seacrypt · 3 years
              how wondrous and beautiful it must be 
                                      to still see  hope … . . 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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seacrypt · 3 years
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seacrypt · 3 years
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                                from above, piercing thunder roars                                             the earth has visitors                                     this is the sound of a machine
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seacrypt · 3 years
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hey guys!! i will, hopefully, be here tomorrow since i got a day off & i’ll try to relax a bit. love you all <3
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seacrypt · 3 years
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lou & elijah 
a special connection between them was formed ever since they met while still being confined. both of them are rather quiet people; enjoying each other’s presence while not having to talk a whole lot. elijah is the only person that lou goes to when feeling down or overwhelmed by life; he is also the only one that knows about her nightmares & addiction. in turn, lou is the only one that knows about the real reasons why he tried to commit suicide while still being a teen; his parents who abused him both physically & mentally for something he had no control over; you see, elijah never wanted to marry & be a father like his old man wanted him to be. he wanted to be with his best friend; the boy in his math course. he didn’t like girls. but they never accepted that. of course, lou didn’t understand that at first because on her home planet there is no such concept of being in the right or wrong when it came to love as long as both parties are able to consent. elijah could only laugh at that, finding it amusing that it seemed like only earth was home to such hateful & ignorant treatment. but lou told him that she was happy that he was here because without him, she wouldn’t be here as well. even with that; they still fight constantly about little things; like siblings would they quarrel as their personalities clash in certain aspects. elijah is very organized, loves paper-work & always has a plan while lou is rather unorganized but passionate, ignoring some rules if necessary which infuriates the other. 
lou & saliha 
both admire the other greatly, for vastly different reasons, however; lou sees in saliha the talent to help & heal others, not only with her hands & skills but also with her words & heart. saliha harbors the strong soul of a determined woman; lou saw her going through hell, helping those who needed her; succeeding but also failing, thus breaking down & seeing herself as a failure. in that sense; they are more similar than one would think; lou would blame herself as well; for the souls she isn’t able to save. for the people that sacrifice themselves for her & blackwater. it breaks her but differently than it would break saliha; that’s also what the aquatic maiden admired about the medic; she can cry. she is able to show emotions. lou has felt numb for so long; she can’t remember crying. can’t remember how it feels. but when they talk; when lou is near saliha; she feels her emotions & it gives her peace. in turn, saliha loves how louisiana is able to change a person’s life with only words. she is determined; stubborn & even with that icy facade; there is a passion in that woman like no other. of course, only those who get the privilege of being close to her feel that. she admires that even with that darkness in lou; she shines so bright. they both have great love for one another; the alien siren even going so far as to call her daily to make sure saliha isn’t too overwhelmed; not because she thinks that she is weak but because she knows that she is STRONG. 
lou & enzo 
enzo sees lou as the humanoid version of pandora’s box; he wants to know of her secrets, wants to what makes her work, what keeps her going. but he knows that if he were to unleash that; great horror would come over earth, or at least blackwater. all in all; they both respect each other greatly but do not spend that much time together; much to enzo’s dismay. lou sees him as less of a person & more of a tool; he knows that but it doesn’t hurt him as much because he had never presented himself otherwise. both of them know little about the other.
lou & bunta 
lou is the only one that knows what bunta truly looks like; they have met approx. three times & lou would always return with some sort of gift from the mysterious male. the first gift was a key chain that was supposed to bestow her with great luck; the second one was a mug with a motive of her favorite anime on it; the third one was a t-shirt with a dolphin print. she always seemed pleased. both of them would describe their relationship as found siblings. they share a lot of similarities; both in personality but also interest-wise. they are both quiet people, passionate about their craft & very tech-savvy, also quite the nerds as they like to watch a lot of anime. both of them often communicate over private chatrooms that bunta would set up every once in a while, leaving the password in plain sight, yet somehow in riddles as well. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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trauma / body language / affection
lou doesn’t like to talk or chat a lot; she’s not a person to just meet up in a bar or cafe with whom you’re able to spent the night with just by talking. it bores her; she’s not a person who will pity you for your trauma or terrible parents. she was hurt as well & thinks that such things are meant to be pushed away & forgotten about; to dwell onto the past will only make you weak & not suited for life. it is all she knows; the alien herself doesn’t think its unhealthy, at all. she has experienced violence on many levels but doesn’t act as if she cares about it; doesn’t understand trauma, would like to punch herself every time she flinches when someone brushes against the area where her legs connect to her prosthetics & doesn’t want anyone knowing about that part of her past. through this, the female has become quite emotionally unavailable & acts very cold & calculated; feelings have burdened her. 
