i was provoking you about it earlier, but it didn't go as planned, sorry. i knew rafayel's idea was idiotic."
you let out a stifled laugh as you thought about rafayel. "you took his advice? seriously?" you commented, zayne laughing before you two pulled back and smiled at each other. "hey, i'm not dreaming, right?"
with a sigh, zayne neared you and held your chin using his thumb and index before tilting your head slightly then kissed you. it was only for a few seconds, but it felt like a whole hour has passed the moment zayne pulled away. "did that feel like dream?"
"honestly, it did."
zayne looked at you with so much love before grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers together. "m/n, i promise to never make you cry ever, and i will give you all my heart and support you with whichever path you dare to stride. so, can i take this a sign that i can court you?"
with a nod of your head, zayne engulfed you, once more, in a tight embrace, smiling victoriously as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head. "i love you, m/n."
"i love you too, zayne. always and forever."
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espero q gostem da arte!
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Iwaizumi punches Oikawa in the lips
with his own 😏
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searchingforuseromi · 13 days
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oiiwa + liver leaf
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searchingforuseromi · 13 days
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i've drawn a lot of iwa-chans over the years but i think this is my favorite one yet 😌
(at long last, here's my full piece for @iwaoiweddingzine!! leftover sales are open for another week if you wanna get your hands on this beautiful zine!)
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searchingforuseromi · 13 days
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just iwaoi on a movie date🍿
all credits to the artist @fejufej on X, ig & tumblr
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
BokuAkaKuroTsuki have their moments where they’re silently intimate one on one with each other. 
For BokuTsukki, it’s in the morning when Bokuto carries Tsukki to the couch so he can slowly wake up in his arms as Bokuto watches the sun rise with his morning coffee.
For KuroAka, it’s when they both arrive home from work at the same time and will just embrace by the door as the work day’s stresses melt away in their arms. They remove each others coats and will hug-waddle into the kitchen before speaking.
For BoKuroo, it’s when they have calm showers together. Bokuto finds comfort in leaning against Kuroo as the water rains down on them. Sometimes Kuroo will just hold him, other times he will massage his ace’s shoulders, but always he will wash Bokuto’s hair with the utmost care.
For AkaTsuki, it’s late at night when neither can sleep so they opt to sit on the balcony wrapped in a blanket and play with the other’s hands. Akaashi placing his smaller hand over Tsukki’s, their fingers curling to make silly hearts, Tsukki guiding Akaashi’s finger to stars, etc.
For BokuAka, it’s in the kitchen with Bokuto clinging to Akaashi from behind as he cooks. Akaashi will hold a spoon up for Bokuto to taste test and his reply will just be a smile and a simple nod. He will take a deep inhale to get the scent of Akaashi and the food and he’s happy.
For KuroTsuki, it’s in the afternoon when Kuroo sprawls himself over Tsukki on the couch. With Kuroo face down, the blonde plays with his hair and tries to mould it into shapes that don’t resemble a rooster. It will always turn into a head massage that’s as warm as the golden sun.
(Taken from my anime twitter @bunnie_vii)
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
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#bakt | 7k | E
Tsukishima moans as Bokuto’s large hands slide under his clothes, calloused palms grazing over his bare skin.
“Wai— ah— wait,” he pants, trying to think clearly. “We still need to video call the others.”
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
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Hear me out.
La Femme Damnée by Nicolas Francois Octave Tassaert (1859) BUT bokuakakurotsuki.
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
Low-key I'm getting ideas... Will I have the motivation to make said ideas reality and actually get to writing? We'll soon find out
Will I get over this glorious panel of Tsukishima’s genuine and blinding happiness directed at Kuroo? No, I will not.
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…the symbolism of Kuroo as the cat and of Tsukki as the moon in this scene: the cat falling in love getting drawn in by the beauty and elegance of the moon at its peak. Furudate, I see you.
Bokuto and Akaashi (i.e. the owls) also being present at this momentous event for Tsukki’s character arc.
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I’m sorry but BokuAkaKuro, symbolized as nocturnal animals in the story, being the main people to help Tsukki, the moon, rediscover his passion for volleyball has just got to be one of my favourite narratives Furudate has written for Haikyuu.
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
Will I get over this glorious panel of Tsukishima’s genuine and blinding happiness directed at Kuroo? No, I will not.
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…the symbolism of Kuroo as the cat and of Tsukki as the moon in this scene: the cat falling in love getting drawn in by the beauty and elegance of the moon at its peak. Furudate, I see you.
Bokuto and Akaashi (i.e. the owls) also being present at this momentous event for Tsukki’s character arc.
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I’m sorry but BokuAkaKuro, symbolized as nocturnal animals in the story, being the main people to help Tsukki, the moon, rediscover his passion for volleyball has just got to be one of my favourite narratives Furudate has written for Haikyuu.
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
idk just thinking about bakt dynamics
bokuaka like youre my whole world you light up my life I love you I love you ill do anything for you
bokuroo like you make me laugh you never judge me I dont need words to communicate with you
botsukki like we shouldnt get along but we do youre nothing like me but everything to me you understand
kuroaka like you bring out the best and the worst in me you know me better than anyone else and not at all
akatsuki like I can be myself around you I can love you openly and freely without being embarrassed
kurotsuki like you know me youre under my skin cut me open and tear me apart I love you
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
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movie night! 🍿
prompt for @/makkisucks through @haikyuuaction. thank you so much for your donation!! 💗
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searchingforuseromi · 14 days
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*chanting* pjo au! pjo au! have some cute boyfriends by the fire 🧡⚔️🔥
ko-fi / twitter / instagram
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