sculsofadventure · 6 years
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//It's been a long time since I've last been active. Sorry for the inactivity folks, I had a lot to deal with during school, mainly homework, but now I'm here!
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
* a long way gone starters
a long way gone is a novel by ishmael beah. 
‘ none of what happened was your fault. ’
‘ i don’t have much, but i will give you a place to sleep, food, and my love. ’ 
‘ come with me to the kitchen for some food. ’
‘ do you want to lie down? ’
‘ this is going to hurt. ’
‘ you are my son. ’
‘ how did you get these scars? ’
‘ you can go if you want to, but i suggest that you stay in bed tonight. ’ 
‘ come back tomorrow so that i can change the bandage. ’
‘ thank you for coming to see me. ’ 
‘ would you like to tell me about it? ’
‘ you look hungry. ’
‘ i’ll bring you some food, and please, take your time. ’
‘ how do you like being here? ’
‘ i was never disappointed, since i always expected the worst to happen. ’
‘ you were just a little boy, and anytime you want to tell me anything, i am here to listen. ’
‘ like i said, we cannot go back. but we can start from here. ’
‘ i’d wake up sweating and throwing punches in the air. ’
‘ so i couldn’t bring myself to be completely happy. ’
‘ you’ll get through this. ’ 
‘ you are lucky. ’
‘ how long have i been here? ’
‘ you have a great smile, you should smile more. ’
‘ i had this dream last night. ’
‘ in the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy, and confusion. ’ 
‘ i was worried about living with a family. ’
�� are you sure you want to be friends with me? ’
‘ i had learned to survive and take care of myself. ’
‘ if you are alive, there is hope for a better day and something good to happen. ’ 
‘ people don’t trust each other anymore. ’
‘ they have lost everything that makes them human. ’
‘ i know, i know. ’
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
I’m sorry I’m not a very good rp partner
I’m sorry I don’t reply in a timely manner sometimes
I’m sorry I drop threads, even though I don’t really mean to
I’m sorry I’m not active for days sometimes
I’m sorry I don’t send in memes, even though I really want to sometimes
I’m sorry I’m just the shittiest role playing partner in the world
I’m so sorry
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
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I love this movie so so much
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
((I think I'm a bit late, buuuut Happy Birthday!! ^^))
Thank you so much, Faith! 😊
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
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The internet is keeping score
Tumblr, we know you’ve been fighting valiantly to restore net neutrality. Whether you added widgets to your Tumblrs, or reblogged posts to spread the word to your followers, or contacted your reps asking them to keep the internet free and open as we know it—you’re helping. You’re doing it. Let’s keep that momentum up. 
BattleForTheNet.com (@fight4future) is letting Congress know that the internet is keeping score of every Congressperson who is and is not supporting the restoration of net neutrality. 
Right now you can visit that scoreboard and easily look up whether or not your reps support the Congressional Review Act resolution. 
This CRA will restore the net neutrality rules the FCC dismantled back in November 2017. They have 177 signatures, but need 44 more. You can help make that happen. This grassroots effort is working. Just two days ago Rep. Mike Coffman listened to his constituents from Colorado and became the first Republican to support the Democrat-led CRA. Keep putting that same pressure on your congresspeople. Urge them to sign the petition. If your congressperson has already pledged to support the CRA, reblog this post, add the new widget to your Tumblr (just copy and paste the small line of code from Battle For The Net right into the customize theme page on the web), and shout out what’s happening on all of your social media accounts. We have to spread the word.
Keep going, Tumblr. This matters, and you’re making a marked difference.
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
"Mona Lisa" of Fossils Discovered in Canada
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An armored dinosaur has been found in Alberta, so well-preserved that it looks like a statue. The specimen was preserved in 3D, perfectly hardening into sandstone, from its snout its hips. Paleontologists were able to determine, just by looking at it, that this discovery is also a new species.
So what did this new dinosaur look like? Well, according to the researchers, it is the “dinosaur equivalent of a tank.” It was 5.5 meters long (about 18 feet) and weighing more than 1,300 kilograms (or 2,800 pounds). There is ornamentation around its eyes, six-sides plates on the sides of its skull, and distinct alternating lines of spikes and scales along its back. The prickly skin even contains molecular clues suggesting it was reddish on its backside, and lighter on its underside! That’s a lot of detail about a species, all from one specimen.
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The new dinosaur been named Borealopelta, or “northern shield.”
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
Happy Birthday, Sol. :)
Thank you so much!
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
((Today is my birthday!))
((I just want to let everyone know that tomorrow on July 22nd, it will be my birthday))
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
((I just want to let everyone know that tomorrow on July 22nd, it will be my birthday))
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
Send an Icon to Find my Muse:
🍺 completely drunk
🚑 bleeding in an alleyway
🔪standing behind yours with a knife
⛓tied/chained up
🌊washed up along the shore
❓ wandering the streets with no memory
✋ standing over an unmoving figure
🍽 starving
🛒 for sale
🔫 adrift in space
⚔ in the middle of a fight/battle
⚜trying to poison a high ranking official/ruler
🌩outside in a terrible storm
🚂 in the seat next to yours during traveling
🕵️‍♂️ spying on your muse
👮‍♀️ in prison
👨‍⚕️in the hospital
🛏 unconscious
🔥+ add your own!
Or: add ♻ to reverse roles!
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
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Hey how come no one talks about how Okami originally was going to have dinosaurs in it??
Screenshots from the concept art you unlock after beating the game.
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
To those who are fans of MARVEL…Stan needs our help…please watch the video and spread the word!
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
Kurow’s the name, and having a good time’s my game.
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
10 July 2018
Reminder: Do not buy from Amazon or even open the website between 10-17 July 2018, in solidarity with the transnational strike.
Amazon workers in Spain have called for a transnational strike because Amazon has been avoiding accountability for its labour rights violations by merely shifting the work (and the human rights abuses Amazon inflicts on their workers) to non-striking countries, each time a strike occurs. If there is widespread striking transnationally, Amazon will have no choice but to recognize the strikers’ demands in order to keep their facilities functioning.
Our job as allies is to support the strike by avoiding using the Amazon website or purchasing anything from Amazon for as long as the strike continues. A mass boycott of the site, coinciding with the strike, will strengthen the workers’ bargaining position and could be crucial to Amazon workers gaining back basic rights in a variety of countries.
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
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sculsofadventure · 6 years
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i was contemplating whether or not put this doodle here, but hey, I know there’s a lot of pjo fans out here;) Leo because I was curious how he would look if I drew him now.
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