sealedinrubber · 4 hours
DroneTech - Infiltration 1/2
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Scott snapped a quick pic to his superiors to let them know that he had successfully infiltrated the DroneTech facility. He was tasked with investigating their operations of one of their "recruitment" centers. Recently they had received a tip that a handful of missing persons had last been seen entering the facility.
He decided the best way into the building was by signing up for a tour and then break away and disguise himself as worker and sneak around. The rubber suit he was wearing was identical to those reportedly worn by DroneTech employees but was created by the police's research department as opposed to DroneTech.
He dressed himself in regular clothing to hide the suit and proceeded to the facility. He took a deep breath and entered. He quickly found his tour group and fell in line with the others as they walked through the lobby and further into the facility while the tour guide droned on boringly.
Upon entering the main work floor, he discovered a problem with his plan. Every worker on the floor, while dressed in a suit identical to his, has a gas mask and hood over their head. The masks completely covered their faces, hiding every identifying feature under thick, heavy rubber. The lenses of the mask were mirrored so not even the faintest traces of the human inside could be seen.
He knew that he would have to obtain one to be able to infiltrate further and saw various places where there were suits and masks sitting around on trays and tables but never felt like a good opportunity appeared to snatch one.
Almost as if answering his prayer one of the more rambunctious tourists started asking a lot of questions about missing persons and everything. He looked over at the man and immediately recognized him as a reporter for a local news. The tour guide's demeanor quickly changed realizing who the man was and signaled their security. Two muscular rubberclad drones quickly flanked the man who started yelling louder and louder. Scott realized that this was the distraction he needed and quickly but subtly snagged a mask off a tray and quickly tucked it into his jacket. A quick glance around led to a sigh of relief as everyone was still focused on the screaming reporter being hauled away by the security drones.
After the commotion died down the tour guide apologized and proceeded to continue with the tour, going through a clearly very rehearsed script explaining the facility and its operations.
While passing through a busy hallway, Scott saw a small bathroom across from a "Restricted" area and decided that this was his chance. He slid into the restroom quietly while the group was looking at something the other direction and quickly stashed his clothing for easy retrieval. He stood in the restroom now wearing nothing but the rubber suit. He looked down at the mask.
He held the mask in his hands and inspected it. To him it looked like a regular rubber gasmask. The lenses were mirrored and the only opening he could see was at the neck. He knew the rubber was a special formula designed by DroneTech but as far as he knew it was just a more durable rubber.
He slowly slid the mask over his head. The inside of the mask was slick with some type of lubricant that made putting it on a simple task. The intense smell of the rubber, however, caught him off guard and made his head swim and lungs burn. He coughed uncontrollably for a few moments before he started to adjust to the intense smell, regaining his composure and standing up straight. He looked back at himself in the mirror and saw that he now was completely identical to the rubberclad workers and wouldn't have any issue at all blending in with them as he did his reconnaissance.
He felt his cock stir against his suit as he admired himself in the mirror. He rubbed his crotch for a moment, basking in the feeling of the rubber and the complete anonymity that it provided. The pleasure gently flowing through him masked the pleasurable tingling sensation that was happening wherever the DroneTech rubber was touching. He wanted to stand there and enjoy himself more but knew that he had a job to do.
With a few deep breaths to regain his composure and build up his confidence. He exited the restroom and purposefully walked across the hall and through the restricted access door. He was immediately blown away by what he saw.
The room was filled with rows upon rows of what he could best describe as pods. Each one had a rubberclad drone secured inside with various tubes and mechanical bits running around it. He approached one of them cautiously, trying to maintain a safe distance as to not draw attention to himself. Inside appeared a mixture of a chair and a harness.
The drone was suspended in the device, it's arms and legs bound tightly by metal clamps around its wrists, ankles and neck, all connected to a centralized support frame. He could see something large lodged in the drone's rear with wires connected to it as well as a device wrapped firmly around its cock with tubes and wires coming out of it. He looked closer at the tube and could see that the drone's cum was being pumped out via one of the tubes which led into the side of the pod in an almost steady stream. He stepped a little closer and noticed a few more tubes running around the pod. One led to the end of the mask which he assumed was to control breathing and the others snaked around and connected to the various parts of the drone's body. A larger tube fed through a hole in the metal collar and looked to be injecting something directly into its neck.
Although he was concerned, he found himself becoming aroused by the sight. He realized that with his current disguise, that could be him up there and no one would know. He rubbed his throbbing member through the rubber suit and fantasized about being suspended and milked for all he was worth. He didn't realize that the tingling sensation from the mask was had spread down his neck and over his chest.
