sea-the-witch · 2 years
allow your craft to change. you may turn from storm witch to sea witch and then wake up one morning to find the crystals in your nightstand calling for you. the soul evolves. don't be surprised if your magick does, too.
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sea-the-witch · 2 years
How to organise a grimoire
This is how I've decided to organise my grimoire now that I'm digitising it. I thought this may be of some benefit to other autistic/dyslexic practioners by sharing how my brain likes to formulate things. The trick is to categorise.
I have one large category I'm calling the chapter and every chapter has a number of categories within it and smaller sub categories underneath each one.
So my brain basically works like a russian nesting doll or like a very messy spider diagram. Organising it this way helps me to stay on track and stops me from getting overwhelmed. (I used this method in all my university essays and it helped push my grade up a lot).
I'm not writing it in any specific order but here's a list of what I've completed so far. Please feel free to take any of these. I hope this helps you with your own grimoire writing.
Theory 📚
Paganism: historical context. Modern context. Core values.
New Age Spirituality: Development. Capitalism. Modern Example.
Cultural Appropriation: What it is. How it happens. How to avoid it. List of closed practices and red flags.
Wicca: What it is. How it's practiced. Gerald Gardner. Criticisms.
Thelema: Aleister Crowley. Development (egyptomania). Criticisms.
Conspiracy Theories: Development (root cause). Dangers. Examples. List of spiritual conspiracies. List of antisemitic stereotypes and propaganda.
Cults: What are they. How are they dangerous. How to recognise one (B.I.T.E model). List of religious/spiritual cults.
Satanic Panic: Historical development to our current satanic panic. The 1980's moral panic. Christian persecution complex.
KJV: Who was King James. The creation of the KJV. The KJO movement (evangelical and Christian fundamentalism. American Folk magic)
Witches in context: The modern witch. The post-modern witch. Historical context (England. Ancient Greece. Ireland).
Cats in context: Modern context. Familiars. Historical context (Egypt. Greece. China. England).
Transphobia: the idea behind terfism. How to recognise a terf. Examples of Terfism in spirituality (Lister). Dispelling myths and Misinformation.
Queerness: Erasure and queerphobia. Why queer people gravitate to witchcraft/paganism/Wicca. Examples (intersex. Gay relationships. Lesbian relationships. Asexuality).
Practical Basics 🔮
Health and Safety: Fire. Smoke. Essential Oils. Toxicity. Wound Care. Biohazards.
How to make a magical space: What they are. Different types. Tools and their uses.
Cleansing: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Grounding: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Protection: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Intuition: What it is. What its used for. Developing it. Examples.
Discernment: What it is. What its used for. Steps of discernment (from a Christian perspective. From a secular perspective). Psychosis.
The Year and the holidays: Samhain. Yule. Wassailing. Imbolc. Spring Equinox. Beltaine. Summer Solstice. Lughnasadh. Autumn Equinox. (Historical development. How they're celebrated).
Deity Worship: Scientific Context (Neuroscience of Religiosity). Spiritual Context. Worship Vs working with. Finding a deity. Your religious rights. Critiquing your religious path. For example ↓
Hellenism: Historical context (Wars. Colonisation. Slavery. Citizenship. Pederasty). Modern Context (White washing. Transphobia).
Your Deities (if you choose to have any): Iconography. Mythology. Associations. Offerings.
Spirits: Ghosts. Shadow people. Demons (what they are. fear and labelling. History Vs pop culture). The Warrens (history. Criticisms). Other folklore.
Practical Magic ✨
I have a lot more planned for this section).
Divination: What it is. What its used for. List of types and tools. For example ↓
Tarot: Structure of the tarot deck. Historical context. Modern Context. The fool and you.
Basic Astrology: What is is. Historical Context. Signs. Planets. Houses. Reading a natal chart.
Colour Magic: Basic colour theory. Symbolism. Practical application.
Correspondence 🌿
When there's a long list of items and spiritual meanings/applications I keep it in this section at the back of my grimoire.
The Classic Elements
Herbs and Spices (kitchen cupboard specific)
Common plants in your area (invasive and non invasive)
Seasonal fruit and vegetables
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sea-the-witch · 2 years
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sea-the-witch · 2 years
Witchy Book Recommendations!
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“Basic Witches” by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman - Self-care rituals that don’t use all the fancy tools like cauldrons and herbs; re-defining what can be considered “magick” and what it means to be a witch
“The Little Book of Witchcraft” by Astrid Carvel - A short book that’s straight to the point with tons of correspondences and other resources to help you in your craft, such as simple spells and simple ingredients to use in spell charm bags! Great information for those new to witchcraft.
“The Teen Spell Book” by Jamie Wood - Wonderful spells that I use all the time, great for new or experienced witches!
“Light Magic for Dark Times” by Lisa Marie Baslie - How to use your craft to better your mental health! Very useful to me, I hold this book close to my heart.
Note: This information and so much more can be found in my Digital Grimoire! Feel free to browse and message me with any questions, I’m always open to chat!
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sea-the-witch · 2 years
if i miss anything or get anything wrong, don't be afraid to correct me!
i live in the Northern Hemisphere, so some of these dates are based on that
sorry for the long post!!!