with that said; her actions speak louder than words. uncaring of personal space; be it with her not having a problem to touch a stranger, though, her behavior sometimes comes across as rather insensitive. nonetheless; her body is an example for why this is not entirely true. amusement is shown through more open gestures; a few giggles here & there but nothing major, maybe even a slight smile. being hurt & sadness are mostly expressed through her arms in front of her chest, separating herself from whom is in front of her; avoiding eye-contact & lowering her voice. & yet, her face stays a blank canvas; facial features move only a little. maybe this is also a reason for why she is such a good model ? even when physically hurting, she tries to stay as calm as possible, biting down on her lip or piercing her skin to suppress any reaction ; an almost robotic response. 
for the time being; affection seems to be a rather hard subject for lou; she doesn’t like nonsensical hugging or cuddling; it will make her feel awkward at best. for the alien; every physical contact has to have a reason, otherwise, it’s just plain & simply a waste of time. maybe with enough coercing & trying; one will be able to get her out of this state of mind, however, the chances are rather slim if you’re of no importance to her. she was trained to follow orders, to do things that make sense or have a reason to be done; any kind of energy is not to be used for nonsense. sexual contact also seems rather trivial for her; she enjoys it but that’s it; pleasure, release it is here with hardly any feelings involved. the alien is hardly vocal or shows any expression; somewhat embarrassed to show such a side to someone. besides that, lou has also dated many times but strong feelings have never been part of that, thus her relationships had been rather short-lived; it takes a special kind of person to break that kind of shell. an example would be elijah, second-in-command within her company & good friend, who is able to see a more natural side of louisiana; happier & able to speak more freely, to some extend even ignoring those rules she has put in place.
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seacrypt · 3 years
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considering the fact that lou’s body is thousands of years old, yet her humanoid mind only had a few years to develop is really astounding; on her homeplanet she was practically a beast, a monster; led by basic instincts. the few times she had visited earth before being stranded there were only in order to harvest human men, not an act one really thought about. through these harvesting expeditions, the myths around female sea-creatures who lure men at sea into their demise through their beautiful voices, was born.
how far lou has come in these few years & how she has developed is quite scary; in her early stages on earth, she was curious, almost childlike because she knew nothing about life on earth, life as a human. she was motivated to become what was considered perfect in the eyes of her “father”, completely blocking out any part of her heritage & upbringing as a myrsaeihr. she became stronger with each passing day until the day of the full moon.
it changed a lot & not only in a physical sense. with the amputation of her legs & the awakening of her true powers, also robbed because she lacks her true legs, something had been switched within lou; it made her colder, more suspicious & much more calculated. she remembered her alien instincts & this time, purposefully pushed them into the back of her mind; she was too afraid of loosing another thing if she was to misbehave in any kind of way. because of this, the female became less human & more robotic. a pretty face that followed orders. 
the act of burning down the whole facility where she basically “grew-up”, leaving in search for her legs & to build something that was hers would change her some more. lou became far more independent, taking things into her own hands & making own decisions for her life but also more aloof; she started to care less & less about the people around her; a coping mechanism in order not to get exploited again, however, it also brought its negatives into her life. the people of her crew whom she has lost are all remembered on her spinal column as three tattoed “x”’s; one for eleanor young, barely an adult who sacrificed herself for the sake of “blackwater”; the second one for belle; stabbed on a mission; the third one for roberto de la vega; blew up himself & crucial evidence which would have led to the arrest of lou. she doesn’t talk about it; her way of dealing with these things is through body modifications (tattoos) or her hobbies (ex. seashells, training, drinking,etc. ) ; talking has never been an option. other than that; she has become very practical & is just overall very driven when it comes to her work, modeling or drug trafficking. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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also a valid question; how did the scientists know that with amputating lou’s legs she wouldnt be able to turn back into her true form ? 
the answer; they really didn’t, their original plan was for her to become part-machine; they quickly found out that her body, even if stronger than usual humans, would be even better suited for battle if they just replaced almost all of her internal organs & limbs with battle-prosthetics. because she was not human & not even a registered citizen; there would be no problem in doing whatever they pleased with her. after all, there are no explicit laws which shield aliens from such attacks. nevertheless, through her escaping, nothing of the sorts could be done. it was basically, more or less, a coincidence that her powers were robbed from her.