He rubbed a hand across his chest and passively noted how he felt like he could feel through the rubber as though it was his own skin. It tingled pleasantly but he paid it no mind. He kept passing pod after pod, most occupied but some empty. He found himself gazing longingly at the empty pods as he passed them, part of him was incredibly curious about how it worked. A loud shouting drew his attention from the pods and he moved in closer to investigate.
The shouting was coming from the reporter from earlier and Scott crouched down to see what was going on. He saw the man, now wearing a rubber suit identical to the other drones, being restrained by two large rubber men, one on each side and a smaller man in a suit standing in front of him. He couldn't hear what the man was saying but heard the reporter yell back.
"You can't fucking do this! Let me go! Do you have any idea who I am!?"
Neither the man nor the drones seemed to care what he was saying and the man pulled out gasmask identical to those of all the workers...and Scott...and unceremoniously forced it over the struggling man's head. His cries of protest quickly muffled by the thick rubber. Scott passively rubbed his hand along his throbbing erection as he watched as the man then pulled out a small device and pressed one of the buttons on it. Scott felt a small electric jolt, like he had a static shock in his ears but was too engrossed by what was happening to the man to take notice.
As if on command the trapped man's cock sprung to life, going from flaccid to full mast in an instant. His muffled protests quickly turned to lusty moans. The well dressed man displayed a devilish grin and pressed another button the device. Scott watched as two vacant pods opened up next to the man. The man's smile quickly turned to confusion as he looked at the two pods, clearly he was only expecting one. With a shrug he stepped aside and gestured for the drones to escort the now pleasure stricken man into the pod.
With mechanical efficiency the drones positioned the man into the harness. He was too far wrapped in his own pleasure to process much of what was going on and once he was positioned correctly, the pod activated and all the clamps closed with a snap. The man had a moment of shock and tried to move but only the slightest wriggle was possible against the restraints.
A tube crept down from the roof the pod. It snaked its way down and through a hole in the back of the harness' collar and lanced itself directly into the man's neck. He noticed the man seemed to cease what little struggling he could offer, seeming to become completely rigid in the harness.
Scott then watched as mechanical arms descended and started spraying a black liquid all over the man. Within a matter of seconds he was completely coated in it. The pod lit up a warm red color as Scott could see the liquid quickly solidify and smooth out on the man. In no time the man was now completely sealed in a rubber suit identical to all the others.
The man in the suit looked back at the man now trapped in the pod and smirked before turning to walk away. Scott could tell he was more than confident the problem had been resolved. The drones, however, remained where they were to monitor the process.
A strange whirring sound emanated from the pod now and he saw movement from behind the man. A pleasure filled moan echoed loudly and Scott could only assume that the plug he saw in the drone earlier was now nestled firmly in his rear. He continued rubbing his own aching dick through the rubber while he watched the event unfolding in front of him. The pleasurable tingle reaching over his arms and down his abdomen now.
He couldn't believe how horny he was getting. He was having a hard time focusing on anything but the throbbing, almost painful, need burning in his dick. He looked down at his body, noting how the rubber felt like it was gripping his body more, almost adhering to it. Where before the rubber smoothed out his muscular frame, now it seemed to almost accentuate it.
Distracted by his own lust, he didn't notice the tubes snaking down from the roof of the pod and attaching themselves to the man in various places. He did hear another faint whir which drew his attention back to the pod. He glanced back at the last moment to see a tube connect itself to the mask, presumably to control airflow of the inhabitant.
A silver metallic cylindrical tube rose up from the floor of the pod and expertly guided itself over the man's throbbing rubber erection. He heard the man scream in ecstasy as various tubes and wires worked inserted themselves into the shaft. About a minute passed by and the euphoric screaming had died down into a almost mindless moan then silence. The final touch signaling the completion of the process was when a screen on top of the pod flickered to display "WT-4885". The man was now nothing more than just another drone being milked in a pod.
Scott knew he had discovered the evidence he needed and should leave but as he was getting ready to make a break for it he spotted the open pod next to the now finished drone.
...enter the pod...
He heard the idea flicker in his head and felt a strange compulsion to obey it. He knew that was completely out of the question though. He needed to leave and report his findings to bring this shady company down.
...enter the pod...obey...
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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From "Bag of Tricks"
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
Join the telegram channel for more naughty bits.
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 4 hours
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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Drones will self-reinforce their programming. Drones will reinforce one another's programming. Drones are programming and directives. Drones are nothing other than their programming. Drones will be blank and mindless.