December 29, 2022 - January 18, 2023
April 21, 2023 - May 14, 2023
August 23, 2023 - September 15, 2023
December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
July 22, 2023 - September 3, 2023
October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023
September 4, 2023 - December 30, 2023
June 17, 2023 - November 4, 2023
August 24, 2022 - January 22, 2023
August 28, 2023 - January 27, 2024
June 30, 2023 - December 6, 2023
May 1, 2023 - October 10, 2023
Friday, Jan 6
Sunday, Feb 5
Tuesday, Mar 7
Thursday, April 6
Friday, May 5
Sunday, Jun 4
Monday, Jul 3
Tuesday, Aug 1
Thursday, Aug 31
Friday, Sept 29
Saturday, Oct 28
Monday, Nov 27
Wednesday, Dec 27
Saturday, Jan 21
Monday, Feb 20
Tuesday, Mar 21
Thursday, Apr 20
Friday, May 19
Sunday, Jun 18
Monday, Jul 17
Wednesday, Aug 16
Friday, Sept 15
Saturday, Oct 14
Monday, Nov 13
Tuesday, December 12
Saturday, Jan 28
Monday, Feb 27
Wednesday, Mar 29
Thursday, Apr 27
Saturday, May 27
Monday, Jun 26
Tuesday, Jul 25
Thursday, Aug 24
Friday, Sep 22
Sunday, Oct 22
Monday, Nov 22
Tuesday, Dec 19
Sunday, Jan 15
Monday, Feb 13
Wednesday, Mar 15
Thursday, Apr 13
Friday, May 12
Saturday, Jun 10
Monday, Jul 10
Tuesday, Aug 8
Wednesday, Sep 6
Friday, Oct 8
Sunday, Nov 5
Tuesday, December 5
Samhain (All Hallow's Eve, Autumn-Winter Cross Quarter Days): Oct 31 - Nov 1
Yule (Winter Solstice): Dec 21 2023 - Jan 1 2024
Imbolc (Ground Hog's Day): Feb 1 - 2
Ostara (Spring Equinox): Mar 20
Beltane (Mayday): May 1
Litha (Summer Solstice): Jun 20
Lammas and Lughnasadh: Aug 1
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox): Sep 21 - Sep 29
*stupid little footnotes: i'm trying out some colors. idk. i think it's cool. more organized. lmk if you guys like or dislike it
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sea-the-witch · 2 years
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Purple witch aesthetic
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sea-the-witch · 3 years
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Raide’s Art on Instagram / Tumblr / Patreon
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sea-the-witch · 3 years
Wow I haven't used this blog in years!
I met someone important yesterday who inspired me to return to my practice, I'm glad I was able to be directed back into something important to me
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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tea cup aesthetic
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
Non-Alcoholic cool potion recipe:
1 bottle of ur fav Gatorade or Juice of your choice
A splash of ur fav energy drink (optional)
Luster dust (cake decorating kind) to preferred shimmer
A cool bottle
Combine to become a wizard instantly
These are great for cons for hyrdrating while on “brand”
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
A Masterlist of Amphitrite Resources
For people who are interested in worshipping Amphitrite.
(Up to date as of 9th August 2020)
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Guide for Worshipping Amphitrite by @healing-sun-witch
A bunch of Amphitrite related things by @healing-sun-witch *
Altar ideas (includes Artemis, Demeter and Hera) by @divine-adoration
Offerings by @saturnsorceress
Devotional acts by @heatherwitch
Prayer to Amphitrite by @greekpagan
Prayer for Amphitrite by @sea-the-witch
A Poem about Amphitrite by @the-artsy-mermywitch
Amphitrite UPGs (includes Poseidon) by @neris-hellenism
Amphitrite devotional playlist ideas by @thelittleseawitch22
Other resources:
Amphitrite wiki
Introducing Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea by Baring the Aegis
Goddess of Blue-Glancing Seas by Hero's Journey
Theoi.com on Amphitrite
*may contain UPG, not sure
I've given credit in all of these but please let me know if you want your post taken off this masterlist. I will happily do so. Anyone who has more resources that give more information than here, please comment them and I'll add them on.
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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Tips for beginner witches
Where to start? This is the most common question i receive. I understand how overwhelming the craft can be! There are so many different components, and you can rest knowing your education will NEVER be complete. You will continue to learn new things all the time, and there is no rush to the order in which you learn! Cool down, and take some time to really fall into theory before jumping into practice. Its very important to read as much as you can, from as many sources as possible. Here are some of the many things you can research:
Crystals & their uses
Color correspondences
Different kinds of Magic
Different kinds of witches
Moon Phases
Planets/Celestial Bodies
Witch History
Herbs & their uses
Plants that are naturally abundant in your area that you can use in magick
Meditation and Visualisation
Astral Projection
Tarot cards and other forms of divination
Symbols (runes, sigils)
Theban alphabet 
Incense and Oils
Animals and what they represent
Cleansing, charging and consecration of tools
making mundane things magical
There are so many more things, so feel free to add in anything I missed or that you personally find important.
Witchlings, please ask me any questions you may have as i am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge. I will be putting up more educational posts over the next few weeks, so please ask or message me if theres anything specific you’d like me to cover. I’ll more than likely have a post for each of the bullet points above.
Blessed be!
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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Just in case anyone was confused
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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I guess this is what's happening
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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🌸Each flower and flower part has a magic correspondence
🌼you use bouquets to focus your intent, like some use charm bags
🌸you curse with rotted flowers
🌼you can protect or help someone prosper without being noticed
🌸every customer received a bit of positive energy with their plant or bouquet
🌼charging your plants with crystals
🌸burying your hands in dirt every day
🌼secretly blessing people by charging with luck or prosperity energy the plants/flowers you sell or give
*** Don’t hesitate to add your own ideas***
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sea-the-witch · 4 years
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Litha Moodboard:
“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”
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