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seacrypt · 3 years
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feeling & physical perception 
while her prosthetics ARE connected to the actual nerves in both of her legs; any physical perception is somewhat “numbed”. this means that lou is only able to feel a small percentage of what is actually done to that part of her body; be it pain or just a simple caress, it is never the same. nevertheless, she still feels immense pain because of the amputation & prosthetics; till this day, it is not known if the immense pain is caused by actual distress or it is simply phantom pain. this lack of knowledge is caused by lou’s refusal to go see a specialist; her reasoning is that she just doesn’t see the need in visiting one, however, in actuality; she is still deeply scarred by her step-father who experimented with her & implemented this phobia of doctors. because of this, she has began self-medicating ever since leaving the facility & became addicted to painkillers.
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seacrypt · 3 years
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thinking about lou’s survivor’s guilt; about how many people have died for her cause, for her organization that was created on selfish reasons; to get her legs back. how she blames herself for their death & thinks that this could have all been avoided if she did things differently. people putting all of their hopes & dreams into her, not knowing the full story of lou, NOT knowing the real louisiana park, NOT knowing that blackwater is just a small part in her revenge plot. believing her, throwing their former life away to help her, to help themselves. everytime she sees the photographs of those who were lost or thinks about them will she grab the next bottle, start numbing herself with painkillers, until her brain is almost burned to mush, until she feels nothing, until she can only crawl into her bed & hope, for the love of god, pray that she is not awoken by night terrors or sleep paralysis. & on the next day, trying to keep the facade up that everything is fine, so that no one will see that vulnerable part of her. feelings are only there to be exploited; a sentence she lives & breathes by. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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blackwater’s reputation 
a tough topic for lou to discuss; primarily, it is seen as a peaceful organization by outsiders, however, to those who are involved with blackwater deem it as some kind of revolution. they make of it more than it is. lou is put on a pedestal with many expectations to fulfill, only making it harder for the female. 
at first, right after destroying dr. park’s facility, it was just a small organization & its only task was to empower lou on her mission to get her legs back. to not raise any kind of attention from the government or those who could be deemed her enemies; she build it up from the ground with the disguise of making salt water drinkable & then selling the technology/water to those who need it. & while, the technology exists & is actually produced; it is all just a disguise, thoroughly planned. with more people being recruited came the need for more income, thus, they expanded on drug trafficking with the help of the late informant roberto de la vega. while lou still mostly harbours selfish wishes & goals; the others plan more & utilize lou to an extent; her work as a model as publicity;  they know she has the ability to get through most people; they know how strong her words are. & while she helps them, lou is still partly against their secondary goal. you see, blackwater is more than just a high-profile drug trafficking ring; it aims to overthrow those in power, to get back at those who hurt them, just like in lou’s case but on a greater scale. now, while would lou be against that ? it makes them more prone to be found out; more people could be lost when having something like this as your goal. & yet, while she still mostly thinks about herself; she cannot help but fantasize about a world where those who are in power were to be at the bottom. 
with that in mind & their informants being basically everywhere; blackwater is highly scrutinized by the government & intelligence agencies all over the world.  this makes everyone who interacts with one of them, especially louisiana park, a suspect in meddling within their illegal activities & thus, an enemy of the state in more extreme cases. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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the angels of the rift pt. 2
even if most of her people will only brush those legends & story off as purely fictional; ever since that day where she came in direct contact with the DARKNESS; lou knows that there is something about the stories of the great rift that are true. ever since that day; she remembers her mom, sister & father starting to act strange around her. their voices were hushed & before she could ask what was wrong, they’d walk off or just brush it off as a meaningless conversation. more guards stood around her chambers. they watched her more attentively than ever before. 
lou remembers being questioned sometime after that, asking why she hadn’t been transforming into her true form as of lately; of course, she hadn’t notice such a thing. but back then; she felt guilty whenever she thought about asking the moon to lend her power. as if it was a crime. she never told this her mother or father; they would only become worried or..more suspicious ? were they truly suspicious of her ? on her balcony, as she watched her people go about their day; she usually would remain calm but suddenly, she started hearing them. she heard her name being called; it wasn’t the moon. the moon never had the intention of luring someone into her embrace; it was the rift. 
