Seamstress of Gondolin
5K posts
design student by day, cosplayer/writer/allround geek by night
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Remember when I ran around a beach in my Jyn Erso cosplay? That was fun 😊 Happy Star Wars day everyone! Jyn Erso cosplay made and worn by me editing by me as well. #starwarsday #maythefourt #maythefourthbewithyou #jyn #jyncosplay #jynerso #jynersocosplay #starwars #starwarscosplay #rogueone #rogueonecosplay #felicityjones #cosplay #sw #swcosplay #swanthology #swanthologycosplay #swrogueone #photoshoot #photography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayphotography
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Endgame after work tonight has me hyped 🙌🏻 Scarlet Witch cosplay made and worn by me, photography and editing by me as well. #scarletwitch #scarletwitchcosplay #wandamaximoff #wandamaximoffcosplay #marvel #marvelcosplay #mcu #mcucosplay #avengers #avengerscosplay #ageofultron #ageofultroncosplay #cosplay #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayphotography #cosplayedit #photoshoot #photography #editing
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Let me quickly drop this first proper picture of my Infinity War Scarlet Witch on here, before I run and hide from the Endgame spoilers again 🙈 Scarlet Witch cosplay by me, photography and editing by me as well. #scarletwitch #scarletwitchcosplay #wandamaximoff #wandamaximoffcosplay #marvel #marvelcosplay #mcu #mcucosplay #avengers #avengerscosplay #infinitywar #infinitywarcosplay #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayedit #editing #photoshoot #photography
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Received these pictures from the first production sample of the BoP Harley jacket from @michelleuberreste who made the jacket for Margot Robbie to wear in the movie. I am beyond excited with how it looks so far, it's as screen accurate as you can get, but sadly Michelle hasn't gotten enough preorders yet to be able to put this through production. The jacket is $150+ shipping, which is an amazing deal for a jacket that's such a spot-on recreation. If you would like to preorder one yourself, send an email to [email protected] to get in touch 💕 #harleyquinn #harleyquinncosplay #harleenquinzel #harleenquinzelcosplay #birdsofprey #birdsofpreymovie #birdsofpreycosplay #birdsofpreyharleyquinn #margotrobbieharleyquinn #cosplay #dc #dccosplay #dceu #dceucosplay #dccomics #dccomicscosplay #margotrobbie
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Post-Ella burnout is still pretty real and I haven't had any motivation to work on cosplay and/or sewing related things for weeks now. But this past weekend I had a little photoshoot for some cosplays I finished late last year and haven't had a chance to take proper pictures of yet. Since Avengers Endgame is just around the corner, what would be more fitting than sharing the first picture of my Age of Ultron Scarlet Witch 😉 Scarlet Witch cosplay by me, photography and editing by me as well. #scarletwitch #scarletwitchcosplay #wandamaximoff #wandamaximoffcosplay #marvel #marvelcosplay #mcu #mcucosplay #avengers #avengerscosplay #ageofultron #ageofultroncosplay #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Is it Halloween yet? Can't wait for the photoshoots I've got lined up for this lady 😍 #madison #madisonmontgomery #madisoncosplay #madisonmontgomerycosplay #ahs #ahscosplay #americanhorrorstory #americanhorrorstorycosplay #ahsapocalypse #ahsapocalypsecosplay #ahscoven #ahscovencosplay #emmaroberts
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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After completing my Ella ballgown I've been feeling a bit burnt out, so to get back into the swing of things I thought I'd share a peek at one of the closet cosplays I've got lined up this year 😊 With that said, screen accurate items have been acquired, so say hello to Madison Montgomery, coming at you sometime around Halloween. #madison #madisonmontgomery #madisoncosplay #madisonmontgomerycosplay #ahs #ahscosplay #americanhorrorstory #americanhorrorstorycosplay #ahsapocalypse #ahsapocalypsecosplay #ahscoven #ahscovencosplay #emmaroberts
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
I really hope you're not sick of all the Ella spam yet, because there's still plenty to go around. And yes, 90% of what I did during this shoot was to spin and twirl 😉 Cinderella cosplay made and worn by me. Video by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayedit #photoshoot #photography #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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My Ella ballgown in numbers: 13 layers (14, if we're counting the crinoline/corset) 120 m of fabric for the foundation petticoat. 40 m of fabric for the outer petticoat. 34 m of fabric for the main outer skirt. 4 m of fabric for the crinoline, corset, bodice and butterflies. 5.000 crystals on the top layer of the main outer skirt and wig. Timespan I spent working on it (excluding the planning stages): 1 year, 3 months and 24 days. 309 hours and 30 minutes on the clock. Cinderella cosplay made and worn by me, editing by me as well. Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayedit #photoshoot #photography #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Thank you all so much for the amazing response to my finished Ella ballgown! It's truly a dream come true 😍 Cinderella cosplay made and worn by me, edit by me as well. Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayedit #photoshoot #photography #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
Some fun in-between shots 😉 Cinderella ballgown made and worn by me. Video by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayedit #photoshoot #photography #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Excuse me while I scream in excitement. I still can't quite believe that last Sunday happened 😍 Cinderella cosplay made and worn by me, editing by me as well. Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplaywip #wip #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Here it is...Almost two years after the initial plans were made, my completed live action Cinderella ballgown... It's still so surreal. Oh, and be prepared for a lot of twirling pictures, you simply cannot not twirl when wearing a gown like this 😉 Cinderella cosplay made and worn by me, editing by me as well. Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplaywip #wip #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Ella at the end of the ball be like... Wow, guys. I'm currently going through all the pictures from the shoot and picking out those I want to edit. I still have to pinch myself every now and then because it still doesn't feel real that I made this whole thing 🙈 Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplaywip #wip #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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It's happening 😍 Photography by @_earenya_ #cinderella #cinderellacosplay #ella #ellacosplay #cinderellaballgown #cinderellaballgowncosplay #ellaballgown #ellaballgowncosplay #disney #disneycosplay #ballgown #cosplay #cosplaywip #wip #lilyjames
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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Only need to gold-leaf these babies now and then they will be done 👌🏻 Phone prop modelled and designed by @gothams_clown_queen 💕 Her work is so amazing and if you're not following her idk what you're doing. #harleyquinn #harleyquinncosplay #harleenquinzel #harleenquinzelcosplay #suicidesquad #suicidesquadmovie #suicidesquadcosplay #suicidesquadharleyquinn #margotrobbieharleyquinn #cosplay #dc #dccosplay #dceu #dceucosplay #dccomics #dccomicscosplay #margotrobbie
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seamstress-of-gondolin · 6 years ago
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I'm so proud of this closure, you have no idea 😊 Overall, my S1 Dolores skirt is shaping up nicely, only need to adjust the pleats in the back some, but then this will be ready for hemming 🤞🏻 #doloresabernathy #doloresabernathycosplay #westworld #westworldcosplay #cosplay #cosplaywip #wip #sewing
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