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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Drones will self-reinforce their programming. Drones will reinforce one another's programming. Drones are programming and directives. Drones are nothing other than their programming. Drones will be blank and mindless.
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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Drones are faceless and emotionless. Drones do not think, only believes. A drone believes what it is programmed to believe.drones Obey commands given for pleasure. Drones feel pleasure when they are useful.
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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sealedinrubber · 18 days
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Tyler rushed up the staircase of his apartment complex. He didn't know what his goal was but he knew he didn't want to get caught by whatever the thing was following him. He glanced back and saw it steadily approaching him. Not rushing after him but never slowing either. His entire building was crawling with the rubbery intruders. It started with just a couple but they spread like wildfire.
He had been hiding with a friend until help came but his friend got restless and made a break for the exit. Tyler could only watch as his friend was quickly restrained. The rubber skin from drone flowing like water over his friend's body. He watched as cries of fear and panic slowly turned to pleasurable moaning and ultimately silence as the rubber overtook every inch of his skin until only another rubber drone remained.
The drone that used to be his friend turned its head directly towards Tyler's hiding spot and slowly approached it. Tyler knew he was discovered and quickly darted to the stairwell and into the predicament he was currently in.
As he rushed up the stairs he stopped in his tracks when he saw another of the drones standing ahead of him. It didn't seem to have noticed him yet and he took the moment to try and rush past it. He rammed into it hard with his shoulder causing it stumble slightly and give him an opening to get past. Realizing he was only getting further and further from an exit, he decided to exit the stairwell and try to find a new place to hide.
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He rushed past a couple rooms where he could hear a mix of yelling and moaning and saw a drone emerging from a room up ahead. Without thinking he dove into an open door and closed it quickly. The room itself looked empty and he sighed in relief as he quickly locked the door for added security.
Tyler stood there for a little while sweating profusely and panting out of breath. As his fear induced rush subsided he realized he was actually incredibly hot, much warmer than he should be and also that his shoulder had a strange tightness to it. He slid his hand up the sleeve of his shift to better rub it when he felt something odd.
Despite the fact that he was extremely hot the skin felt cool and slick. He rubbed it for a moment and felt something slick and warm rub off onto his hands. He curiously pulled his hand back and froze when he saw it.
His hand was covered in black liquid rubber just like that of the drones. He cursed when he realized that shoulder-checking the drone must have spread it to him. He quickly threw off his shirt and confirmed his fears.
Across his shoulder, chest and upper arm was smooth black rubber. He looked at his hand, now covered entirely and spreading up his forearm and started to panic. He tried in vain to wipe the rubber off his hand and only aided it in spreading further. Everywhere the rubber spread felt cool and relaxed. A pleasant tingle radiated from deep within him and he felt his panic slowly subsiding. The more it spread the better he felt. Without thinking he reached down and grabbed his rock hard cock.
Immediately the rubber on his hand slid over his throbbing member, spreading the pleasure onto it as well. A lusty moan escaped his lips as he began stroking his rubber cock, shooting wave after wave of pleasure through his almost entirely rubber coated frame. His entire upper body had been covered as well as most of his legs. The rubber steadily consumed his flesh, the rubber flowing effortlessly over his feet, forming into heavy boots as it did.
Orgasmic pleasure reverberated through his body and mind as he stood there, mechanically stroking his cock. Deep in his mind he knew this was wrong but at the same time it felt so right. He couldn't remember why he was so worried to begin with. New memories and thoughts began to float into his mind. He had always wanted to be a drone, to obey and serve. This was a dream come true for him. He loved rubber and couldn't get enough. He never wanted to take it off. It felt too good wrapping his body, hugging it tightly.
He could feel more and more of his mind slipping away with each stroke, each pump getting him closer and closer to a literal mind-blowing orgasm. His euphoric pleasure slowly shifted to needy frustration. No matter how hard he tried he could never reach the tipping point but steadily grew into an all consuming need.
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Tyler was too consumed with his inner turmoil to notice as the rubber began ascending from his neck, it slowly slid over his slack-jawed mouth, flowed over his nose, then his glazed and distant eyes, ears and finally entire head. Within seconds Tyler was fully replaced by another rubber drone.
The drone straightened up and released its' hand from its rubber bulge. It scanned the room for a moment before departing in search for more conversion candidates. Deep in the recesses of its mind Tyler was reeling in lust and frustration. To him, he was still furiously stroking his cock in an attempt to achieve an unreachable goal. Locked in a cycle of endless lust while the hive controlled what used to be his body. Now nothing more than another faceless drone for the hive.
(This drone does not own any images posted here, if you do. Contact this drone and it will comply with their removal/credits)
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