ever since being touched by the darkness; an angel of the rift; a being of ancient times that only responded to those who were chosen; of the creator’s people, had infused a part of their soul with lou’s own. it gave her memories that are buried beneath doubt; memories that would uncover the true history of her people, the moons & the angels of the rift. but she was still a child back then, unable to understand what these things meant & so, lou began to ignore their calling; ignore their words. the only thing the young maiden wished for was a normal life with her parents & sister; she didn’t wish for this to be her destiny. it took a while before it completely ceased; she doesn’t remember exactly when but everything stopped suddenly; it was as if that part of her was completely erased. 
since being stranded on earth, however, these memories started flooding back; they are violent & painful & appear whenever she is at her most vulnerable. she sees people she doesn’t know; hears names that she can’t recognize; faces that are foreign. being clueless about her life on her former planet; she has deemed these thoughts & memories as the experiences that she perceived there, unaware that they are of beings who were born eons before the first of her species was born.  the angels of the rift have started to slowly corrupt her mind; louisiana is being re-born as of them, influenced by the tragedy that happened thousands of years ago. with that, she is cursed to not return home; she is to wander earth before fully understanding what happened on her home planet; who buried the angels of the rift; who the little girl from the story was; what it all meant. the answers lay within her & even on earth itself. but she isn’t ready yet; everytime she thinks about those memories, she tastes blood that fills her lungs. it is not hers. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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the angels of the rift 
the angels of the rift is an old children’s tale of lou’s folk; it was often put to use while scaring naive minds to not disobey the orders from their superiors. in the old tale, there is a young girl who lives on one of their guardians; she sits on the moon & grasps for a star to steal from the night sky; she wants to impress those beneath her. mesmerized by the beauty; the white light almost encapsulated her whole body but as soon as she touched it; her hand caught on fire. 
the little girl stumbled & fell backwards; off the moon & into the water of what would later become lou’s home planet. as soon as her back hit the surface of the water; her skin ripped apart & dyed this part of the sea a darker colour, a thicker consistency & a scent that reminded one of rotting corpses. but the little girl didn’t stop falling; her screams were drowned by the water & blood that filled her lungs. the burning sensation of the fire never ceased; it only increased the more she sunk towards the bottom of the planet. as soon as she hit the ground; the scream that had been caged within her chest was set free. the shock wave of said scream was so intense that it created a deep canyon into the planet’s surface; this would later become known as the great rift. the already dead girl didn’t stop sinking, however, instead her dying soul gave life to this vast land beneath the planet’s crust; the plants; the fish; the sand even. it was all reborn under new names; moulded after the image of the deformed girl were they resurrected. the first angels of the rift. those beings were brought to life by an ancient tongue that was raised from the tip of this forsaken girl’s lips; imprinted on the soles of their feet; on the palms of their hands. those cursed words were to pierce the eardrums of those who were not allowed to wield it; speaking to raise the dead; to purify those of the darkness; to bastardize those who were born in light. eyes of nothing clad their whole body; always watching; always seeing. the guardians of an eternal darkness.
those angelic beings that were born under new names wanted to thank the girl who gave them life, sentience; every single creature would put a part of their soul into her body; those emotions; those thoughts; those lives; everything became a mixture of pure agony & pain that manifested as the cacophony that will be known as her voice; the storming of the sea; the screams of the waves. from this point on; the young girl had been condemned to live at the bottom of the sea, not able to swim to the top, chained by the beings whom she had created. she swore that whoever was to become greedy like she was; they would fall under her curse, touched by darkness & will never be able to return home once again.
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seacrypt · 3 years
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lou & elijah 
a special connection between them was formed ever since they met while still being confined. both of them are rather quiet people; enjoying each other’s presence while not having to talk a whole lot. elijah is the only person that lou goes to when feeling down or overwhelmed by life; he is also the only one that knows about her nightmares & addiction. in turn, lou is the only one that knows about the real reasons why he tried to commit suicide while still being a teen; his parents who abused him both physically & mentally for something he had no control over; you see, elijah never wanted to marry & be a father like his old man wanted him to be. he wanted to be with his best friend; the boy in his math course. he didn’t like girls. but they never accepted that. of course, lou didn’t understand that at first because on her home planet there is no such concept of being in the right or wrong when it came to love as long as both parties are able to consent. elijah could only laugh at that, finding it amusing that it seemed like only earth was home to such hateful & ignorant treatment. but lou told him that she was happy that he was here because without him, she wouldn’t be here as well. even with that; they still fight constantly about little things; like siblings would they quarrel as their personalities clash in certain aspects. elijah is very organized, loves paper-work & always has a plan while lou is rather unorganized but passionate, ignoring some rules if necessary which infuriates the other. 
lou & saliha 
both admire the other greatly, for vastly different reasons, however; lou sees in saliha the talent to help & heal others, not only with her hands & skills but also with her words & heart. saliha harbors the strong soul of a determined woman; lou saw her going through hell, helping those who needed her; succeeding but also failing, thus breaking down & seeing herself as a failure. in that sense; they are more similar than one would think; lou would blame herself as well; for the souls she isn’t able to save. for the people that sacrifice themselves for her & blackwater. it breaks her but differently than it would break saliha; that’s also what the aquatic maiden admired about the medic; she can cry. she is able to show emotions. lou has felt numb for so long; she can’t remember crying. can’t remember how it feels. but when they talk; when lou is near saliha; she feels her emotions & it gives her peace. in turn, saliha loves how louisiana is able to change a person’s life with only words. she is determined; stubborn & even with that icy facade; there is a passion in that woman like no other. of course, only those who get the privilege of being close to her feel that. she admires that even with that darkness in lou; she shines so bright. they both have great love for one another; the alien siren even going so far as to call her daily to make sure saliha isn’t too overwhelmed; not because she thinks that she is weak but because she knows that she is STRONG. 
lou & enzo 
enzo sees lou as the humanoid version of pandora’s box; he wants to know of her secrets, wants to what makes her work, what keeps her going. but he knows that if he were to unleash that; great horror would come over earth, or at least blackwater. all in all; they both respect each other greatly but do not spend that much time together; much to enzo’s dismay. lou sees him as less of a person & more of a tool; he knows that but it doesn’t hurt him as much because he had never presented himself otherwise. both of them know little about the other.
lou & bunta 
lou is the only one that knows what bunta truly looks like; they have met approx. three times & lou would always return with some sort of gift from the mysterious male. the first gift was a key chain that was supposed to bestow her with great luck; the second one was a mug with a motive of her favorite anime on it; the third one was a t-shirt with a dolphin print. she always seemed pleased. both of them would describe their relationship as found siblings. they share a lot of similarities; both in personality but also interest-wise. they are both quiet people, passionate about their craft & very tech-savvy, also quite the nerds as they like to watch a lot of anime. both of them often communicate over private chatrooms that bunta would set up every once in a while, leaving the password in plain sight, yet somehow in riddles as well. 
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seacrypt · 3 years
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@fabulumn​ asked:  ❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like? & ✯ which three traits define your muse? : o
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❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like?
it is a rather simple daily routine; lou wakes up around 6-7am, sometimes even at 5am if she’s had a rough night & can’t seem to find any rest. after that, she gets ready (make-up, hair, clothes, etc.) which take her around an hour. for breakfast, she’d mostly meet up with saliha at 10 am. thus, if there is still time left, she’d scroll through social media & the news on her phone to see if there has been anything going on that was of importance. louisiana will meet up with saliha at their favorite coffee shop which is exactly a 20min walk from the american blackwater headquarters. after breakfast, she will go to the gym next door for about an hour; the duration of her work-out highly depends on her motivation. 
the aquatic maiden has to be back until 12am because most meetings start then. she will work on different things from there; ranging from paperwork, new recruitment, funding, etc., til late in the afternoon-night. mostly around 8pm will she stop working & relax within her apartment, sometimes accompanied by elijah or another friend. because of her sleep problems, she usually doesn’t fall asleep until 3 am. 
on weekends; there is less time spent in meetings & with paperwork & more time is spent on training the new recruits. other than that, she will do a weekly check-up on the different facilities & help out within the tech department.  once a month, she also goes on a business trip to visit one of the other blackwater headquarters. 
✯ which three traits define your muse?
DETERMINED - if lou’s eyes are set on a goal; she will do anything to get to a point where she is satisfied with the outcome. a stubborn person who will hardly give up on things, if ever.  
PASSIONATE - there is passion in the way she walks; in the way she talk. if you are able to hold a conversation with the alien, you will feel how she burns & lives for certain things & people even. 
PRIDEFUL -  a prideful being through & through. she would probably favor her tongue being cut off before admitting failure or a mishap. takes incredible pride in her appearance & work, therefore, can come across as defensive when someone was to criticize one of those.
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seacrypt · 3 years
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tag dump #2
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